Tales of a Viscount_Heirs of High Society

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Tales of a Viscount_Heirs of High Society Page 31

by Eleanor Meyers

  James took her into his arms, resting his head on her chin, and when he spoke, there was a tremor to it. “I will be. I'll never leave you.”

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  One Year Later

  Jo stirred when James touched her elbow, smiling as he draped a shawl around her shoulders. She straightened out cramped shoulders and sighed with pleasure as James’ hands settled on the base of her neck, rubbing out the stiffness there.

  “Have I missed anything?”

  Jo shook her head. “She was a little restless a few hours ago, and she didn't want me in the stall, but she's calm now.”

  As if to show the truth of her words, Tempest came to the side of the stall closest to the bench where Jo sat, whickering softly at her until Jo stood and came to stroke her face. It was strange to see her sleek mare so very barrel-shaped with the foal inside her.

  “I did a walk through the stables before I came out here. Everything's calm. You know that if you wanted, you could come to bed. We could get Simmons or one of the boys to keep watch. You'd be back here inside of five minutes when things start to happen.”

  Jo gave her husband an indignant look. “The only person I would trust to this particular watch is you.”

  “And half the reason I want you in bed is so that you'll be there with me.” James sighed. “All right.”

  They sat on the bench together, James’ arm over her shoulder. Jo leaned her head against his chest and then sat up again when she realized she might easily fall asleep if she weren't careful.

  “She'll be fine, you know.”

  Jo shot James a tired, wry smile. “I know she will be. Mares are wonderful mothers. She knows what she's doing.”

  Jo paused, and she wondered if it was time to share her secret. She was as sure as she would ever be, and she took a deep breath. She had a moment of amusement at doing it in the stables in the middle of the night, but it seemed as likely as anything else that she and James had done together.

  “I hope when the time comes, I'll be as calm as she is right now.”

  “Well, I'm sure you will... Jo?”

  Jo smiled at James as he turned to her slowly, eyes traveling from her face down to her still-flat belly where she rested one hand.

  “Are you... have you known for long?”

  “I suspected for a few weeks, but now, I think I'm sure, yes. We're going to be parents, you and I.”

  She supposed she hadn't thought of how James might take the news. He swept her into his arms, nearly knocking the very breath from her before he remembered and loosened his grip.

  “My God, I'm going to be a father. And you… you're running around the stables at night? Are you serious? You need to get inside. You need to be protected.”

  Jo grinned. “I am. Very much so, by a wonderful man. And stop worrying, James, I am fine. I am pregnant, and I am as hale as Tempest is. You mustn't worry.”

  James frowned, looking like he would very much like to argue with her, but then Tempest uttered a low cry before settling down on her side. Both Jo and James leaped up, Jo hanging on to James’ arm.

  “We don't need to go in unless she's having trouble, remember.”

  “Are you telling me or reminding yourself?”

  “Both, I think.”

  They stood with bated breath for the next thirty minutes or so as Tempest went about the business of delivering her first foal. As Jo had suspected, her prized mare performed like a champion, nipping the cream-colored foal free of the white membrane it was born in and encouraging it to stand almost immediately.

  Jo broke into a huge grin, and then she laughed as James swept her into his arms.

  “Are you going to keep me in a foaling stall for the next seven months, James?”

  “I might if there was any chance I thought you might stay there. As it is, I suppose I will just have to watch you like a hawk and give you all the love you can stand so you won't run off to take foolish risks.”

  “I believe that will do nicely.”

  Jo buried her face in James’ shoulder, and she knew that while she had never been happier than she was right now, there was a happiness in their future waiting for them that would leave this all behind.

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  for reading my book

  Hope you have enjoyed reading the novella that served as a special treat just for you.

  Tales of a Viscount is Book 3 in the series.

  The next book in the new series targeted release date will be 26th June.

  In the meantime . . .

  If you have enjoyed reading Tales of a Viscount, I believe you will enjoy reading the previous book.

  I have enclosed a sneak preview of the previous book in the series.

  Check it out below . . .

  It is currently priced at $0.99 (around 330 pages)

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  London, England

  Well, it has been a year, and Rose is thriving far better than I thought she would. I can admit now that I didn’t believe she would make it. Indeed, even my sister Mary Frances and young Christmas seemed to have more faith in the babe than I did. Rose was such a tiny and sickly babe, and I thought that even if she survived, she’d be much like her father, Lord Stonewhire, who often said he suffered from one bout of illness after another— as though that ever stopped him from charming women.

  His heir died a month ago, as did the other.

  But Rose’s fate is not to be so bleak.

  Rose is plump with cheeks that nearly match the rosy-hued lips she’s been gifted her name after. Her wealth of color and her smile remind me of her mother, Jessamine Bryce, whom I befriended at a party to raise money for the home and who called me to her home late one evening to forewarn me that the child she carried would be given into my hands.

  It was a night I will not forget and one that still weighs heavy on my heart for the things I didn’t say and the questions I never asked.

  I never judged the circumstances that brought Rose into life, a girl who was obviously loved long before she was born by the two people who’d brought her into existence.

  But for such a small child, she already shows a great strength, and I can only wonder what sort of woman she will become.

  Truly, I can only wonder...

  - From the Diary of Mary Elizabeth Best

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  London, England

  August 1816

  It’s official. My favorite color is the color of Gerard de Gray’s eyes.

  Their hue was a shade darker than gold at the moment. A bronze just as hard as his strong jawline and noble nose. All anyone had to do was look at him and they'd know he was the son of someone great and powerful. A duke.

  Rose was currently watching Gerard from the corner of her eye. His gaze rested on Lady Sylvia, who was currently singing her own rendition of “The Ash Grove.” One could say that he was captivated by her voice, but that would only be part of the story.

  They both stiffened as Lady Sylvia tried to hit a note that was not quite within her reach. His eyes slipped over to Rose, and he smiled.

  She bit her lip and watched as he touched the side of his nose. Her heart raced, and she nodded before turning back as Lady Sylvia finally brought the song to a close.

  The room applauded her in good fashion and Rose counted to ten, forcing herself to do so slowly before she fled Lady Sylvia’s music room.

  She glanced around the foyer and caught sight of Gerard down the hall, standing by the open doors that led to the gardens. He touched his nose again and then slipped into the night.

  Following the signal, Rose waited another ten seconds before she joined him.

  The moment she was outside, he took her hand and pulled her further into the moonlight. Her heart raced as the night air cooled her skin. The sounds of the pia
noforte in the music room took up another song in the distance, but all Rose could hear was the sound of her own rushed breathing.

  It was the last party of the Season, and Rose had accompanied her sister, Alexandra Padmore, Lady Chantenny, only to see Gerard.

  Their acquaintance began a little over a year ago when Alex married Gerard's best friend, Justin Padmore. At first, Rose and Gerard had only been cordial to one another. He was an earl who would one day take his father's place as a duke, while Rose didn't even know who her father was... Or her mother, for that matter.

  Given away at birth, Rose had grown up in an orphanage in East London while Gerard had been raised with the luxuries of the wealthy. They had little common ground and yet their friendship had bloomed in those first months like two souls who'd finally found what they'd always searched for.

  "Remind me again why we come to these things?" He was staring at the moon as he spoke, but Rose knew he was speaking to her.

  The urge to move closer to him was so great that she moved to the stone bench to stop herself from doing just that.

  She looked down at the tulips at her feet and said, "I believe the real question is why I allow you to drag me to these events."

  He turned to her with his back to the stars, and the light from the glass windows spilled upon him, emphasizing his height, the width of his shoulders, slim waist, and shiny boots. His dark hair faded into the night. He smiled. "I didn't drag you. You wanted to come."

  Oh, it was true. She had wanted to come, but she would never let him know that. She always did well to hide her affections for this man, who was just as out of reach as Lady Sylvia's notes.

  Gerard was an easy charmer. He was handsome, and Rose knew of many ladies who hoped to become his countess and eventual duchess.

  But Rose, who knew never to dare wish for such a future with him, had decided in the beginning that instead of revealing just how much she melted in her slippers at his mere smile, she would tease him and make light of his charms.

  And he adored her for it.

  But if only he knew the truth.

  It seemed the old saying of playing hard to catch was true, but Rose still knew that Gerard would only ever offer friendship, and that would have to be enough.

  "I did want to come," Rose confessed. "I had to see you... And see that look on your face when it was Lady Sylvia's turn to sing."

  Gerard laughed, and Rose caught her breath at the sound. She forced herself not to stiffen as he moved to sit beside her.

  To her heart, it was a needed torture to be with him. She craved his attention, and he gave it to her without her ever asking for it.

  He frowned. "I can't believe this is the last evening we'll be together until the baby's birth." He reached out and touched her cheek. "However will you get on without me?"

  Rose giggled to hide the pleasure of his touch. "Oh, much in the same fashion as I did before we met.” She sighed dramatically. “Such lovely days they were.”

  He laughed again. She was always glad she could make him laugh like that.

  “Tell me your plans,” he asked honestly. “I can’t imagine anything bringing you the same amount of joy as my company.”

  Neither could she, but she played along nonetheless. She tapped her lips lightly. “Let's see. Perhaps I'll finally have time to read Emma, since you never let me finish it." Whenever she got a break at the library, she would try to get through a chapter, but then Gerard would show up and any thoughts of reading would flee.

  He arched a brow. "Rose, if you've not finished the book by now then it can't be that good."

  "But that's not true," she countered. Emma was a very good book, and the anonymous author was one of her favorite writers. It was simply that nothing held as much appeal to her as Gerard did.

  And he was right to ask what she would do for an entire autumn without him. She’d grown used to him always being there, and Alexandra wasn't due until January. "I enjoy her… or him or… whoever writes these books.” That her favorite author chose never to reveal their name always drove Rose mad. She’d fallen in love with Sense and Sensibility, and when Pride and Prejudice had come out the author of the next book had simply been listed as ‘The author of Sense and Sensibility. Every other book by the author had done the same, listing her previous work, but never her name. “She has a way with stories and words."

  He winked. "I have a way with words."

  She scoffed. "Oh, I would beg to differ."

  "You doubt me?" he asked in mock offense.

  Rose straightened. "Prove me wrong if you must. I'll choose one word for you to have your way with."

  Gerard brightened at the prospect of a game. "Choose."

  "Collywobbles." She had to bite the inside of her cheeks to keep from laughing.

  He stared and then glared. "Rose, there is nothing remotely sensual about a bellyache."

  She shrugged and stood. It was time to head back inside before anyone realized they'd both slipped away. "Very well."

  He stood and grabbed her arm before turning her to face him. His other hand came to rest on her stomach, adding a light pressure. He lowered his mouth to her ear, and the dark scent of his cologne filled her lungs.

  His breath brushed her neck. "Collywobbles."

  Rose stiffened to block a flood of emotion and then watched in awe as Gerard pulled away and caught her eyes.

  His grin came slowly. "I believe I’ve won."

  Rose couldn't speak and knew then that their moments alone had to come to an end. Perhaps a few months away from him wouldn't be the worst thing.

  She touched the side of her nose, a code they'd worked out last year to mean that the other should wait ten seconds before following.

  Then she gave him her best dull expression before turning away.

  It is currently priced at $0.99 (around 330 pages)


  Click Here To See How The Story Ends . . .

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  Series Part 01 : The Beau Monde Brood

  LINK: Book 1 - The Legend of The Earl

  ^ Story of : Alex . Justin

  LINK: Book2 - The Games The Earl Plays

  ^ Story of : Rose . Gerard

  LINK: Book3 - Tales of a Viscount

  ^ Story of : Lady Rachel . Reuben


  Series Part 01 : Raptures of Royalty

  LINK: Book 1 - To Love A Lord of London

  ^ Story of : Nathaniel . Amy , Andrew . Catherine , William . Jane

  LINK: Book 2 - The Regards of A Rogue

  ^ Story of : Levi . Priscilla , Hugh . Olive , Max . Amanda

  Prequel : The Lords of Love

  LINK: Prequel- The Lords of Love

  ^ Story of : Martin- Duke of Wardington . Abigail

  Series Part 02 : Madness in Mayfair

  LINK: Book 3 - Gaining The Gentleman

  ^ Story of: Joseph . Christa.

  LINK: Book 4 - The Skills of A Scoundrel

  ^ Story of: Mark . June

  LINK: Book 5 - A Gentleman’s Game

  ^ Story of: Nelson . Edith

  Series Part 03 : The Elkins Brothers

  LINK: Book 6 - The Gentleman’s Game of Love

  ^ Story of : Guy . Anne

  LINK: Book 7 - The Gentleman’s Law on Love

  ^ Story of : Neil . Rebecca

  Series Part 04 : Tots of The Ton

  LINK: Book 8 - How To Make A Marquess

  ^ Story of : Lewis . Phoebe

  LINK: Book 9 - How To Design A Duke

  ^ Story of : Oakley . Laura

  LINK: Book 10 - How To Keep A Knight

  ^ Story of : John (Sir Blackheart) . Dorie

  Series Part 05 : The Abbey Brothers

  LINK: Book 11 - Lady Lures The Earl

  ^ Story of : Marshal Pengross . Lady Madalene Kay

  LINK: Book 12 - Lady Lands The Lordr />
  ^ Story of : Lord Roger Abbey . Lady Margaret Kay

  LINK: Book 13 - Lady Likes The Lord

  ^ Story of : Lord Edmund Abbey . Lady Maria Kay

  Series Part 06 (finale series) : Order of the Second Sons

  LINK: Book 14 - The Son Of A Marquess

  ^ Story of : Lord Simon . Lady Marianne Kay

  LINK: Book 15 - The Son Of A Soldier

  ^ Story of : Sir Lucas . Lady Nora

  LINK: Book 16 - The Son Of An Earl

  ^ Story of : Sir Warren . Sopherina

  LINK: Book 17 (finale book in the series) - The New Marquess

  ^ Story of : Lord Morgan . Lady Philomena

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  LINK: Find Out More

  This book is copyright © 2018 by

  Eleanor Meyers

  All rights reserved.

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or deceased, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the author.


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  Cover Designed by: Terri Woods


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