The Last Vampire- Complete series Box Set

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The Last Vampire- Complete series Box Set Page 93

by R. A. Steffan

  At my insistence, Rans had also gone heavy on the guyliner... not that I was nursing, y’know, a thing for that or anything. Other than that, he’d stuck to his usual bad-boy motorcycle-chic ethos. Meanwhile, my tightest black band t-shirt was now sleeveless and ripped into a rough v-neck collar that showed a generous amount of cleavage. A pair of chunky-heeled black boots and cheap black fishnet stockings beneath a black miniskirt completed my ensemble.

  I felt... fairly ridiculous, actually—though ‘goth girl’ was admittedly a step up the ladder from either ‘latex dominatrix girl’ or ‘butt-naked bondage girl,’ both of which were roles I’d played recently. Now, Rans and I just had to figure out how best to transform this evening from a ‘bad club date’ situation to a ‘succubus feeding frenzy’ situation.

  “So, what’s the deal here, anyway?” I asked as we wandered casually through the monochromatic crowd of black-clad revelers. “Are we looking at a bunch of people who find it ironically hipster-ish to come to an awful dance club full of coffins and compare piercings... or are there rooms in the back full of people selling syringes of fresh blood, like in that one X-Files episode?”

  Rans shot me a sideways glance. “This may come as a shock to you, love,” he said with heavy irony, “but I haven’t actually frequented vampire bars often enough to form a dossier on the clientele.”

  I shrugged, unconcerned. “Okay, cool. In that case, follow my lead.” I did a slow three-sixty, my eyes falling on a cute guy with emo hair, standing alone by the bar. The dude’s eyes were fastened on Rans with the kind of look I’d seen countless times before from both sexes. I walked up and tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. “Hi,” I said, and gestured to Rans. “My boyfriend’s a real vampire. Can he bite your neck and drink your blood while I watch?”

  Emo Dude’s pupils dilated as the real vampire in question wandered up to join us. “Uhh...” he said.

  Rans smiled, showing fang.

  “Going once,” I prompted. “Going twice...”

  “Yes, please,” the guy squeaked.

  “Splendid,” Rans said, his smile growing wider.

  Ten minutes later, Emo Dude stumbled away from the shadowed hallway in the back where he’d led us for some privacy, a goofy grin spread across his white-powdered face.

  “Okay, this is almost too easy,” I observed, as Rans swiped a smear of blood from his lower lip.

  “Mm,” he agreed. “It does rather take away some of the challenge of the hunt, doesn’t it? Ah well. Come along, pet—we might as well go put on a proper show for the rubes.”

  * * *

  I was dancing, swaying to the heavy beat—my hips grinding against Rans behind me while his lips and teeth toyed with the side of my neck. It was... nice. Judging by the trails of animus wafting my way from the growing number of people in the crowd who’d turned to watch us, they thought it was nice, too.

  It wasn’t quite accurate to say that I’d unearthed a streak of exhibitionism over the course of the past few weeks. I mean—I didn’t fantasize in my spare time about other people ogling me while Rans and I had sex. As far as I could tell, it was more of a growing association between situations where a crowd was perving on me, and the pleasure of a good feeding.

  Mind you, tonight I was scoring fewer than half of the interested eyeballs. And that was fair. Despite what he often told me, I knew full well that Rans outclassed me in the sexiness department. The man should come with his own warning label or something.

  ‘Danger of motor function loss. May cause uncontrolled drooling.’

  That was fine, though. At the end of the day, I was the one who got to take him home... wherever home might happen to be at that moment... and I was also the one who—

  Fangs slid into my skin, pulling an unashamedly sexual noise from my lips. The animus that was directed my way surged, and then surged even higher when a cool trickle of blood slid down the side of my throat to pool above my collarbone.

  Rans was not, by nature, a messy eater. The spill had been a calculated move, designed to play to the crowd we were performing for. I let my head roll to the side, allowing Rans to support more of my weight as I dragged his hands to rest in places that were just shy of indecent. His low growl of approval vibrated through my neck, stoking the flames of my own feral nature.

  A deep pull of my blood had me gasping. That hadn’t been for show, and given the effect of succubus blood on vampires, it was pretty clear I was going to end up getting fucked within an inch of my undeath at some point tonight. Resolutely, I put aside the niggling thought that it might be the last time we had each other in such a way.

  I felt like a conduit, life force pouring into me from the crowd, then out of me and into Rans via the medium of my blood. It was heady. In other circumstances, I would have been tempted to let myself go completely and fall headfirst into the strange sensation. As it was, I knew I needed to maintain at least some awareness of our surroundings... but it was still making me weak in the knees.

  By the time Rans released his bite, I was noticeably drained. Undead Viagra jokes aside, he wasn’t messing around when it came to powering up tonight. It went without saying that I wouldn’t be messing around, either. I let my eyes flicker open, eyelids at half-mast. It was a bedroom gaze... or maybe a ‘just got drained by a vampire’ one. A short, curvy girl was dancing in our orbit, her gaze riveted on us, and her desire palpable.

  I levered myself away from Rans, still feeling pleasantly floaty from blood loss. His hands slid free, leaving behind the illusion of warmth despite the fact that both of us resided firmly in the realm of room temperature these days. The girl orbited closer, until we were dancing with each other, moving to the pounding bass.

  Whirling her around, I fit myself against her back and guided her head to one side with the barest suggestion of a touch to her jaw. The scent of perfume heavy with spice and musk filled my nostrils as my fangs sank into her, making my nose tickle, but her blood was thick and sweet. She moaned with ecstasy as I drank, careful not to take too much.

  I’d been right; this was almost too easy. I steadied her as we swayed to the music, scoring my tongue on a fang and using the blood to close her wounds, then licking away the evidence before breaking the seal of my lips.

  She wouldn’t even need to be mesmerized.

  The way she looked at me afterward, with gratitude shining from her unremarkable brown eyes, honestly freaked me out a little. A short distance away, Rans had followed my lead and was draining one of the shaved-and-tattooed-skull brigade. Other people seemed to be getting bolder, dancing closer until we were surrounded by a bevy of willing blood donors.

  Given our track record—not to mention the circumstances surrounding the upcoming battle—I was on edge, watching our surroundings with care. But nothing pinged my radar. The people around us were just... people. Normal people, as odd as it sounded to say that about a bunch of goths hanging out in a vampire club. So we fed, and we danced to bad music, and we tried not to pay attention to the hideously embarrassing decor.

  And in the end, we left, buzzing with stolen energy—leaving a crowd of strangers who’d gotten to live out their vampire fantasies in our wake. In the shadows of a quiet alley, I looked up, meeting blue eyes lit from within like sunlight reflecting through a glacier.

  Rans regarded me with something dark and deep swirling behind his inhuman gaze. I caught a breath I didn’t need, remembering just how much of my succubus blood he’d drunk, in addition to all the humans’.

  “Come with me,” he said. “It’s hours yet until dawn, and I intend to take you tonight in every conceivable way someone can be taken.”


  THANKFULLY FOR my dignity, I managed not to squeak ‘Yes, please’ in the same high-pitched voice the cute emo guy had used earlier. Instead, I grabbed the front of his black t-shirt and dragged our mouths together in a violent clash of lips and fangs.

  An instant later, I was pinned with my back to the alley wall and Rans’ thigh shov
ed between mine. Which was... a promising start, even if the venue left something to be desired. This was the first time I’d really gorged myself on a crowd’s animus since becoming a vampire, and I could tell that the resulting buzz was affecting both my libido and my judgment.

  Fortunately, Rans had a few centuries of experience on me, not to mention a badly hidden chivalrous streak. While I might be content to start the festivities with a quickie in an alley, I was confident he had something a little more comfortable—not to mention private—in mind.

  “Not here,” he murmured, though his thigh was still pressed rather tellingly against my sex. “Come on—fly with me.”

  His form melted away into mist, and I followed. It wasn’t difficult; the change had always been triggered by a desperate need to be elsewhere. And right now, I desperately needed to be wherever the hot vampire sex was going to happen.

  We floated upward, the brick buildings of Soulard spreading out below us in the crisp autumn night. I let my vaporous form twine together with Rans’, following his lead until I grasped what our destination must be, and rushed ahead. He caught up and kept pace with me as I navigated along familiar streets from a thoroughly unfamiliar perspective.

  Why had I hated flying so much before? Flying was awesome. Of course, I’d also hated the sight of blood, once upon a time. But blood was awesome, too. Somehow, since meeting Rans my life had become nearly unrecognizable, all within the turning of a single season.

  With sudden desperation, I hoped that my newly unrecognizable life wasn’t about to end in the next few days.

  My boring little neighborhood appeared below us, and at the far end of it, my boring little nineteen-forties two-bedroom bungalow. A boring little house with a boring little bed that was about to become anything but boring for the next few hours. I realized—suddenly and viscerally—how much I needed to make love to the man who’d bound my unbeating heart to his, on that boring little mattress.

  I swirled down to ground level, forcing my way through a tiny gap in one of the poorly insulated double-hung windows rather than wasting time with doors and locks. Rans was right behind me. My transformation back to solidity still lacked something in terms of grace, and I stumbled a bit as I landed.

  Cool hands steadied me. I went still, casting my inhuman senses outward.

  “We’re alone,” Rans assured, his hands already busy with the hem of my torn t-shirt.

  He was right; the house around us was still and silent. Edward wasn’t due back until tomorrow at the earliest, and we had the place completely to ourselves. I lifted my arms to help him get my shirt off before attacking his clothing in kind. We left a trail of discarded items—worthy of any romance-novel hero and heroine—leading all the way up the stairs to the master bedroom.

  By the time my back hit the mattress, we were both naked. Our kiss this time was a bit more coordinated than the earlier clash of teeth and tongues in the alley, but no less desperate. I’d lived nearly twenty-six years without Rans’ lips on mine. At the moment, I had no idea how I’d managed it.

  His body covered mine, shutting out all of the things I didn’t want to think about right now. One of my fangs rasped unintentionally along his tongue, the scrape followed by the heady taste of blood. I sucked on it, the wound healing almost instantly, though the taste lingered.

  We made out like teenagers for so long that I lost track of time altogether. In a sudden bout of nostalgia, I wanted to somehow go back in history and personally thank every person who’d ever kissed Rans over the course of seven hundred years, because they were collectively responsible for the incredible technique I was currently enjoying. Then, I wanted to stop time altogether—freeze it at this moment, because I wasn’t remotely ready for what would be coming for us in the following days.

  Unfortunately, time didn’t work like that. Most, if not all, of Rans’ previous partners were long dead. I’d never asked him about them, but now I burned with curiosity. Had he loved any of them like he loved me? I wanted to know everything about them—who they’d been, how he’d met them, how they’d died, how he’d mourned them.

  Would I have enough time left with him to hear all of those stories someday?

  His right hand trailed over my shoulder, fingertips blazing a heated line over the top of my left breast. I moaned into the kiss as he cupped the solid weight in his palm, his thumb teasing my nipple to a taut point. He broke the kiss, murmuring into the tiny slice of air separating our lips.

  “And with the sound of that moan, I’ve just decided how I want to have you first.”

  My head fell back, my eyes sliding shut as need took me. “Anything,” I told him, meaning it. “Everything.”

  “My word on it, love,” he promised. “Have patience.”

  With lithe movements, he knelt astride my torso. I felt him stretch toward the bedside table, and heard the faint sound of my lotion dispenser being pumped. The intriguing sound of flesh being slicked almost made me open my eyes to watch, but I wasn’t ready to give up the protection of the darkness just yet.

  Strong hands gathered my breasts together, thumbs teasing both nipples and sending tiny jolts of pleasure along the length of my spine. My scalp tingled deliciously. So did my clit. He cupped my breasts, pressing them together. I moaned again wantonly as the head of Rans’ cock pressed into the tight space between my tits, slippery with lotion and his own precome.

  He fucked my cleavage with slow strokes, kneading both breasts with firm pressure the whole time. My hips flexed up, seeking friction, but there was nothing to thrust against. Even so, the relentless roll of his thumbs across my tender nipples was almost enough to make me join him when he went still and then shuddered, spilling his first release across my collarbones and the base of my throat.

  I whimpered, trembling with need as his fingers closed around my nipples, pinching and tugging. My thighs were slick where I was rubbing them together, desperate for friction. He let one nipple slip free from the pleasurable vice of his fingers. I felt his weight shift backward, and those same fingers delved into my folds, spreading wetness to slide circles around my clit.

  My body arched, tense as a drawn bowstring. “Oh, god,” I gasped, as an orgasm washed over me, my sex clenching around nothing.

  “Mmm,” he murmured in appreciation. “So lovely. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of watching you shake apart beneath me.”

  His finger trailed through the mess he’d made on my chest and throat, swiping it up. I felt a light brush against my lips, waking every nerve that had been sensitized by our earlier kissing. Instinctively, I opened for him. His finger slid into my mouth, and I licked it clean, still lost in my post-orgasmic buzz. Afterward, he slid down my body and finished the job of cleaning me up, sucking on my neck and collarbone—teasing the thin skin with his fangs.

  Hunger for more rose inside me. It wasn’t the demonic hunger of a succubus, since I was still thoroughly sated from all the blood and animus I’d consumed at the club. This was merely the hunger of a lover, albeit a hunger bolstered by a vampire’s strength and endurance. I knew Rans felt it, too. After drinking so much of my blood earlier, he’d be feeling it for hours.

  I stirred, dragging him up for a proper kiss, and didn’t protest when he rolled us so he was lying on his back and I was leaning over him. This time, he didn’t allow the kiss to go on until we were lost in it; instead urging me to turn and straddle his face in a sixty-nine position.

  I didn’t need telling twice.

  Hands spread me and moved my hips down until Rans could reach me with his tongue. His cock pointed up temptingly before me, still hard and ready under the effects of my succubus blood. My mouth watered. I barely had the presence of mind to check that my fangs had receded before I was swallowing him down, taking out my body’s reactions to his ministrations on the sensitive flesh in my mouth.

  The coppery spend I’d sucked from his fingers had only deepened my desire for his taste. I loved it. His salty, metallic bitterness was unlike any
thing else I’d ever experienced, and I would never in a thousand years get enough of it. The flat of his tongue rasped over my clit, and I shivered. Testing a theory, I slid my lips down his generous length, letting him press deeper and deeper until my nose brushed his balls.

  Yup, I’d been right. Gag reflex? Gone with my humanity—and good riddance.

  He groaned against my pussy and thrust up, lost to the feeling of my mouth around him. I could sympathize; I was more than halfway lost to the feeling of his on me. I balanced on one hand, freeing the other to play with his balls as his hips flexed, fucking my throat. His grip on my hips kept me right where he wanted me in relation to his talented tongue. Jolts of growing excitement zipped along my nerves.

  I lost track of how long we spent teasing each other ever higher. It didn’t matter. I only came back to myself when I realized I was vamping out as I approached my second climax—fangs scraping dangerously against the vulnerable flesh in my mouth. I started to pull back, but inhuman strength tightened around my hipbones.

  “Don’t stop,” Rans said breathlessly, an edge of something desperate in his tone.

  A groan tore free of my throat as I swallowed him down again, tasting a hint of blood this time. Lips and teeth closed around my clit in retaliation, and then I was coming, and he was coming, and holy shit—

  Somehow, I managed a marginally controlled roll to the side once the spasms of ecstasy died down, mostly because the alternative would have been to pass out with his still-hard dick down my throat and my pussy smothering his face. Fortunately, I was all about dignity, so instead I ended up facedown on the mattress, with my head next to his knees and one of my ankles tangled between two spindles of the ancient headboard.

  Dignity, baby.

  “Mmph,” I said into the comforter. “Fuck.”

  “Give me a minute or two, love,” he replied, a bit hoarsely. “I’m working up to it.”

  “You’re insatiable,” I told him, mostly to cover the way my belly tightened again at his words.


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