Possessing Providence [Warriors Of Kelon Book 6]

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Possessing Providence [Warriors Of Kelon Book 6] Page 4

by Castle, Angela

  Overwhelming emotions from everything which happened became suddenly too much for her to handle. Tears pricked behind her eyes. Damn it, she was not one to get all girly and cry, but she couldn’t stop the tears spilling down her cheeks. She sniffed, swiping at them.

  “Sorry…I’m n…not usually like this.”

  His hand stroked down her arm over the blanket. “Be brave, little Providence. I will not let them harm you. I swear by the great god, Elron.”

  Chapter 5

  The banging against the bars jolted Zelron from his sleep. “Oi, wake up!”

  “Mine!” Zelron’s head snapped up, growling at the guard.

  His gaze softened as he glanced down at Providence, his soft, little human. He remembered holding her, watching her red, wet cheeks, her lush body racked with sobs, until they faded and fell into a deep slumber. He gently laid her on the bunk and removed himself to the corner of the cell to watch her. For an endless time, he watched the soft rise and fall of her chest under the blanket. He studied the beauty of her straight, little nose, light brown lashes against pale cheeks and stray strands of her multi-coloured hair falling in wisps over her face. He admired her full, pink lips, parted slightly while breathing.

  The magnificence of nebulae and star systems paled in comparison to the beauty of this little female, yet she seemed unaware of this.

  Over and over, he battled to make sense of his mind and body concerning her. The human males disregarded her as important. His hatred for human males grew with the way they treated their females.

  Was he being foolish to hope either of them could escape and have a future? Many other Kelon males took human females as their life-mates. From past experience and his damaged face, he could never win the favour of a Kelon female. Providence was an opportunity he would be foolish to pass up.

  Why could she not be his prize for all he’d suffered at human hands? Take something they choose to neglect. The fact she did not find him repulsive helped to strengthen his growing resolve. Why fight the natural impulses riding him?

  I want her and I will claim her and possess her. Remove her from a world that abuses their females. He would protect and treasure her. She and I are alone no longer.

  Renewed determination to escape their captors and take her back to Kelon strengthened.

  He would not touch her yet, not until she was ready. He clung to those thoughts while doing repetitive sit-ups and many more push-ups. Practicing his combat moves, as much as he was able, working his body, so he would not give in to his desire to pull her body against his.

  “Breakfast for you and your little fuck friend. I was hoping for more of a show last night—so disappointing.”

  “You kiss your mother with that mouth?” Providence sat up, rubbed her eyes with the heel of her palm before glaring at the guard. “There’s a special place in hell for assholes like you.” She shuffled around, the blanket falling form her shoulders, as she stretched.

  “Yeah, yeah. The docs want you to eat and keep up your strength. You’re sure gonna need it today. And to think my shifts is now over.”

  Zelron marched forward, snatching the tray. Glancing down, he saw it was covered by a tan, hard lid. There were items there he has not seen before. Zelron sniffed at some of them.

  “Don’t worry, beast, it’s not drugged this time. Some of that’s for your lady friend.” Zelron did not like the way the guard was staring at his Providence. He gave a low, warring growl and the guard backed off. He felt the menacing grin curve up the corners of his lips. Yes, they were all afraid of him and what he could do to them, if he ever got loose.

  Zelron set down the tray on the end of the bunk and lifted the lid. The wafting, exotic smell felt good, making his stomach growl with hunger.

  “Gee, there’s enough food here to feed—” She glanced up at him, her delicate eyebrow arched. “I guess you would pack away a lot.” Her brow creased in a frown. “Have they been feeding you right?”

  “Docs said be good and you’ll be treated well,” the guard spoke up. Prov and Zelron narrowed their eyes at him and he backed off, shaking his head and muttering. “Acting like a married couple already.”

  Providence’s soft sigh brought Zelron’s attention back to her. “Why do I get the feeling they don’t give you a breakfast like this every day?”

  “Food is food. Need it to stay alive.” He picked up the glass of water and took a sip to make sure it wasn’t drugged before handing the glass to her. “Drink. I make sure it has no drugs first.”

  Her fingers brushed his, sending his body back into a hardened state. The glass wobbled and he wrapped his hands around hers to steady them. The blanket slipped further off her shoulders, revealing the creamy swell of her breasts.

  Her pretty blue eyes widened. “They drug everything?”

  He nodded, raising the glass to her lips, making sure she took a long swallow before removing the glass from her hands and setting it down. Her tongue slid out from between her lips, collecting water droplets left behind. Why did he get the sudden urge to trace her lips with his own tongue? He groaned, reaching out and cupping her chin, tracing her pink lips with his thumb.

  Her eyes fluttered closed, leaning into his touch. The trust she placed in his hands in such a short time touched him to the core. It was a trust he would never betray. With great effort, he pulled away.

  He glanced down at the different foods, not knowing their names. “What do you call this?”

  Her eyes opened and the shade of her skin coloured an arousing pinkish red. He saw the human males turn different colours when angered, but it was clear she was not angry from the shy manner he saw when she glanced down, and then back up at him. He could only guess it was another emotion making her skin shade.

  She shifted on the bed, glancing down at the tray. He took the eating utensil and speared the gluey, yellow substance.

  “Ah,” she cleared her throat. “Um, scrambled eggs.” He took a small bite, enjoying the salty taste.

  Satisfied it wasn’t drugged, he fed her. The whole meal proceeded in the same manner, him asking what it was and tasting it before making sure she ate. When she protested that she had eaten her fill, he finished the rest before putting the tray back on the shelf of the cell bars.

  Finished with eating, Zelron turned around and used the bodily waste bowl. Finished, he turned to find her glancing away, her skin a deeper shade of pink than before.

  Concern made him crouch down and touch her shoulder. “Providence, something is wrong?”

  “No, I mean yes…I’ve never been in a situation like this. I, um—” Her cheeks reddened.

  “Your skin is shading. Are you angry? The human males do this when they are angry.”

  “Oh, no. I’m not angry. I’m embarrassed; I need to use the bathroom, too.”

  “Bathroom, I do not know this word.”

  “Oh, god. The toilet, dunny, loo, that!” She pointed to the bodily waste disposal bowl. He actually chuckled. Foolish, adorable little female. And mine.

  “Bath-room. See, I learn new words. Use it. I will make sure no one views you.”

  Her chest heaved a gusty sigh. “Thank you.” She rose from the bunk, hurrying over, and dropped the blanket. Zelron shook his head, but took a position in front of her and turned his back while she disposed of her body’s waste, heaving little sighs of relief.

  “I’m okay now, thank you.”

  He turned. She wrapped the blanket around herself so it sat over one shoulder, leaving the other shoulder bare.

  He drew in a slow, steady breath. There was only so much a Kelon male could take when in such close proximity to his desire. “We in this together, yes? Care for each other?”

  “Of course.”

  The sound of squeaky wheels turned both their heads. “I guess breakfast is over,” she muttered, moving in closer to his side as Forrester and Martin arrived pushing a trolley. On top were various instruments.

  “Good morning. I trust you slept well and are not
too banged up,” Forrester greeted with a sinister smile.

  “Open the door, and then say that,” Providence snapped back.

  Zelron folded his arms and placed himself between the bars and his female, knowing the human males now possessed leverage over him. He would give in to anything now, as long as she stayed safe.

  “Such a little flirt, Miss Velour. Well, I hope you don’t faint at the sight of blood because our little party is about to start.”

  It was always a given Zelron would kill this man, but if he laid one finger on Providence, he would make sure the human’s death was long and painful.

  * * * *

  Crap! There went the nice mood of the intimate breakfast. It was kind of bizarre, at first, but Prov couldn’t bring herself to protest at him wanting to feed her. Remembering he was alone for far too long, she wanted to show him every kindness and respect she could.

  The feeling in the air and being with Zelron changed. He was more settled. Although it felt weird to be fed like a child, she also knew the food could be drugged. His insistence on tasting it all first showed Zelron cared. It made her chest tighten and feel fluttery at the same time.

  Where the hell was the tough Providence Velour, town electrician, who took crap from no one? She was lost behind the big alien man set on protecting and taking care of her. No one had taken care of her since the age of five, after her mother’s death. Her father told her to toughen up, there was no affection, no girl-talks she needed. The facts of life she gleaned from school, television and the few friends she did have. The drive behind her life was trying to turn herself into what her dad wanted, but feeling the sting of his scathing looks and mutterings of ‘shudda been a boy’ always cut her deep.

  “Ready to earn your keep, Miss Velour?”

  Forrester’s voice snapped her out of her sad reverie. “Beast, step back, now!”

  Zelron took a step back, but he hooked an arm around Prov’s waist and pulled her back along with him.

  “He is very protective of you.” Forrester regarded them both.

  “Yeah, well you’re an asshole and he’s not.”

  Martin strode into the room, looking the same as he did before, except he was now wearing a pair of latex gloves.

  “Exchanging pleasantries already, Forrester?”

  “She has a mouth on her, this one.”

  “Which will be put to use soon enough.” Martin examined the tray, before selecting an obscenely large syringe compete with a dagger of a needle. Prov, without conscious thought, wrapped her hand around Zelron’s solid muscled arm.

  “For obvious reasons, we’ve been unable to collect proper blood samples without drugging our beast here.”

  “Don’t call him that. He has a name: Zelron. Use it, or I won’t help you.”

  The two doctors glanced at each other.

  “You’ve learnt more about him in twenty-four hours than we have in nine months. He won’t talk to us.”

  “I don’t frikken blame him.”

  “Well, we will keep you two happy as long as you keep us happy. Does that sound like a deal?”

  Prov glanced up at Zelron, who stared down at her. He nodded. “Do as they say. They cannot hurt me any more than they already have.”

  “His English is quite good,” muttered Martin.

  “We have two choices for you. You can come here and willingly give us a sample of your blood…Zelron, or your little woman can draw your blood for us.”

  Prov shuddered. She couldn’t shove that big thing into his arm and take blood. “I can’t hurt you,” she whispered.

  Zelron turned, pushed her into the corner, and barked the word. “Stay.” Her jaw dropped in half shock as he stepped towards the cell door and placed his arm through it.

  “What? Wait! No, you can’t.”

  He turned and pinned her with a hard stare, stopping her before she could move. He spun around, his back to her, and her mouth opened and closed like a guppy, not knowing what to do.

  “Take the blood. I will not fight.”

  “Most civilized. We should have gotten you someone much sooner.”

  Not alone…the words rattled around in Prov’s brain. He had gone through all this torture alone. She couldn’t stay in the corner and let him suffer alone. She moved to his left side. He glanced down at her with a disapproving scowl, but it faded when she took hold of his free hand, squeezing it.

  Prov winced and felt her stomach churn when Martin jabbed the needle into his arm, and drew several vials of blood.

  “All done.” Martin beamed, removing the needle and capping the tubes. “Excellent samples.”

  Zelron’s arm still bled from the gaping wound the thick needle left. “I want Band Aids, antiseptic and lots of orange juice.” She pulled Zelron away, putting her hand over his arm to stem the bleeding.

  Martin handed her a swab and a Band Aid. She felt as if Zelron was watching her and she glanced up to see his expression was one of curiosity, while she cleaned his arm and put the plaster over it.

  “His blood is not the only thing we want out of him today.” Forster moved the tray to the back of the room.

  “You’ve got his blood, isn’t it enough?” Stupid question. Her stomach pitched seeing their evil smiles again.

  “No, it’s not. We want everything we can examine and possibly use. You are going to collect semen samples for us.”

  Saliva suddenly went down the wrong part of her throat and she started coughing. Zelron patted her on her back with a heavy hand, his blows feeling more like they came from a Mack truck. She felt her face turning a bright red.

  “Breathe slowly, Providence,” Zelron rumbled.

  “We thought you might protest, and we’ve been patient and nice. We’re not asking you to fuck him, yet. Simply get him off and collect the samples.” Martin put a glass container on the edge of the cell door shelf.

  “We’re not worried about viability of live semen today. So, we’ll give you till the end of the day to have this container filled.”

  Prov shook her head. The heat of Zelron’s hand still lingered on her back. “Not possible. Even a human man would—”

  “I’m not sure if you noticed yet, Miss Velour, but your friend is not human.” Martin tapped the container. “With the right incentive, I’m sure you can get it done. Oh, and if it’s not, we will introduce you to these.”

  As if on cue, two bulky, six-foot tall guards in white shirts and black slacks stepped into the room, each carrying what looked like red spear guns, only there were claw-like pincers on the end. Prov gasped seeing them spark, like cattle prods.

  Zelron growled low “You will not need those.” He stepped forward and snatched the container.

  Semen. Reality crashed in. She would have to touch Zelron’s… she glanced down at his crotch, noticing the large bulge for the first time. How the hell did she miss that? She was too frikken wrapped up in having her freedom taken away, that’s how.

  Prov’s head spun. How would she? She would have to touch… she had never touched a… oh, god. Where did all the air go? Her head spun and she felt faint.

  “Breathe, Providence, you are shading red again.” Zelron leaned down, stroking his hand down her arm, and she took in slower breaths. He encircled his strong arm around her waist, holding her against his side.

  “We will do this, but you must give us privacy—not here in this cell. Have you no respect for your own kind?”

  “If we did, do you think we would have put her in there with you? But as she’s making you so placid, I suppose moving you will do no harm. What do you say, Forrester?”

  “I guess the new couple could have a honeymoon suite, as long as they continue to co-operate. After all, we want them to be comfortable for the next stage of our plans.”

  Next stage? “Have you two no conscience at all?” she blurted out.

  Zelron gave her waist a squeeze, as if to hush her. She tried yanking from his grasp, glaring up at him, but he held her fast. She stilled her struggles.

  “But of course, considering you’re now getting royal treatment. Ask your new boyfriend exactly what we could be doing to you, rather than being as nice as we are now.”

  Zelron shook his head. “Is not good. I will obey for her.”

  Everything was so wrong. Zelron was making compromises now, instead of fighting, because of her, but what could she do? She felt like a mouse caught in a trap.

  “Fine, I agree with Zelron. You will get what you want, but can we have privacy, please.”

  Martin and Forrester both nodded. “Jake and Malvin will move you to the A-Block cells. Call out when the samples are ready and they’ll collect the specimen. Oh, and remember, any hint of rebellion will be cause for punishment.”

  “We understand.” Zelron spoke before she could open her mouth and tell them exactly where they could shove their punishment. He shook his head at her. Guessing he knew their captors a hell of a lot better than her, she decided to trust his judgment.

  Chapter 6

  The door closed and Prov heard the locks click into place. They made Zelron carry her, her heart thumping, all the way up the stairs and through the corridors. The guard made it clear, if he set her down or tried anything they would shock her with the high voltage cattle prod.

  She couldn’t decipher the look in Zelron’s dark gaze. Guilt and her nerves made the breakfast in her stomach settle like a lead weight.

  Maybe, she could turn her back while he…uh, masturbated into the container. She didn’t really need to be a part of it, but the thought of seeing him totally naked, and seeing his cock warmed her lower belly and made her clit pulse.

  Damn it, why can’t I bring my hormones under control? It was not like this was the best place to explore her long suppressed sexually. The way he touched her at breakfast, and the evening before, felt wonderful. The things he said about claiming her made her shake with nerves. He couldn’t really mean those things, after all. I was the first woman he saw in, what did the doc say? Nine months? Or maybe even longer.


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