A Little Harmless Fantasy

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A Little Harmless Fantasy Page 14

by Melissa Schroeder

  “Yes, and even if I didn’t, I care about her and you. It’s been a tough few months for you and whether you like it or not, it has an effect on Maura.”

  “You love her but you can’t be with her?”

  He wanted to strangle the man. He was Zeke’s best friend but there were times he just wanted to slap him silly. He was making this about Zeke and not about Maura. He wasn’t even sure if Conner knew he did that.

  “I couldn’t give her what she wanted.” Conner opened his mouth. “And I want you to leave it at that. It’s private and it’s between us. But that isn’t the point I was trying to make.”

  Irritation was stamped all over Conner’s face. “What?”

  “Your sister is stressed and you aren’t helping. You’re making it worse. I want you to back off.”

  “And just what authority do you have to do that?”

  “I’m your business partner and this does have to do with work. You never question anyone like you question her. You need to show some faith in her and her abilities. It’s causing problems at the office. And worse, it’s hurting her Conner. She doesn’t realize it, but it is.”

  He sighed. “Jillian says I’m obtuse.”

  “You are. You’re also an ass.”

  Conner chuckled. “I’ll take her to lunch tomorrow, show her the offices.”

  Zeke nodded. “I think that would be a great idea.”

  “Now, do you have anything else you want to bitch about?”

  “I hope not, because I’m ready to get back to work,” Jillian said from the doorway. “Did y’all make up?”

  “Yeah. I’m going to take Maura to lunch tomorrow. Wanna come?”

  She easily plopped down on Conner’s lap. It was good to see his friend so happy and relaxed. Well, relaxed for Conner.

  “Naw. I think it should be a brother sister day.”

  Their happiness was something he wanted. At one time, he had always thought it would be with one person…but now he wanted that fantasy to be real. He wanted Maura and he wanted Rory. Forever.

  He pushed that thought aside and gathered up his work and shut down his computer. After slipping it in his briefcase, he looked at Conner. “I think we’re done here, then? I thought I would goof off a little bit since I am on Oahu.”

  “Enjoy it while you can,” Jillian said, the double meaning not lost on him.

  “I plan on it. Hell, I might find a way to enjoy it for much longer.”

  She laughed.

  “What are you two talking about?”

  “Nothing, just joking. See ya’ later, Zeke.”

  He laughed and headed out the door. Jillian was already nuzzling Conner’s neck and Zeke didn’t have to be told they would rather be left alone.

  He was on his way back to the rental house when he made a promise to himself. He would do everything he could to make the relationship he had started here with Maura and Rory last.

  If there was one thing the three of them deserved, it was to be happy.

  Chapter Ten

  Rory watched Maura walk out of yet another tent. She smiled at him as she walked in his direction. She was so damned cute. There was that word again—but she was. She looked years younger wearing a pair of board shorts and a University of Georgia T-shirt that had seen better days. He didn’t like the looks she had been getting since they arrived and that had bothered him even more. He had never been that possessive of a woman, even a sub. But, with those long legs and those tiny shorts, she was getting a lot of looks from men. It had been hard for him to allow her to walk into the tent by herself, but he’d started to avoid them because of the increasing number of shoppers. It had gotten so damned hot he thought he would pass out.

  Inwardly he snorted. He hadn’t lived in Ireland in over ten years, but he still couldn’t stand heat for long. He did it for the job, but he definitely wouldn’t do it for shopping.

  “So, you brought me here for what reason?” Rory asked amused.

  She had another bag full of junk—he was pretty sure it was junk—and normally he would be irritated with doing something that was such a waste of time. But Rory couldn’t help but enjoy walking around the tent city that surrounded Aloha Stadium. Maura took such joy in the hunt for a bargain that he couldn’t really deny wanting to walk with her.

  “To buy something Hawaiian. If you want to buy something to commemorate your trip, you come here. You have a few malassadas—”

  “Now, I have to agree that is a good thing to have. Along with that pineapple crack you fed me, that almost makes it worth it.

  She snorted. “Yeah, you ate all mine. We need to make another pit stop because I love that pineapple stuff. But, to get back to what I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, this is the place to come for anything touristy. I always make sure I’m here on the weekend or on a Wednesday. It’s too much fun.”

  He smiled. “And you needed that coconut bra for what reason?”

  “It’s for Jennifer. She’ll love it.”

  He thought of the former FBI agent. “Uh, do you know another Jennifer? I would never buy something like this for her.”

  “That’s why she’ll love to get it. People like stuff like that.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “They do?”

  She stopped and huffed at him. “Of course they do. It isn’t the gift, but it’s the fact you thought of them while you were gone.”

  “Is that so?” he asked but she ignored he disbelieving tone. She was already making a beeline to a tent with hats. Normally, he would get irritated with a sub who acted this way. Of course, he didn’t spend much time outside of the bedroom

  “I need a hat, you should get one too. Not good for people who are fair like us.”

  “You’re not really blonde.” He slipped his arms around her waist, pulled her against him and kissed her neck. “I have inside knowledge of that fact.”

  She laughed and swatted at his hands. “Behave in public. I meant our skin. Turtles!”

  She was working her way through the crowded tent by the time he caught up with her. She picked up a ridiculously large straw hat with a turtle pattern on it. She put it on and smiled at him. “What do you think?”

  For a second he couldn’t actually think. She was smiling at him and his tongue was stuck to the top of his mouth. Her eyes were sparkling with happiness and her grin was bright and wide. He had never seen a human so happy with her lot in life as he did looking at Maura right then. And in that split second, the only thought that came to Rory’s mind was he wanted to see that smile every day for the rest of his life.

  “Does it look stupid?” she asked apparently not realizing that he had a life altering thought. “I don’t care. We are in Hawaii and I can look like an idiot like other tourists.” She spied something behind him and grabbed the straw hat off one of the mannequins. She plopped it on his head.

  “There, I like that. Now we need to get Zeke a hat. He can’t be left out.”

  He stopped her by grabbing her hand and pulling her back to face him. He still couldn’t utter a word.

  “Rory?” she asked, her smile dimming just a bit. “Something wrong?”

  He shook his head and then brushed his mouth over hers. She sighed. It was noisy in the tent, crowded and hot, but he heard the small sound over everything. It feathered over him as if it had been blasted on a loud speaker.

  He pulled back and she was watching him now warily.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Sure, love. Let’s get something for Zee. He really likes red.”

  She smiled again and he felt like he owned the whole fucking world.

  “You’re right. That would be fabulous. Let’s look.”

  She grabbed his hand and pulled him through the tent. This time, he went willingly as he tried to figure out just what the fuck he was going to do about her.

  * * * *

  “Rory and I decided that red is your favorite color,” Maura said as he pulled the red straw fedora out of her bag.

Zeke chuckled and took the hat. “It is.”

  “I thought you would need it to keep you covered while on the island since you decided to go all bald a few months ago.”

  Zeke nodded.

  Maura smiled happy that he liked her gift. Zeke was one of those people who were so hard to buy for. Knowing that he had a rough time after his father had been killed. Money had been tight. So, once Zeke started making money, he never hesitated to buy what he wanted. He had what he wanted mostly.

  “Did you and Conner have some good work time?”

  He hesitated. “Yeah.”

  She frowned and stopped going through her bags. She studied him and could tell that something had happened. “What?”

  Rory glanced at her then at Zeke. “Yeah, what? I picked up on that too.”

  “I got irritated with him and yelled at him.”

  Maura didn’t say anything for a long time. Her fear was that her brother had found out about them. It wasn’t that she was ashamed of what she was doing, but she didn’t need a lecture about it. Of course, if Conner knew about it, he would probably be sitting here waiting for her when she got home.

  “And, what happened?”

  He shrugged. “We worked it out. It wasn’t anything important.”

  “It wasn’t that important but it’s bothering you?”

  He glanced at Rory, then back at her. “Just some issues at the office, stuff we have to work out. You know your brother is a pain in the ass. Once he decides on something, he’s tenacious.”

  That wasn’t the whole truth, but she knew better than to push Zeke. He might call Conner hard headed, but Zeke was just as bad. If he decided to hide things from her, there would be no budging him. Maura decided a call to Jillian was in order. She’d know what was going on with the partners.

  “Yeah,” she said, grabbing up her bags. “I bought some of that pineapple stuff and I am going to put the rest of this away. I want to hit the beach for a little bit. I’m going to change and if anyone wants to come along, come on.”

  Zeke nodded. “Be up in a minute, love.”

  She gave them both a quick kiss and hurried up the stairs. Once she was in the room, she started thinking how everything had changed in just one day. One simple day and they were acting like this was normal. Okay, so not really normal, but it was if the three of them had been together for years.

  Her phone chimed Jillian’s ringer and she picked it up immediately. “Hey, Jillian.”

  “So, did you have fun this morning?”

  She laughed and sat on the bed. “This morning, yesterday afternoon…I’m sure tonight.”


  Knowing she was joking with her, Maura chuckled. “You would know from experience.”

  “Really, how is it going?”

  “Okay. Rory and I went shopping and I’m going to hit the beach here in a bit. Wanna tell me what went on over there between my brother and Zeke?”

  “Nothing much. Zeke was irritated with your brother over stuff.”

  She sighed. “Just tell me what it was. I know it isn’t about what’s going on here because Conner would have been here waiting for me.”

  “Or he would have picked you up at the Swap Meet.”

  She covered her face with her free hand. “Oh, God, you’re right.” She dropped her hand. “And quit trying to change the subject.”

  Jillian sighed. “Apparently Zeke was upset about the way your brother treats you.”

  “He treats me fine.”

  “Yeah, well, I wasn’t here, but that was what the argument, or I should say disagreement was about.”


  “And speaking of your brother here he is.”

  Before she could tell Jillian she didn’t want to talk to her brother—mainly because she was afraid that he would figure out what was going on with Zeke and Rory—his voice filtered over the phone.

  “Hey, Maura. I was wondering if you had time for lunch tomorrow?”

  She frowned. Again, he wasn’t acting like himself. Conner didn’t plan lunch dates unless it was official work.

  “Did we have some work to do? I was planning on goofing off all week.”

  “No. Is there anything wrong with me wanting to have lunch with my sister?”

  She shook her head, and then realized she was on the phone. Brilliant, Maura. “Nope. You don’t normally do things like this.”

  There was a pause. “Good lord, all I wanted to do was have lunch and show you the new offices. Why does everyone think I have ulterior motives for everything?”

  He sounded so exasperated that she had to bite back the giggle tickling her throat. “I’m sorry. I will be happy to have lunch with you.”

  “I will pick you up at ten.”

  Then he was gone. She sighed. Conner was changing but he still needed to learn how not to order her to a social type of thing.

  Jillian came back on the phone. “And, now you know sort of what went on. I have a feeling that Zeke told Conner he needed to spend time with you as a brother.”

  She frowned. “Why would he do that? Does he hate me?”

  Jillian chuckled. “Stop. You know both of them love you.”

  “Please tell me you’re coming.”

  “Nope. It’s all Dillon blood tomorrow. I’m going to work in silence for the first time in over a week.”

  “Okay. We do need to get out together though.”

  “Will do. We’ll hit the town in a day or two. Be nice to your brother tomorrow and don’t be too bad.”

  Maura was smiling when she clicked off the phone. She should go right downstairs, but she needed a second to herself. They guys were so damned overwhelming at times. She watched the people on the beach in the distance as she thought about both of them. Zeke was always going to have a special place in her heart. Maura had realized long ago that Zeke was probably the love of her life. It was a shame that there were so many things in their way.

  Now though, Rory was worming his way into her heart. Sadly, he wasn’t even trying. Only one day and she was getting tangled up with him. The way he acted sometimes…she had thought he was a prick. Now, though, she had a feeling that he did it as self-preservation. She was sure there was an ooey gooey center to him.

  She shook her head and decided to get back to emptying her bags. Wishing for more than this week would be a huge mistake.

  * * * *

  Zeke talked about everything but the conversation with Conner. He really didn’t want to talk about it, especially with Rory. Zeke knew part of the reason Rory pushed the threesome was because he felt threatened by Maura. It hadn’t been hard to figure out. Rory had a “keep your enemies closer” mentality.

  “Are you going to tell me what happened or are you going to keep talking about this bullshit?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean what was going on between you and Conner?”


  Rory crossed his arms over his chest and glared at him. Ballocks. When Rory got suspicious it usually ended in a fight.

  “Yeah, oh. Did he object to us staying here together?”

  Zee shook his head. “He hasn’t picked up on that. Jillian knows.”


  “Don’t worry about her. She knew the moment we showed up. She did say to put the kibosh on the idea of public submission at Rough ‘n Ready.”

  His frown darkened. “Why?”

  “It’ll get back to Conner.”

  “What the fuck does that matter?”

  “It would upset Maura.”

  Zeke expected Rory to say he didn’t care about that. Rory had tunnel vision. Once he had his mind set on something he couldn’t see anything but reaching that goal. It was one of the reasons he was such a damned good security specialist. It was hell being his lover though. The messes that resulted in that kind of thing were never pleasant.

  Now, though, he seemed to be thinking of something other than that one goal...and it was about Maura. Zeke felt his stomach
dip just a tad. Not in a bad way, not really. But if Rory was getting feelings about Maura, there was a good chance that he would want more than just a week.

  Zeke mentally shook himself. Rory wasn’t into long relationships—except for the one they had. Zeke knew he was about the only person Rory kept in contact with outside of Zeke’s ma.

  But, if he was…

  “Okay, so no biggie. We’ll do it when we get back to Miami.”

  Zeke’s heart stopped for a second. “What the hell are you thinking? You said one week.”

  Rory glanced at the stairs and then moved toward Zeke. The crooked smile that always made him hot curved Rory’s full, sensuous mouth. His cock twitched.


  “Come on, Zee, you know that it’s more than that now.”

  He did, but he was worried there was something else going on. Rory had been rushing toward this threesome. It was as if Rory was trying to burn them out on it and that wasn’t going to work for Zeke. He needed Rory to think he was resistant to the idea or Rory would get bored.

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Zeke said.

  It was a delicious idea, but Zeke bit his tongue from adding that. Thinking of having the two people he loved in his life that way...it was more than he could hope for. He wanted it, prayed for it, but if Rory was pushing for it, he saw it as a temporary fix to his problems with Maura. Zeke knew he needed to slow him down or Rory would ruin it.

  But as always, Rory saw another way of solving their problems…if only temporary. He stepped behind Zeke and slipped his hands to his waist. He leaned closer, pressing against him. Zeke felt Rory’s hardened cock between their clothes.

  “You want it as much as I do, don’t you? I thought just a week, but the truth is I’m not sure that’s going to be enough. Not for me, or you...and I’m pretty sure Maura. I don’t think we’ve ever had a sub like that.”

  Zeke shuttered and shook his head. Rory kissed his neck as he slid one hand down to Zeke’s crotch.

  “Ah, that’s a nice present you have there for me, Zee,” he said, the edges of his voice roughened.

  Why did that always get to him?


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