Sinker: Alpha Billionaire Romance

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Sinker: Alpha Billionaire Romance Page 24

by Colleen Charles

  She lifted an eyebrow. “We don’t want it that bad.”

  If I could just convince her to give me one more chance, I would show her that I’m a changed man. Her hand was on the door handle, showing me she was seriously considering walking away from the deal. Or was she walking away from me? I knew I’d hurt her when I left without a goodbye ten years ago and I hated it. Hated myself. What if I couldn’t fix this? What if she would never give me another chance? I may have lost my one shot with an amazing, beautiful woman. Ashton was the one I’d never forgotten. Had never gotten over. If only I could go back in time, have a do-over. I couldn’t let her walk out on me, this deal had to get done.

  “You are going to let two hundred thousand keep your client from having his dream?” I asked, keeping my voice steady.

  She hesitated.

  Since I had her thinking, I pushed. Played my ace in the hole. “This isn’t Atlanta, where commercial real estate is a dime a dozen. This is the beach. Prime real estate. We only have so much sand. I know you did your homework, Ashton. You pay four-point-seven today and the value of this land will increase by twenty-five percent by next year. Maybe even more. Don’t lose this deal over a couple thousand dollars. It’s a drop in the bucket to your client.”

  I had done my research too. I knew Ashton’s boss was flush with cash. He would be pissed if she lost this deal for him. There were no other properties like it in Destin. I had a list four pages long of other investors that were clamoring for this deal. Ashton probably knew that, too.

  “Four point six?” Ashton offered.

  “Deal,” I quickly agreed. “Now come sit back down and let’s iron out the nitty-gritty details.”

  I needed Ashton to forgive me. After so many years of waiting, it hit me in the solar plexus like some kind of neurotic obsession. Even though I had no idea how to make it happen right now, I was smart as a whip. I’d figure it out now that we were working together. A few hours of being side by side with her in business would allow me to read this adult Ashton. The one with the killer career.

  Putting a deal this size together was going to take time, and since Mr. Albertson had made this my number one professional priority, I had plenty of it. Time that I would be spending with Ashton. Time that I could work on thawing a little bit of the ice around her heart. Chipping away at it with my pick. I was good at negotiating real estate deals. How good was I at negotiating for her forgiveness?

  As she sat down, I took the seat next to her. We were so close; her lips were only a few inches away from my face. I could kiss her, right here and now. That would surprise her. Then she’d slap my impudent face. Not right now. But some day. I’d swear on a stack of bibles that we weren’t done. Not by a longshot.

  “We want to close as soon as possible,” Ashton said, getting down to brass tacks. “Henri will want to start the tear down right away.”

  “Whoa! Wait a minute,” I said. “Tear down? You didn’t mention that.”

  “What does it matter what we do with the property after we buy it?” she asked, incredulous.

  “It matters a lot. This hotel has been in the Albertson family for over fifty years. They don’t want to see it torn down. Destin Flamingo Resorts is the focal point of the town.”

  Ashton huffed. “Flamingo Resorts is a bright-pink eyesore. It’s like someone threw up Pepto-Bismol all over the place. The hotel is seriously outdated and in need of a major renovation. Henri is going to update the hotel, modernize it. It will be a showplace worthy of a cover feature in Hotels magazine. You’ll see.” She pulled architecture plans out of her portfolio. “We are going to make this a hotel, shopping, and dining mecca for tourists and locals alike.”

  Despite my misgivings about the architectural plans, I savored the way her face lit up when she talked about the project. The only caveat was that Mr. Albertson was not going to allow his birthright to be razed and replaced by a mega modern hotel. I had an obligation to tell him what the buyer had planned. I would deliberately leave out the offensive Pepto-Bismol comment, even though she did have a point.

  “Before we sign on the dotted line, I need to run this by Mr. Albertson. He needs to understand what’s going to happen with the property once it is deeded to your client. I have to admit, I’m not sure the beachfront lot is going to be enough to entice him once he realizes the plans for his birthright. There’s sentimental value attached to the property and you can’t put a price tag on something like that.”

  “Funny, you didn’t understand the value of sentiment ten years ago,” she whispered. Then, she snapped her head up and shook it. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for. We’re in a professional capacity.”

  “No apology necessary,” I said, not breaking eye contact. I could start the purgatory that I’d be spending on my knees right this moment. She needed to understand that I wouldn’t be throwing our past in her face. She could pepper me with verbal assaults until she felt better and I’d just sit calmly and take my medicine.

  I expected an argument from Ashton, so I was surprised when she agreed. “Fair enough.” She shoved the plans and documents back in her briefcase. “You know where I’ll be staying.”

  Of course I did; we put her up in a suite at the Flamingo. Bubble gum pink be damned.

  “Let’s talk about more at dinner tonight?” I asked.

  “Sorry, but I have a prior commitment,” she replied in an icy tone.

  Ashton stood to leave. Her words sliced through to my heart. She snatched up her briefcase and headed for the door like a teenaged kid had pulled the fire alarms.

  “Call me when you have the details worked out with your client,” she called over her shoulder.

  I watched as Ashton walked out the door, my stomach plummeting to the vicinity of my shoes. Her leaving me in her wake was nothing less than what I deserved.

  Chapter Three


  I walked outside and sat down on a bench to catch my breath. It seemed I hadn’t drawn a full one since I’d first laid eyes on Quinn Andrews. My lungs burned, my heart raced and my head pounded. I needed a Tylenol. Or a vodka martini. A couple walked right by me and gave me a weird look as they entered the real estate company. I didn’t care. I’d been gob smacked by some ghost of lovers past.

  What the hell? I’d just sat across from Quinn Andrews, my childhood crush. My first. And negotiated a multi-million dollar deal. I had not vomited or clutched. I leaned over and took some deep breaths before I needed to use a brown paper bag. This was not a dream. This was real.

  Replaying the last hour, I honestly didn’t know how the hell I’d held it all together and closed that damn deal. All I could think about while Quinn talked was tearing his clothes off and climbing on top of him right there, on the mahogany table. Riding him until I collapsed in the pleasure of the orgasm he’d never given me. The one I hadn’t been able to have since except with an electronic device. We were close enough at one point for me to kiss him, but I hadn’t caved to his sex appeal. To the ghosts of the past. I’d left that office with my pride…and panties…intact.

  And I was damn proud of myself.

  Why in the world did he invite me to dinner? Probably some half-assed attempt to make amends and oil me up for the kill later. Sure, I took responsibility for my actions that night. I’d wanted him. Hell, I’d wanted him since the moment I understood the word want. I’d been a willing participant in the lovemaking that evening because over a run of years containing nothing but unrequited feelings, I’d convinced myself that I was in love with him. So crazy in love with him that I’d given him my virginity. Then, I’d opened my eyes to an empty bed and a shattered heart.

  And I still hadn’t recovered. Some days, I wondered if I ever would. Work was certainly a cold replacement for a warm body.

  Ugh. What to do? Quinn was an ass – albeit a sexy one. I shook the cobwebs from my head and decided to pull on my big girl panties and just deal with this. Deal with him. Like a successful adult with a stellar business reputation.
  “Ashton?” The sound of his voice calling out my name still sent shivers through my body. He must have followed me outside. Didn’t he realize I wanted to process this alone?

  “Quinn,” I answered.

  I was proud of how indifferent I sounded. Inside, my feelings for him were jumping up and down like a pogo stick on Meth. Quinn Andrews was too sexy and smart for his own good. He knew how to get what he wanted from women by using an authoritative voice coupled with a look that would turn normal women to jelly

  “Hey, I’m glad I caught you,” he said with a smile as he trotted up to my bench and slid in beside me.

  Damn, I should’ve got in my rental car and made a fast exit while I could. This much close physical proximity to Quinn was dangerous to my equilibrium. Anymore and I’d teeter over like a Weeble at a daycare center. I sucked in a breath and steadied my racing heart.

  “Lucky you. What’s up?” I asked. “Did we miss something inside?”

  “I talked to Mr. Albertson right after you left,” he said as he casually leaned back and crossed his legs. At the same time, he draped one long arm over the back of the bench, dangerously close to my shoulder. “He wants to see the plans for the new proposed hotel and restaurant before he signs on the dotted line. Do you happen to have them with you?”

  I sure did, but I wasn’t going to let him know that just yet. “I’m sure your client realizes that once the deal is done, he can’t stop us from doing whatever we want with the building?”

  The only sign that I’d gotten to him was a slight shake of his leg. “You have to understand. Mr. Albertson is a respected pillar of the Destin community. His great-grandfather was one of the first settlers in this area. Everything built in this town – even if it’s not his property – is of great concern to him and the other community leaders. Their integrity and business reputations are on the line. They want to keep the vintage small-town feel on the beach. That’s why you don’t see any Holiday Inns or Best Westerns or Motel 6’s around here. All we want is a peek at your plans.”

  As soon as Henri bought the land it would be a matter of public record. When my company took the plans to the local zoning and planning office to get approval, those papers would be filed immediately. What would it hurt?

  “I don’t have them on me,” I admitted. “The plans are back at the hotel.”

  “I could swing by later and pick them up. We could have something to eat and talk.” His gruff voice had just a hint of suggestiveness to it. “Or a drink at the bar. Whichever makes you feel more comfortable. The restaurant is known for their crab cakes. You really shouldn’t leave without tasting them. They’re decadent.”

  I couldn’t help from blushing. I didn’t want Quinn’s sexy ass anywhere near my hotel room. Too damn much unfinished business of the personal variety. And temptation. I looked into his icy blue eyes, which were trained on mine. I needed to get out of here, drive away and not look back. Was it possible to finalize the deal without any further involvement with Quinn? My mind raced.

  “Before you answer, I have something to say.” Quinn took that lingering finger and brushed a piece of hair away from my face.

  The touch jolted through me. That one little insignificant caress should not have affected me, but it did. I felt like a surge of electricity tore through my body, lighting every nerve ending on fire. I tried to steady myself and tamp down any feelings I still harbored.

  Quinn blew out a breath, like he struggled for words. A trait he’d never shown in the past. Lies had always flowed past his lush lips like butter. “Ashton, I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I left you without saying goodbye. I’m sorry that I didn’t call you and explain what happened or why I had to leave. I’m sorry that I let ten years go by without telling you how much our night together meant to me.”

  I was shocked. I’d never expected to hear those words come out of Quinn Andrews’ mouth. I also never expected to be so angry with him because it was too little too late. Had he ever heard of the telephone? United States Postal Service? Homing pigeon? I started to answer, but the words never got a chance to escape as he moved his finger to my lips.

  He lowered his voice to a husky whisper, “What I’m not sorry for…I’m not sorry that we got to spend an amazing night together. I cherish those few moments I had with you, making love to you. That I am not sorry for. And I hope deep down, you aren’t either.”

  “While I appreciate your apology, I don’t have time to deal with this right now. Let’s get through the next few days of negotiations. I don’t have room in my life to focus on anything else but my career.”

  I hoped he understood the veiled threat. Back off. My hands gripped the handle of my kid leather briefcase. His apology had failed to hit the mark and fallen on deaf ears. If he hadn’t seen me today, I highly doubted I would have ever seen him again with his tail squarely between his legs.

  This deal meant a great deal to him and his client. How could I be sure this wasn’t his roundabout way of saving face for his company while blowing smoke up the ass of the competition? But … my mother had always told me that denying forgiveness only poisons you and not the other person. So, I swallowed my pride and nodded.

  “I forgive you, Quinn. But please know that whatever happened that night is in the past, and I’m over it. I haven’t even thought about you in years. That’s why I was so shocked to see you today. It’s been as if you never existed.”

  Of course, my mom would be appalled at my one final shot, but the stricken look on his face told me I’d hit home. Good. Why did men think they could just waltz into any situation with their verbal vomit ripe with contrition and we’d fall at their feet in gracious forgiveness?

  My body felt like it was on fire, and I was growing more worked up by the second. I could feel my cheeks were flushed and that embarrassing redness was crawling down my neck to my open blouse. Now was the time for me to make my getaway. I wasn’t going to give Quinn a second chance for him to break me completely with his soft words.

  “Now you can go live your life knowing we’ve both moved past this. Long ago.”

  Quinn leaned in so close I swear I could hear his heart beat. His lips were a mere inch from mine. “If you’re over it, then why are you thinking about kissing me right now?”

  “I’m not,” I lied.

  It’s all I wanted to do. To taste his sweet lips as they brushed against mine. Even though it had been ten, long years, I still remembered how he tasted when our mouths met. How he liked to nibble on my ear, run his tongue down the length of my neck, his teeth gently scrapping my collarbone. I wanted to feel all that again. But I wouldn’t. He didn’t deserve me.

  “I don’t believe you,” he whispered. “I don’t think you will ever get over me. I know that I’ve never gotten over you, and I never will. I want to make up for the shitty ten years that we never spoke. I want a second chance, Ashton. Let me make it up to you, tonight.”

  Was he for real? And God, how I wanted to believe him. My body ached with it. Not only had he been my brother’s best friend, but he had also been my friend throughout our childhood. Hell, our mothers were best friends. At one time, I would have trusted him with my life. Now I had no idea whether that trust could be reconstructed between us.

  “I’m sorry. I just can’t do this.” I pushed up from the bench and headed to my car. “And you should be ashamed of yourself for thinking you could just snap your fingers and I’d come crawling back to you. I’m not that same impressionable girl with a crush on her brother’s best friend. I’m an adult. One who’s made something of herself.”

  Quinn’s footsteps clicked behind me. I didn’t care. I was going to get in my car and go back to the hotel and take a nice, hot bubble bath. Try to wash Quinn Andrews from my mind, my soul. Then drown myself in Kettle One.

  “Ashton!” He yelled as I tried to get into my car. “Please stop.”

  I spun around to face him, feeling him invading my personal space. An unwanted tornado of swirling emotion. His lips we
re right next to mine. I could have pushed him away, but I didn’t have the will power. He’d already beaten down my defenses, crashed right through my wall with the power of a backhoe, and didn’t stop until his lips were touching mine.

  Feather light and tender. My traitorous body responded because it felt like coming home. Red lights flashed their danger signals across my brain but rational thought had fled so only feeling remained. Delicious, passionate feeling.

  My briefcase and purse dropped to the ground as his he claimed my lips. His hungry mouth devoured mine, parting my lips for the assault of his tongue. I let him in deeper, tasting, savoring.


  My knees gave way and I felt his arms wrap around my waist to pull me tighter against him.

  Even though we’d never touched since that fateful night, had never even seen each other, I still remembered what his body felt like. Because I’d fantasized about it under the cover of darkness each and every night since. Why did something so wrong feel so damn right?

  A moan escaped from deep within the recesses of my throat, letting him know how good it felt kissing him, being in his arms again. I had been kissed by a few other men since our night together, but no one had ever devoured me like this man. This kiss, accompanied by its torrent of lost emotion almost made up for ten years of anger and frustration.

  Only almost.

  I summoned the strength to push against him with my palms. I wasn’t going to let him make a fool of me again just to close some million dollar deal. Fool me once, shame on you and all that. It was like my mother sat on my shoulder in her velour track suit shaking a tiny finger at me. A guardian angel in Sketchers.

  I had to stop this insanity. Right now. He’d hurt me so deeply, my insides were still ripped to shreds. And I wasn’t going to let him do that again. This time around, I was going to be in control. After a few more moments of fist pounding on his solid chest, his eye snapped open. I wrenched myself away and narrowed my eyes. His blue ones burned through mine, still hot with unresolved lust. I’m sure he was wondering why we didn’t move this to my hotel room and finish what he had started. Not. The wounds he gave me were still raw.


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