Elemental Rising

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Elemental Rising Page 35

by Toni Cox

  The Sentinels - Commander Livan Summerlot

  The Night Watch - Commander Herrod Goldsbane

  The Scouts - Commander Aduial Mellowood

  The Horse Guard - Commander Caran Kastenbrink


  Blaid Elderbow - Death Elemental


  The Noble House of Swiftfisher

  Kyreon Swiftfisher - Lord of Braérn

  Amandel Swiftfisher - Wife of Kyreon

  Kanarel Swiftfisher - Son of Kyreon

  The Noble House of Sparrow

  Elothrin Sparrow - Elder of Braérn

  Soniana Sparrow - Wife of Elothrin

  Siya Sparrow - Daughter of Soniana & Jaik’s love interest

  The Noble House of Falconfall

  Burindor Falconfall - Owner of The Falcon’s Nest guest lodge

  Selest Falconfall - Wife of Burindor

  Selena Falconfall - Daughter of Selest

  Elders of Braérn

  Solara Coldfire

  Kaidan Darkblood

  Florian Moongloom

  Ciël Ravenken

  Ilaya Countbay

  Asgarr Redbrook

  Zevrion Hightop

  Atras Eaglesea

  Ikanin Ebongrove

  Athras Locklan

  Dorien Ivyson

  The Guard of Braérn

  Liatriël Sweetsky (Commander)

  Masa Frostwell (2nd in Command)

  Shiril Forgehammer

  Menna Havenvoid

  Kenyla Silverson

  Fille Lyrpalm

  Josrion Redwallow

  Huralan Countbay

  Namall Fallhill

  Ashavan Cavevault

  Uthorim Emberbury

  The Warrior Houses of Braérn & their Commanders

  The Guard - Commander Liatriël Sweetsky

  The Regiment - Commander Lenall Neverstar

  The Legion - Commander Ghenon Bridgeburgh

  The Sentinels - Commander Nenren Millshear

  The Night Watch - Commander Misa Freyfair

  The Scouts - Commander Pasiara Rosehaven

  The Armada - Commander Ihsh Drymore

  Thala Yll

  The Noble House of Hazelwatch

  Skylor Hazelwatch - Lord of Thala Yll

  Kariana Hazelwatch - Wife of Skylor

  Sky Hazelwatch - Son of Skylor

  Elders of Thala Yll

  Emorion Sunwell

  Sasuna Timberhold

  Kaneki Rimesalt

  Nerube Stormfreeze

  Brivra Farmeadow

  Fenlen Overland

  Lerdon Pondmaw

  Javen Horseborn

  Savin Oxenyoke

  Vardor Oldgardens

  Ashalora Grimcall

  The Guard of Thala Yll

  Elandor Arkenbay (Commander)

  Riro Feyhorn (2nd in Command)

  Harsan Lavender

  Leron Redstalk

  Alaros Wiseowl

  Teneroc Dierhall

  Aelythri Thunderdrum

  Agwar Brinkwater

  Genhanon Sunfer

  Mithari Horseborn

  Aracil Oxenyoke

  The Warrior Houses of Thala Yll & their Commanders

  The Guard - Commander Elandor Arkenbay

  The Regiment - Commander Evandeor Hollowdale

  The Legion - Commander Lyandor Eastmire

  The Sentinels - Commander Owenden Lightfrost

  The Night Watch - Commander Venarel Swiftfalls

  The Scouts - Commander Ranhorn Quickchill

  The Dragon Guard - Commander Vrayla Oldpeak

  Alea Yll

  The Noble House of Plainspar

  Durinn Plainspar - Lord of Alea Yll

  Alena Plainspar - Wife of Durinn

  Dalton Plainspar - Son of Durinn

  Elders of Alea Yll

  Ebligon Duskstar

  Vyrlynag Wildecoast

  Sminda Treeburn

  Brila Cloudcrest

  Panon Freyspell

  Lemmaêl Shieldall

  Riondon Blossomtree

  Lensas Brownhawk

  Ganala Oldwood

  Vasawyn Haretrap

  Onnesh Southall

  The Guard of Alea Yll

  Cencaur Blackcloak (Commander)

  Folwin Shortstep (2nd in Command)

  Iliphar Foxwell

  Gormarden Oldwood

  Veallahan Freyspell

  Sayia Snakefield

  Imucia Woodland

  Leyran Wyrmwood

  Kuchan Cattlecreek

  Dighyll Southall

  Myuen Onyx

  The Warrior Houses of Alea Yll & their Commanders

  The Guard - Commander Cencaur Blackcloak

  The Regiment - Commander Kayverii Thornbird

  The Legion - Commander Libraanich Redcloud

  The Sentinels - Commander Layciel Pondgrass

  The Night Watch - Commander Nithroël Snowfield

  The Scouts - Commander Imperion Redrun

  The Wolf Guard - Commander Adorellan Hillward

  Tarron Heights

  The Noble House of Tallson

  Cinaed Tallson - Lord of Tarron Heights

  Mikana Tallson - Wife of Cinaed

  Mekindra Tallson - Daughter of Mikana

  Elders of Tarron Heights

  Reandor Lothbrooke

  Haemir Sailbill

  Kymeron Evergreen

  Thalar Carverer

  Varkin Lynxcape

  Theondal Shrew

  Para Deerfall

  Lanné Winterhare

  Fiora Bluepyre

  Merrinna Ravencroft

  Sorsser Storkbill

  The Guard of Tarron Heights

  Erendal Baywater (Commander)

  Arabas Winterfoe (2nd in Command)

  Argon Strongsteel

  Lemren Cattbar

  Ylthorn Molewright

  Zathraël Bergen

  Taevin Treadfast

  Balaras Oakenkin

  Grendor Creek

  Iolas Yellowfields

  Kellam Northfolk

  The Warrior Houses of Tarron Heights & their Commanders

  The Guard - Commander Erendal Baywater

  The Regiment - Commander Briedenley Bluetop

  The Legion - Commander Lirethorn Shadowbourne

  The Sentinels - Commander Panthius Houndhill

  The Night Watch - Commander Vichelle Crowlake

  The Scouts - Commander Ziaan Farseer


  The Noble House of Firestone

  Hanno Firestone - Lord of Rathaés

  Medina Firestone - Wife of Hanno

  Minna Firestone - Daughter of Medina

  Elders of Rathaés

  Bronsen Firehold

  Aghtias Burnwood

  Avatey Hotstone

  Lintey Bogden

  Minaam Coalmill

  Sukitaan Flameshield

  Abantus Ironstar

  Evera Whitecross

  Shigtaan Boneshell

  Cait Crystalvault

  Muisay Lavarun

  The Guard of Rathaés

  Annitue Burnwood (Commander)

  Xiveral Greywolf (2nd in Command)

  Tenninas Pygmyant

  Suzari Sprinpost

  Beetran Fyrhound

  Sira Flameshield

  Trialan Pyrehill

  Rumivah Steamguard

  Keathlen Hotwell

  Soavira Brownkite

  Esolla Inkstar

  The Warrior Houses of Rathaés & their Commanders

  The Guard - Commander Annitue Burnwood

  The Regiment - Commander Dorius Bloodaxe

  The Legion - Commander Aladon Ironstar

  The Sentinels - Commander Buroden Sourwater

  The Night Watch - Commander Beyth Blackbear

  The Scouts - Commander Lyva Dawnyard

  The Burning Spear - Commander Luriaan Nightadder


  The Nobl
e House of Middleclaw

  Elgan Middleclaw - Lord of Dragonfort

  Tannina Middleclaw - Wife of Elgan

  Ethran Middleclaw - Son of Elgan

  Elders of Dragonfort

  Mikitaan Wyrmhole

  Sayren Treehelm

  Souguh Darkwood

  Rorikus Dragonhood

  Kay Slaygrove

  Picharen Pinenymph

  Llantey Raspberry

  Veruen Wildbean

  Sichaani Lizardrift

  Shelline Logvale

  Kainen Fyrmoss

  The Guard of Dragonfort

  Divari Woodfort (Commander)

  Liinay Springforest (2nd in Command)

  Ruzia Dragonhood

  Korshius Silverwing

  Eblamey Mothcroft

  Nishaan Oldenoak

  Yltran Willowroot

  Hagen Redweed

  Mallek Primrose

  Thildor Elderflower

  Varin Wildbean

  The Warrior Houses of Dragonfort & their Commanders

  The Guard - Commander Divari Woodfort

  The Regiment - Commander Terikus Elderflower

  The Legion - Commander Gviraan Riverfloat

  The Sentinels - Commander Nerki Oldenoak

  The Night Watch - Commander Onitey Deepfalls

  The Scouts - Commander Osaria Claybeetle


  The Noble House of Brimstone

  Lothri Brimstone - Lord of Stoneloft

  Hellena Brimstone - Wife of Lothri

  Lurin Brimstone - Son of Lothri

  The Noble House of Gemsson

  Ender Gemsson - Noble of Stoneloft

  Melindil Gemsson - Wife of Ender

  Elders of Stoneloft

  Killian Granitson

  Leth Brimstone

  Thurvah Marblehall

  Anaar Firestone

  Larius Hardrock

  Thiborn Underfelt

  Shay Stonecroft

  Vorus Eversmooth

  Sigilah Hammersbay

  Laylee Lintel

  Evosirah Flagstone

  The Guard of Stoneloft

  Sioryn Hammersbay (Commander)

  Rilodaan Darksky (2nd in Command)

  Agrador Lovemore

  Vird Bluebird

  Lerikan Hardrock

  Eldaren Softleaf

  Kagu Goodsmith

  Theros Underfelt

  Vianten Eversmooth

  Keachay Featherpen

  Raiken Marblemoss

  The Warrior Houses of Stoneloft & their Commanders

  The Guard - Commander Sioryn Hammersbay

  The Regiment - Commander Amandray Riverken

  The Legion - Commander Charen Dewdrop

  The Sentinels - Commander Skyver Minedeep

  The Night Watch - Commander Eman Softleaf

  The Scouts - Commander Pheylaar Coversmoke

  Crook Harbour

  The Noble House of Silverman

  Argur Silverman - Lord of Crook Harbour

  Natala Silverman - Wife of Argur

  Arun Silverman - Son of Argur

  Elders of Crook Harbour

  Evon Fishawk

  Lethron Eelwright

  Eya Silvershell

  Zifaan Ria

  Sumon Lettergood

  Thiolus Seadragon

  Keytay Waverider

  Aren Smoothsailor

  Meylah Goodfisher

  Lovden Isledown

  Efketeri Sanderson

  The Guard of Crook Harbour

  Lavangen Isledown (Commander)

  Evoslen Fishawk (2nd in Command)

  Averi Summerbay

  Verioma Crabnet

  Yandior Sealot

  Thorle Mapmaker

  Eflen Booktown

  Ikerion Fastrider

  Shayron Reedbasket

  Illosri Chandler

  Tayro Seadragon

  The Warrior Houses of Crook Harbour & their Commanders

  The Guard - Commander Lavangen Isledown

  The Regiment - Commander Keafaan Leadwood

  The Legion - Commander Morius Goodfisher

  The Sentinels - Commander Cristaan Dragonwing

  The Night Watch - Commander Liathor Whirlpool

  The Scouts - Commander Chianden Rivermouth

  The Armada - Commander Bayeflen Goldleaf

  South Point

  The Noble House of Seafarer

  Konder Seafarer - Lord of South Point

  May Seafarer - Wife of Konder

  Mina Seafarer - Daughter of May

  Elders of South Point

  Lanall Wetland

  Kanowen Boatsman

  Rinneor Farmwell

  Mitharien Hawthorn

  Velarrill Noblekin

  Devethra Pebblegrove

  Shanne Bogfast

  Brivrea Oarsman

  Seraltor Stormken

  Brindor Wetbank

  Namanowen Troutferry

  The Guard of South Point

  Shivren Bogfast (Commander)

  Chilenron Topsail (2nd in Command)

  Fearon Fillsafe

  Kion Shortreef

  Leylaan Wetland

  Tivis Oldenborn

  Hespen Longship

  Etherien Greensail

  Memophen Hawthorn

  Akelor Thornybay

  Garoth Newtown

  The Warrior Houses of South Point & their Commanders

  The Guard - Commander Shivren Bogfast

  The Regiment - Commander Dray Longmoat

  The Legion - Commander Tiavon Oldenborn

  The Sentinels - Commander Xenos Longdale

  The Night Watch - Commander Quanden Redrose

  The Scouts - Commander Abathen Thornybay

  The Armada - Commander Tey Yeoman


  The Noble House of Leatherman

  Lucien Leatherman - Lord of Arrow

  Eldena Leatherman - Wife of Lucien

  Lucan Leatherman - Son of Lucien

  Elders of Arrow

  Lero Leatherman

  Siuslah Oakenrift

  Velkion Wildcat

  Annavii Oldenspice

  Therrenon Marshland

  Borrium Brightshine

  Diusara Manyword

  Mathall Maplehall

  Torien Bard

  Bariël Quartzblock

  Fershay Densebush

  The Guard of Arrow

  Whandar Redsands (Commander)

  Lucan Leatherman (2nd in Command)

  Zuraken Eastplain

  Tiaan Yellowstalk

  Veyleran Hunter

  Ninden Fleetdeer

  Ferwendor Loftborn

  Sofarion Whitehorse

  Losfarri Shorebird

  Dorlen Manyword

  Lensi Silverdole

  The Warrior Houses of Arrow & their Commanders

  The Guard - Commander Whandar Redsands

  The Regiment - Commander Layloth Strongarm

  The Legion - Commander Keth Goodhaul

  The Sentinels - Commander Sigorion Oakenrift

  The Night Watch - Commander Lucinden Leatherman

  The Scouts - Commander Emmen Tightnet

  The Armada - Commander Dominder Broadship

  The Warrior Houses

  The Guard: Elite group of eleven warriors to serve and protect their Lord and Elders

  The Regiment: Eleven groups of twenty elite warriors

  The Legion: General fighting force, enlisting is voluntary and numbers depend on size of city

  The Sentinels: General city guard and watchmen

  The Night Watch: Night watchmen and patrols

  The Scouts: Elite group of trackers and messengers

  The Horse Guard: Special guards of Shadow Hall

  The Dragon Guard: Special guards of Thala Yll

  The Wolf Guard: Special guards of Alea Yll

  The Armada: Seafaring warriors of the cities on the shores of Nithril Deep

  The Burni
ng Spear: Special guards of Rathaés

  The Moons of Elveron


  Melt Moon

  Moon of Rushing Waters

  Victory Moon

  Early Summer

  Moon of Songs

  Watcher’s Moon

  Hunter’s Moon


  Moon of the Dragon

  Blood Moon

  Bright Moon

  Late Summer

  Fire Moon

  Harvest Moon

  Moon of Plenty


  Fall’s Moon

  Still Moon

  Frost Moon


  Moon of Darkness

  Snow Moon

  Moon of Storms


  Born in Germany on 1976, Toni Cox has been living in South Africa since 1991. Although she has spent much of her working career in the timber wholesale business, she is also an accomplished horse rider, has a diploma in project management, photography and nutrition. She has a passion for books and all things fantasy and is a firm believer in dragons.

  From a young age, her dream had always been to put her imagination into words - give life to her stories. When she was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2013, she decided life is too short not to follow her dream. With the support of her husband and three children, she began writing book 1 of the Elemental Trilogy in January 2015.

  Follow Toni Cox here:

  Twitter: @tonicoxauthor


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