Kyle's Reveal

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Kyle's Reveal Page 22

by Royal Blue

  “I’m very serious. Do you know the things that man has done? You heard what my brother said. He could be behind a murder. A few to be honest. He needs to be dealt with,” he says in frustration, his eyes blazing.

  “Yes, he does need to be dealt with, and what your brother said is the exact reason I don’t want you involved,” I snap back. “Fuck, Andy. My friends know about this and I don’t! What the hell?”

  “The guys know, but not because of me. Mitch felt they should,” he says pleadingly.

  “But I didn’t need to know? He showed up at your job! You didn’t think I needed to know that?”

  “You can’t keep handling me, Kyle. I’m a grown man, for fuck’s sake. I know how to take care of myself. Yeah, I was fucked-up and insecure when we met, but I’ve never been this… this. I don’t know. You act like I’m so fragile,” he barks.

  I cross the space between us and allow all the shutters to rise. The emotions and guarded feelings are in my eyes. My sorrows, my fears, my vulnerability in its entirety. For once, I unveil the truth for him to take in. I allow him to see the real me. All of me. I bare who Kyle Tyson truly is.

  “No! You’re not the fragile one. I am,” I say as we stand face-to-face. “I love you so fucking much. I can’t afford to lose you. I’d fall apart. You and Mas are my world, and someone is trying to take you both from me—”

  He reaches for my arm, cutting me off.

  “No one can take me—”

  “No, you don’t get it. I’m just barely holding on. I don’t handle you, Andy. I protect you with everything I am so that I don’t get hurt again. Because if I lose you or my nephew, I’m a dead man. There’s no coming back from that. I’m just not that strong.

  “It’s too soon. He’s aiming right for my weakness. You and Mas. I’ll fight like hell for the two of you. I’m finally starting to breathe again after Savanna.

  “I thought I had this, but I didn’t start breathing until that letter was dropped in my lap. This is me, Andy. This is who I am. A man that loves hard and protects those he loves harder. You don’t get to take that from me or deny me that. If you love me, then you have to love that about me. You have to allow me to always know you’re safe. That I’ve done everything I could to keep you safe,” I finish, breathing harshly.

  “Sorry,” he says, nodding and reaching to cup my face. “I want the same. To keep you safe. To keep the stress away. I know I did this wrong. I should’ve told you what I was doing and what was going on. I’ll tell you everything I know, and we can decide together what to do next. It’s a compromise. Will that work?”

  I stare at him a moment, still angry that so much was going on behind my back. I place my forehead to his, closing my eyes. My arms go around him, holding him against me as close as I can get him. Breathing him in, I relent.

  “Yeah, I can compromise,” I concede, kissing the tip of his nose. “Your ass has a lot of making up to do.”

  “Yeah, figured,” he says and huffs.



  IT’S A gorgeous day. Crete is such a beautiful island. The water here in Greece is a teal color that’s so clear and inviting. It’s nothing like Rockaway Beach in New York. I’ve never seen pink sand before. I’m in awe of this place.

  Andy and Emma went to check out a restaurant for brunch and do a little shopping, while Mas and I got to spend some one-on-one time together. It’s the first time it’s been just the two of us since we arrived in Greece.

  I took him out on the Jet Ski. We ran around in the sand for a bit and splashed in the ocean. Now, we’re taking a breather, sitting side by side in the sand. We’ll head back for lunch in a little while.

  I look over at my nephew, observing him. He’s getting so tall. My sister wasn’t as tall as me, but I think Mas might get up there. I remember when he was just born. I was so amazed by him. I still am.

  Whenever I look at him, I see his mother. She’d be so proud of her precious boy. I hope she can see how hard I’m trying to get this right.

  “I think I want my own boat one day,” he says out of nowhere.

  “You’ll make it happen. Whatever you want in life, I know you’ll make it happen,” I say.

  “Yeah, I think you’re right. I’m going to work hard and take care of my family just like you,” he says.

  I rub a hand over his head. He turns to look at me with that smile that owns my world. If I could keep him covered from the world forever, I would. I wish I could bottle his innocence and keep it in a safe place.

  “You’ll be a better man than me.” I grin at him.

  “That would be really hard, Uncle Kyle. You’re amazing,” he says with all seriousness.

  “I think you’ve got this.” I wink at him.

  His eyes light up, but he doesn’t reply. He turns to look back out at the water. I continue to watch him. Time seems to be flying.

  My heart pangs as I think of his senior prom, him going off to college, the day he gets married. He’ll be his own man before you know it. I want to steer him into all the right things in life.

  “You still want to play piano?” I ask, remembering his request on the plane here.

  His head swings back my way. His eyes are the size of saucers. I know instantly Emma will be booking him lessons as soon as we get home.

  “Yeah! Can I?”

  “Of course, kid,” I reply.

  “Thanks,” he gushes.

  “You’re welcome.”

  We fall silent again, still watching the waves before us. I think back to my life at his age. I never thought I’d end up here, on this beautiful beach in Greece. I have my first championship ring, someone I love, and I want for nothing.

  There were times I didn’t want to live. Now I can’t see myself not here in this earth to be around for Mas or Andy. I start to wonder how long Andy will be satisfied with the way we are. Once I fix things—and I plan to as soon as we get home—I wonder if the way things are will be enough.

  Changes to my world mean changes to Mason’s world. I don’t know if he’s ready for the changes I want to make to my personal life. I know one thing for sure—he’s not going anywhere. All that custody shit is about to get squashed.

  I come out of my musings to look over at him again. I find him looking pensive. My brows furrow. He’s too young to look so weighed down.

  “You look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders,” I say to my nephew, bumping his skinny arm.

  He turns his head from wave watching to look up at me. He looks so perplexed, as if he’s trying to form the right words to say to me. I wait him out.

  “Can I ask you something?” he starts with.

  “Yeah, anything, anytime,” I reply.

  “When is Uncle Andy going to come live with us?”

  My brows draw in. He’s looking up at me with the sincerest eyes. I don’t know how to answer his question.

  “What do you mean?”

  He inhales and releases the deep breath. I can see the wheels turning in his head. He looks down, his eyes bouncing around with his thoughts. I know my nephew well enough to know he is in his feelings about what he’s going to say.

  “He loves you and you love him. Are you guys going to get married? When are we going to be a real family?”

  “I… we—”

  Holy shit.

  I trip over my words until I’m simply rendered speechless. Mas holds my gaze, waiting for my reply. I purse my lips as I sort out my thoughts. Andy and I are always careful about PDA in front of Mas. I comb my brain for a time that he might have seen us revealing more than a friendship.

  “You know, I’m smart, Uncle Kyle. I see things other people don’t pay attention to. You guys can stop hiding from me. I know you’re more than friends with Uncle Andy. It’s not like you are with Aunt Emma and my other uncles.

  “One of my friends at school has two moms. I think it would be cool to have two dads,” he says.

that something you want?”

  He lifts his eyes up to the sky thoughtfully. I see the determination in his eyes when he looks back into my mine. He gives me a big smile.

  “Yeah, Mommy would want it too. I want to see you happy. That’s what matters, right?”

  “You’re a wise kid. Yeah, that’s what matters,” I tell him, choking back my emotions.

  “Good, you should ask Uncle Andy to marry you. He’s good for you. We should be a family. When I grow up, I’m going to have a family that makes me happy. You should think about doing that. You only live once, you know?” he says.

  I roar with laughter. He is an old soul if I’ve ever seen one. I grab my nephew and tickle him. He laughs with me and it’s the greatest sound in the world. I forget all the drama back at home and stay grounded in the moment. This is what I live for, the very thing I’ll give my life to keep.

  He’s right. You only live once.

  With that thought rolling around in my head, I begin to think over a few decisions I need to make. I’m ready for some change in my life. My priorities have been so out of order. I think it’s time I fix that.

  “So does this mean you’re going to come ring shopping with me?” I ask him when our laughter dies down.

  “Yeah! I can be your wingman.” He beams up at me.

  “My wingman? Where do you get this stuff from?” I chuckle.

  “What can I say? I have the wisdom of Zeus.” He grins at me.

  “Yes, I believe you do.”



  I PROMISED Andy I would compromise and I did. It took everything in me not to disappoint my nephew by ending our vacation to come back home. Mitch has been working a plan that doesn’t land my ass in jail. My first instincts were to come back home and beat the shit out of Michael, but Andy reminded me of my sister’s words.

  However, Mitch has been taking his sweet time, and I’m getting impatient. That’s why when he called tonight and asked us to meet him at Beau’s gym, I was eager to get down here and hear him out. What I wasn’t expecting to find was all of my friends.

  “So what’s this all about?” I ask.

  “Fairchild is making a play for the gym,” Mitch answers. “Created some shady paperwork, a deed and all.”

  My jaw clenches. I’m tired of this. I thought I was coming here to find out we were getting ready to put this to an end once and for all.

  Instead, I’m hearing that Michael is coming for the one thing that means everything to Beau, Emma, and myself. Their father left it to the three of us. I hadn’t been in their family for more than a heartbeat, and he added me to his will. Michael knows what this place means to the three of us.

  “What the fuck? So what now?” I bark.

  “We wait.” Mitch shrugs.


  “He’s coming to us. His arrogant ass wants to put on a show. A little birdie happened to let him know we’d all be here tonight,” John explains. In the moment, he looks just like Andy as anticipation lights his eyes.

  I’m going to break my foot off in Michael’s ass. On everything I love, he is going to learn I’m not playing with him. It’s one thing to try to fuck with my life. It’s another to jeopardize the lives of the people I care about.

  “Don’t look so stressed out.” Mitch smiles. “I promised ya I’d take care of this. I’ve got ya.”

  “I’m far from stressed. I’m livid. I want this over,” I say tightly.

  This is all about earning my attention. The more I ignore Michael the more bullshit he has pulled. He doesn’t love me. This isn’t about love in the least. It’s about him having control and being the center of everyone’s attention. Well, he’ll get all the attention he wants now.

  Mitch’s phone pings. He looks down at it, and a smile grows across his lips. He looks up at me with gleaming blue-gray eyes.

  “Aye, well, here comes ya chance,” he croons. “Give me the signal and we’ll shut this all down for good.”

  It’s after hours, so when the doors to the gym open, we all spin toward them. Michael comes strolling in with a few goons following. My jaw ticks at the sight of him.

  “Hello, fellas,” Michael coos like a snake charmer.

  “You have balls of steel,” I hiss.

  “Yes, well, you would know. Wouldn’t you, love,” he replies.

  “Fuck you.”

  “Yes, at some point we may get back there. For now, I’m just going to teach you a little lesson.”

  “Is that right?” Beau hisses beside me and goes to take a step forward.

  I place a hand on his chest to hold him back. If anyone is going to lay hands on Michael, it’s going to be me. Beau reluctantly halts.

  “Sorry to hear about you losing your promotion and your job, sweet pea,” Michael purrs at Andy.

  This time Beau is the one grabbing me. Chris is on my other side, helping to restrain me. I don’t care if he’s talking shit and doesn’t know that Andy didn’t lose a damn thing. He doesn’t need to say a word to Andy, period. My lips curls back over my teeth as I glare at him.

  “Oh, come on now. He can afford not to work. Don’t be so sour about it,” he taunts. “You see, I’m going to keep coming for the people you love and the things they love.”

  “You sure you want to play this game with me?” I snarl.

  “Oh, love. I warned you not to play with me. Do you see how long I’ve been waiting for you to come back? Do I look like I have time for these games?” he bites out.

  “You’re the only one playing games. What don’t you get?” I toss back at him.

  I clench my fists at my sides. He’s a damn lunatic. The anger running through me reaches a new level.

  “You’re the one not getting it, but you will,” he says, looking around the gym. “This place is actually very nice. I’m going to make some good money off of it. You know, I used to want to box.”

  He gives a dry chuckle and starts to shadow box. I tilt my head and study him. My lips turn up, and I nod at my thoughts.

  Reaching to unzip my jacket, I slip it off my shoulders. Andy takes it from my hands. I think we’re on the same page when I turn to him and see the gleam in his eyes. I move toward the ring in the center of the gym.

  “Get in the ring, Michael,” I say, beckoning him with my hand.

  He laughs, his head falling back. “What is this shit?” he snarls.

  He folds his arms over his chest. His goons laugh around him. They’re the only ones laughing. My crew stands ready to watch me knock this fool out.

  “I said…. Get. In. The. Ring,” I bite out.

  Mitch and Beau go over to surround him to move him toward the ring. His goons go to flex, but my guys have them surrounded, staring them down. It’s clear they don’t want it. They back off, abandoning their boss.

  Michael’s face clouds over in disgust. So much for his hired hands. He’s not about that life. What did he expect? Looking at his men backing off, he rolls his eyes, before shrugging off his suit jacket. His dark eyes glare at me with more hatred than I’ve ever seen him aim at me.

  Good, the feeling is mutual.

  “Let’s go. We’re settling the score. I’m going to teach you a lesson,” I say.

  Beau shoves him forward when he doesn’t start moving. Michael snarls at him but starts for the ring. My lips turn up when his face begins to show concern.

  His red cheeks reveal his anger. Michael loves to be the one calling the shots, always the one manipulating the outcome. Oh, how the tides have turned.

  “You’re a basketball player, Kyle. Not a fighter.” The smugness returns with his words.

  “Are you sure about that?” I say with just as much smugness.

  I never told Michael that I used to train with Beau, only that I’m part owner of the gym. I could have boxed and done as well as I have balling. Not to mention, I’ve been a scrapper all my life. Savanna used to say I’m naturally good with my hands.

e now and I forget about all of this,” Michael says with less certainty as he steps into the ring. “The gym is mine. I have the docs to prove it.”

  “Sure you do, pudding,” I tease.

  His eyes scan the outside of the ring. His face crumples, seemingly calculating the situation. I snort to myself. He doesn’t have to worry about anyone outside this ring. I’ve got this all on my own. As long as his men don’t try anything stupid, we’re all golden.

  “Only one leaving here is you. But first, you and I need to make some things clear,” I state, rolling my neck on my shoulders.

  “Oh, really? What’s that?” he mumbles while he starts to bounce on his feet.

  “I know you’re behind the pictures, the alleged sex tape, and the all so convenient death of my piece-of-shit uncle,” I hiss.

  “I did you a favor. Because of me you won the championship. You should be happy I took care of that piece of shit. He was bleeding you dry, and he deserved what he got,” he seethes. “You abandoned me, tried to embarrass me by dating this nobody. I’ve done nothing but help you. You would be nothing without me.”

  Rage charges me as his delusional words spew from his mouth. His egotism shows how much he truly believes all of this. That ever-present grin only serves to piss me off more.

  I throw my first two-piece combination, hitting him in his mouth to knock the grin off. He staggers back. His busted lip is satisfying on so many levels.

  His entitlement goes beyond material things. Michael believes he has a right to people and their lives. He needs to understand he has no rights to me.

  “You see. Your problem has always been thinking I’m one of your little boy toys. You’ve tried to play me from day one. You saw me vulnerable and you pounced,” I say.

  “I saw your potential and tried to pull it out. I saw me in you. You have potential to be great. You were better than the others,” he rants.

  He charges me with a few combinations of his own, but I dodge him and the weak punches he throws. He looks like a flailing fool. He’s probably regretting entering the ring by now.


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