A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire Page 95

by Alice A Bailey

  d. Mineral Spleen.

  The planetary egoic centre is, of course, the transmitter to all the others, and it should be borne in mind in this connection that every centre transmits three types of force, with the exception of the spleen which hands on the solar fires, pranic force, pure and simple. Students will eventually ascertain how to group the various types in the different kingdoms according to the type of energy they display in fullest measure, remembering that only in the fourth kingdom, the human, is the highest of the three types (that which produces self-consciousness) [1072] manifesting; in the others it is latent. This will become apparent if the method of lunar individualisation is studied.

  The vegetable kingdom is responsive to the particular type of energy which produces the phenomenon of water, or moisture. Through the effect of water every higher type of plant life is evolved, and through the combination of heat and water results are brought about which produce new types. The herbal scientist who is producing new species is really occupied with the effect of sex energy in the second kingdom of nature; he will do well to deal with all plant life as energy points responsive to other and greater energy centres. Much will be learned along this line when electricity and colored lights are more freely used in experimental stations. Sex, in the mineral kingdom, or chemical affinity, is the display in that kingdom of the second type of magnetic force; in the vegetable kingdom the same thing can be studied in the seed life, and in the fertilisation processes of all plants. Neptune, the God of the Waters, has a curious relationship to our planetary Logos, and also to the Entity Who is the informing life of the second kingdom.

  The animal kingdom is responsive to a type of energy which is neither fire nor water but is a combination of the two. They are also the first of the kingdoms on the physical plane to be responsive to sound, or to the energy emanating from that which we call noise. This is an occult fact worthy of close attention. The energy emanating from the Entity Who is the informing Life of the third kingdom in nature has five channels of approach, that is five centres. That animating the fourth kingdom has seven, for the mind and the intuition are added. In the second kingdom there are three centres, but their manifestation is so obscure as to seem practically nonexistent to the human mind. In the first or mineral kingdom, the avenue of approach is limited to one centre. [1073] It will be observed, therefore, that the stimulation of magnetic energy proceeds from what might be regarded as jumps, 1-3-5-7. Each kingdom starts with a specific equipment, and during the process of evolution within the kingdom adds to it so that the liberated life enters the next kingdom with its old equipment plus one.

  The human kingdom is equally responsive to energy. This time it is the energy of fire at its highest manifestation in the three worlds. It must be borne in mind that we are referring to the positive energy of the greater Whole as it affects the lesser positive energetic points. We are not referring to form energy.

  The atom becomes responsive to form energy or to that which surrounds it. It becomes conscious and then becomes responsive to the force of the kingdom in which it is a part. It gradually becomes responsive to stronger influences or to the force emanating from the Entity Who is the life of that kingdom.

  Finally, the atom becomes conscious of planetary energy, or responsive to the Heavenly Man Himself. It then transcends the kingdom in which it has been, and is elevated into another kingdom in which the cycle is again repeated.

  This can all be expressed in terms of consciousness but in this section we will limit the thought simply to that of energy. In summation it might be said that:

  1. The planetary Logos has seven centres, as has man.

  2. The informing Life of the animal kingdom has five centres, and the animal kingdom has five prototypes on the archetypal plane, whereas man has seven prototypes.

  3. The informing Life of the vegetable kingdom has three centres of force on His Own plane, and there are, therefore, but three basic types of plant life. [1074] All that we know are but differentiations of those three.

  4. The informing Life of the mineral kingdom works through one centre.

  b. Radiation in the Five Kingdoms. We have seen that the cause of radiation is the response of the positive life in any atom to the attractive power of the positive life in a greater atom. Expressed in other words, we might say that the deva life of any atomic form proceeds with its evolution, and by a series of “releases” transfers itself during the manvantaric cycles out of one kingdom into another until every atom has achieved self-determination, and thus the purpose of the Heavenly Man for any particular mahamanvantara is satisfactorily accomplished. As might be expected, therefore, when the subject is viewed as a whole and not from the standpoint of any one kingdom, there are in the evolutionary process five major at-one-ments.

  1. At-one-ment with the mineral kingdom.

  2. At-one-ment of the mineral monad with the vegetable kingdom.

  3. At-one-ment of the vegetable monad with the animal kingdom.

  The progressive life has now made three at-one-ments or expanded its realisation three times.

  4. At-one-ment with the human kingdom.

  5. At-one-ment with the Heavenly Man or with the great planetary life.

  Along these five stages, one of them is considered in this solar system to be the most important, and that is the at-one-ment with the human kingdom. For this particular greater cycle, the goal of evolution is man; when individualisation is achieved and self-determination is awakened, the Monad or Divine Pilgrim has attained that which expresses the logoic purpose most perfectly. The [1075] later stages but set the crown upon the victor, and the final at-one-ment with the divine Self is but the consummation of the fourth stage. Students will find it of interest to work out the correspondence between the five initiations and these five unifications. There is a close connection between the two. By understanding the laws of the different kingdoms, much can be learned anent the conditions governing the five Initiations. It will be found that the initiations mark stages in response to contact and to realisation which have their interesting germs in the five kingdoms.

  It might here be pointed out with propriety that radiation is the result of transmutation; transmutation marks the completion of a cycle of rotary-spiralling activity. No atom becomes radioactive until its own internal rhythm has been stimulated to a point where the positive central life is ready for the imposition of a higher vibratory activity, and when the negative lives within the atomic periphery are repulsed by the intensity of its vibration, and are no longer attracted by its drawing qualities. This is due to the coming in and consequent response to the magnetic vibration of a still stronger positive life which releases the imprisoned central spark and causes what might from some aspects be called the dissipation of the atom. This process, nevertheless, in the majority of cases covers such a vast period of time that the human mind is unable to follow the process.

  The radioactive period is much the longest in the mineral kingdom, and shortest of all in the human. We are not concerned with radiation in the spiritual kingdom at the close of the mahamanvantara, so no comment will here be made.

  It is interesting to note that during this round, owing to planetary decision, the process of producing human radiation or “release” is being artificially stimulated through the method which we call initiation, and the [1076] short cut to intensive purification and stimulation is open to all who are willing to pass through the divine alchemical fire. Simultaneously, in the other kingdoms of nature a process somewhat similar in kind though not in degree is being attempted. The tremendous manipulation of ores, the scientific work of the chemist, and scientific investigation is analogous in the mineral kingdom to the world processes which are being utilised to liberate the human spark. Out of the chaos and turmoil of the World War, for instance, and the weight of metal undergoing violent disintegration the mineral monad emerged as from an initiatory test, incomprehensible as this may seem. It will be apparent that a great simultaneous movement is on foot to pro
duce more rapid radiation in all the kingdoms of nature so that when the cycle is run the process of planetary radiation may be consummated. This intensive culture is not proceeding upon all the planets but only upon a very few. The others will run a longer cycle. The initiatory cultural process which has in view the stimulation of magnetic radiation or transmutation is but an experiment. It was tried first on Venus, and on the whole proved successful, resulting in the consummation of the planetary purpose in five rounds instead of seven. This was what made it possible to utilise Venusian energy upon the Venus chain and the Venus globe of our scheme and thus cause the phenomenon of forced individualisation in Lemurian days. It was the intensive stimulation of the third kingdom of nature during the third root race which artificially unified the three aspects. The process of stimulating through the medium of Venusian energy was really begun in the third round when the triangle of force was completed, and ready to function. It is this factor which occultly makes the third Initiation of such tremendous importance. In it the human triangle is linked, the Monad, the [1077] Ego and the personality, or Venus, the Sun and the Earth are symbolically allied.

  Enough has here been indicated to give the student room for thought, though one more word in this connection might be added. In the potentially radioactive qualities of the four kingdoms of nature with which we are most concerned will be found an interesting analogy to the functions of the four planetary schemes which (in their totality) form the logoic quaternary. This applies also in a lesser degree to the four chains which form the planetary quaternary. All have to become radioactive and all their principles have to be transmuted and the form for which they are responsible transcended.

  When the subject of radiation is more completely comprehended, it will be found that it demonstrates one more instance of the unity of all life, and furnishes one more corroborative indication of the synthetic nature of the entire evolutionary process. In every instance that which radiates from each kingdom of nature is one and the same. The radioactive human being is the same in nature (differing only in degree and in conscious response) as the radioactive mineral; in every case it is the central positive life, the electric spark or that which is its correspondence, which radiates. There are, therefore, seven correspondences in this connection in the solar system, seven types which radiate, or seven classes of entities which demonstrate ability to transcend their normal motion and to transfer themselves into some greater sphere in due course of evolution. These are:

  1. The mineral monad of the mineral kingdom, or the central positive nucleus in all atoms and elements.

  2. The monad in the vegetable kingdom, or the central positive life of every plant and vegetable growth.

  3. The monad in the animal kingdom or the positive life of each type. [1078]

  4. The human Monads in their myriads of groups.

  5. The Monad of any particular type, or form.

  6. The planetary Monad, the sum total of all the lives within a planetary scheme.

  7. The solar Monad or the sum total of all lives in the solar system.

  Each of these is first rotary in its activity, or self-centred; later each simultaneously with its original motion demonstrates spiral-cyclic activity. Thereby it becomes “aware” of form, and finally becomes radioactive. During this final period it transcends the form, and escapes from out of it, becoming thus conscious of, and able to participate in, the activity of the still greater enveloping whole.

  c. Radiation and Cyclic Law. Scattered throughout this Treatise, are numerous indications of the cyclic nature of this phenomenon, and students should bear in mind that in all which concerns radiation, as in all else, there will be periods of quiescence, and periods of intensified activity. This will be seen quite clearly in connection with the fourth kingdom of nature. A period of radioactivity is being entered upon now in which men and women will achieve a larger realisation; they will begin to transcend their human limitations, and to enter the fifth kingdom one by one, and unit by unit. This period, as far as the larger cycle is concerned, began when the Door of Initiation was opened in Atlantean days, but many lesser cycles have occurred, for the influx into the fifth kingdom is equally governed by cyclic law, by periodic ebb and flow. At the close of the fourth root race there was a period of distinctive radioactivity, and many hundreds of men passed out of the fourth Creative Hierarchy into another and a higher one. Many posts held hitherto by Venusian Entities were vacated in order that our humanity might occupy them, and a vast interchain [1079] radiation went on as many of the Kumaras and certain lesser existences quitted our earth chain, and entered upon subtler, and more advanced work. Then the activity gradually ebbed until a recurring cycle brought in influences which produced a new radiation, though not of such a strength as in the preceding period.

  Another period of radioactivity occurred during the time of the Buddha and many achieved Arhatship in those days. That period was the highest point of what is occultly termed “a cycle of the third degree,” and a similar degree of radiatory activity has not been reached since that time. Human radiation of a very slight nature was felt about the time of Christ, but it only lasted for a couple of hundred years, and though individuals here and there have since achieved the goal, yet no large numbers have passed successfully through the fires of transmutation, and thus transcended the fourth kingdom. The cycle is again on the upward turn; about the fourteenth century the human kingdom began to be noticeably radioactive, and we are on the way to the fulfilment of a “cycle of the second order” or of a period of transcendence of a still greater activity than in the time of the Buddha. It will become demonstrably great when certain conditions have been fulfilled.

  First, when the present world chaos has subsided. Next, when the present generation has consummated its work of reconstruction. Third, when the coming great Lord has entered upon His mission upon earth, thereby increasing the vibration in every kingdom of nature, but particularly in the second and fourth.

  Fourth, when the movement, inaugurated at the close of each century by the Trans-Himalayan Lodge is under way, and the psycho-scientific Egos who are its agents have made their presence felt.

  Finally, when a movement is instituted by the Lodge, working in connection with the fourth root race; it will [1080] also be part of the stimulative process, and will result in the rendering radioactive of some of the foremost thinkers of that race. It will be their day of opportunity, and so great is the importance attached to this that a Member of the Lodge, Confucius as he has been called in the past, will incarnate in order to superintend the work. The preliminary steps are being taken now, and Egos are coming in who will endeavour to direct the energies of this race on to the right line though the peak of the cycle of stimulation will not be until the middle of the next century. It is needless for me to point out that all such movements are first felt as disturbing, and only when the dust of turmoil, and the noise of clashing forces have died away will purpose be seen emerging. This is very apparent in Russia at the present time.

  A great factor and one that it is hard to explain so that the average thinker can understand it is the cyclic coming in of egos who are at a point in evolution where they are ready for their first radioactive life. In one great department of hierarchical endeavour all egos are divided into two groups, according to their cycle and according to their type of energy. These grades are in turn subdivided according to the quality and the vibratory effect to be induced upon any one kingdom of nature by their united, or single, incarnation. This might be illustrated by pointing out that by the gradual coming in of human beings who are vegetarians by natural inclination and by the appearance of egos who are interested specifically in the welfare and nurture of the animals (as is the case so noticeably now) we have the cyclic appearance of a whole group of human units who have a definite karmic relation to the third kingdom. This relation is of a kind differing in specific detail from the meat-eating, and oft inhuman, groups of the past five hundred years.

  It might be of
profit and of interest if we here enumerated some of the occult terms applied to some of these [1081] differentiated groups, remembering that we are only touching upon a few out of a vast number, and only name those the terminology of which conveys information and educational benefit to the student:

  1. The units of inertia,

  2. Atoms of rhythmic centralisation,

  3. Units of primary radiation,

  4. The sons of heavy rhythm,

  5. The points of fiery excellence (a name given oft to magnetic, highly-evolved types),

  6. Tertiary points of secondary fire,

  7. Magnetic flames (given to chelas and initiates of certain degrees),

  8. Positive sons of electricity,

  9. Rotating units of the seventh order,

  10. Points of light of the fourth progression,

  11. Electric sparks,

  12. Units of negative resistance,

  13. The equilibrised atoms.

  Many more names might be given but these will suffice to indicate the general nature of these energy summations, under which all the members of the human family are gathered and placed according to:

  a. Their rhythm,

  b. Their quality,

  c. Their heat,

  d. Their light,

  e. Their magnetic influence,

  f. Their radiation,

  g. Their activity.

  This tabulation is but an extension of the major one which grouped all Egos under the divisions of colour, sound and vibration. A similar enumeration has also grouped the atoms in the other kingdoms of nature, and [1082] even the Dhyan Chohans of the highest rank find their place in the hierarchical archives of this fifth (or third) department.

  A cyclic tabulation is of equal interest but is of a totally different nature, carrying to the initiated and intuitive investigator many hints of an evolutionary and historical value. Again we might append a brief epitome of some of the expressions used and of some of the names under which human beings are grouped in the archives of this the seventh department:


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