OVERMIND (Fallen Drakon Empire Book 1)

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OVERMIND (Fallen Drakon Empire Book 1) Page 7

by Diana Drakulich

  “Uh-h!” The Arkon winced. Groaned.

  “How bout that for a some hand action - huh Mr. Master Race Arkon? Too bad you will never know what else I can do.”

  “I’m not sure I want to. Uh-h” Squeezing his legs together, he flexed into her hand. “Radical compression of my cock and balls does stimulate my testosterone. But not now.” He ripped her hand off him.

  “I was such a fool. You played me like a 12 string guitar.”

  “Come on Sorsha calm down.” His rich musky scent flooded the closed air in the car.

  “So far I have been powerless in this relationship. But I am taking back control of my life. At the next light I’m getting out and walking away. You can drive yourself to Red Rock Canyon.”

  “Don’t you want to see me off?”

  “What do you want - tears and hugs goodbye? No. I don’t want to prolong this pain any longer than necessary.”

  “I can stop you if I want.”

  “But you won’t stop me because you know it’s the right thing. I have to ditch this car soon. Better in the city where I can find a sleazy whore hotel that will take me without any ID. I won’t be able to use a credit card. God I hope I have enough cash on me for at least one night.”

  When they came to a stoplight she grabbed her purse off the floor. Pulled out her wallet. “God - I’ve only got $80 cash. I can’t use my credit card or the police will track me down . $80 bucks might get me a crappy hotel for one night. Or a bus ticket to Stinkin Hole, New Mexico. Might not even be enough for that.”

  “Stinkin Hole?” The Arkon raised a black brow.

  “That’s right - Stinkin Hole. It’s a hole in the middle of the desert.” Sorsha grated out. “What the hell difference does it make to you flyboy? You’re goin back to your cushy life flying space planes. While I try to stay alive whoring myself out in places like Stinkin Hole!”

  Releasing a deep sigh, Sava stared into the distance. His vision lost in a haze of unwanted emotion. Emotions that drained his vital energy.

  “Alright. When you get to Rt. 159, pull over. I will take it from there.”

  That’s all? He’s letting me go just like that?! Sorsha was crushed.

  Chapter 25

  As she drove toward Rt 159, Sorsha’s eyes passed over the usual crowds of tourists, still avidly playing the casinos at 2:30AM. She never could understand the excitement over gambling. To her, gambling was just an excuse to throw away hard-earned money.

  Sorsha’s family had lived in Nevada well over a 100 years. Her father’s people were descended from Spanish Basques who came to farm sheep and raise fancy saddle horses. Her mother was descended from Scotch-Irish and Serbs who came to build the railroads and mine the valuable lodes of silver and copper in the barren Nevada hills.

  As the years passed Nevadans proudly lauded Reno as - `The Biggest Little City in the World’ where Californians could get a quickie six week divorce and play the `one-armed bandit’. For 10 years during the 1950’s, the US military tested atomic bombs at a site only 65 miles north of Las Vegas.

  The Mafia began investing heavily in casinos to make Las Vegas the `gaming capital of the world’ and the city mushroomed. Prostitution was tolerated if not legal and most towns had a `cat house’. Native born Nevadans were a unique combo of socially liberal and politically conservative.

  However 80% of Nevada is still owned by the US government, which makes for vast wide open spaces and secretive military bases such as the infamous Area 51 at Groom’s Lake. UFO’s had long been a part of local lore; so the Arkon’s historical world view was valid food for thought in Sorsha’s mind.

  We have so little time left together. Sorsha decided to break the thick silence in the car. “So... tell me more about this universal `Force’ Sava. I need me some super powers right now.” She forced a smile.

  The alien relaxed, somewhat. “The Arkons may be Overlords of this world; but there is a far greater power. A Force of vast, unimaginable power. The Force that creates, binds and harnesses the universe. The Force is neutral. IT just IS.”

  “So the Force has no personality? No innate morality? No old man sitting in the sky dispensing justice?”

  “That’s right. Ancient humans called the Force `ESSE’ - It IS. Esse is the root of words like essence, essential and presence. The Force is neutral. This is why some people deny `God’ because `he’ allows death and destruction on earth. Meanwhile Arkon agents of influence worship and sacrifice to Molek in secret.” Sava huffed a wry laugh. “We understand the nature of power.’

  “The Drakons mixed their DNA with the hominids of Earth to create Homo Sapiens as workers and servants. This meant you humans also inherited the advanced brain capacity of the Drakons to connect with the Force. Your brains have one billion neuron connections, most of which are not used. Human scientists have even conjectured that `Man is hardwired to God’.”

  “But like any talent, some humans have a greater capacity for connection with the Force than others. They are the born mystics. Our agents of influence in the media ensure that mystics are ignored, marginalized and scorned as crackpots and fakes. And some are, but not all. Most humans never realize their innate mystical powers.”

  “Can you train my brain Sava? I desperately need me some ET powers. Get me out of this mess you got me into.”

  “Most of what you saw me do are tricks of the mind. Illusions. Thought and scent transfers that allow Arkons to move freely in your society when we need to. That is a result of specialized inheritance and years of training. It takes 12 years of study for a human to graduate from high school. Do you think the ability to connect with the Force is any less valuable or less difficult than a high school education?”

  “Ah, okay. I’ll work on developing my super powers while I’m rotting in prison. Should have plenty of time there.” A wry smile tilted her luscious lips. “Is there really such a thing as the Force? I thought that was all Hollywood movies.”

  “The Force is real Sorsha. Techniques to access the powers of the Force have been known to humans since the Age of Atlantis. Man’s true nature is mystical, spiritual, multidimensional. Don’t let them put your bright spirit in a coffin Sorsha.” The alien’s golden eyes were luminous.

  “So your last words before leaving me high and dry is to meditate on my innate ability to achieve Cosmic Consciousness? While you run away back to your safe little kingdom underground? That’s poor consolation Sava.”

  “I know... I just want to leave you with a bright spot of hope at the end. If they tell you that you have no soul, no eternal spirit - Don’t believe them. Find out for yourself.”

  “Right. All I have to do is die to find out for sure.”

  Long fingers trailed up the inside of her arm. His touch so electric her body quivered. “God, Molek, the Overmind, Cosmic Consciousness - These are all aspects of The Force.”

  “Is that it? That’s all you have to offer? I’m still expendable? Disposable?” She wiped away a tear. “You used me to escape The Center. Now you’re going to throw me under the bus?”

  The alien was silent, gazing out the window with blind eyes. Sorsha’s heart sank. Meanwhile that sardonic Voice in her mind was objectively taking stock of her situation -

  I am driving through Las Vegas in a stolen car with an alien assassin in the front seat, arguing about human potential and ancient history. Totally Weird. And I’m falling for the alien. She glanced over at his classic Greek profile - Now THAT part is understandable.

  Sava had seemed so warm in the bus. So touchable. So irresistibly charismatic. But she felt the connection between them fading. Very soon now the moment would come when they would turn their backs and walk away from each other. Forever. A cold deep chasm yawned in Sorsha’s heart.

  A red light blinked on and she welcomed it. When Sorsha braked the car their eyes met and held, taking final impressions, saying final goodbyes.

  His presence radiated a calm authority, simmering with lethal power. He appeared impenetrable. Untouchable
. Then his glittering gaze changed, turning tender, glowing with need. For her. He palmed her face pulling her lips to his.

  “Kiss?” His voice a seductive rumble.

  Releasing the steering wheel her arms coiled around his neck. “Sava…Don’t let me go...” I love you Sava. I will always love you...

  Chapter 26

  Sava murmured in her ear: “Sorsha... My beautiful girl. You saved my life at the expense your own. What higher love is there?”

  Hot tears welled in her eyes. Tears fueled by emotional loss and the very real fear of being alone and hunted.

  “I know it’s wrong, leaving you like this. But I have no choice. If we stay together the police will only find you faster. It’s me they want, not you.”

  “Hah. She sniffed, wiping away a tear. Don’t kid yourself, the police want me too. I know alot about you now. And besides, I have to be punished for my crimes.”

  The light turned green and she drove on. The Arkon studied her graceful form as she drove, hands tight on the wheel. She is disillusioned and has withdrawn from me. A great loss, but let it be.

  Then to his surprised relief, Sorsha pulled herself together, determined to learn from him in the little time they had left.

  “How did the Drakons and Arkons come to earth, Sava?”

  He leaned back, eyes partially closed as if visualizing an ancient world. “The Drakons arrived on earth untold thousands of years ago. They came via stargates or wormholes from the constellation Draco, 231 light years away. The Arkons came later.”

  “By Drakons - you mean dragons?” She asked.

  “It was the Greeks who named them Drakons because their piercing, mesmerizing eyes reminded them of the stare of a giant python. The word Drakon/Dragon comes from the Greek root - DRAK – to SEE. To see through all illusion.”

  “Humans worshipped the Drakons as divine beings of great power.” He continued. “The Drakons founded Atlantis. The Greeks claim the Drakon king, Kekrops founded Athens. He was followed by his Drakon son, Erikthonios. In Greek, Erikthonios means Man with a Tail.”

  “Are Drakons reptilians?”

  “You could say so - If you believe in the theory of evolution. For that matter Man also evolved from reptiles in the great Beginning. Imagine the advanced being that could evolve given 200 million years from the Age of Dinosaurs.” The Arkon lifted a black brow suggestively.

  “When the Drakons mixed their DNA with hominids to create Homo Sapiens, the Drakons gave humans their advanced Minds beyond anything in the animal kingdom. Your Christian Bible says Man is made in the image of God. That is impossible on its face since `God’ is a spirit. What it means is that `God’ gave Man access to his Mind - the Force, the Overmind that harnesses the universe.”

  “Why did the Arkons attack the Drakons? Drive them out of earth?”

  “We wanted earth’s rich resources. Gold, diamonds and strategic minerals are rare in the universe. Gold especially is highly conductive and does not corrode. Gold is essential to Arkon technology.”

  “But the main resource we wanted was the humans.” The alien continued. “Because Arkons are Strigoi - Life Force Feeders, your advanced brains provide a stronger connection to the Force than the brains of lower animals. Arkons drink pain. We eat death. We are a death cult. This is why Arkon agents plan, fund and provoke your devastating wars.”

  “But WAR harms the earth and every living thing on it. Someday your wars will blow up the whole planet. Then what?”

  “Then we move on, to the next planet. WAR is our mass blood sacrifice to Molek, God of the Dark Side. War also weakens the human gene pool, enabling our rule.” The alien’s flickering gaze was reminiscent of grey tombs and white bones. She felt trapped by the necrotic blackness in his eyes.

  “After the Arkons conquered Atlantis and drove the Drakons away from earth, our agents rewrote your history. A history that completely excludes the glory that was Atlantis. If you research it, even your so-called ancient writings are just edited copies of diluted, abrogated copies. Most of the originals have been destroyed or hidden away.”

  “Only ancient records carved in stone remain in the original.” Sava continued. “And most of them have been defaced, destroyed or simply ignored if they disagree with the Arkon version of history. This destruction of human history has been going on for thousands of years.”

  “I see your point.” Sorsha said. “The King James Bible was written from copies of copies in 1611. But the original Bible written under Roman emperor Constantine in 325 AD has disappeared. 50 copies of Constantine’s Bible were sent to churches around the Roman empire. Not one survived. I have always wanted to read that Bible.”

  Sava nodded. “Look at the Middle East today, precious artifacts stolen, ancient ruins being blown up. But megalithic ruins and pyramids still exist around the world, in Mexico, South America, China, Russia and elsewhere, evidence there once was a worldwide civilization.”

  Chapter 27

  “So even after 10,000 years Man has never given up hope that Atlantis existed.” Sorsha said.

  “Aye deep down the memory of the Golden Age of Atlantis still burns in your hearts. And for 10,000 years the Arkons have systematically culled the human herd into a servile race. Like nature we practice the pyramid system. Most pack and herd animals are submissive to a few leaders at the top. We control those leaders. We work constantly to prevent Mankind from connecting with the divine Force. To keep you weak so that we rule.”

  “Cull humans, like how you killed that boy?”

  The alien stiffened. “Aye that and other ways - war, starvation, disease, prison, genocide. Arkon agents ensure that only the most servile and duplicitous human leaders rise to the top. Psychopaths, sociopaths and congenital liars. Still there are exceptions.”

  “What do you mean - exceptions?” She asked.

  “I speak of the 10%. The one in ten natural leaders born into every pack and herd, including the human herd.”

  “How do you control the born leaders who escaped assassination?”

  “Three ways - Convert. Neutralize. Liquidate. First we attempt to convert the leader to the dark side, tempting them with success and riches. Failing conversion we neutralize them via threats or blackmail, then marginalize their supporters as conspiracy nuts. If a leader still refuses to be suppressed, we liquidate him.” The Arkon’s hypnotic voice was deadly, drugging.

  Sorsha’s heart kicked into overdrive. “So… in effect we are your slaves?”

  “Aye. Arkons are energy vampires. That’s why I must leave you Sorsha. I am - an entity that uses and abuses. We suck the host dry and leave behind a barren husk.”

  “You’re a vampire?” An icy chill swept down her spine.

  “Not like the Dracula legends you hear. We only drink blood at our rituals. The adrenaline and hormones in blood activate our brains to access the power of the Dark Side. But we don’t live on blood. We imbibe energy in many forms. Like Drakons we Arkons can return that energy tenfold.”

  “So that’s what you have been doing with me. Why you make me feel so alive.”

  “I need you at the top of your game Sorsha.”

  “Because you are using me.”

  “I have been drinking in your life force Sorsha, which you have freely given. I use, multiply and give back your life force back because I care for you.”

  He took her hand. Squeezed. A warm flood of energy washed through her. “You are a friend of my soul Sorsha. You saved my life. It is to my great regret that I must leave you. ” His golden amber eyes shadowed by intense inner struggle.

  She could almost see the devil and an angel battling on his shoulders. Her vision blurred, glistening with hot, sluggish tears. No. I will fight for him. Fight for US.

  “Sava, you are so much more than some ‘Strigoi parasite’. You say that I am more than I know. So are you! You are the most incredible being I have ever met.”

  It hit him then, like a devastating punch to the gut - She is irreplaceable. I will never fi
nd another Sorsha. His heart splintered with bitter regret for all that could have been. Any other woman would only be an empty hope, languishing in the darkness of a cold, empty bed.

  He leaned over, warm breath in her ear: “Like you, I fear you have ruined me Sorsha.”

  “I have?” Good.

  His finger trailed over her cheekbone. “You are right Sorsha. I feel as if we have known each other before, long ago. But somehow I just forgot...”

  “I feel the same way, as if fate brought us back together again. We shouldn’t waste this chance. Can’t we just run away from them all? Isn’t there some bolt hole we can dive into? I want to be with you Sava. If we go down, we go down together.” Shining with devotion, her light eyes glowed silver in the passing lights.

  No one had ever really needed him before. He wanted to kiss her. Hold her in his arms forever. If I can find that stargate I could take Sorsha back to Drakonis. Reconnect with my true people. I was not born to be an Arkon.

  The car slowed, approaching the turnoff onto Rt 159 West toward Red Rock Canyon.

  This is it - My chance to remake my life. That inner Voice in Sava’s head said. He felt torn, ripped apart. If he continued right toward Red Rock Canyon, he could meet his brother and fly back home. Pick up the threads of his life and go on as before.

  But Sorsha will suffer. The Homo Sap female had crawled into his head. Into his heart.

  His Arkon brain gazed coldly into her silently pleading, glistening eyes. But his Drakon heart clenched and turned over. He was hanging off the edge of the abyss by his fingernails. And she was pushing him off. Trying to make him fall. For her.

  “There are people who say goodbye but never really leave.” His golden eyes torched, re-igniting the breathless connection between them. “That’s the way I feel about you Sorsha. You will always be in my heart.” Hah. Empty words. Foolish emotions only make you weak. I am Arkon. I have no heart.


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