Loving Kale: Selkrian Tales Novella

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Loving Kale: Selkrian Tales Novella Page 3

by Gabriella Clark

  I grinned at my reflection in the mirror pleased with my work, I looked amazing if I did say so myself. My hair fell around my shoulders in thick spiral curls, while I had brought some forward to create a bang. My makeup was dark and smoky, with an eggplant colored eyeshadow as a nod to my date’s eyes and dark eyeliner. My lips were painted a rich rose to match my pedicure and strappy peep toe heels. My black dress had a tiered skirt that swished gently around my knees while the cold shoulder top half added a extra edge. .

  I turned and looked at myself sideways in the mirror nodding to myself, thinking not bad, not bad at all! I laughed a little and reached for my clutch just as the doorbell rang. Shoot , I grumbled as I grabbed it and moved towards the front of my house. “Coming” I called walking down the hallway quickly. I stepped up to the door, took a breath and unlocked it.

  “Good even..” Kale started with a smile but trailed off as he took me in. I smiled and held my hands out to my sides and turned slowly in a circle. I smirked as I heard a slight groan and considered my mission to be accomplished. I turned back around and ran my eyes slowly down his body. Wow I thought he had certainly dressed to impress too. He had on a red button up shirt with the first 2 buttons undone offering a glimpse of a tanned throat, black slacks and boots His hair was swept back from his face, highlighting his strong jaw and vivid eyes.

  Wait one second “Hold on” I eyed him suspiciously “how are we matching? were you peeking in my window? I thought I felt someone watching me earlier”I said jokingly.

  He laughed “No it wasn't me this is just a happy coincidence, although…” He looked me over again and licked his lips “If I'd kn own this would be the results of my message I definitely would have taken a peek. You look amazing .” I blushed and murmured a thank you as I stepped outside, closing and locking the door behind me. Turning back around I smiled at him as we started down my cobbled walkway, towards a low sports car that looked as though it was leaving others cars in its dust even though it was standing still.

  “So where are we going tonight?” I asked as he held open the car door for me. He winked and said “It’s a surprise” and gently closed the door. I'm not going to lie, I checked out the back view as he walked around the front of the car and it looked just as good as the front. He got in and pressed start “How did the rest of your day go?”

  I looked across at him “Same old same old, finished up some paperwork I was working on so that on Monday I can devote some time to getting the internship fine tuned”

  He nodded “Sounds good, I spoke with my brother today and he was excited to hear about it. I think we should start with Autonomous first, he already has a program going that the intern can take part in . , your home looked nice by the way, very cheerful ”

  I looked at him surprised “ That’s Luc right? The COO? I saw you shared last names but didn't realize you were so closely related”

  He smiled briefly “ Yes he’s my younger brother, although there were times when I didn't like claiming him as such” he grimaced briefly “ He was a bit….mischievous… when he was younger”

  I laughed “ I’m an only child myself but it’s always nice to hear about big families. You guys must have had fun together”

  “As I look back on it yes, we got into a lot of scrapes together and ran our parents a bit ragged in our younger years I must admit .” He looked my way and added “ Your house looks nice by the way, very cozy”.

  I smiled thinking about the bright blue paint, red door and small porch of my home. I had decorated the cobblestone walkway with rows of wild violets on the side and there were a couple of trees at the beginning of the yard. “Thank you, it's the house I grew up in, my parents left it to me when they passed”

  “Oh I'm so sorry for your loss” He looked saddened “It's just my brother and I as well”

  “Thank you it was about 5 years ago but I still miss them, I wish I had siblings, unfortunately my mom couldn't have any more kids after me.”

  He wryly shook his head “Sometimes I wish the same had been true with my parents, Luc can truly try my patience at times. I think he gets great joy from doing it.”

  I laughed “That's probably true, it's nice to know annoying younger siblings are all over the universe. ” He laughed with me as we pulled up to O’Shays, a very high class restaurant I had only ever heard about and never been to. I thanked the valet as he helped me out of the car, taking Kale’s arm as he came to a stop next to me. I took in the marble flooring and high arched ceilings as we walked up to the hostess desk, impressed by the elegant armchairs and the obvious quality of the paintings on the walls.

  “Mr Kapena! Good evening so happy you and your date could join us. Please right this way” the hostess said coming out from around the desk and leading us down a hallway to a set of double doors. My eyebrows rose as I took in the single table set up in the middle of the room. Off to the left was a grand piano that the young man seated at its bench immediately began to play. Candlelight set in various sconces around the room gave off a pleasant aroma and set an intimate mood.

  I thanked Kale as he pulled out my chair, taking a seat and leaning back as the hostess placed a napkin in my lap. I waited until she handed us the menus and left before leaning in and whispering “Show off.” Kale grinned and winked at me as a waiter stepped up to the table, telling us about that night's special and the wine paired with it. We agreed and he took the menus moving away and coming back quickly with our drinks. He poured us both a glass and I gave a little hum as i sipped, it was crisp and fruity.

  “So” Kale said nodding at the waiter and setting down his glass “Tell me about yourself” I put my chin in my hand and batted my eyelashes “Well I'm a Virgo and I love long walks on the beach, puppies and rainbows….”

  He laughed and asked “Are you always like this?”

  I shrugged, grinning “Pretty much I mean in high school I was much quieter and kept to myself. The typical bookworm, glasses, bad clothes and all.”

  He cocked his head to the side “So what made you change?”

  I paused,thinking back and said “Well I was pretty miserable. I let people walk all over me and never spoke up for myself. Then one day in college I was just like f this, why make myself miserable so my so called friends can be happy? From now on I'm doing what makes me happy.”

  He nodded “I think that's best, in life you can only do what feels right and go from there”

  “Exactly” I said leaning back as the waiter placed a plate with 3 small crabcakes in a row drizzled with a remoulade sauce in front of me. I picked up my fork and cut into one, I loved crab cakes and these looked delicious.

  “This is the best thing about this planet” Kale said cutting into his as well “The food here is just fantastic. I remember the first time I had chocolate, I thought now this was worth coming here.”

  “Did it take very long to get here?” I asked curious.

  “Well” he replied “It would roughly be about 2 years in your time. But we spend most of that in cryo to reserve resources”

  I shivered “ Imagine going to sleep and when you wake up two years have passed. That's a little odd. I don't know how I would feel about it”

  “Well “ he said slowly “ I guess you could say that, we are just use to it though especially on the really long voyages. Some people can get a little stir crazy, so not only does it help cut down on crew mishaps but its great for preserving the ship’s resources”

  I nodded “Makes sense, do you miss your world a lot?” He stared off to the side “Some moments more than others” he looked back at me and smiled “But my people are travelers for the most part and charting the galaxy and helping where we can is part of our culture”

  We paused as the waiter switched out our plates for the main course of wild mushroom hand pulled noodles and stir fried lobster with garlic, scallions and onions. We were silent a few minutes, the silence easy as we ate, giving the food the attention that it deserved.

  “If this is h
ow you eat all the time I need to hang with you more often. This is fantastic” I said sitting back and taking a sip of wine. “I can't say it’s often but I definitely wanted to impress you, although” His voice deepened “I would like to see you more” I sighed and placed my napkin on the plate , I hadn't lied the meal was good but I needed to get to the button of this “ What are we doing here Kale?” I asked seriously “Like I said before it doesn't bother me that you are a selkrian but it does bother me that you're my boss, I don't want to get in over my head”

  He looked at me consideringly “I like you Mia, I want to get to know you, I want to see where this can go.You never have to worry about your position being in danger from this and that's the truth. All I'm asking is that you give this a chance” I thought about it as the waiter cleared our plates and we declined dessert. I was still unsure about how this would end but i decided to give him the benefit of doubt. I did feel something for him and whether or not it was just desire was something I wanted to find out.

  He stood from the table and held out his hand to me “May I have this dance?” he asked. I blushed a little hoping I wouldn't step on his feet, and taking his hand I rose from my seat. He led me over to stand in front of the piano, and drawing me close he wrapped his right arm around my waist and held my right hand in his left. He held my eyes with his as we started swaying to the music “The first time I saw you” he said “I was speechless, I thought to myself how could I have not known she was here? Right under my nose? And I promised myself I would do all I could to get to know you” I looked away feeling shy and a little unsure, I mean what could I say to that?

  “What if you don't like what you find?” I asked.

  “Impossible” he whispered drawing me closer so my front pressed against his “I can only see myself getting hopelessly lost in you….and enjoying it” I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes, resolved to enjoy this for as long as it lasted.

  As we walked up my driveway to the house I thought back over the evening, from the restaurant, to the food, and especially the company I knew that this was the best date I’d ever had. We paused as we came to my door and I turned around to face him. I held my breath as he dropped his eyes to my mouth. I licked my lips as he came close enough I could feel his warm breath on my face. I tilted my head back and met his lips with my own as he gently kissed me. His lips were firm and smooth and I could feel one of his arms come around to hold me across my waist. His other hand came up to cradle my cheek as he swiped his tongue over my bottom lip, requesting entry.

  His taste… It was like I had just had a sip of champagne, light and bubbly over my tongue. I moaned as I kissed him back, I had never felt anything like it. As I rubbed my tongue along his I paused, disconcerted what was that ? His tongue felt...ridged. It was slick with slightly raised bumps going down the middle in 2 rows. Oh boy I thought I know where that will feel great! His hand slid around to the back of my head as one kiss turned to two and got deeper, hotter. My arms were around his neck, hands buried in his hair when I heard the neighbor’s dog start to bark.

  We pulled apart slowly, staring into each other's eyes, his a brilliant shade of violet bright enough to see by. I gasped softly shocked as his hand moved back around and his thumb rubbed my bottom lip slowly. “I’ll call you tomorrow” he said huskily eyes still locked with mine. I nodded speechless as he took my keys from my hand and unlocked my door for me. He waited outside until I had closed and locked the door. I stood with my head pressed to the wood and listened to his car drive away, ooh boy I thought as I turned around and went to get ready for bed.


  I’d had a wonderful time out with Mia tonight and couldn’t wait to do it again. I hadn’t realized she would be so skittish though as she projected this tough over confident shell. It was a surprise to discover such vulnerability hiding underneath I smiled to myself thinking back to when she suggested i may not like what I found out when I got to know her. How she could think that I didn't know when everything I've found out so far was just drawing me even more under her spell. My smile faded as a new thought occured to me, being the Lakai of such a large hale came with some difficulties. As such a prominent figure I was not only under more scrutiny with my hale but with the human population as well, but that wasn't what was troubling me.

  On our home world there existed two types of sentient creatures that inhabited two different sides of our planet. My people named themselves for the planet that nourishes us hence the name Selkrian. Our planet has 2 suns one of which is much larger than the other and one large moon. The suns are positioned on different sides of the planet. On our side we have the larger sun which resulted in us having a longer day and shorter night. We also have a very short winter and a very longer summer. Our seas are quite turbulent and water travel is limited. On the other side though things are quite different and as a result the beings that live on that side are different as well. They are called the Noctis, night dewellers, because since they have the smaller sun and the moon is mainly positioned on their side of the planet, their nights are longer.

  Not only are the nights longer but the sunlight they do get is very weak. As such they evolved differently and have certain...needs...and customs that are different then my people. We have been mortal enemies locked in a feud for so long that few remember what first sparked it. Some elders claimed it was due to the noctis being jealous of our seemingly endless summer and our fertile land, since very little grew on their side of the planet.

  They said that the noctis attacked us first in an attempt to gain access to and rule our lands for themselves. As the lakai I knew there was a grain of truth to the rumours as the lakai before me had passed along the same story, but privately I thought there had to be more to it. The Noctis natural environment was darkness, their side of the planet rarely received natural sunlight and what they did receive was faint never bright. As a result they had evolved with an intolerance to sunlight that varies with individuals, from mild discomfort to excruciating pain. Rumor had it that the ruling clan of Noctis the Ager’s, would burst into flames if exposed for too long. So why would they be so eager to take over our side when they would be in constant pain? I have never searched the archives though to read the history since as soon as I had assumed leadership we were consumed with making plans for this journey and I have not returned to Selk since I arrived here.

  This was an issue for mine and Mia's relationship though. If she did indeed accept me and agree to be my Ke’Ola and the hale’s Pilia, then she would become a target for the Noctis. Throughout our history various Pilia’s have been targeted to strike a blow to the lakai they were bonded to. Not all Pilia’s and Lakai’s were fated mates, but it seemed that those who were were the favored targets of the Noctis. My brow furrowed worriedly, We had seen in the early years of arriving on this planet, sightings of the Noctis but nothing in recent years. This planet with its bright sunlight was not a comfortable environment for them. However I would need to tighten the patrols and inform my hale mates to be on the lookout for any sightings. My mind drifted back to all that had happened earlier in the evening again and I drew in a deep breath....t hat kiss..Gods..that kiss, it had made my instinct surge stronger than before. I’d found her, My Ke’ Ola.


  I texted Shaye that morning as I got up needing a little advice on where to go from here with Kale. The date had been perfect but this seemed a little too good to be true. Everything was moving too fast and truth be told I was a little scared about the strength of my feelings for him. I’d spent all night going over the date and my interactions with him and needed another opinion. Some people had a angel and a devil on their shoulders trying to guide their actions. In this situation I feared I had a cat lady determined to be cynical and alone and on the other shoulder ...a big ol ho.

  I know u up I wrote.

  Unfortunately I know I'm up too, how did last night go?

  Amazing, we had a private room at o’shays. There was a piano player, lobster a
nd we danced. The BEST kiss of my life, Best date i’ve ever been on to be honest...

  That’s awesome….so what's the problem? I bet you're overthinking again I smirked, my bestie knows me so well.

  Well it seems a little too good to be true, Mr. rich alien hotness wants me and he’s also my boss....who’s romance novel did I land in?

  She sent several laughing emoji’s to me I don't know but tell them to write me a story too!

  Things like this don't happen to me.

  Well isn't it time that it did? You're always encouraging me to go for what I want and to not miss my moments. Well now I'm telling you DO NOT MISS YOUR MOMENT. Maybe it'll be a quick fling with some great food and hopefully awesome sex, maybe he will be the love of your life. Who knows? But you won't if you don't at least try.

  I paused in brushing my teeth as I reread that message. I could feel the words resonating within me, she was right. I couldn't predict what the future would bring but I knew I could miss something amazing if I let this pass me by. You're really gonna get a fat head now aren't you? I texted her smiling.

  Darn skippy she wrote back quickly speaking of sex make sure you pass along ALL the details, I've been dying of curiosity to know if their any different down there

  Shameless I texted her back shaking my head at her antics .

  You know it! now invite him over for breakfast and go with the flow for once!

  I nodded to my reflection in the mirror and decided to do exactly as I was told.

  “Good Morning” I said as I opened my door and invited Kale inside. He smiled and stepped in, closing the door behind him “Good Morning to you as well” he stepped closer “I hope you don't mind” I tilted my head confused “Mind what?” He slipped his arm around my waist pulling me against his chest. “This” he lowered his mouth to mine kissing me deeply. I felt the breath catch in the back of my throat and put my arms around his neck, kissing him back. I couldn't get over his taste still as bubbly as last night, still as good. I was getting used to his tongue and couldn't help the naughty thoughts I was having about it. I pulled back and bit my lip, feeling a bit dazed, “ Well hello to you too” I said huskily “Is that a standard greeting amongst your people?”


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