Life After Wifey

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Life After Wifey Page 16

by Kiki Swinson

“Okay. Why don’t you do me a favor later on?

  “What kind of favor?”

  “Come ‘round my crib and help me fix up my bathroom with this new stuff I just bought. I got some hot pictures for my walls, too, that I’m gon’ need help putting up. You know what I’m saying, give it a women’s touch.”

  “Yeah, sure, I’ll do that for you. Wait a minute; I just remembered that I’m gonna need to be home at a certain time so I can get Syncere’s call.”

  “Why don’tcha just forward your calls to your cell phone?”

  “Oh, damn, you’re right! I can do that.”

  “Does that mean you’re gonna come?”

  “Yeah, I’m coming. What time?”

  “I’mma close this joint down at six o’clock. Call me around six-thirty and I’ll give you the directions to my spot.”

  “Where do you live?”

  “Out the beach.”

  “Oh, all right. I’ll call you later,” I assured him as I began to make my way out of his office.

  “A’ight, do that,” he replied and then we said our goodbyes.


  The Fake Bitches

  Rhonda Speaks

  Word about me and Nikki fighting spread around like a bad virus. Every stylist working here cornered me in the lunchroom area wanting the juicy details about how Nikki reacted after I whipped her ass.

  “So, tell us what happened,” April said.

  Penny and Tabitha, my other stylist didn’t say anything. Instead, they both stood with their backs against the wall, arms folded, waiting for me to speak.

  Finally, I took a deep breath and said, “I really don’t want to go into that long and drawn-out argument we had that led up to fight. But, I will tell you that I went the fuck off.”

  “What did she say?” April asked.

  “Girl, we would be in here all day if I tell you all the shit she said.”

  “Did she get in your face?”

  “She tried, but I stopped her right in her tracks,” I told her, lying through my teeth. “As soon as she ran up on me, I swung at her and popped her right dead in the face. From there, we started throwing blows.”

  “Who won?” Penny asked.

  “Come on, now. What kind of question is that?”

  “Oh, so you won?” April asked.

  “I tore her ass up,” I bragged.

  “For real?” April asked, with excitement.

  “Yep, she sure did,” Tabitha added.

  “So, what gonna happen between y’all now?” April asked.

  “I’m leaving the shop. If y’all wanna follow me then come on.”

  “Hell yeah, I’ll follow you,” Penny blurted out. “Because there’s no way in hell I’m gon’ stay here and work for that hoe.”

  “Me either,” Tabitha and April said in unison.

  “All right. Just give me a couple of days to find us a shop and then we can take it from there.”

  “A’ight,” everyone said simultaneously.

  “Oh yeah, Rhonda, did you tell Nikki you knew about her snitching on Ricky and his crew to get out of jail?” Tabitha asked me.

  “Damn! That bitch is a snitch?” April asked.

  “Yep, she sure is. That’s why Rhonda and her got into it,” Tabitha added.

  “I wonder what Kira would’ve done about her snitching ass if she was still alive?” Penny wondered out loud.

  “She wouldn’t have done shit because she snitched on Ricky her damn self.”

  “What!” Penny shouted in disbelief.

  “Girl, you don’t know the half of it,” I commented, looking directly at Penny.

  “All I wanna know is how you got wind of all this info.” April said.

  “From Kira’s diary.”

  “What other kind of juicy stuff was in there?” Penny asked.

  “Just some shit about her stealing Ricky’s stash money and then getting robbed by that cat she was fucking around with named Russ.”

  “Wait, I know you ain’t talking about that dark-skinned guy who came up here to get his hair washed by her that one time,” April eagerly asked.

  “Yep, that was him,” I assured her.

  “Did her diary say how he robbed her?” April asked.

  “Yeah, it said that she had met him at a hotel so they could leave town together and live happily-ever-after. But instead of jumping on the road right then, he talked her into giving him some pussy. After he fucked the shit out of her, she dozed off for a while and when she woke up she was tied to the bed. That’s when he talked shit to her and took her dough.”

  “Damn, that was cold! I can’t believe she fell for that shit,” Penny commented.

  “Yeah well, she did. The funny thing about it is that she came back to work the very next day and didn’t say anything about it. She just said that she decided not to leave town and that instead of me giving her the shop back, we could become partners. So, I went along with it.”

  “She probably was too embarrassed to say anything about it. I know I would’ve been,” Tabitha concluded.

  “Shit, I thought I was her best friend,” I said.

  “Well, I guess Kira didn’t see it that way,” Tabitha continued.

  “You’re probably right,” I said and then noticed two unfamiliar women walking through the front door. They had to be walk-ins, so I immediately broke up the party and ordered everybody back to work.

  “Gotta get that money,” I said and everybody scattered.

  Tony was sitting in the living room on the sofa ,watching the NBA playoffs and eating pizza he ordered from Pizza Hut when I walked into the house. I knew he didn’t like to be bothered when he was into the game so instead of saying hello and asking him where my kids were, I waved at him, grabbed a slice and headed into the direction of my children’s rooms. Both of them where in bed, so I gave ‘em kisses and headed back into the living room. When I returned, Tony was watching a commercial so I knew he would have time to say a few words until the game came back on.

  “That pizza is good, huh?” he asked.

  “It sure is.”

  “The kids fucked it up, too.”

  “How long they been sleep?” I asked him.

  “Probably for about twenty minutes now.”

  “They looked like they were tired as hell.”

  “They probably was.”

  “Did you go out and look for a job today?”

  “Yeah, I put a few applications in at a couple of spots.”

  “I hope you ain’t lying.”

  “What do I have to lie for? Shit, I ain’t on trial.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Yeah and you ain’t said whether or not you stepped to Nikki at work today either.”

  “For your information, I did. I’m surprised you haven’t noticed my eye all scratched and swollen up.”

  “Yeah, I was getting ready to ask you about that. What happened?”

  “I confronted her and told her that I knew she and Kira snitched on Ricky and that she needed to go. She got mad, started talking shit to me and then she ran up on me. From there shit got really ugly.”

  “Oh so, she thinks she go hard, huh?”

  “She sure does.”

  “So, who won?” he asked, smiling.

  “Boy, don’t play. You know I ain’t no joke when it comes to these hands.”

  “Yeah, I know cause, you be acting like you can whip my ass too,” he commented. “So, what’s gon’ happen now?”

  “I’m gonna leave.”

  “But why? That’s your shop too.”

  “Yeah, I know. But, I ain’t trying to be up in there when them niggas decide they want to take out revenge on her ass. I’m gonna get my own shop.”

  “Where you gon’ get one at?”

  “I don’t know but I’m sure I’ll find a spot in the next couple of days.”

  “Well what did she say, when you told her you was leaving?”

  “She just started talking stupid, saying I needed to leave ou
t of there by tomorrow. Shiid, I told her to make me.”

  “And what did she say?”

  “I don’t know what she said, because I tuned her ass out. Not too long after that, she carried her ass.”

  “Do you think she’s going to do something underhanded since you ain’t gonna be out of there by tomorrow?”

  “I wish she would try it. Because if she knows like I do, I could fuck her world up right now. And she wouldn’t be able to do shit about it.”


  “By calling her probation officer.”

  “And whatcha gon’ do when you get ‘em on the phone?”

  “I’d tell ‘em she was fucking around with a drug dealer and that she was trying to bail him out of jail from a gun charge.”

  “Nah. Nah. You sound like a fucking snitch! Just let me handle it.”

  “Whatcha gon’ do?”

  “I’mma get word to Syncere about what kind of bitch he’s fucking with.”

  “How are you going to do that?”

  “Remember, I got peoples doing time in Norfolk, so it ain’t gon’ be hard. As a matter of fact, my boy Bam just made trustee and he would love to get that kite to Syncere.”

  “And whatcha think that’s gonna do?”

  “Real niggas don’t fuck with hoes they know snitch for a living. And what I heard about Syncere on the streets, that nigga is a straight killer. He’s not gon’ have her around after he gets word.”

  “I betcha he wouldn’t mind knowing Kira wrote in her diary that she believed he had something to do with her and Mark getting shot outside her apartment.”

  “She put that in her diary?”

  “Yeah, and she said she didn’t trust him because he was too sneaky. She wrote that when she found out he had something to do with Mark’s murder, he was going to pay big time.”


  I nodded my head.

  “Do you still have her diary?”

  “Nope, Nikki got it back.”

  “Why did you give it back to her?”

  “I didn’t. I stuck it back in the drawer above her station before she came to work.

  Tony sucked his teeth and said, “It’s all good! ‘Cause we still got her stupid ass under the gun.”

  “Look, whatever you do, just be careful. And don’t get caught up in the middle.”

  “Don’t worry. I got this,” he assured me and went back to looking at his game.



  Nikki Speaks

  The meeting with Mr. Taliaferro didn’t take long once I handed him his dough. He did reassure me that he would pay Syncere a visit tomorrow and have him in court within the next couple of days. He also stated that I would have to appear at the bail hearing and take full responsibility for Syncere to make every court appearance, if he was granted a bond. I told Mr. Taliaferro I fully understood the terms.

  Later that evening, Quincy gave me the directions to his spot and I met him shortly thereafter. Actually, he lived in an exclusive community right off Shore Drive, deep in Virginia Beach. His townhouse overlooked the beach and it was nice as hell! The best part was that you wouldn’t be able to find it if you didn’t know exactly where you were going. You could only see his house the beach and not while you were driving down Shore Drive. That’s what you called a hide-a-way.

  From the bare rooms you could tell that he had just moved in. You could smell the fresh new paint. There was no living room suite, no dining room table or chairs and a few appliances to operate inside the kitchen area. He only had minimal necessities like a breakfast table and chairs, a refrigerator and a dishwasher. A few decorative items were thrown around the floor in the dining area and most had price tags still stuck to them, waiting for a chance to find their permanent place in the home. The master bedroom and bathroom were furnished, while the guest room remained bare.

  “Whatcha think?” Quincy asked me as we stood in the hallway looking into his bedroom.

  “It’s really nice in here and it’s spacious too.”

  “I know, that’s why I love it.”

  “How much you pay a month?”

  “Two grand.”

  “Damn! That’s a lot of money.”

  “Yeah, but it’s worth it,” he commented. “Come on, let’s go back into the kitchen.”

  As we re-entered into the kitchen area, he asked me if I wanted something to drink.

  “Whatcha got?” I asked.

  “I got orange juice, a little bit of cranberry juice, bottled water and some other type of shit if you’re up for it.”

  “What is it?”

  “I’ve got a bottle of Grey Goose, some Southern Comfort and half a bottle of Rémy Red.”

  “I’ll take a glass of the Rémy Red,” I said.

  Minutes later, I had my drink of choice nestled in the palm of my hand and watched Quincy pour himself a shot of Southern Comfort.

  “So, did you take care of the thing with the lawyer today?” He asked after we both took a seat at the breakfast table.

  “Yes. He’s going to pay Syncere a visit at the jail tomorrow.”

  “Is he going to still be able to get him in court by the end of the week?”

  “Yep, he said he’s going to get him on the court’s docket in the next couple of days.”

  “How do you feel about that?”

  “What do you mean? Is that a trick question?”

  “Nah. I was just wondering if you were happy about it?”

  “Of course I am.”

  “You ain’t got to front with me, Shorty.”

  “What makes you think I’m fronting?”

  “Because I know how he treats you.”

  “And how is that?” I asked defensively.

  “Look, we ain’t gotta go into all that. Just know I’ve heard him scream on you over the telephone more than a few times. And personally, I didn’t think it was cool at all.”

  “So, if you didn’t think it was cool, why didn’t you step to him and tell ‘em?”

  “Because, it wasn’t my place to do that. That’s y’all’s personal life. Not only that, Syncere isn’t the type of cat you can sit down and talk to on that level.”

  “I see you’ve made that observation as well.”

  “Shiiid, I had seen that part of him a long time ago.”

  “So, if you knew this about him then why did you go into business with him?”

  “Because of the many benefits.”

  “Explain yourself.”

  “Yo, check it out. I’m on paper and when you’re on paper, you got to have a steady job. I ain’t the type of cat who’s into that manual labor bullshit. I’m just not built for it. One day I happened to run into Syncere and he told me he was looking to take this car wash off this other cat’s hands but he needed a silent partner to go in half with him.

  Since I had a little bit of dough I said let’s do it. We got a real accountant who does our bookkeeping and our payroll. So, I’m paid with a real check, which was all I wanted. The rest of my dough from the business is paid to me under the table. Then I got my hustle, so I’m straight.”

  “It sure sounds like you’ve got everything under control.”

  “Not everything. But I will.”

  “Care to share?” I asked and then took another sip of my drink. Before he could answer the question my cellular phone started ringing. I looked down at the caller I.D. and saw it was Syncere trying to get through, so I said, “Hold that thought. It’s Syncere.”

  “Look, please don’t tell him we’re together,” he insisted. I was puzzled by Quincy’s request. But after a few seconds, I shrugged and proceeded to answer Syncere’s call. “Hello.”

  “Hey, you a’ight?”

  “Yeah, I’m straight.”

  “Did you take care of that thing with Q. this morning?”

  “Yeah, we met up.”

  “So, he gave you the dough?”

  “Yeah and I took it straight to the lawyer afterwards.”

sp; “And what did he say?”

  “He said he was going to come and have a talk with you tomorrow.”

  “And what about the bail hearing?”

  “Nothing’s changed. He said he’s going to get you on the courts docket within the next couple of days.”

  “A’ight. That’s what’s up,” Syncere replied, pleased with my answer.

  “So, is everything all right on your end?”

  “Oh yeah, you know me.”

  “Have you been able to order any commissary yet?”

  “Yeah, I put my order in the very next day.”

  “You haven’t had any run-ins with any of those guys in there, have you?”

  “Yo, let me tell you something about me: Niggas all over this joint either know me or heard about me on the streets. They know I got plenty of dough and soldiers who would go to war for me at any second. So, if there is some bitch-ass haters roaming ‘round here who got it out for me, they ain’t gon’ act on it ‘cause they ain’t got enough heart. Believe me, they gon’ keep their feelings buried under their chest.”

  “I hear you,” I said nonchalantly.

  “You better ‘cause this shit here ain’t no joke.”

  “You telling me,” I mumbled.

  “What cha’ say?”

  “I was talking to myself.”

  “Oh yeah, before I forget, what time did you get up with Q. today? Because, I tried to call him around 3 o’clock.”

  “I don’t remember exactly what time it was,” I lied. “But, I do remember it being late in the evening.”

  “Was he at the car wash when you got there?”

  “Nope, he came around later. As soon as he gave me the money, he went right back out.”

  “Yo, what’s up with that nigga? Shit, I ain’t been able to holla at him since that time you called him on the three-way.”

  “Maybe he’s trying to take care of all your business.”

  “It ain’t that much business in the muthafucking world. I think he’s ducking me ‘cause he ain’t never stayed away from the car wash this much.”

  “Why would he be ducking you?”

  “Never mind, ‘cause it sounds like you’re trying to get deep in my business.”

  “No, I wasn’t. I was just trying to make conversation.”

  “Don’t fucking lie to me!”

  “I’m not,” I said, trying to convince him.


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