Kyle's Reveal

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Kyle's Reveal Page 19

by Royal Blue

  “He has kicked and booted a few. They had hospital records longer than my arm while dating that piece of shit. Broken arms, ribs, let’s not forget the overdose. Wouldn’t have found that one odd if his nose wasn’t broken, after the consumption.

  “I think one got cut to the bone, he did, fed up for sure, he was. Beat the shit out of Fairchild and ended up in jail. Most of the charges were bullshit, had nothing to do with the assault. That poor kid was on his way to the big leagues. A football player. Three others have been missing since ending their relationships with ya friend,” Mitch explains, his eyes darkening with each word, displaying his distaste.

  “He’s no friend of mine,” Beau says in disgust.

  “You think he was connected to all of that stuff?” Jordan asks, his blond brows wrinkled. “I mean, there was always something in his eyes.”

  “I have proof. My boys are the best. Mr. Fairchild is so far from being a saint. He lights the fire in hell every night, he does,” Mitch replies.

  “I have no doubt,” Darwin says with a troubled look on his face. “I’ve known Michael for years. I warned Kyle he wasn’t for him.”

  The room falls silent. I can barely pull my thoughts together. I knew most of these things. I’ve read the file over and over. However, hearing them out loud makes them all the more real. I feel sick to my stomach. Kyle is so lucky he didn’t fall into any of that monster’s traps.

  “What does he have to do with the way Kyle has been playing?” Jordan asks.

  “Nothing,” I mutter.

  “Bullshit,” Beau challenges.

  I inhale deeply and release it roughly. I’ve come to know all of the men in this room. When it comes to their friendship, their brotherhood, they will stop at nothing to make sure the other is okay. I’m up against a brick wall here.

  I look around the room. All eyes are again on me, waiting for answers. Answers to a topic I’ve been rolling around in my head since finding a broken Kyle in that shower.

  “It’ll be fine. I’m handling it,” I say.

  John grunts in his seat. We already talked about a little plan I have. I want to address a least one of Kyle’s problems. He does so much for me. It’s the least I can do.

  “Oh nah, you don’t get to say shit like that and think we’re going to ignore it. You don’t have to give us details. In this family, we never need details. You just tell us what needs handling, we’re there,” Daniel says.

  I look around the room, thinking over the offer. Maybe I’ll take them up on it. I just don’t know how without providing details and reason.

  “It’s not just Michael. There are a number of reasons for him being so distracted, but we think Michael is the one behind those pictures that surfaced,” I relent.

  “Sounds like good old Michael.” Javier snorts.

  “You should know Kyle is the baby out of all of us. We’re protective of him. You do know we’re here to help?” Daniel says.

  I feel a pang in my chest. I know they’re only trying to be to Kyle what my brothers and sister are to me. I love and admire them for it. I just don’t think it’s my place to disclose the things going on in Kyle’s life.

  “I get that. But you’re going to have to get the story from him,” I say, with a shrug.

  “You know it’s going to be like pulling teeth to get him to tell us what’s going on,” Beau mumbles, falling back into his seat.

  “Again, I don’t need the story. Just who.” Jordan’s piercing eyes cloud over.

  “Same here,” Javier adds.

  “Listen, I never told Kyle that I dug into Michael’s past. I want to be the one to tell him that. I just need the right time to do so. There hasn’t been one yet.” I turn to look my brother in the eyes. “I’d appreciate if you all would keep it to yourselves.”

  “I have a question. Why were you digging into Michael?” Beau asks, his sharp eyes homing in on me.

  “I needed to know what I was dealing with,” I answer protectively, keeping my face impassive.

  “I knew I liked you,” Daniel croons, laughter lacing his words.

  “Well, here he comes. I’d like some answers,” Darwin says. “That hasn’t been Kyle out there. It’s his time for greatness. I won’t have anyone messing with my boy.”



  A WEIGHT had been lifted off my shoulders when I shared with my friends what has been going on in my life. I was grateful for the ambush after the game that night. I thought I’d be able to breathe easier after that.

  Boy, was I wrong.

  I’m trying to hold it together until I get to my room. Just my luck my room would be the one that got fucked-up. Coach is trying to straighten it out for me. He knows I’m hanging on by a thread.

  I’m standing here with my hood pulled up just trying to take my next breath. I’ve been off to the side waiting like a ticking time bomb. Somehow, I woke in the twilight zone today. I just need to sit down and collect my thoughts.

  I went from being served custody papers to having to jump in the car to get to the airport. I still had the papers clenched in my fist when I boarded the plane. I think I’m still in shock. I don’t understand for the life of me why my aunt is doing this. She’s not the most maternal woman in the world.

  I don’t want to believe she’s doing it for the money. There was something else going on in her body language when she came by the house. Now, as I look back on the visit, certain things are sticking out at me.

  “You all right, Tyson?” one of the rookie players walks up to ask me.

  I close my eyes and try to nod. The gesture alone takes everything in me. There have been times when I’ve been filled with so much rage it feels like my head is about to explode right off my shoulders. That’s exactly how I feel as I stand here letting reality set in.

  “You need anything, man?” he asks nervously.

  I know he means well, but someone needs to come get him so he can leave me the fuck alone. Yes, I need something, but no one here can help me with it. My nephew is my life. I need my aunt to fuck off and leave us to live in peace. I’m not giving up custody of Mason. That shit will happen over my dead body or someone else’s.

  “I’m good, man,” I manage to bite out.

  I’m not good. Isn’t it already bad enough that those pictures have been the topic of every conversation that has my name in it? Every single time I turn the TV on, there’s a debate about them. Are they real? Is it true? Should it matter? Is this what’s affecting my game?

  Hell, if everyone feels like my game is suffering because of all this media blowup, why not stop? Leave me and my personal life alone so I can play in peace. That would only make sense.

  It’s a fucking shit show. None of it has anything to do with the game itself. They just want to have something to talk about, and they’ve been handed me on a platter.

  It doesn’t matter that they have the other photos of me and Tara or of Andy and Emma. They just keep going and going. Now, this fucking sex tape has been adding to the mix. Not that one person has actually seen it. There’s just talk of it being seen.

  I had my doubts at first. I thought maybe, just maybe Michael caught me slipping. He would be the only person that could have such a tape. I never slept with Martin during the brief time we dated.

  Javier is not with that shit. You’re not allowed to even have a phone or recording device on you when you enter Club Refuge. If you’re into that type of thing, there are consent forms and an entire process. Then, and only then, will Javier be the one to provide the recording setup and monitoring.

  I know my friend isn’t behind this one. Besides, Michael would be the only one that would have been able to have access to those vulnerable moments at Refuge. I was a voyeur at the club until I got involved with him.

  “Y… you should keep your head up, Tyson. You’re one of the best. I hate to see you like this,” the rookie continues to push.

  I look him in the eyes, narrowing mine at him. His eyes
are still bright, his face fresh and new. He hasn’t had a taste of what this league will make of him.

  What does he know about what I’m going through? He doesn’t know this world eats their young. He’ll learn, if he makes it another year or two. He’s just food, par for the course. His mama is helping him juggle all of this and still keep his head above water.

  At this point, I don’t give two fucks about this shit. My real world is crumbling. I could get hurt tonight, and I would be discarded by this league. Forgotten and returned to where I come from, replaced by this fresh-faced rookie standing before me as they make him the next star.

  With Mas, he needs me as much as I need him. No matter my flaws or shortcomings, that kid counts on me. I’m the one who has held him through his tears and reassured him that he’ll be okay. I’m the one who provides for him and protects him. It’s my job, the only one that matters to me. I can’t breathe just thinking about losing him.

  All my emotions turn into rage. Not having time to process this is fucking with my head, and I need to be left alone. Why can’t this kid see that?

  “See me like what?” I hiss. “Do you even know what the fuck you’re talking about?”

  “I just… I just. I wanted…,” he stammers out.

  He stumbles back with wide eyes. I try to rein in my temper. He hasn’t done anything to me. He was just trying to help. I know some of the younger players come in looking up to the rest of us who have been here.

  I purse my lips and release a harsh breath from my nose, getting ready to apologize. However, the Universe has other plans. It’s set on me detonating. Rashad saunters over with that dumb-ass grin on his face. This guy needs to think about his life.

  He does the bare minimum on the court but is the first to brag or jump into the limelight. He always has an opinion on things that have nothing to do with him, and if he can sniff out some drama to be in the middle of, he’s there.

  To be honest, he’s been the one keeping the tension going on the locker room. A lot of the other guys moved on. They have their own homes to worry about. For the most part, no one cares what I do in mine.

  Rashad has been the one to make it a problem for the team. Amplifying it to make it an issue that it’s not. Goading the simple-minded players into following his lead. All so he can get a few laughs or a little attention on his dumb ass.

  I’m not in the mood for that shit today. I’ve let a lot roll off my back, but I will fuck him up and not bat two lashes about it. I should have put the brakes to his ass a long time ago.

  “Rook, why you over here with Princess? You trying to get into that special room they getting for him? Let me find out you want to get on the next sex tape,” he says with that dumb-ass grin.

  “Nobody has time for you and your shit. Keep it moving, son. For real,” I grind out.

  “What’s the matter? You been acting shitty since you got on the plane.” Rashad frowns at me, looking me up and down.

  I scoff to myself. Why can’t everyone take a clue and leave me alone? I’m vibrating with anger. It’s clear I need to be left to myself.

  “Yo, I asked you to keep it moving,” I reply.

  He sucks his teeth and waves me off. “What happened? That white boy stopped calling your ass? All this attention too much for him? Or is that tape of you sucking his little d—”

  I black out. One minute, I’m trying to count to ten. The next my fist is flying. I punch him so hard I rock his ass to sleep.

  Everyone has their limits.



  I HAVEN’T stopped smiling all day. Kyle and I had an interesting weekend. We spent some time with Mason and made a little visit to Club Refuge. That was a learning experience for me. One I’m not soon to forget.

  Between thinking of all of the fun we had racing go-carts around Kyle’s property and the flowers Kyle had delivered to my apartment this morning, my face aches from my lips being turned up all day. I look down at my desk, and my smile grows a bit more. I smooth my hands over the letter.

  “You did it,” I say to myself.

  My cell phone rings, drawing my attention. This day just keeps getting better. K.T. lights up my screen. He couldn’t have called at a better time. I’m bursting at the seams to tell him my good news.

  “Hello,” I answer the phone, looking up at my closed office door.

  “What are you up to? You have a minute for me?”

  “Always have time for you. What’s up?” I reply.

  “Just wanted to hear your voice. You sound happy. How has your day been?” he says smoothly.

  Something is off, but I don’t pry. Kyle opens up when he’s ready, never before. I look down at the letter on my desk. Maybe some good news will cheer him up.

  “It’s official. I got the offer for the principal position. It will go into effect next year,” I say excitedly, but in a hushed tone.

  I’m not sure who might be roaming around outside my office. The announcement won’t be made until after I accept and sign the contract. Until then only the school board and the committee know.

  I’d been nervous about getting the offer. All the rumors about my relationship with Kyle have rocked the boat a bit. I know my father has a lot of sway with a few board members, but this truly could have gone either way. It’s no secret that a few members are close-minded, and one even has a lesbian daughter she refuses to acknowledge.

  I’ve taken a page from Kyle’s book and chosen to ignore all prying into the subject. Most of the staff knows I go the extra mile to help my students and their families. Most believe that I’ve just been helping Kyle out with Mas, when Emma can’t be there. All just a part of me being a nice a guy.

  “That’s what’s up,” Kyle says with genuine excitement. “I wish I were there to take you out to celebrate.”

  “Win the finals, that would be enough for me,” I say.

  He releases a deep breath. My brows furrow. That melancholy mood oozes through the phone. Something is wrong. I remain quiet for a few beats, hoping he’ll tell me what.

  “I lost my shit,” he blurts out.

  “What happened?”

  “My aunt filed for custody. I was served with the papers this morning on my way out. Rashad said some bullshit about that sex tape noise while we were checking in at the hotel, and I snapped,” he grumbles.

  “Ah fuck,” I huff, pushing a hand into my hair. “Are you okay?”

  He sucks his teeth. “Man, his bitch ass ain’t seeing me.”

  “That’s not what I mean. After the shit he’s been saying to you, I don’t blame you. It was only a matter of time before you kicked his ass. I’m talking about the custody crap. How are you holding up?”

  “Something isn’t sitting well with me. I still don’t get why she’s doing this now. My aunt is selfish as fuck. At first, I was willing to believe it was about the money, but nah. That’s not it. I already give her husband plenty of that. I know for a fact he takes care of her to keep her out of his hair,” he muses aloud.

  His voice trails off as if he’s thinking his own words over.

  There is no way he can lose Mason. It would destroy them both. I won’t stand by and watch it happen.

  “I can have Mitch look into things for you if you like,” I offer.

  “I was kind of thinking of asking you to do that,” he says hopefully.

  “It’s done. I’ll call him as soon as we hang up.”

  “Let me know the cost. I’ll wire the money,” he says.

  “Are ya langered? Ya must have been drinking or ya crack ya noodle during that fight. Aye, hit your head, you did,” I snap. “Yer family.”

  Kyle’s laughter fills the phone. I pull it away from my ear and frown at the device. He’s lost it.

  “I love when you talk like that. You don’t realize it. You and your sister do it when you’re pissed off. Mitch and John I’m used to by now, but it’s so sexy and cute when you do it,” he says.

  I roll my eyes and
blow out a breath. He did piss me off a little. Kyle should know how much my family loves him and Mas.

  “Mitch would never take your money. Mason is like a nephew to him. We’re all going to do whatever we can to help you with this. Don’t let this worry you. Play your game tonight. No worrying about anything else.”

  “Thanks,” he murmurs.

  “I mean it, baby. Don’t get in your head about this. Everything is going to work out. I know it looks like the sky is falling in the midst of it all, but we’ll make it through this. I’ll be here every step of the way,” I promise.

  “I love you,” he replies.

  “I love you more.” I smile into the phone.

  “You wish,” he says sexily. “After I win this championship, we’re getting out of here for a while. I need to just fall off the map and breathe. You know?”

  “Yup, just opened up my laptop. Anywhere you have in mind?”

  “Somewhere with a beach. I want to take Mas somewhere he’s never been. Someplace on his list,” he says thoughtfully.

  “Greece it is.” I laugh.

  “Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. That kid is something else. I swear he makes me question my life daily,” he says with amusement in his voice.

  “I’ll take care of it. You’re not to worry about a thing,” I say. “He’ll love it.”

  “I owe you. Call Emma, she can help. She should probably come along to help with Mas. Hey, I have to go. Love you,” he rushes into the phone and cuts the call.

  I call my brother but get his voicemail. I frown and hang up without leaving a message. He never checks his personal messages anyway. I get ready to call Emma when a knock sounds on my office door. I close my laptop and stand.

  “Come in,” I call out.

  Leslie pokes her head into the door. She’s one of the third-grade teachers. For the most part, she’s been keeping to herself this year. I know she has a little girl at home and she’s newly divorced.

  I give her a welcoming smile since she seems to be a ball of nervous energy. I want my teachers to always feel like they can approach me. I have an open-door policy.


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