Kyle's Reveal

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Kyle's Reveal Page 17

by Royal Blue

  “Shit,” he hisses out. “So good, baby.”

  My chest swells when I hear the heaviness in his voice. It’s so tight with desire, deep and husky. I swear it feels like it scrapes across my skin. It eggs me on, pushing me to work him more with increased vigor.

  I’m rewarded for my efforts when the sweet, salty warmth of his semen coats my mouth. My hum of satisfaction vibrates through my chest. I love the popping sound of him pulling from my mouth. It’s like a prize for a job well done.

  Again, I think that he’s going to release the blindfold. Instead, he buries his face in my neck and begins to suck. The warmth of his mouth does nothing to help the flames that are consuming me.

  “Come here,” he says into my ear.

  I follow his lead as he turns my back to his front. I plant my hands on the mattress. He nudges my legs apart with his own thick thighs. I arch like a cat in front of him when I feel that now familiar slick dripping. His palms start to roam my back.

  His warm lips join in to caress my skin, moving from my shoulder down the center of my back. Wrapping his hands around my pulsing arousal, he strokes me slowly. I grow harder against his heated palm. My body is like molding clay for his pleasure.

  “Nice, I like that. Give yourself to me,” he croons.

  “Take it. Take it all,” I breathe back.

  “I will,” he says with promise.

  His breath strokes my bare ass seconds before I feel his wet tongue circling my pucker. I don’t know if I can handle the torturous skills of his mouth tonight. Not like this. Thankfully, he graces me with a reprieve.

  It’s not much. Cool moisture greets my opening. His slick erection bumps up against my butt, dragging across the cheek. His gentle nudge sends anticipation rocketing through my entire being. The heat from his hand on the small of my back is welcoming, like a guiding force. He pushes his hips into mine, opening me for his anticipated penetration.

  We groan in unison. His slow movements giving me enough time to adjust. My head drops between my shoulders, my mind reeling. The way he rolls his body into me starts to stir something within. He clutches my hips as he increases his pace. The sound of his pelvis slapping against my ass takes over the room.

  “Yes,” I groan.

  He slaps my ass, not breaking his stride. I reach to stroke myself as I take him. Kyle hovers over me licking a path up my spine. My teeth sink into my lip as I push back against him. Sweat is pouring from my face onto the bed. I can hear it hitting the sheets. Kyle’s sweat is starting to drop onto my back, rolling against my already slick skin.

  His hand locks into my hair, tugging my head back, bending me in an awkward position. In this moment, I wish I could see him. I certainly feel him. I sense his body bent over mine. He captures my lips, kissing me passionately. My toes dig into the bed. My hand is stroking in slower motions now.

  “I love you,” he breathes into my mouth. “Nothing will come between us. With you is where my love lives.”

  “I love you too,” I pant out. “I don’t doubt you, and I know where my heart belongs.”

  The blindfold loosens, and the fabric slips away. I blink up into dark brown eyes that have a wide gamut of emotions running through them. We stare at each other. His hand glides down my torso to take over my stroking.

  “Finish with me,” he says in that sexy commanding way of his.

  I lean in to kiss him. Our lips meet, and sparks fly. It’s all charged up to this moment—our bodies moving as one, our tongues dancing against each other. We both explode like a timed cosmic shower.

  When I inhale in awe, he exhales. It’s as if I’m taking him into my soul. I feel like he’s just given me a part of him. When his arms wrap securely around me, his body guiding us both to our sides, I feel like something has changed.

  We’re one. No one can break us. I am him and he is me. We are our love.



  “HELLO,” I say sleepily into the phone.

  “Hey, sleepyhead. Wake up.” Kyle’s voice rumbles through the line.

  “What time is it?” I yawn.

  “About two in the morning,” he replies, humor in his voice.

  I sit up bolt straight in bed, squinting at the clock. I’m disoriented. Something must be wrong if he’s calling at this time. I clear my thoughts, scratching my head.

  “Is something wrong? Did your teammates place girls in your room again?” I ask.

  Hearing the sound of his laughter on the other end, my sleepy brain allows me to relax. He’s in a good mood. His voice starts to wake me a bit more, sending a warmth spreading in my belly.

  “Happy birthday, baby,” he croons into the phone.

  He starts to sing to me, bringing me fully to life. It’s my birthday. We’ve both been bummed that he wouldn’t be here. He has a game tonight in Atlanta.

  “Thank you,” I say when his singing comes to an end.

  “You’re an old man now,” he teases.

  “Don’t remind me,” I say.

  “You know you’re bugging, right? Thirty-one and you’re still sexy as fuck. I need you to do something for me. I need you to get up and go to the garage. Can you do that for me?” he says smoothly.

  I look down at my pajamas. I’ll need to change. I’m already climbing out of bed before I answer.

  “I’ll need a few minutes,” I reply.

  “All right, call me when you’re on the way,” he says and ends the call.

  I’m stumbling around in the dark feeling curious. Rushing into the bathroom, I brush my teeth. When I get back into the bedroom, I change into jeans and a T-shirt. I slide my feet into a pair of flip-flops and head for the door.

  On the way to the elevator, I call Kyle back. I don’t wait long for him to answer. He picks up on the first ring.

  “Are you on the way?” he asks as a greeting.

  “Yeah, I’m stepping into the elevator now. Reception may get choppy,” I reply.

  “Don’t… up… when… get to the gar….” The line goes in and out.

  I twist my lips in frustration, watching the numbers count down to the garage floor. When the elevator dings, I go to step out. My steps halt midway out of the doors. I drop the phone from my ear and stand in shock with my mouth hanging open.

  Kyle is here, standing with a huge smile on his lips. He looks so good in a gray T-shirt, a pair of gray jeans, and black sneakers. He’s in that sexy stance that oozes confidence and sensuality. I feel like I’m staring at the front cover of a hot magazine.

  He crooks a finger at me to come to him, snapping my brain into action. I rush forward and wrap my arms around him. I’ve been missing him. He has been under so much stress with the playoffs and those pictures steering up all kinds of drama. I’ve wanted nothing more than to be there for him.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “You didn’t really think I’d miss my baby’s birthday, did you?” he says into my neck.

  “But how? The team isn’t going to freak out?”

  “Mark is covering my ass,” he replies. “I chartered a flight. I’ll fly right back after I give you your birthday present.”

  I place my hands on the sides of his face to bring it down to mine. He takes my lips and kisses me senseless. I melt into him, savoring this moment. Kyle groans, pulling away reluctantly.

  “Happy birthday,” he purrs, turning me slightly.

  My eyes about pop from my head. I was so focused on him, I didn’t see the Maserati SUV parked behind him with a huge blue bow on it. I lift my head up to look him in the eyes. He’s watching me, his lips turned up.

  He brushes his thumb over my swollen lips. His gorgeous orbs have a hint of lust building in them. I lean in to place a kiss on his lush mouth.

  “This is insane, babe,” I say.

  “It’s the one you were looking at,” he replies, rubbing a hand up and down my arms. “I wanted you to have it. Something good for your birthday.”

  I look betw
een the SUV and him, then back at the SUV. It’s the gray color I wanted and all. I can’t believe he did this. I’ve never had anyone do something like this for me outside of my family.

  “Yeah, but—”

  He pinches my jaw, turning my face up to him. His lips crush mine, taking the words right from my mouth. My toes curl in my flip-flops.

  “You’re welcome,” he says against my lips.

  “Thank you,” I whisper back.

  “Let’s go upstairs. I have something else I want to give you.” He wiggles his brows.

  “Let me park the car in a spot,” I say.

  He shakes his head.

  “I have Javier’s security with me tonight. One of the guys will handle it. Come on. I want to get as much time with you as I can, before I have to go.”

  I lift to kiss his lips again.

  “I love you. Thank you,” I say.



  JUST AS I thought, that story hasn’t died down. It won’t because Michael doesn’t want it to. He’s somewhere fanning the flames. It’s his way to distract me, to throw my happiness off-balance.

  It has backfired. At least it did until now. Before today, I used all the bullshit to drive me forward. We’ve blown through game one and two without me batting an eye.

  However, today, right now, I’m just trying to keep it together. My sister has been gone for almost two and a half years. Where the fuck was my aunt then? She showed interest in raising Mas for a nanosecond before he was forgotten. Why the hell she thinks someone needs her now is beyond me.

  “I don’t like what’s been going on in the news. I think Mason would be better off with me,” she says with her nose turned up.

  I snort. She must have bumped her damn head. I’m doing my best to show her respect because she’s my mother’s sister, but it’s a tight rope that’s about to snap.

  “That’s not going to happen,” I scoff.

  “You know this ain’t right. You raising that little boy. You’re not married. You don’t have a mother figure around him. For all I know, those rumors are true. Don’t think I forgot about your past. I thought you allowed the Lord to deal with that, but it’s clear you’re backsliding.” She purses her lips at me.

  Lips black from smoking weed and cigarettes. It’s funny how people pick and choose which sins they want to ignore for their own pleasure. She probably has a joint in her bag now or one rolled up at home. Not to mention, a nice bottle of vodka to go along with it.

  I clap my hands together loudly, trying to rein in my temper. I can see Mas and Emma in the backyard from my place in the living room.

  “See what you’re not going to do is come up in my house talking all that bullshit. You sleep with the devil every night, but you want to come in here talking shit and try to remove my nephew from the safety of my home. Let me ask you a question. Where were you when I needed help getting him to school and someone to watch him on the weekend while I had to work?”

  I’m pissed. My voice rises with each sentence as I clap my way through every single word. If she wasn’t my aunt, I would have picked her up by her collar and dragged her ass out of my damn house.

  “You better watch your tone with me. That boy needs stability. You just said so yourself. You just let me take things from here. You can send the checks to the house, and I’ll handle the rest,” she says with a straight-as-fuck face.

  My mouth falls open. I’m appalled and disgusted. I should have figured.

  “Well, ain’t that a bitch,” I say to myself. “You’re here for money? Don’t I pay y’all enough to stay the fuck away from me?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You don’t give me a dime,” she snaps.

  “Yeah, act blind like you always do. You really think Rodney is working for that money he’s throwing around?” I snort again and shake my head. “You’re a real saint, all right.”

  “Rodney works hard for his family. I don’t know what you’re talking about. You always tried to act like we were treating you so badly. You and that ungrateful sister of yours,” she huffs.

  “I swear to God. Don’t you ever mention my sister and that piece of shit in the same breath again. Ungrateful, my ass,” I snarl.

  “Don’t you take the Lord’s name in vain,” she chides me.

  “God help you,” I boom. “Get out of my house before it takes Jesus himself to hold me back from telling you all the things I’ve been wanting to say since I was a kid. Don’t come here anymore. Don’t reach out to me either.”

  “We’ll see about all this. I’ve already talked to a lawyer. I’m coming for my sister’s grandbaby. He said we have an excellent shot at getting him. I was on the fence, because I’m too old to be raising any more of you ungrateful, raggedy brats, but I see what’s going on here. You’ve turned yourself over to the enemy. Talking to me any old type of way.”

  I close my eyes and started to count back from ten. I never should have lost my temper and I shouldn’t have cursed her out, but I can’t believe the nerve of her. The fact that she believes the things she says proves purely insane to me. The woman wouldn’t know the truth if it kissed her on the mouth.

  “So heavenly minded, you’re no earthly good,” I mutter.

  “What did you say?” She stands narrowing her eyes at me like she plans to whip me like she used to.

  “I said look into your own house before you start throwing stones. You come for my nephew, and I will let all of your skeletons out of that closet. I bet the congregation would love to know all about the once-a-month deacon. Showing up when he wants to because he’s too busy with his other life,” I seethe.

  “You heathenness faggot! You’d probably catch fire if you tried to step in a church. I’m not scared of you and your threats. Your sister was a slut. She tempted Rodney into her clutches. He saw the error in his ways and got right with the Lord,” she hurls back at me.

  I see red. Any restraint I had left flies out the window. I move to stand in front of her and duck to get into her face.

  “Was I a slut too? At eight years old, did I tempt him too? Did I ask him to teach me to suck his dick? I’m just asking for a friend, auntie,” I hiss.

  She has the nerve to look like someone slapped her. Her eyes water and tears spill over. She raises a trembling hand to her lips, her head moving from side to side.

  “No,” she whispers. “You’re a liar. You’re both liars.”

  “Man.” I back away and suck my teeth. “I always hoped that once I told you, you would see the light. You would believe me because I’m your family. Your nephew.”

  “You don’t do things like this to your family,” she yells at me.

  “Family? Family? Get a dictionary and look that word up. Then get your bible and read it instead of using it for a coaster. That sand hat doesn’t become you. It’s time to pull your head out,” I toss back at her.

  “Please leave” comes the voice of someone I consider true family.

  I turn to see Emma standing with tears in her eyes. I look around for Mason, but he’s still outside happily playing on the swing I made for him in the backyard. I feel my body relax.

  “Go,” I say, not turning to face my aunt again.

  “I’m going to pray on this. If the Lord sees fit, I’m going to go with the attorney and file for custody,” she says just above a whisper.

  “Make sure you’re hearing God this time. Don’t ignore him like you did when he was showing you something was wrong in your home all those years ago,” I reply.

  “Fuck you, Kyle.” My head whips in my aunt’s direction.

  She glares back at me. I let a smile take over my face, tipping an imaginary hat to her.

  “I think your husband did plenty of that, so that would be a no thank you, Aunt Bethany. Goodbye.”



  “I’M SO sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I only did what Savanna asked me to do,” Emma says hysteri

  “Slow down,” I say. “What’s going on? Where’s Mason?”

  “Mom came and got him. I didn’t know what else to do. Beau’s out of town and h… he won’t come out. He hasn’t come out since I gave it to him,” she says, shaking her hands out in front of her.

  “Calm down. What did you give him?”

  “It’s a letter. Savanna asked me to give him the letter if their aunt ever appeared asking for Mason. She was here yesterday. I brought it over this morning. Oh God, Andy. That scream.” She looks at me with haunted eyes, a shiver visibly rolling through her. “I’ve never heard anything like that in my life. Please, just see if he’s okay in there.”

  “I will. Maybe you should go check on Mas and your mom. I’m messaging the car service,” I say soothingly. “I’ll text you as soon as I can. Okay?”

  “Oh, okay. Yeah, I can do that. Yeah.” She nods jerkily, moving for her purse. “I’m sorry.”

  “Stop apologizing.”

  “Okay, sorry. I mean, sorry,” she says, her face twisting in frustration with herself.

  I give her a small smile and pull her into a hug. When her car arrives, I walk her out of the house. When I close and lock the door behind her, I lean up against it and close my eyes. When we spoke last night and Kyle told me about his aunt’s visit, I was speechless. I’m afraid of what I’ll find hiding in that room.

  I push off the door and head for the bedroom. He has a flight to catch in the morning and a game to play tomorrow night. Whatever is going on, I want to help him through it so he can focus on what he’s worked so hard for. I never want to hear him sound the way he did last night again.

  I’m relieved when I try the knob on the door. It turns and the door pops open. Pushing my way into the room I look around. I don’t see Kyle in the sitting area, so I keep moving into the room. His bed is neatly made and his duffel bag is packed sitting at the foot, but there’s still no sign of him.

  I train my eyes on the bathroom door that’s closed. I pick up in the sound of the shower running. I release a breath. Perhaps that’s why he wasn’t responding to Emma. My thoughts go wild. I push aside the whispers of the negative outcomes that could greet me.


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