The Biker's Needs (Satan's Beasts MC: Nomad Chapter Book 2)

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The Biker's Needs (Satan's Beasts MC: Nomad Chapter Book 2) Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “You own the place.”

  “Yeah, and if I keep odd hours, it’s another reason for them to shut me down.” She closed her eyes as he kissed down her neck. This had to be the single most reckless thing she’d ever done and yet she didn’t feel an ounce of regret. Why should she? This was amazing.

  She moaned his name as Ape kissed down her body, going straight to her tits, where he did pay particular attention to her. He certainly loved her body and with the way he was constantly touching her, kissing her, and taking her, she wasn’t going to complain.

  Four times they fucked last night.

  She was ready to go again.

  Tackling him to the bed this time, she straddled his waist, lifting up.

  “Shit,” she said. As she reached behind her, Ape grabbed her hips, keeping her steady. She grabbed a condom, tore into it, and worked it over his length.

  “I’m clean, woman,” he said.

  “I’m not on the pill and if you think you’re riding out of town with the chance of me carrying your kid, you’ve got no chance.” She gasped as she slowly sank onto him.

  Ape wasn’t small.

  No, he was big and each inch lit her up from the inside. It felt so fucking good. Better than good.

  She put her hands on his chest, using them for guidance as she started to work up and down his length, taking him as deep within her as she could.

  His hands went to her tits, fingering the nipples before sliding down, going over her ass, cupping the flesh, then back to her hips. He slammed up into her, drawing her down at the same time, bouncing her on his cock.

  “Fuck,” he said. “Yeah, take my cock. Fuck.”

  He appeared to like the word fuck and she wasn’t upset by it either.

  Suddenly, he sat up, his hands in her hair, drawing her down to kiss her. He bit her lip and he trailed kisses to her neck, licking over the pulse before biting down.

  He was going to leave a mark as he sucked the flesh, and she whimpered, desperate for more. She reached down, stroking her clit.

  “Yeah, come all over my cock. That’s what I want. I want you to give it all to me. Let me feel how tight you get riding me, baby. I want to feel it.”

  She sank her teeth into her lip, but even after all the orgasms he’d given her before, she came. With his cock balls deep inside her, it felt different, and she wasn’t about to complain.

  His name spilled from her lips, and Ape took over, fucking her harder, using her pussy until he finally thrust within her, coming deep. The condom was their only protection. She was sure if they hadn’t been using anything, she’d have already been knocked up by now.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she giggled. “As much as I love doing this with you, I’ve got to go.”

  She climbed off his cock and quickly pulled on some clean underwear.

  “The guys and I are staying in town for a couple of days,” he said.

  “You are?”

  “Yeah. I want to pick you up tonight,” he said.

  She pulled her shirt over her head and spun around to smile at him. “Be careful, Ape, I might start to think you’ve got a thing for me.”

  “And what if I have?” he asked. “Would that be such a bad thing?”

  “Not to me, but I’m not the one leaving, am I?” She tugged on her jeans and put her hand on his chest, kissing him. “I’ve only got the one key. You need to get dressed.”

  She went to move away, but he captured her hand, drawing her back. Giggling, she tilted her head back.

  “I like you.”

  “I like you too.”

  He stroked her cheek with the back of his knuckles. “Why don’t you live a little?”

  “Ape, I’ve lived a little last night and if my memory serves me well, I didn’t say no, now either. What would you like to do tonight?” she asked.

  “You can come and hang out with me and some of the guys.”

  “Taking me to meet the family already?”

  “Yeah, I guess I am. I’m a good judge of people. I like you and I think you like me.” He cupped her face. “What do you have to lose? Like you said, they’re already trying to get rid of your shop.”

  “Ape, I’m not going to use you to piss people off. I’ll come and hang out because I want to. Even though all we’ve done is have sex, I like you. I don’t know why, but I guess I like your dick, and we’ll see if you’ve got what it takes to keep me entertained when there’s no bed.” She went up on her tiptoes and kissed him. “Now, I’ve still got a couple of appointments that haven’t canceled. They’re a couple of out-of-towners. Come on, get dressed. I’ll buy you coffee and a pastry.”

  She patted his chest and quickly left the bedroom. She had to play it cool.

  This was the first time ever in her life where she’d actually taken a complete stranger home. It was so weird. Where there were times with Calum it didn’t feel right and she hated it, with Ape, it was the most natural thing in the world.

  His touch set her body on fire for all the good reasons whereas Calum had left her feeling cold.

  Her life had gotten pretty hectic, no doubt about that. As much as she wanted to piss Calum off, she wasn’t going to be the kind of woman to use another man to do it. If she was going to piss him off, she’d gladly do it all by herself.

  Chapter Three

  “Where have you been?” Colonel asked as Ape took a seat.

  He’d gotten the text a few minutes ago that they were all at the diner, enjoying breakfast.

  “What does it matter?” Ape asked. He nodded toward the waitress who came and poured him a cup of coffee. “You ordered?”

  “Not yet. I’m waiting for Piper to decide,” Colonel said, leaning into his woman to kiss her neck.

  “Not me.” She rolled her eyes. “I’ve decided. He needs a few more minutes to think.”

  Ape picked up his menu and perused the items. “Waffles and the works for me.”

  The waitress turned to Colonel.

  “You order for me,” he said.

  Piper chuckled, shaking her head, but doing as he asked. “You need to learn to start ordering your own food.”

  “It’s what I’ve got a woman for.”

  “You’re so bad,” she said.

  Colonel and Piper started to kiss again.

  “I’m surprised you two can even be seen out in public. Only a few hours since we landed, and you’re ready to see the world again,” Ape said.

  Colonel broke from the kiss, Piper’s arms wrapped around him. She was a lot younger than Colonel.

  “You got a problem?” he asked.

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Before we get into the whole Ape-has-an-issue-with-Piper again,” Skull said. “Where were you?”

  “Why does it matter?” Ape asked.

  Colonel slammed his hand down on the table. The entire diner went silent. One look from Colonel and they all started to eat again.

  “I’ve had it with this bad attitude, Ape. It’s not justified and to be frank, it’s really starting to piss me off. We need to know as we’re club. I need to know where you are and what the fuck you’re doing. Now, I don’t give a shit what you think. Piper is here to stay. Where were you?”

  He took a deep breath. “I met a woman last night. I was at her place. I’ll be bringing her by for you guys to meet.”

  Skull whistled. “Do we think another chick will be claiming the back of a bike?”

  “Not happening,” Ape said. He’d lost his appetite. “I’ll meet you guys later. I’m heading over to the motel.”

  Climbing out of his seat, he left the diner.

  He’d already had a coffee and pastry, and he’d pick up a sandwich as he made his way back to the motel.

  “Ape, wait,” Piper said.

  He tensed up.

  “You don’t have to follow me.”

  “Look, I get it, you don’t like me. Tell me what I’ve got to do in order to get you to like me.”

  He spun around to face her.
“First, you don’t need me to fucking like you, Piper. Don’t even for a second think you have to do or change anything to get people to like you. If they don’t like you, screw them.”

  She frowned. “Okay, but … we’ve been riding together for a couple of years and you still don’t like me. I don’t care about everyone else, but you’re family. You’re club. I want you to like me. I don’t like it when you and Colonel fight.”

  Ape folded his arms. “What makes you think I don’t like you?”

  “I don’t know? I guess, I’m not really sure. The way you can’t seem to be in a room with me for more than a couple of minutes without glaring at me or leaving.” She pointed at him. “Look at you now.”

  “I’m waiting for you to disappoint.”


  “This is all a fun adventure for you. Sure, you’ve lasted a lot longer than some of the other women, but when are you going to give in to the reality? We’re not settling down. You won’t have a home or kids. This is going to be the life.”

  “And that is the life I want. I don’t want kids or a home. I’m in love with Colonel, and call me selfish, but he’s the only man I want to be with. The only person I love.” She laughed. “Is that your problem? You don’t want to get attached because you think I’m going to break his heart?”

  “Just … don’t, okay?”

  “I won’t. I promise. I look forward to seeing your date.”

  He shook his head. “I’m still heading back to take a shower.”

  Piper pulled out a set of keys. “I cleaned the tub in our room if you’d like to feel like you’ve actually had a wash.” She giggled. “See you later, Ape.”

  She turned on her heel and walked away.

  He wasn’t going to be okay with her.

  With keys in his hands, he walked away, whistling to himself. He’d left his bike back at the motel and he rather liked the walk, seeing some of the moms quickly move out of his way, scared his rebellious ways will rub off on their kids.

  He stopped at a bakery, picked himself up a sandwich, and headed back to have a quick wash.

  What he tried not to think about was Charlotte. Her sweet laugh, charming smile, and of course her smoking hot body.

  The way she looked riding his cock.

  He certainly tried not to think about how good she would look riding on the back of his bike. That would be a complete mistake, allowing himself the luxury to even think of having her there. Her arms wrapped around him as the wind rushed through her hair. This town had her trapped and he knew he could set her free.

  It was stupid.

  Women were not supposed to be on the road. Piper had lasted longer than he thought she would, but she’d leave. It was why he never allowed himself to be with a woman long enough to get attached.

  All that would happen would be a broken heart, and he wasn’t going to leave a woman he loved behind.

  Whatever was happening with Charlotte, it wouldn’t last, and he was more than okay with that.


  Two of her clients had canceled on her. That didn’t come as much of a shock, seeing as Calum said he’d make life even more difficult. Her out-of-town clients who’d heard of her work through gossip, they’d still stayed, and there was nothing he could do about that.

  Charlotte locked up her shop and took a step back.

  This hadn’t been her dream.

  All she’d ever wanted to do was get the hell out of town, to be on the road, as far away from this place as possible, but instead, she’d stuck around. First, because her mom had been sick, but then she’d been sick all the way through high school. It had hurt when she died, but she’d been there, right by her side.

  “Promise me, Charlotte, don’t waste a moment of life. It’s too damn short and we don’t ever get enough of it.”

  She’d made that promise and yet was still here.


  It had been in her blood for so long. Holding on to her jacket, she took a step back and screamed as an arm moved around her waist.

  “Whoa, baby, I’ve got you.”

  She pulled away from Ape, glaring at him.

  I’m not jealous. You can’t expect anything from a man you’ve only known for two minutes.

  Even though she tried not to glare at him, she couldn’t help it. “Thanks.” She started to walk down the street, which was in the opposite direction of where she was supposed to go. There was no way she was turning back to let him know he was getting to her. No way at all. She’d simply walk a little further away. That was all she needed to do.

  “Hey, hey, I thought we were going to hang out.”

  She stopped and turned toward him. “What did I tell you less than twenty-four hours ago? I don’t deal with cheaters. I’m done with them. I don’t allow men to … stray!” Damn, the words were just not coming.

  Spinning on her heel, she turned back to the right direction of her place and kept on walking.

  “Hold on just one fucking minute,” Ape said, grabbing her arm.

  “Let go.”

  “Fuck, no. I don’t know what the fuck is going on but I can tell you, I ain’t no cheater.”

  “And you really expect me to believe you?”

  “Yeah. I haven’t given you any cause to believe I am a cheater.”

  She laughed. “Oh, really, so the woman I saw throwing keys at you. She wasn’t a girlfriend?”

  “What?” Ape frowned, shaking his head.

  “I’m not going to do this with you, or with any man.”

  “You’re on about Piper. She’s not my wife or my girlfriend. In fact, my club president would fuck my face up if I even looked at her.” He started to laugh. “She’s his wife. I’ve never touched Piper. I’ve never even considered her as someone I want to be with. Believe me, she’s not the woman I want to be with.”

  “Oh,” she said.

  He chuckled and stepped up to her.

  Now she felt like an asshole.

  Ape pressed her up against the brick wall. “You got jealous.”

  “No, I got cautious.”

  He sank his fingers into her hair and tilted her head back. “I’ve got no problem with you wanting me. In fact, I like it.”

  Before she had a chance to protest, his lips were on hers, kissing her, harder.

  She moaned his name. Gripping his shoulders, she had every intention of pushing him away, only it didn’t happen like that.

  Ape moved them and suddenly they were around the corner of the building, in the shadows. Her bag and jacket on the ground as he ran his hands up her body, cupping her tits.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this.”

  “I don’t give a fuck about what we should or shouldn’t be doing.”

  He spun her around and she pressed her hands to the wall; he held her back so she didn’t hurt herself. Ape tilted her hips as he released the catch on her jeans and tugged down the zip. He pulled her pants to her knees, taking her underwear along with it.

  Stroking over the curves of her ass, he spread her, grazing past her asshole to touch her pussy.

  “So wet for me. You’re going to make me become addicted to this cunt, baby,” he said.

  “Yes,” she said then moaned his name.

  He groaned. His teeth sank into her neck and he bit down, licking and sucking. She heard his zipper lower and then the tip of him was touching her.


  He cursed but she stayed still as he quickly pulled one on. “We’re going to get you on the pill so I can fuck you.”

  Her response was to cry out as he slammed balls deep inside her, taking her by surprise. The pleasure was instant, all-consuming, and she couldn’t stop, nor did she want to. He grabbed her hair, tugging her back, and then his lips were on her neck. His other hand held on to her hip, keeping her firmly in place as he slowly started to rock inside her, fucking her.

  Anyone could come by at any minute and see, but with how good he felt inside her, she didn’t care. Didn’t want
this to ever stop. It was better than she ever imagined.

  As she moaned his name, he fucked her harder, riding her. He swallowed down her pleasure and the hand on her hip delved between her thighs, touching her.

  “Come all over my cock. Come right here in the street where anyone can see us,” he said, whispering the words and filling her mind up with the teases that just wouldn’t go away.

  She came for him, exploding on his dick as he fucked her harder. It felt incredible, and Ape rode her until he spilled within the condom.

  This shouldn’t have happened, but there was no denying just how incredible it was. Whatever happened, she had to keep her heart in check. There was no way she could fall for Ape. He’d be leaving soon.

  Chapter Four

  “I don’t think I should do this.”

  “Why?” Ape kissed her head. He was still on cloud nine. He’d already come deep in her pussy and was looking forward to doing it again, and again. Piper had his room cleaned today, so he had no problem with Charlotte spending the night with him.

  The guys were going to rib him for bringing a woman back. But Charlotte wasn’t going to be shared by the guys. Nope, she was here all for him.

  “They’re your family and I’m a woman you’ve just met. Won’t they be like, I don’t know, mad at you or something?”

  “You’re putting way too much thought into this one, baby,” he said, kissing her head. “The guys won’t care.”

  “Because you move around a lot?”

  “Yeah, we won’t be staying for long.” He glanced over at her, wondering if she would even consider coming on the road with them.

  What the fuck are you doing? There’s no way this woman would come on the road with you. Are you nuts?

  Ape didn’t like the feeling swirling in his gut that came from the thought of leaving her behind and never seeing her again. It sucked, in a big way.

  Rubbing the back of his head, he looked toward her, wondering what he should do or say. Nothing came to mind.

  He was a complete and total blank. Kissing her head, they walked into the motel grounds and saw that the guys had already set up a fire. The motel wasn’t exactly well supplied with customers so a little extra money changed hands for them to turn the other way.


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