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Smoke Page 5

by Toye Lawson Brown

“It’s funny you stopped by today. The little girl you rescued and her mother are coming in for a tour in about an hour. You should stick around.”

  He checked his watch; it was past 4:30 in the afternoon. “Lieutenant, ain’t it a little late in the day for giving tours.”

  “Yeah, but, the mother writes a column for the Plain Dealer and is doing a piece on the fire station. Won’t she be surprised to find the real hero here today?”

  A shudder ran through his body. “Sorry, but I won’t be around that long.”

  “You can make an exception this once.”

  “Guess I don’t have a choice,” he said to lowly. He spotted Anthony coming around the corner carrying a trash bag. “Yo, Anthony; can I talk to you for a second?”

  “Jon, what’cha doing around these parts?”

  “I stopped by to chat with the fella’s but I want to talk to you in private.”

  Anthony caught the seriousness in his voice. “Okay, follow me to the dumpster out back.”

  The March day was warmer than normal and sunny. Sprouts of green leaves

  were popping on several trees in the backyard of the firehouse. Taking a seat at the picnic table, Jonathan motioned for Anthony to sit. “Anthony, you my boy, we grew up together and have been friends a long time.”

  “Yeah, so what’s up?”

  “I’m not gonna sugar coat this. I saw Gabrielle at the hospital today. She told me you asked her to Gwen’s party Saturday. Why would you do that, man?”

  “Because you said it was okay for me to ask her out.”

  “I didn’t expect you to do it! You knew I would be there. Did you even consider how that shit would bother me?”

  “No I didn’t and you know why? I waited before calling her to see if you were just taking shit, and after three weeks passed and you said nothing; so I called her.”

  “Well, I’m not over her. I went to my appointments hoping to run into her and today I did. She is more beautiful than I remembered.”

  “Damn, man, do you hear yourself? You sound whipped and she ain’t even into you all like that.”

  “Thanks to you, she’ll never be. Did you know she has this thing about dating best friends?”

  “No, but she hasn’t actually agree to be my date yet; maybe that’s why.”

  “Anthony, I’m asking you as my friend, to back off her. I have a chance to have happiness with one woman finally and you’re blocking me.”

  Anthony rubbed his bald head. “If she turns me down then I will. It ain’t personal; Jon, but I gotta see where this goes.”

  Nick called from the door with a snide grin on his face. “Yo, Jon, you gotta visitor—Ms. Rhodes.”

  He dropped his head doing a slow shake. “I see this day nose-diving straight to hell.”

  “Why don’t you give Ms. Rhodes a chance? She’s throwing you play and you’re deflecting it. She might just be what you need instead of Gabrielle.”

  Jonathan was not amused and rolled his eyes. “I’m not a rebound guy and won’t use Sandra. But you’re right, what’s happening between us is not personal, but I will have Gabrielle and I hope we will remain friends after that happens.”

  Anthony shrugged his shoulders. “Bring your game, bro, and let the chips fly.

  And, if she chooses you in the end, there won’t be any animosity coming from me.”

  He bumped a fist with Anthony sealing the deal and making a suggesting. “You should meet Sandra. I know you like ‘em thick and she is thick in all the right places.”

  “I don’t have a choice but to meet her since she’s here. For the record, I’m bringing Gabrielle to the party Saturday regardless of the deal we just made.”

  “That’s cool; if she accepts. I can suck it up for the one night you get to be with her. But, you better believe I’m gonna be all up in your face blocking your flow.”


  Amira ran over to hug Jonathan soon as he entered the fire station. “Jonathan!

  You’re here!”

  He kneeled down hugging the child. “I heard you were coming so I decided to stick around and wait for you. Are you ready for that tour?”

  She nodded her head excited. “Yeah—c’mon, Mom”

  “Give me a minute with your Mom, Amira,” he said looking up to lock eyes with the woman freaking him out with her lascivious smile.

  Sandra had dressed more professionally in a slimming gray A-line skirt that touched her knee and a matching suit jacket with a plain white blouse underneath.

  Black pumps graced her feet and her hair was pulled into a long ponytail to the back of her head. As hard as she tried, there was no hiding her large breasts straining the single button holding the jacket together.

  Jonathan extended his hand in a friendly manner. “Sandra, how are you?”

  She pushed his hand away. “I don’t want a handshake; give me a big hug.”

  He complied hesitantly. “Okay, but not too tight. My ribs are still sore.”

  Her arm wrapped around him. His eyes watered from the strong scent of her perfume. Jonathan felt her hands caressing his back and broke the hug moving her away from him. “I want you to meet a good friend of mine.” He motioned for Anthony to come from hiding behind the ladder truck. “This is Anthony Jenkins; he was part of the rescue that night along with Nick who seems to have disappeared.”

  Sandra’s eyes roamed over Anthony. Anthony was also tall with a very

  muscular build. His dark chocolate skin was void of blemishes and had a perfect bald head that fit his handsome face. She bit her lower lip as she extended her hand. “Hello, Anthony; I guess I owe you thanks for saving my daughter, also.”

  Anthony stifled a sneeze as the perfume cut through the cavities of his sinuses penetrating his brain. “We’re here to serve. I gotta go; I left the hose running in the yard. Enjoy your tour.”

  Jonathan reached hold of Anthony’s sleeve. “Hold on, Ant. You turned the water off before we came inside, remember,” he said raising his eyebrow.

  Anthony cringed clinching his jaw tightly. “Geez, Jon, thanks for reminding me.”

  He slapped Anthony on the arm, smiling. “I got your back. Um, you don’t mind showing Sandra around while I let Amira sit inside the fire truck do you? I’m sure you two will get along fine without me.”

  “No problem, we can start the tour outside.” He hit the lever to lift the bay doors and let in fresh air.

  Sandra sauntered next to Anthony slipping her arm through his. “I would love to have you show me around outside.”

  Anthony looked over his shoulder at Jonathan, mouthing, “I will get you.”

  Chapter Five

  Gabrielle gave a squint to the clock on the wall. It was almost 6:30 and so far she had not heard a word from Jonathan. Her dinner break began at 7:00pm and depending on where he was in the area, he probably would not make it before her one-hour break was over.

  With a deep sigh, she began restocking the shelves with supplies. Slamming items into place she didn’t understand her frustration. Jonathan was not the type of man she would become involved with after overhearing the conversation with his friends. The only reason she agreed to share her free hour with him was to stop his begging. But, obviously a better deal came along and he didn’t have the courtesy to call and cancel.

  Gathering the magazines patients had left lying in the treatment rooms, she went to the waiting area to return them. She stopped when she saw a shadow brush by the slither of glass the double doors provided. Another reason she hated working the late shift. The departments located on the lower level of the hospital were always the first to clear of people when closing for the night, leaving only a scattering of medical personnel around to staff the departments open twenty-four hours a day.

  Respiratory therapy was one of those departments. Even though the outpatient portion of the department was closed, a small staff was always on duty for emergencies.

  Gabrielle went to the desk to call for security to do a sweep, but hung up the t
elephone when she saw a nurse pushing a patient in a wheelchair pass the door not appearing concerned. She decided to lock the double doors since the cleaning staff wouldn’t make another round for a few hours. They had keys and could let themselves in.

  Gabrielle opened the doors to latch the first door. She started to close the second door when a hand grabbed it. Her heart pounded wildly until the man came into view.

  Pinching the nerve between her eyes, she huffed. “You scared the hell out of me!”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “Jonathan, why didn’t you knock?”

  “I just arrived and decided to see if you were still down here since it not time for your break. Why so spooked? Is the morgue on this floor?”

  “No it’s not. And, I’m spooked because people don’t normally linger in hallways of a hospital after hours, unless they are waiting to be treated.”

  He laughed. “Well I can see you not a fan of horror movies, especially those that take place in hospitals.”

  “No I’m not.” She locked the door and returned to the waiting room. “You took a chance just showing up. You were supposed to have me paged.”

  He followed her inside. “I know but I wasn’t at home and decided to drop by. So can you get away?”

  “Yes. Let me wash my hands then we can go to the cafeteria for some of that great cuisine they serve.”

  He frowned. “Seriously, we have to eat here? Are you the only one working tonight and can’t leave the premises?”

  “I’m the only specialist working tonight. If an emergency comes up and I’m needed to assist in OR, or to approve a procedure for a tech to do, I have to be here.”

  He reached over lifting her name tag dangling from the pocket of her lab coat.

  “Wow, you carry a lot of letters after your name. I didn’t see those on your name tag before.”

  She raised her eyebrow. “Perhaps if you had been looking at my name tag

  instead of other things you would have noticed all those little letters.”

  “You got me. I’m guilty as charged.”

  Walking past him to the sink she got a whiff of a familiar scent. “What kind of cologne are you wearing?”

  Jonathan lifted his shirt to his nose to sniff. “That is not my cologne—“

  The smell came back to her and she cut him off. “That smells like that god-awful perfume that woman was wearing that came to visit you. Were you with her before coming to here?”

  He detected her tone and jumped to defend himself. “I swear I was not with her.

  She is a columnist for the Plain Dealer and came by the station to do a story. I had no idea she was going to be there when I stopped by. She had Amira with her and she gave me a hug.”

  “Whoa, stop! You don’t owe me any explanations. She didn’t make it a secret she found you attractive and you seemed interested in her—“

  “First of all I am not attracted to her. I’m attracted to you but you’re giving me mixed signals. Gabrielle, be honest, do you see yourself dating a guy like me?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “What do you mean when you say a guy like you?

  I overheard what you said to your friends about women. So, if you mean you’re that kind of guy then, no. I won’t date a man that can’t commit to one woman.”

  “I’m not a womanizer. I’m a 36-year old single man that loves women. I do date often, but that’s because I haven’t found the right woman to settle down with. I’m thinking I might have found her, but she won’t give me the time of day.”

  Gabrielle wrinkled her nose. “You’re 36 years old?”

  “You say that like I have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. I know it’s not polite to ask a woman her age, but how old are you?”

  She shied away. “I’m a little younger?”

  “Exactly how much younger are we talking? Do you get carded buying liquor?

  Are you a genius and graduated from college at age 15 and started your career at 16?”

  Gabrielle hated to look him in the eye. His eyes held the depth that drew her in.

  She didn’t want to be drawn to him in a romantic way but his closeness was making her tingle and her body react unnaturally. “I’m not a genius but I am smart, and I do get carded even though I’m 29.”

  “Seven years isn’t bad. It just means you’ll still be young enough to enjoy my pension when I’m dead and gone.”

  She laughed. “Aren’t you jumping the gun? We haven’t had a first date yet.”

  “It’s all hypothetical. Now that we have established I’m not a womanizer; what else is holding you back from liking me?”

  Placing her hands inside the pockets of her lab coat she looked down at the floor.

  “Jonathan, you are a nice guy and have a great personality but—“

  “But what—am I really too old for you or too white?”

  “That sounds bad when you say it but I’ve never dated outside of my race before. I don’t know what to expect.”

  “What’s to expect? I’m a man and you’re a woman. The only difference in our scenario is the color of our skin. Gabrielle, I’ve dated African-American women so I’m not experimenting.”

  “Society has a way of keeping that rip between races open, Jonathan. I would hate to hurt a person for saying something dumb.”

  “Narrowed-minded people keep the rip open. Interracial dating is not like it used to be back in the day; no one gawks like we’re aliens anymore. But, if you don’t like me just say that and don’t use the race card.”

  She smoothed her hair with her hands. “That’s the thing; I do like you and I can’t for the life of me figure out why! You’re annoying and pushy—”

  He held up a finger stopping her. “You forgot charming, good-looking, and one hell of a sexy ass fireman.”

  She burst out laughing. “Can you sell yourself any harder? Anyhow, can we concentrate on being friends and work our way from there?”

  He smiled. “Being friends is far better than being acquaintances. Are you ready for dinner?”

  “Yeah, let’s go.” Her pager went off. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” she huffed looking at the number.

  “Don’t tell me you got an emergency.”

  “I’m needed in ER. Can we try this again another day?”

  “How about I take you out for a real dinner when you get off tonight.”

  “That won’t be until eleven and I have to be back here in the morning at ten. But, we’ll be at the same party on Saturday; we can chat then. But, I have to go.”

  “Yeah you better get going—again.”

  She felt the sting in his reply. It did seem whenever she was in his company she would make an excuse to leave. “On second thought, how about I call you tonight when I get home?”

  “I would like that.” He wrote his phone number on the white board with a blue marker and left through the rear exit door.

  Her pager beeped again only flashing the code canceling the emergency. She contemplated going after Jonathan but her cellphone rang. Looking at the number it was Anthony calling. He would be the most obvious choice for her to pursue if she were pursuing a man, but she wasn’t drawn to him the same way she was to Jonathan.

  Sending the call to voicemail, she copied the phone number from the board into her cellphone and wiped the board clean.

  Taking her lunch bag from the fridge, she sat at the table to unwrap the neatly made turkey sandwich on wheat bread. A long blank stare brought Jonathan’s image to view as she chewed. He was engaging, handsome and sexy as all hell; there was no denying him that. And, race was not a factor as she led him to believe. The problem she was facing was within her—she’d vowed never to be in another relationship after what happened almost a year ago.

  Chapter Six

  The cars lining the street showed the party was in full bloom by the time Jonathan arrived. Dressed in a black suit with all the necessary accessories, he was uncomfortable with the tie aro
und his thick neck and his arms confined inside the long-sleeved shirt. He preferred jeans and t-shirts as opposed to dressing up. He exited his Chevy Silverado taking the nicely wrapped gift from the passenger’s seat. With a looming dread, he walked to the door adjusting a smile to his face. Gwen was like a sister and he owed it to her to attend her anniversary party. But tonight, he was not in a partying mood knowing Anthony would be with Gabrielle. The thought of them together was tearing him up inside.

  Wading through the crowd of people filling the home, he found Gwen and Kevin in the living room. Hugging Gwen, he said, “Happy anniversary, sweetheart.”

  Gwen’s eyes widened. “Jonathan, if I weren’t happily married I would have to marry you. Damn you look good in a suit!”

  He blushed. “The salesman assured me Hugo Boss could make any man look

  good; I guess he didn’t lie.”

  “The suit adds to the whole package of your fineness….mmm,” she said licking her lips.

  “Okay, I think Kevin is getting a complex. I’m gonna grab a plate of food before it’s all gone.”

  “Help yourself to the bar too. If you drink too much, you have a room waiting on you.”

  “Good to know,” he responded. In the dining room he looked around for

  Anthony and Gabrielle. It was too many people filtering from room to room to spot them on first sight. He put a few meatballs on a plate and continued down the line of the buffet table thinking maybe it was better if he didn’t run into them.

  “It’s about time you made an appearance. I was starting to think you weren’t coming,” Anthony said slapping Jonathan on the back.

  “I wouldn’t do Gwen and Kevin that way.” When he faced Anthony he noticed he was alone. “Where is Gabrielle?”

  “She’s on her way. She got called to work for a few hours. Uh, you know I should beat your ass for what you did to me the other day at the station, but I’m over it.”

  He chuckled. “You have to admit that was funny, but Sandra took an instant liking to you.”

  “Tell me about it. I couldn’t get rid of her and since you didn’t get to spend any time with her at the fire station, I invited her to the party so you two could get better acquainted.”


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