A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire Page 78

by Alice A Bailey

  e. From the permanent atom via the atomic triangle, and the mental, and astral centres, to that one of the three higher centres in the etheric body particularly concerned.

  f. From the etheric centre to the physical brain.

  We have here put very briefly the process of force transmission from the Monad to man on the physical plane, and hence it will be apparent why the emphasis is so consistently laid upon the necessity for bodily purity (in all the three bodies), and upon the alignment of those bodies so that the flow of force may be unimpeded. The effects of this downflow of force may be viewed in a twofold manner, that is, in a material and in a psychic sense.

  The material effect, or the result of this stimulation upon the forms and upon the atoms in the forms, is to render them radioactive, or to set loose the energy of substance. This is the liberating of the energy imprisoned within the form, and concerns the Brahma aspect, and [886] the evolution of matter itself. It affects the lunar bodies, and therefore relates to the lunar Lords or Pitris, causing a weakening of their hold upon the lesser builders, bringing them more under the force streams from the solar Angels, and leading to a situation which will eventually result in a return of the lunar Pitris of all degrees to the central point for force substance. In a psychic sense the result of the downflow is a stimulation of consciousness, and the acquisition (through that stimulation) of the psychic powers latent in man. His three higher physical centres, the pineal gland, the pituitary body, and the alta major centre are affected, and man becomes psychically aware in the physical brain of the higher influences, happenings and powers. According to the ray concerned, so is the centre affected. The force of the lunar Lords, which has succeeded in keeping these three organs quiescent, is superseded and the solar Angels pour in their energy.

  All this again is closely connected with the threefold energy of the physical body, and produces effects within the spinal column which arouses the kundalini fire at the base of the spine, causing it to mount along the triple spinal channel, again according to ray and aspect involved. More anent this may not here be said, as the dangers of a premature knowledge along this line are far greater than the dangers of ignorance. Suffice it to point out that the fires at the lower centres,—those below the diaphragm—have, by the time the second initiation is reached, usually mounted to the centre between the shoulder blades; at the second initiation they rise as far as the head, and all the fires of the torso are then active. All that remains then to do is to centralise them, to produce the necessary geometrical interplay between the seven head centres, and then to focus them all prior to the final liberation in the highest centre of all. [887]

  4. The Fire Elementals, The Lesser Builders

  a. Introductory.

  It will be apparent now that in our consideration of the deva Builders, great and small, of the solar system, we have hitherto practically confined ourselves to those who are the functioning agents in the three worlds of human endeavour. We have dealt briefly with the Builders on the evolutionary arc, the greater entities who either have passed through the human kingdom, and therefore have left that stage of evolution behind them in earlier cycles, or are at this time the “solar agents” of human manifestation. All these forms of divine existence represent—in their own place—aspects of positive force. We come now to the consideration of the lesser builders in the three worlds, those who represent the negative aspect of force, being on the involutionary arc, and who are, therefore, the recipients of energy and influences. They are worked upon by energy, and through the activity of the greater Builders are forced into different directions in space, being built into the differing forms. The energy that works upon them, as is well known, emanates from the second aspect, and in their totality they form the great Mother.

  I would call to the attention of all students the fact that these lesser builders are literally a “sea of fire” upon which the great breath, or the AUM, takes effect. Each fiery spark, or atom, becomes (through the action of the Word), vitalised with new life, and impregnated with a different type of energy. In the union of the life of atomic substance itself with that which causes the atoms to cohere, and to form vehicles of some kind or another, can be seen demonstrating the “Son of God.” Herein lies the essential duality of all manifestation; this duality is later supplemented by the life of the One Who sounds the Word. Thus is the cosmic incarnation [888] brought about with the three factors entering in. This has been sufficiently dealt with in earlier pages.

  Much that will have to be said will be of a tabulatory nature, and the only way in which students can check up the approximate accuracy of that which is imparted will be through a careful meditation upon:

  a. The Law of Correspondences.

  b. The realisable probabilities.

  c. The indications in occult literature of a corroborative nature.

  Students should remember that we are dealing with involutionary substance, or atomic matter. This atomic matter is living substance, each atom being a tiny life palpitating with the vitality of the third Logos. These lives, being negative energy, are responsive to their polar opposite, and can (under the Law of Attraction and Repulsion) be built into forms which are the expression of the second aspect. Eventually the forms themselves become in their turn negative, and responsive to still another type of force, becoming recipients of the life of the first Logos when the fourth or human kingdom is reached.

  This Treatise seeks to prove, that in the fourth kingdom the three fires meet:

  a. Fire by friction, or the negative Brahma Aspect, the third Aspect.

  b. Solar Fire, or the positive negative Vishnu Aspect, the second Aspect.

  c. Electric Fire, or the positive Shiva Aspect, the first Aspect.

  Man in the three worlds, consciously or unconsciously, recapitulates the logoic process, and becomes a creator, working in substance through the factor of his positive energy. He wills, he thinks, he speaks, and thought-forms eventuate. Atomic substance is attracted to the [889] enunciator. The tiny lives which compose that substance are forced (through the energy of the thinker), into forms, which are themselves active, vitalised and powerful. What man builds is either a beneficent or a maleficent creation according to the underlying desire, motive, or purpose.

  It is essential that we endeavour to make practical what is here to be imparted, as it is useless for man to study the groups of lesser builders, their functions and their names, unless he realises that with many of them he has an intimate connection, being himself one of the great builders, and a creator within the planetary scheme. Men should remember that through the power of their thoughts and their spoken words they definitely produce effects upon other human beings functioning on the three planes of human evolution and upon the entire animal kingdom. The separative and maleficent thoughts of man are largely responsible for the savage nature of wild beasts, and the destructive quality of some of nature’s processes, including certain phenomena, such as plague and famine.

  It is of no value to man to know the names of some of the “army of the voice” unless he comprehends his relationship to that army, unless he apprehends the responsibility which is his to be a beneficent creator, working under the law of love, and not impelled to the creative act through selfish desire, or uncontrolled activity.

  b. Physical Plane Elementals.

  It should be remembered that the devas we have been considering are the originators of impulse, and the manipulators of energy in their own degree, and on their own plane. In connection with them are to be found, therefore, the recipients of force, or the multitude of lives of an elemental nature which form the sumtotal of the matter of a plane. These are swept on waves of energy, through the impulse of the Breath, and as the result of [890] vibratory action, into all forms as we know them on the physical plane. Therefore, in connection with manifestation on the physical plane the devas may be divided into three groups:

  1. The transmitters of the will of God, the originators of activity in deva substance. These a
re the greater builders in their various groups.

  2. The manipulators of the initiated energy. These are the myriads of workers with force who transmit the impulse in their turn to the elemental essence. They are the builders of lesser degree, but are on the evolutionary arc as are the first group.

  3. The recipients of force, the sumtotal of the living substance of a plane. These lives are passive in the hands of the builders of greater degree.

  The three groups to be considered are:

  1. The elementals of densest matter.

  2. The elementals of liquid matter.

  3. The elementals of gaseous matter.

  We must bear in mind as we study these three groups that we are not concerned with the transmitters, but with the manipulators and with the recipients of energy.

  The Elementals of Densest Matter. These are the workers and builders which are concerned with the tangible and objective part of all manifestation. In their totality they literally form that which can be touched, seen, and contacted physically by man. In considering these matters we must never dissociate the various groups in our minds in a too literal sense, for they all interpenetrate and blend, in the same manner as man’s physical body is compounded of dense, liquid, gaseous, and etheric matter. Diversity, producing a unity, is everywhere to be seen; this fact must constantly be borne [891] in mind by the occult student when studying the subhuman forms of existence. There is a distinct danger in all tabulations, for they tend to the forming of hard and fast divisions, whereas unity pervades all.

  Among the manipulating devas of the lowest level of the dense physical plane are to be found certain subterranean forms of existence, of which hints are to be found in the ancient and occult books. There is to be found in the very bowels of the earth, an evolution of a peculiar nature, with a close resemblance to the human. They have bodies of a peculiarly gross kind, which might be regarded as distinctly physical as we understand the term. They dwell in settlements, or groups, under a form of government suited to their needs in the central caves several miles below the crust of the earth. Their work is closely connected with the mineral kingdom, and the “agnichaitans” of the central fires are under their control. Their bodies are constituted so as to stand much pressure, and they are not dependent upon as free a circulation of air as man is, nor do they resent the great heat to be found in the earth’s interior. Little can here be communicated anent these existences, for they are connected with the lesser vital portions of the physical body of the planetary Logos, finding their microcosmic correspondence in the feet and legs of a man. They are one of the factors which make possible the revolutionary progressive activity of a planet.

  Allied with them are several other groups of low class entities, whose place in the scheme of things can only be described as having relation to the grosser planetary functions. Little is gained by enlarging upon these lives and their work; it is not possible for man in any way to contact them, nor would it be desirable. When they have pursued their evolutionary cycle, they will take their place in a later cycle in the ranks of certain deva bodies that are related to the animal kingdom.

  [892] It is commonly supposed that all the fairies, gnomes, elves, and like nature spirits are to be found solely in etheric matter, but this is not so. They are to be found in bodies of gaseous and liquid substance likewise, but the mistake has arisen for the reason that the basis of all that which can be objectively seen is the etheric structure, and these little busy lives frequently protect their dense physical activities through the agency of glamour, and cast a veil over their objective manifestation. When etheric vision is present then they can be seen, for the glamour, as we understand it, is only a veil over that which is tangible.

  Students must at this juncture remember that all dense physical forms, whether of a tree, an animal, a mineral, a drop of water, or a precious stone, are in themselves elemental lives constructed of living substance by the aid of living manipulators, acting under the direction of intelligent architects. It will immediately become apparent why it is not possible in any way to tabulate in connection with this particular lowest group. A beautiful diamond, a stately tree, or a fish in the water are but devas after all. It is the recognition of this essential livingness which constitutes the basic fact in all occult investigation, and is the secret of all beneficent magic. It is not my purpose, therefore, to deal more specifically with these lowest forms of divine life, except to impart two facts, and thus give indication of the solution of two problems which have oft disturbed the average student; these are, first, the problem as to the purpose of all reptilian life, and, secondly, the specific connection of the bird evolution with the deva kingdom.

  The secret of the reptile kingdom is one of the mysteries of the second round, and there is a profound significance connected with the expression “the serpents of wisdom” which is applied to all adepts of the good law. [893] The reptile kingdom has an interesting place in all mythologies, and all ancient forms of truth impartation, and this for no arbitrary reason. It is not possible to enlarge upon the underlying truth which is hidden in the karmic history of our planetary Logos, and is revealed as part of the teaching given to initiates of the second degree.

  The second great life impulse, or life wave, initiated by our planetary Logos, when brought in conjunction with the first, was the basis of that activity which we call evolutionary energy; it resulted in a gradual unrolling, or revelation, of the divine form. The heavenly serpent manifested, being produced out of the egg, and began its convolutions, gaining in strength and majesty, and producing through its immense fecundity millions of lesser “serpents.” The reptile kingdom is the most important part of the animal kingdom in certain aspects, if such an apparently contradictory statement can be made. For all animal life can be seen passing through it during the prenatal stage, or returning to it when the form is in advanced decomposition. The connection is not purely a physical one, but it is also psychic. When the real nature and method of the kundalini, or serpent fire, is known, this relation will be better understood, and the history of the second round assume a new importance.

  The secret of life lies hidden in the serpent stage,—not the life of the Spirit, but the life of the soul, and this will be revealed as the “serpent of the astral light” is truly approached, and duly studied. One of the four Lipika Lords, Who stand nearest to our planetary Logos, is called “The Living Serpent,” and His emblem is a serpent of blue with one eye, in the form of a ruby, in its head. Students who care to carry the symbology a little further can connect this idea with the “eye of Shiva” which sees and knows all, and records all, as [894] does the human eye in lesser degree; all is photographed upon the astral light, as the human eye receives impressions upon the retina. The same thought is frequently conveyed in the Christian Bible, in the Hebrew and Christian recognition of the all-seeing eye of God. The application and value of the hints here given may be apparent if the subject of the third eye is studied, and its relation to the spine, and the spinal currents investigated. This third eye is one of the objects of kundalinic vivification, and in the spinal territory there is first the centre at the base of the spine, the home of the sleeping fire. Next we have the triple channel along which that fire will travel in due course of evolution, and finally we find at the summit of the column, and surmounting all, that small organ called the pineal gland, which when vivified causes the third eye to open, and the beauties of the higher, subtler planes to stand revealed. All this physico-psychical occurrence is possible to man owing to certain events which happened to the Heavenly Serpent in the second, or serpent, round. These happenings necessitated the formation and evolution of that peculiar and mysterious family we call the reptilian. These forms of divine life are very intimately connected with the second planetary scheme, being responsive to energy emanating from that scheme, and reaching the earth via the second globe in the second chain. A group of special devas (connected with a particular open sound in the planetary Word), work with the reptile

  It should be noted here that this evolution on the etheric planes has a closer effect upon man than on the physical. If students will apply themselves to the consideration of these facts, to the investigation of the serpent lore in all lands, mythologies and scriptures, and if they will link up all this knowledge with that concerning those heavenly constellations which have a serpent appellation (such as, for instance, the Dragon), much [895] illumination may come. If the intuition suffices, knowledge may then be imparted which will make clearer the connection between the physical bodies with their centres, and the psychic nature.

  The bird kingdom is specifically allied to the deva evolution. It is the bridging kingdom between the purely deva evolution and two other manifestations of life.

  First. Certain groups of devas who desire to pass into the human kingdom, having developed certain faculties, can do so via the bird kingdom, and certain devas who wish to get in communication with human beings can do so via the bird kingdom. This truth is hinted at in the Christian Bible and Christian religious representations by angels or devas being frequently represented as having wings. These cases are not many, as the usual method is for the devas gradually to work themselves towards individualisation through expansive feeling, but in the cases which do occur these devas pass several cycles in the bird kingdom, building in a response to a vibration which will ultimately swing them into the human family. In this way they become accustomed to the use of a gross form without the limitations, and impurities, which the animal kingdom engenders.

  Second. Many devas pass out of the group of passive lives in the effort to become manipulating lives via the bird kingdom, and before becoming fairies, elves, gnomes, or other sprites, pass a certain number of cycles in the bird realm.

  Why the two above events occur will not be apparent to the casual reader, nor will the true connection between the birds and the devas be accurately realised by the occult student unless he applies himself to the consideration of the “bird or swan out of time and space,” and the place that birds play in the mysteries. Herein lies for him the clue. He must remember likewise the fact that every life of every degree, from a god to the most [896] insignificant of the lesser devas, or builders, must at some time or another pass through the human family.


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