A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire Page 68

by Alice A Bailey

At a later stage in the evolution of man (the stage wherein the average man is now) the astral permanent atom is the first contacted, and the energy circulates through it to the other two. At the stage of advanced intellectual man, the mental unit takes the primary place. In this case there is now the possibility of the alignment of the three bodies which will later be an accomplished fact. The fifth spirilla in the lower two atoms increases its vibration. As we know, there are only four spirillae in the mental unit and the moment that that is in full activity, the co-ordination of the antaskarana becomes a possibility. Changes are now taking place in the egoic lotus, and the petals are unfolding, that unfoldment being partially dependent upon the vibration in the spirillae and their awakening.

  [776] The student should bear in mind the fact that as soon as the mental unit has become the apex of the atomic triangle a condition is brought about wherein force in the future will enter the three atoms simultaneously through the three unfolded petals of the outer circle, and the man has therefore reached a very definite stage in evolution. The direction of force, and its application to the atoms is the work of the solar Pitris. As evolution proceeds, their work in this connection becomes more complex, for the petals are unfolding, and the triangle is revolving more rapidly.

  (2.) Pronouncing the mantram which will make possible the 777 incarnations.

  Each of the figures in this triplicity stands for:

  a. A cycle of egoic manifestation.

  b. A particular sound which will enable the Ego to express some subray of this egoic ray.

  c. The three circles of petals which will unfold as the result of incarnation.

  d. The particular group of manasadevas who form the causal body of the Ego concerned.

  The mantric sounds are therefore based on these figures, and through the mantram (which grows in volume, depth and number of sounds involved as time elapses) the force is directed, the petals concerned are stimulated into activity, and the lunar Pitris become aware of the work to be done in preparation for any incarnation.

  (3.) Building into the causal body that which is required for its completion.

  In the early stages this work is comparatively small but as the third stage of development is reached, and the man is demonstrating character and ability, their work is rapidly increased, and they are kept fully occupied in the work of perfecting the egoic body, in expanding the egoic consciousness, if metaphysical terms are preferred. All [777] this is accomplished by means of the material furnished by the lower self. When that lower Personality becomes gradually radioactive, these radiations are attracted to the positive ego, and are absorbed into its nature through the activity of the solar Angels.

  These three activities are the main work of the solar Pitris where man is concerned. Where the group, and not the individual, is concerned, their work lies along the line of adjusting the egoic units in their groups, and of making them group conscious, but this is only possible towards the final stages of evolution when the work of the highest group of Agnishvattas is in order. The middle group who form the nine petals are always the most active. They work in connection with the lower group who are the direct transmitters of energy to the atomic triangle, receiving it from the middle group. More of their work it is not possible to detail, for the work of the Agnishvattas is vast and intricate, and differs also in the various schemes in certain particulars. Those who are working in the Uranus, the Neptune, and the Saturn scheme work somewhat differently to those functioning in the Venus, the Vulcan, the Mars, the Mercury, the Jupiter, the Earth and the exoteric Saturn scheme, and so do the Manasadevas of the inner round. We should note here that we again have a triplicity of groups, representing a triplicity of force, and herein lies a hint. In the central list of schemes the middle and lower group of Agnishvattas are active. In the others the higher group and middle group hold sway as these planets are the most occult and sacred in manifestation, and are concerned only with egos who are on the Path, and who are therefore group-active. In connection with Uranus, Neptune and Saturn, this might be expected as they are the synthesising planetary schemes, and provide conditions suitable only for the very advanced stages. They are the “reaping” planets.

  [778] Much confusion in connection with Egos exists in the minds of our students on account of their failure to realise that (as H. P. B. has pointed out) (S. D., I, 41, 83.) the Secret Doctrine is primarily concerned with the planetary scheme of our Earth, and has little to impart anent the other schemes, and their methods of evolving self-consciousness. The general procedure on the mental levels is the same, but as each scheme embodies one particular type of force, the peculiarity of that force will colour all its evolution, and the work of the Agnishvattas will correspond. It is not possible to state what is the peculiar colouring of the Ray which is embodied in our scheme, as it is one of the most secret of the mysteries revealed at initiation, but students must bear in mind that in the fundamentals laid down here we are not dealing specifically with our scheme.

  A great deal has been said in modern occult literature anent the process followed in the perfecting of those Egos who choose to remain with the Hierarchy of our planet, and their methods of development (through chelaship to adeptship). But nothing practically has been imparted anent the many egos who reach a certain high stage of evolution in our scheme and who are then transferred to one of the three synthesising schemes, passing first to the scheme which is the polar opposite to ours, and from thence to the synthesising scheme. They are numerically more than those who remain within the Earth scheme. Whichever may be the synthesising scheme to which they are attracted, it marks and initiates their start upon one of the three cosmic paths. The work of the Manasadevas is carried on throughout the entire system, and a constant circulation transpires, and a constant transmission of energy, and of force units embodying that energy, goes on throughout the entire system. This transmission becomes possible in any scheme when the [779] fourth or human kingdom becomes radioactive; it really marks the setting in of the period of obscuration. Venus is a case in point. Metaphysically stated, it marks the point when the Logoi begin to dissociate Themselves from Their dense physical bodies, or from the three worlds of human endeavour.

  The three groups of Agnishvattas concerned with the evolution of man on the mental level have each a specific function, as we have already seen, and the lowest of the three deal primarily with the transmission of force or energy to the three permanent atoms. In the dual sounding of the egoic mantram by the lowest of the three groups changes are brought about and the lunar Pitris (who concern themselves with the lower three vehicles) enter upon their work, the key being given to them by the solar Angels.

  These lunar Pitris embody the substance of man’s lower bodies, just as the solar Pitris sacrifice themselves to give him his egoic body, and his consciousness. (255, 256, 257) They are substance in its dual aspect, and the Lunar Pitris in their higher grades are the positive energy of atomic substance, and in their lower are the negative [780] aspect of the same substance. They might be considered, in connection with man, as triple in their ranks:

  a. The highest group of all receives the energy from the higher levels, and ensouls the spirillae of the three permanent atoms.

  b. The second group, being the positive energy that attracts, builds and forms the body of man on the three planes.

  c. The lowest group are the negative aspect of energised substance and the matter of the three sheaths.

  In connection with the solar system they embody the Brahma aspect, being the product of earlier cycles wherein conscious activity was achieved, but self-consciousness was only arrived at by certain cosmic entities who passed through conscious substance, and gave to it that potentiality which will enable atomic substance—after many kalpas—to develop self-consciousness. In connection with a planet, they are called by a mysterious name which may not be revealed, as it conceals the mystery of the scheme which preceded ours, and of which ours is a reproduction. There are Pitris who work in connection
with a planet, and with a solar system as well as those working in connection with the human kingdom. They embody the energy of substance as demonstrated in a system, a scheme and a human cycle.

  There are also in connection with our peculiar Earth scheme, those lunar Pitris who reached their present stage of activity in the moon chain. They are deva groups but (unlike the Agnishvattas) they have not passed through the human stage; for them it has yet to be achieved, and their present experience in connection with the human Hierarchy has that end in view. It should be remembered that it is a fundamental law in occult development that any life can only give out that [781] which it has possessed, and possession of the varying attributes of consciousness from that of the atom up to the consciousness of a solar Logos, is the result of long cycles of acquirement. The solar Pitris, therefore, could give to man his consciousness; the lunar Pitris could give to him the instinctual consciousness of his vehicles. In their aggregate in all the kingdoms of nature, on this planet and elsewhere, they give to the planetary Logos and to the solar Logos the sumtotal of the form consciousness of Their respective bodies. This is the case in every scheme in the system, but in the Earth chain a peculiar condition of affairs was brought about through the planetary failure coincident with the moon chain; this is the cause of the present balancing of forces on this chain. The fourth chain in every scheme sees the work of the solar Pitris in connection with man begun. It sees also the Pitris of his sheaths in activity through the impulse given by the solar Angels. The matter of those sheaths has passed through three chains and three rounds and is vibrant to a note which is tuned to the....To word it otherwise, the third can be clearly sounded, and is followed naturally by the fifth, or the dominant. The simultaneous sounding of the third and the fifth, basing it upon the planetary keynote, produces the effect of a threefold chord, or a fourth tone, a complex sound. I am here dealing with the chord of the human hierarchy as a whole. Within the hierarchy there is again diversity, based upon the hierarchical chord, and this produces the many egoic chords and notes; these produce in their turn objective manifestation.

  We can now trace the progress of egoic energy as it passes down from the abstract levels to the permanent atoms. On each plane the work is threefold, and might be tabulated as follows:

  1. The response within the permanent atom to the vibration set up by the solar Pitris; to word it otherwise: [782] the response of the highest group of lunar Pitris to the chord of the Ego. This definitely affects the spirillae of the atom, according to the stage of evolution of the Ego concerned.

  2. The response of the substance to the atomic vibration upon the particular plane involved. This concerns the second group of Pitris, whose function it is to gather together the substance attuned to any particular key, and to aggregate it around the permanent atom. They work under the Law of Magnetic Attraction, and are the attractive energy of the permanent atom. On a tiny scale each permanent atom has (to the substance of a man’s sheaths) a position relative to that which the physical sun holds to the substance of the system. It is the nucleus of attractive force.

  3. The response of the negative substance concerned and its moulding into the desired form through the dual energy of the two higher groups of Pitris. Some thought of the unity of this threefold work has been given in the differentiation of the substance of any plane into:

  a. Atomic substance.

  b. Molecular substance.

  c. Elemental essence.

  This differentiation is not entirely accurate, and a truer idea of the underlying concept might be conveyed if the word “energy” took the place of “substance and essence.” This third group of Pitris is really not correctly termed Pitris at all. The true lunar Pitris are those of the first and highest group, for they embody one aspect of the intelligent will of Brahma, or of God-in-substance. The third group are literally the lesser Builders, and are blind incoherent forces, subject to the energy emanating from the two higher groups. Occultly these three groups are divided into the following: [783]

  a. The Pitris who see, but touch nor handle not.

  b. The Pitris who touch but see not.

  c. The Pitris who hear but neither see nor touch.

  As they all have the gift of occult hearing, they are characterised as the “Pitris with the open ear”; they work entirely under the influence of the egoic mantram. If these differentiations are studied a great deal may become apparent anent a very important group of deva workers. They are a group who only come into manifestation as a co-ordinated triplicity in the fourth round in order to provide vehicles for man; the reason for this lies hid in the karma of the seven Logoi, as They energise the fourth, fifth and sixth Hierarchies. In the earlier round in each scheme these three groups attain a certain stage of necessitated growth, and embody the highest evolution of the substance aspect. Only the highest and most perfected of the atoms of substance find their way into the vehicles of man,—those which have been the integral parts of the higher evolutionary forms.

  (g.) The Work of Form-building. This work of form-building proceeds under definite laws, which are the laws of substance itself; the effect is the same for human, planetary and solar vehicles. The different stages might be enumerated as follows: 1. The Nebulous. The stage wherein the matter of the coming sheath begins to separate itself gradually from the aggregate of plane substance, and to assume a nebulous or milky aspect. This corresponds to the “fire-mist” stage in the formation of a solar system and of a planet. The Pitris of the Mist are then active as one of the many subsidiary groups of the three major groups.

  2. The Inchoate. Condensation has set in but all is as yet inchoate, and the condition is chaotic; there is no definite form. “The Pitris of the Chaos” hold sway, and are characterised by excessive energy, and violent activity, for the greater the condensation prior to co-ordination [784] the more terrific are the effects of activity. This is true of Gods, of men, and of atoms.

  3. The Fiery. The internal energy of the rapidly congregating atoms and their effect upon each other produces an increase of heat, and a consequent demonstration of the spheroidal form, so that the vehicle of all entities is seen to be fundamentally a sphere, rolling upon itself and attracting and repulsing other spheres. “Pitris of the Fiery Spheres” add their labours to those of the earlier two and a very definite stage is reached. The lunar Pitris on every scheme, and throughout the system, are literally the active agents in the building of the dense physical body of the Logos; they energise the substance of the three planes in the three worlds, the mental, the astral and the dense physical planes of the system. This needs much pondering upon.

  4. The Watery. The ball or sphere of gaseous fiery essence becomes still more condensed and liquefied; it begins to solidify on its outer surface and the ring-pass-not of each sheath is more clearly defined. The heat of the sphere becomes increased and is centralised at the core or heart of the sphere where it produces that pulsation at the centre which characterises the sun, the planet, and the various vehicles of all incarnating entities. It is an analogous stage to that of the awakening of life in the foetus during the prenatal stage, and this analogy can be seen working out in the form-building which proceeds on every plane. This stage marks the co-ordination of the work of the two higher groups of lunar Pitris, and the “Pitris of the Dual Heat” are now intelligently co-operating. The heart and brain of the substance of the slowly evolving form are linked. The student will find it interesting to trace the analogy of this, the watery stage, to the place the astral plane holds in the planetary and systemic body, and the alliance between mind and heart which is hidden in the term “kama-manas.” One [785] of the profoundest occult mysteries will be revealed to the consciousness of man when he has solved the secret of the building of his astral vehicle, and the forming of the link which exists between that sheath and the astral light in its totality on the astral plane.

  5. The Etheric. The stage is not to be confined to the building of the physical body in its etheric division, for its c
ounterpart is found on all the planes with which man is concerned in the three worlds. The condensation and the solidification of the material has proceeded till now the three groups of Pitris form a unity in work. The rhythm set up has been established and the work synchronised. The lesser builders work systematically and the law of Karma is demonstrating actively, for it should be remembered that it is the inherent karma, colouring, or vibratory response of the substance itself which is the selective reaction to the egoic note. Only that substance which has (through past utilisation) been keyed to a certain note and vibration will respond to the mantram and to the subsequent vibrations issuing from the permanent atom. This stage is one of great importance, for it marks the vital circulation throughout the entire vehicle of a particular type of force. This can be clearly seen in relation to the etheric body which circulates the vital force or prana of the sun. A similar linking up with the force concerned is to be seen on the astral and the mental planes. “The Pitris of the Triple Heat” are now working synthetically, and the brain, the heart and the lower centres are co-ordinated. The lower and the higher are linked, and the channels are unimpeded so that the circulation of the triple energy is possible. This is true of the form building of all entities, macrocosmic and microcosmic. It is marked by the active co-operation of another group of Pitris, termed “The Pitris of Vitality” in connection with the others. Group after group co-operate, [786] for the three main bodies are distributed among many lesser.

  6. The Solid. This marks the final stage in actual form building, and signifies the moment wherein the work is done as regards the aggregating and shaping of substance. The greater part of the work of the lunar Pitris stands now accomplished. The word “solid” refers not solely to the lowest objective manifestation, for a solid form may be ethereal, and only the stage of evolution of the entity involved will reveal its relative significance.


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