A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire Page 113

by Alice A Bailey

  This latter aspect of the eye of Shiva directs the other two, and gathers all its energy from a far distant cosmic sphere. The two respond, and in the treading of the cosmic WAY weave triple force into that path which meets the need of those who later seek to tread it.

  They see; They hear; They dream, and dreaming build; Their eyes are blind; Their ears are deaf, and yet They are not dumb. They sound the several cosmic Words, and weave the seven with the twelve and multiply the five.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  Thus are the planets built; thus guided, ruled and known. [1274]


  (From Archive 49)

  PATH IV. The Path to Sirius.

  The mysterious Lhas of the sacred hidden fire withdraw Their thought, emerge from meditation, and all that is—between the first and third—is lost to sight. Naught is. Sound dies away. The Words are lost, for there is none to hear. The colours fade, and every point grows dim.

  The ocean passes into quietude. The Mother slumbers and forgets her Son. The Father too retreats within the unknown place where fire lies hidden.

  The serpent stretches forth inert. Its coils smother the lower fire and choke the sparks....Silence reigns. The absent Lhas forget the worlds and play at other games....All passes into nothingness. Yet still the Lhas themselves remain.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  The mysterious Lhas of the fivefold force unite Their thought, sink into meditation deep and link the first and third. The worlds emerge, and—rushing into forms prepared—pursue their cycles.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  The twelve-pointed play Their part and are the result of the communion of the One above the Sun with one of the seven wives.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  The Master of the Sacred Heart is He who builds a Path between the sphere whereon His lot is cast [1275] and the great manasic orb. He builds it knowingly, calling in the aid of points of blue. These emerge from the heart of one of the seven. (The PLEIADES.)

  These He bloweth upon and they find their place as stones in the one Way He constructeth for the treading of the many as they wend their way through mind to mind and thence to understanding. (Manas to mahat and thence to buddhi.) [1276]


  (From Archive 49)

  PATH V. The Ray Path.

  The Adjuster holds the balances, and the scales are duly set. The energies converge, and shake them out of equilibrium. They descend sometimes upon the right hand side and sometimes upon the left.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  The Energies are five in number and their major hue is gold.

  Three great Words are spoken by the Adjuster, and each Word is heard by those whose ears have been deaf for seven cycles and whose lips have been sealed for nigh upon fourteen rounded terms.

  The first Word contains the value numerical of the synthetic indigo. It reverberates forth. The scales descend. He who hath ears to hear it, mounteth the scales and addeth to that Word another sound. None have heard it save he who hath stood before the Prince of Doom, and hath seen darkness descend upon the fivefold sons of flesh.

  This dual Word buildeth a wall which surroundeth the Son of Man whose lips are dumb. It holdeth Him secure until the Word is spoken which will unseal the fount of speech.

  This silence lasteth for seven times forty-nine years and each year for a day.

  When the Silent One within the wall seeth the Ray [1277] approach, when He changeth the key of the earlier spoken Word, the disruption of the wall is seen and a door openeth before Him.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  The second Word holds hid the number of the sacred blue. As it reverberates, the scales ascend, and the man who seeketh to mount within them seeth the moment pass and knoweth not what to do.

  He struggleth for speech and raiseth His right hand in supplication to the great Adjuster. From the sacred halls of the City of the White Island there issueth a messenger who speaketh to Him the following mystic words:

  “As the power enters by that which is uppermost, and as it issues from the lotus within the head of Him who hath held His peace, utter this WORD...and look within.”

  He who hath held His speech breaks then the silence. He utters the four deep sounds which cause the scale again to drop within His reach. Another door is seen; it opens wide and thus the WAY is trodden.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  The third Word holds securely sealed the key to the outer blue. It contains the order for inversion, and only those can hear that Word whose ears have been closed for eleven aeons. It is never heard within the realms of pain. Few therefore hear it, and those few elude the scales, escape the fiery eye of the great Adjuster and in Their very blindness find the Path which lieth upon the further side of the scales.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  These Words of high direction issue from that which lieth upon the...of the directing Life which holdeth our Lord of Life upon His Path. [1278]


  (From Archive 49)

  PATH VI. The Path of the Solar Logos.

  The major Third carrieth within it the vibration of that which hath already been. The cosmic Lord from out the greater seven (Whose sacred Name is hid) seeketh the centre of His life from out the sacred seven. This is the mystery hid, the inner secret found in the heart of cosmic space within the groups divine.

  The sacred seven with the greater seven approach their primary, the One Who standeth above, and in their cyclic outer sweep will some day touch. The two become the One and are lost in their primary.

  Seek ye the same on lesser scale within the inner round and on the plane of density see the lesser primary manifest. The law holds good; the mystery dissolves in TIME.

  The major Third in both the lesser and the greater, the cosmic Lord—with His dim reflection solar—completes His cycle, meets His brother, becomes the Son, contacts the Mother, and is Himself the Father. All is One, and naught divides save in transition and through the agency of time.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  The major fifth within the Eternal Now carrieth with it the vibration of that which is. It marks the point of cosmic knowledge that extendeth far ahead [1279] into the lengthening present. The cosmic Lord, Whose sacred Name holdeth for us the wisdom of the spheres, seeketh a form wherein to veil the Essence, and through the progress of the aeons to perfect the great triplicity.

  Hid is the mystery, and veiled by that which is. Deep is the essence, and sheathed by that which moves. Profound the darkness, lost in the heart of being; dense are the forms, which hide the inner light; gross is the sheath that acteth as a barrier, and crude the material veiling the latent life.

  The major fifth includes the minor third; the double major marks the point attained. When the major third is synchronised to the greater fifth and the cosmic note—apportioned to the Lord of Cosmic Love Whose essence is the fire—the sacred Name is heard.

  The cosmic Second approaches to the denser and the greater. He merges and He blends, and all is lost in dissonance adjusted. The spheres respond; the Now becomes the past and blends within the time to be. The essence and the life, the point within the circle, and the eternal ring-pass-not becomes as one, and all is peace for aeons. Time ends; space disperses; naught is. Darkness reigns and silence on the waters. The central calm persists.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  The completed chord, the third, the fifth and seventh within the Eternal Now, carrieth with it the vibration of that which is to be. Cometh the Day Be With Us on the greater cosmic plane. Then life and love and power shew forth as one.

  The cosmic Lord, Whose sacred Name as yet is hid [1280] e’en from the highest Chohan, holdeth within Himself the source of cosmic action, and the gain of cosmic love. The triple All enters—from out of time and space—into the centre of pralayic peace.

  All is, yet all is not. The wheels turn not. The fires burn not. The veils of colour dissipate. The Three retire within the point of peace. The triple ring-pass-not acteth no lon
ger as a barrier. [1281]


  (From Archive 63)

  PATH VII. The Path of Absolute Sonship

  That which hath no beginning and no end; That which is seen and yet remains unknown; That which we touch and yet find unattained, That is the One Who passeth on His WAY.

  That which we call the Father and the Son; That which we deem too high for words to grasp; That which the Mother deems her Lord and God, That is the One Who mounts the cosmic stair.

  That which is seen when each point of heavenly light sends out its beam upon the midnight blue; That which we hear in every cosmic note and sense beneath the sound of every form, That is the One Who chants the heavenly lay and lends His light to swell the cosmic fire.

  That which is known by every Son of God, who masters step by step the Path of Gold; That which is heard by every deva lord who hears the Word go forth as the aeons pass away; That which sounds forth the triple cyclic AUM, reserving yet another sound for higher cosmic planes, That is the One unknown, the Unrevealed, the One Who chants a note within a cosmic chord.

  That which in every aeon cometh forth and passeth through His cycle upon a cosmic Path; That which in greater kalpas will play a god-like game; That [1282] which in all the cosmic spheres is called “the One above the Son of violet hue,” That is the One Who shineth in the galaxy of stars.

  Such is the One to Whom the sons of glory give everlasting homage as He passes on His WAY. To Him be glory as the Mother, Father, Son, as the One Who hath existed in the past, the now and That which is to come. [1283]


  The morning stars sang in their courses.

  The great paean of creation echoeth yet, and arouseth the vibration.

  There comes cessation of the song when perfection is achieved.

  When all are blended into one full chord, the work is done.

  Dissonance in space soundeth yet. Discord ariseth in many systems. When all is resolved into harmony, when all is blended into symphony, the grand chorale will reverberate to the uttermost bounds of the known universe.

  Then will occur that which is beyond the comprehension of the highest Chohan—the marriage song of the Heavenly Man.


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  The principles of the Ageless Wisdom

  are presented through esoteric meditation,

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  A, Sound, logoic Breath, First Plane, 926

  AU, Sound, logoic, Second plane, 926

  AUM, Sound, logoic triple Word, third plane, 927


  in three worlds, analogy, 85

  non-attachment, 721

  occult, 720

  plane, 130

  working on cosmic etheric levels, 740


  Aspect, Ray, planes, and Laws, 587-588

  bases, meaning, learning in Hall of Ignorance, 871

  cyclic, 1034 frictional, 1106-1108 mode distingnishing Vishnu as¬pect, 1028-1030


  Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, 1034

  every kind, causes, 977

  second aspect, 1038

  ordered, 421-423

  originators in deva substance, 890

  radiatory, subject, study, 1062

  rotary, 1034

  spiral, 1034

  spiral-cyclic, cause, 1031

  Adaptability of Rays, 423-424


  body, formation, 1014

  controlling energy, 1054

  creation of physical body, 761

  energy conservation and augmentation, 962-963

  in incarnation, achievements, 760

  of fifth initiation, 1033

  of Light, work, basis, 614, 615

  power over form and force, 450¬451

  powers due to “all-seeing eye”, 1011

  trained, utterance of Sound, 450

  vehicles, use by cosmic Entity, 751


  greater, concern with cosmic etheric, 639

  incarnation, demonstration, 760¬773

  revelation, 656

  understanding, 480

  use of silence and speech for physical effects, 981


  group, 751-752

  in collaboration with Master Jesus, 678

  in conjunction with great devas, 678

  on atmic levels, 502

  Adi, plane, 65, 79, 82, 311, 650, 656, 657, 659, 920, 922

  Aether, atmic plane, 626


  actuating fire, 606


  fires, three, 606-612

  fire angels, work, consumma¬tion, 741

  mental plane, 604-606

  solar Logos, 601-604

  aspects, 611

  control of elementals and devas, 52

  definitions, 52, 65, 601-606, 610, 623, 654

  deva seen as seven, 927

  embodier of fire devas from cosmic mental plane, 493

  fiery life on planes and sub-planes, 521-522

  first aspect, force, 623

  function as vital life of cosmic etheric, 604

  informing entity, 638

  manifestations, 607, 611, 628

  nature, 604, 605, 606, 611

  pure electricity, 611

  ruler of fire, 65, 601-612

  status, 633

  work on mental plane, 604


  control only by solar Angel, 1025

  definitions, 67, 633, 904, 905

  destructive, 639-640

  force playing upon or through, types, 637

  forming base of spine centre, 646, 649

  Group A, 653-658

  Group B, 643-652, 654

  Group C, 637-643, 654

  group manifesting as physical-plane electricity, 645

  groups, forty-nine, 635

  groups, three, concern and function, 636

  relation to physical-plane electricity, 904

  work, 633-634


  activity, 777

  builders of man’s body of realisation, 703

  cause of individualisation of animal-man, 741-742

  construction of petals out of own substance, 711

  energy, manifestation, 684

  fifth Hierarchy, producers of self-consciousness, 703

  groups, three, concerned with human evolution, 779

  human stage passed, 780, 781

  importance and work, 635

  Saviours, true, 743

  Solar Angels, 679-946

  synonyms, 682

  types, two, 683

  work 681, 712, 741-743, 777¬779

  See also Solar Angels.


  activity, forces impelling, mantram dealing, 1006

  astral-plane devas, 658-679

  builders of astral plane, called into activity, 1016

  definition, 67-68

  function, 634-635, 658, 661-675

  on systemic astral plane, groups, 676-679

  response to sound, 1014

  swept into activity, 1019

  Ah-hi, definition, 851


  control ahead, 496

  devas, guarding human beings, 913, 914

  devas of, white, 913 elementals, 915 nature of, 896


  and man, 45

  burning etheric matter, 311

  currents or radiations, 156

  definitions, 43, 59, 60

  electrical manifestation on seven planes, 330-331

  mystery, 296

  root, 79

  second cosmic ether, 626

  sub-atomic, physical and cosmic planes, 118

  systemic, 61


  aura, 779

  records, ability to re
ad, 955

  Alaska, serious disturbance, 907


  failure, causes, 494-495

  future work, 640

  work with lesser builders and greater Devas, 487


  divine, study, results, 863

  method used, 487

  search, 475-476, 483, 485-487, 489,490


  accurate, requirements, 960 egoic, necessity in white magic, 1015

  in thought-form building, 958, 959-960, 963

  necessity, 885, 1128-1132 of three bodies, 775, 863

  systemic, result in advent of Avatar, 386-387

  with Ego, 957, 958, 959-960


  first aspect, 586

  Unity of, 175

  Alta major centre—

  connection with sutratma, 944

  connection with throat.centre, 169

  functions, 960-962, 966

  junction of fires, 137

  relation to throat centre, 965

  vibration, 1010

  Analogies in development of system, planet, man, atom, 245¬259

  Ancestor, definition, occult, 613


  Destroying, fohatic lives, 882-883

  “Fallen”, 950

  Solar. See Solar Angels.


  etheric forms, builders, 932


  effect of moon, 795

  effect of seventh Ray, 457, 462-463

  Lords, 533

  merging into human, Ray governing, 590

  nature, effects of man’s thoughts, 889

  occult facts concerning, 457¬462

  response to emanating involutionary force, 694

  work of lunar pitris, 617-618

  Animal man, upward pull of Monad, 1048


  cruelty to, abolition, 475

  effect of seventh Ray, 457, 462, 463,465

  etheric bodies, life pulsating through, 924

  fear, origin, 932

  freedom from karma, 563

  Annihilation, Buddhistic, defininition, 52



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