Caught by Menace

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Caught by Menace Page 19

by Lolita Lopez


  “Great.” Hallie hugged her and then jumped to her feet. She made her way to Vicious and stood dutifully next to his chair while he finished his conversation with Menace. When he was done, Vicious wrapped an arm around Hallie’s tiny waist and lifted her right onto his shoulder as he stood. He clamped his hand on her bare backside and left the area with Hallie dangling over his back. She wore a dopey grin and shot Naya two thumbs up for encouragement and luck.

  Shaking her head at her friend’s silliness, Naya rose slowly from her cross-legged position and rejoined Menace. She started to kneel but he stopped her. Menace slid his arm around her waist and gently petted the spot above her bellybutton. He pointed to the dark-haired man sitting across from them. “Say hello to Hazard.”

  Naya eyed the tall Harcos warrior. He had a kind face. “Hello, Sir.”

  “Hello, ma’am.”

  Ma’am? That wasn’t at all what she expected. His easygoing smile settled her nerves.

  “Hazard is an old and dear friend of mine. He doesn’t get to spend much time in this area but he’s on a one-week layover on the Valiant. Hazard has agreed to help me make your fantasy a reality tonight.”

  Naya stiffened as the implication hit home. Last week, when Menace had been flipping through the various channels available in the 900 range, he’d landed on a prison scene where one woman was being taken by five guards.

  At first, she’d experienced utter revulsion at the very idea, but then something primal had flicked on deep inside her. Living on the streets as a child, her greatest fears had been kidnapping, arrest, interrogation and sexual assault. Like Hallie, Naya’s body seemed to have confused the signals between fear and arousal. The things that terrified her most seemed to arouse her the most.

  She gulped and glanced at Menace. “You want your friend to… With us?”

  Menace’s fingertips stroked the swells of her breasts. “Possibly.”

  She relaxed a little. It was clear Menace wasn’t going to just let Hazard have free access to her body.

  “This is fantasy, Naya. It’s a chance for you to explore the things that arouse you and frighten you in a safe environment.” He grasped the front of her collar and tugged her face down until their lips were almost touching. The controlling gesture made her belly swoop with excitement. “Are you ready?”

  Her eyes closed briefly. Arousal and fear swamped her, the waves of strong emotion drowning her. When she opened her eyes, Menace’s steady gaze warmed her skin. There was only one thing to say. “Yes.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Menace kept a close watch on Naya via the monitor attached to the private playroom door. She sat on a metal bench in a room designed to look exactly like a hybrid prison cell and interrogation room. He’d left her arms cuffed at her sides to ratchet up her anxiety. He wanted her apprehensive and a bit scared but never terrified.

  “Here.” Hazard tossed him a gray shirt emblazoned with the guard insignia from the Kovark prison system.

  “Is this real?”

  The dark-haired pilot nodded and slipped into his shirt. Instead of simple guard insignia, Hazard’s shirt bore the marks of a warden. “I grabbed a few of these the last time I was on a long-range prisoner transport. I try to pick up things I know you boys out on these installations can’t get your hands on easily. These shirts are better than credits when it comes to trades with other pilots and soldiers. You wouldn’t believe how many of the guys here on the Valiant want them. This fantasy of your little wifey in there is a common one.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me.” Menace jammed his arms through the shirt and zipped up the front. He supposed it was good that Hazard had found some perks to his punishment duty of flying the long treks between outposts. “How much longer do you think they’ll keep you on long-range duty?”

  Hazard harrumphed. “At least seven months,” he answered. “I won’t have another duty review until then. After that stunt I pulled, I wouldn’t be surprised if Orion kept me on this shit duty for another year just to teach me a lesson.”

  “You’re lucky the admiral didn’t bust you down more than one rank.”

  “He also took most of my damn Grab points.”

  Menace winced with sympathy. “To be fair, you could have gotten a prison sentence. You disobeyed a direct order and lost a ship in the process.”

  “I also rescued three of our men from enemy hands. Technically I brought the ship back in one piece. It just, you know, fractured and burst into flames when we docked.”

  Menace snorted. “Twenty-plus years in the service and you’re still a hothead.”

  “Spare me, Menace. How many scrapes did the two of us barely survive when I was your squadron’s pilot? I’ve lost track of the number of times we were disciplined.”

  “That was a long time ago,” Menace replied. “I have a wife now. Those days are long gone.”

  “Sure they are.” Hazard smiled and clapped him on the shoulder. “You ready to do this thing?”

  Menace nodded and gripped Hazard’s wrist. His touch was firm but nonthreatening. “Naya means more to me than you can possibly understand. I’m giving you a hell of a lot of leeway with her, but one wrong move and you’ll have to learn to work the flight controls with your feet.”

  Hazard became serious. “You have my word of honor. I’m here only to help a friend give his wife pleasure. I go only as far as you allow and she desires.”

  “Good.” Menace stepped back and gestured to the door. “After you, Warden.”

  With a waggle of his eyebrows and an enthusiastic grin, Hazard shoved the door wide open and stormed inside. Menace came in half a second behind him and kicked the door shut. Naya jumped on the bench. Eyes wide, she quickly assessed the situation and realized Menace wasn’t in charge. Her uptick in breathing told Menace all he needed to know. She was off-kilter and perfectly primed for the wild ride he had in store for her.

  “Prisoner A114, on your feet!”

  Startled by Hazard’s shout, Naya leapt off the bench. Her gaze jumped from Hazard’s face to his own. He kept his features schooled. If she wanted to stop, she had her safeword. In the same way she trusted him to keep her safe, he trusted her to know when to use her out.

  “Guard, strip her.”

  Menace grinned evilly at Hazard’s order. He crossed to the back wall where Naya stood. Behind him, Hazard picked up the gunmetal-gray case that contained all the various props and interrogation tools Menace had chosen for the scene. He threw it onto the table in the center of the room. Naya flinched as the metal case bounced on the flat surface.

  “Turn around,” Menace barked. Though he had taken his time securing her garter belt and cuffs earlier in the evening, he worked quickly and efficiently this time, showing her no gentleness. For her to give in to the fantasy, every detail had to be right. No guard in Kovark would show a prisoner even an ounce of kindness.

  Naya’s cuffed wrists dangled at her sides. Naked and flushed, she breathed hard. Menace recognized the mix of shame and arousal that stained her skin. To a dominant man, there was no more beautiful color in the world than that particular shade.

  Hazard unlocked the case and retrieved two medical gloves and a tube of lubricant. “Search her. The last one we interrogated had a sheathed shiv hidden on her.”

  Naya’s gasp of outrage echoed in the room. She shot Menace a look but he pretended not to see it. If she wanted to stop, she knew what to do. He suspected she was caught in that place where she wasn’t sure if she was brave enough to face uncertainty. He didn’t doubt her for a moment. Her courage and curiosity would propel her forward.

  Menace made sure to snap the gloves against his wrist just to add to the tension in the room. “Bend over and grab your ankles.”

  “I will not!”

  Hazard took a step around the table. “Do I need to come over there and secure the prisoner, Guard Menace?”

  Naya took a second to gauge Hazard’s sincerity before snapping forward at the

  “Face the back wall,” Hazard ordered. “I need to supervise.”

  She lifted her head just enough to glare at Hazard but did as instructed. Menace used the toe of his boot to force her feet wider apart. Her pretty pink pussy and ass were on clear display now. He didn’t blame Hazard for wanting to see her. With her honey-brown skin and dark hair, she was something of an anomaly. There was only one other world where they’d found brides like her and they were hard to come by.

  Kneeling beside her, Menace used his gloved fingers to part the folds of her sex. She opened like a hothouse flower, her dewy skin beckoning his searching digits. He needed no lube to check her. The slick nectar coating her skin assured him that even though she found this experience disconcerting, she also found it incredibly arousing.

  Naya inhaled a short, loud breath when he penetrated her with one finger. He let his thumb brush across her clit three times but no more. He wanted her on edge. When he flipped the lid on the tube of lubricant, her pussy fluttered around his finger. She knew what was coming. Still, he decided to torment her a little longer by adding a second digit to the first. He plunged them in and out of her wet channel at a slow pace. Her toes curled against the floor and he stopped. She had gotten enough stimulation to stay aroused.

  He smeared the clear gel on her rosebud and probed her with one gloved fingertip. Her back passage gripped him tightly. They had played around with small- and medium-sized plugs so he knew she could take more than just his finger but he didn’t push it.

  Finished checking her, he stood and stripped off his gloves. “She’s safe.”

  “Stand up, prisoner. Face me.”

  While Naya hurried to follow Hazard’s orders, Menace dropped the gloves in a receptacle in the corner and took a position behind her. He wanted her sole focus on Hazard and planned to hide from her line of sight to keep her unsettled and gripped by the fantasy.

  “Hands behind your head. Widen your stance. Wider!” Hazard pulled a thin cane from the case and tested it with a bend. He swung it through the air twice, the whooshing sound sending Naya back a tiny step. Although Menace was fully aware Naya had no love for them, he’d chosen a cane as part of the interrogation implements because he knew the effect on her. Hazard had promised never to let the cane mark her skin—but she didn’t know that.

  “Eyes forward, prisoner. Don’t be looking to Guard Menace to save you. Two of the men wounded in your breakout scheme were his friends.”

  Naya squeaked when the tip of the cane touched her collarbone and moved down between her breasts. Hazard rested the top of it on her left breast. “So you really thought you could escape from Kovark?”

  Voice shuddery, she said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Sir.”

  “Don’t play dumb with me.” Hazard ran the cane’s tip around her nipple and then down her belly. He tapped it along the curve of her waist and hip, not hard enough to mark her but with enough pressure to make her fingers curl into her pubic hair. “The moment you stepped off the transport ship and into central processing I knew you were going to be a problem for my prison.”

  “Warden, I—”

  “Silence,” Hazard hissed harshly. “I don’t want your lies.” He walked around behind her, flashing Menace a wink the second he was out of her vision range, and gave her backside the lightest swat. Even with that bare kiss of the cane, she yelped and lifted onto her toes.

  “Sir, please—”

  “Enough,” Hazard growled. “I have eyes and ears all over this prison. Do you understand what that means? There are no prisoner secrets in this place.”

  “Y-yes, Sir.”

  Hazard stepped back in front of her and placed the cane against her nipple again. “Now tell me the names of your escape crew.”

  Menace watched the subtle shift in Naya’s body language. Her fear was palpable but her shoulders had straightened. Shit. She was going to play this as the tough girl from Connor’s Run.

  “Warden, if you have eyes and ears all over this prison, you must already know those names.”

  “Oh we’re going to the play the smart-ass card?” Hazard lowered the cane and snapped his fingers. “Guard, show the prisoner what happens to smart-asses.”

  “Happy to, Warden.” Menace snatched her right off the floor and carried her to the bench along the back wall. He sat down and draped her across his thighs. She gasped and put her hands back to stop the inevitable spanking. “Hands on the floor or I’ll ask the warden for the use of his cane.”

  She whimpered but did exactly as told. Fingertips on the cold floor, Naya dropped her head and went limp across his lap. Over the last few weeks together, she had taken his lessons to heart. He had made sure she understood that it was in her best interest to remain as relaxed as possible.

  With her small body supported by his thighs, Menace swept his calloused palms up and down her plump ass. Soon her brown skin would darken with heat. His cock throbbed to life. This fantasy had been put together to make her scream with pleasure, but Menace was finding it incredibly arousing himself.

  “Oh!” Naya cried out as his hand cracked her backside. “No! No! No!”

  She wiggled on his lap, the movement making her ass cheeks jiggle. Her soft belly rubbed against the head of his cock. He had to push down the surge of excitement that rocked him and concentrate on her tone and breathing. She was saying no but meant yes. There was a fine line he had to walk.

  His hand bounced from cheek to cheek. He kept the power behind each strike enough to make her cry but never enough to harm her. She would have a red, sore ass by the end of it but no lasting damage.

  “Please, Sir! Please! No more! No! Oh!”

  Her begging cries were music to his mean Master ears. If they’d been back in their quarters, he would have tossed her on the nearest table, pushed her thighs wide open and attacked her pussy to show her that every bit of pain came with even more pleasure. But he wasn’t in charge now and this scene was just getting started.

  Menace glanced at Hazard and gave a small nod. Understanding their silent communication, Hazard announced, “I think she’s had enough, Guard Menace.”

  “Yes, Warden.” Menace stood her up and fought the urge to wipe away the tears on her cheeks. No guard would do such a tender thing, but a husband definitely would.

  “Stand up straight. Hands behind your back.” Hazard tossed the cane back onto the interrogation table. “Let’s try this again. Give me the names of your coconspirators.”

  Naya sniffled but shook her head. “Never.”

  Hazard retrieved a leather strap looped onto a handle. It was the kind of impact implement that would leave welts on a submissive’s backside. “You realize we can beat your ass all night?”

  She hesitated a moment before finally declaring, “I’m not afraid of you.”

  Hazard studied her. “No, I don’t think you are. Guard?”

  Menace stepped forward so she could see him and he could read her face better. “Yes, Warden?”

  “Take the prisoner to administrative segregation. Make sure the other women see her getting a special cell. Have the mess send her a hot meal.”

  Fully into the fantasy now, Naya exclaimed, “You can’t do that! They’ll think I’m a snitch. I’ll be on their hit list.”

  Hazard toyed with the thick leather loop of the strap. “That’s not my problem anymore, Prisoner A114. I tried to give you an out but you wouldn’t take it.”

  “I won’t squeal on my friends.”

  Hazard moved so fast Naya took an instinctive step back. Stopping mere inches from her, the other man dragged the wide leather strap down the front of her body. He stopped when the strap was pressed against her mound. “Maybe we’ll see how loudly you squeal while riding our cocks.”

  Her eyes widened. “S-sir?”

  Turning on the charm, Hazard said, “This is a lonely, isolated system, honey. A man has needs. It would be nice to ease them with a willing woman.”

  She gulped. Her fran
tic gaze skipped from Hazard’s face to his. Menace stayed in the role he’d written for himself but her face softened at the sight of him. Looking reassured, she whispered, “And if I say yes?”

  “When we’re done with you, we throw you back in gen pop. You get to keep your honor and loyalty to your friends. We get to sink our cocks into some hot, tight pussy.”

  Menace had to give Hazard props for inhabiting the role of a sick, twisted warden rather well. For such a laid-back prankster, Hazard could be a real dickhead when the circumstances called for it.

  Naya still hadn’t given her answer. Hazard pinched her nipple and twisted it hard enough that she rose onto tiptoes and squeaked in protest. He laughed and released her tortured nipple. “I’d say that’s a yes. Guard? String her up.”

  Naya had never been so wet. The evidence of her arousal seeped from her body and stained her inner thighs. The slick fluid cooled as the frigid air in the room hit her skin. No doubt her evil husband had kicked on the air-conditioning to keep her as uncomfortable as possible.

  Speaking of her evil husband…

  Menace grabbed her by the waist and hauled her over to the wall of cell bars. The room they’d brought her into had struck a quiver of fear in her belly. She’d been in places all too similar to this one and it had been anything but a fantasy.

  His familiar scent enveloped her and eased some of the rawness of her anxious nerves. In that guard getup he looked more, well, menacing than usual. She hadn’t been sure what to expect when Menace and his friend had entered the room. She’d thought it would be kind of silly and hard to buy the fantasy they were trying to create but she’d been utterly wrong. That spanking had been real enough! Her ass still tingled from it.

  Hazard played the role of warden with frightening accuracy. There had been a moment there when she’d actually believed he was going to cane her. That awful-looking leather strap attached to a handle scared the living daylights out of her. One swat with that thing and she would have spilled state secrets to get away.

  Without his usual finesse or gentleness, Menace hooked her wrist cuffs to the bars. Arms overhead, she had extremely limited motion. He put pressure on her shoulders and guided her into a squatting position. The rings attached to her cuffs slid down the bars until they hit a horizontal support.


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