Loving the Crown

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Loving the Crown Page 2

by Violet Paige

  I slung the bag over my shoulder and walked around the car to help Gillian from her seat. She was off balance with my jacket tied against her side. As she stood I realized just how tight her clothing was. It didn’t help that it hugged her curves. Fuck. She was beautiful.

  Romero escorted us up the stairs while Charles parked.

  Chapter Four


  I teetered between surges of pain and trying not react to how insanely hot the prince was. He towered over me protectively, leading me into the hospital. I knew the jacket had tied around me was wet, but it was reassuring and sweet how he had cared for me in the back of the car.

  We walked to the admissions desk. The nurses behind wore white hats. I suddenly felt as if I were starring in a World War II movie.

  “I-I don’t think I have my insurance card.” The only thing I had with me was my phone with one of the production assistants shoved in my hand before I was hurried into the car.

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  “Or any of my medical records.”

  “It’s not a problem,” he answered.

  Suddenly I realized how scary it was to be hurt in a foreign country. It seemed as if things were whirring and blurring around me. I couldn’t panic. I willed myself not to think about all the things that could go wrong now.

  I took a deep breath. I could do this. I could do this.

  “Are you ok?” Liam looked at me. “Why don’t you sit down while I check you in?”

  The throbbing in my arm moved down, rounding my elbow and invading my wrist. I flinched at the pain.

  I nodded. “Ok. Probably a good idea.” I didn’t want to admit I was close to passing out. I thought I saw flashing lights and floating glimmering spots. That couldn’t be a good sign.

  I found a green chair and lowered myself. I noticed the agent was next to the prince, scanning the area. I wondered what he thought about me. I wondered what he thought about the prince interjecting himself on the show’s set after my accident.

  It felt as if an hour passed before he walked in my direction.

  “Dr. Fines has arrived,” he reported. “They will take you to an examination room. I imagine you’ll need an X-ray, maybe an MRI.”

  My eyes bulged. “An MRI?” I gripped the sides of the seat. “But isn’t that in a tunnel thing-y?”

  He laughed. “Yes. Why is that a problem?”

  “I’m not doing it.” I didn’t care that I sounded like an unreasonable toddler.

  “This is the best medical center in the country. Why don’t you let them decide what you’re going to do?”

  I could almost feel the prickly cold start to creep along my spine. The thought of the MRI was enough to make me nauseated.

  “I-I don’t like small spaces. Claustrophobia.”

  He rubbed the sharp angles of his jaw. “All you do is lie there. There’s nothing to it. It’s not a procedure, love.”

  “Maybe for you,” I argued. “For me, it’s the beginning of a panic attack.” I realized how few people knew my secret. “Can you keep that between us?” I asked. “Please.”

  “Ok. Ok. Let’s just see Dr. Fines first. It might not be that bad.” I could tell from the look on his face that he didn’t believe a word of what he had said.

  I nodded just as a wheelchair wheeled into view.

  “That’s not necessary. I can walk.” But when I tried to stand, my knees buckled as a shot of pain fired to my fingertips.

  “Whoa.” Liam’s arms caught me with a strong grip. “You’re going in the chair.”

  I had practically wiped out in front of him and the nurse. I couldn’t debate my walking skills. I wasn’t going to win that argument.

  “Fine.” He placed me in the chair and followed behind as the nurse wheeled me into an elevator.

  We stopped on the fourth floor and I realized how different this part of the hospital looked from the first floor. We might as well be in a different building.

  I glanced at a row of orchids on display. The lighting was soft, along with the classical music on the speakers overhead.

  “Is this the same hospital?” I asked.

  “Dr. Fines is at the end of the hall,” the nurse answered.

  Everything seemed ridiculous. I had a nurse, a prince, and a security escort. I covered my mouth so no one saw me laughing. Was I delirious from the pain?

  “Ahh, Your Highness.” A man with a startling white full head of hair greeted us. There was a stethoscope draped around his neck.

  “Dr. Fines, thank you for seeing us.”

  He glanced at me. “You are the patient, mademoiselle?”

  I nodded, still confused when I was supposed to answer in Spanish or French. It was one of the things I loved about Galona. How the languages blended and flowed together, but there were times when it made me feel like a clunky American, stuck in a language that had neither flow nor finesse.

  Liam helped me to the examination bed. It certainly wasn’t a table. It was lush and pilowy. I looked at it, realizing I hadn’t slept in almost twenty hours. Combined with jetlag, my workouts, and the all-day shooting marathon, I was exhausted in the deepest parts of my bones.

  I’d accept the pain, if everyone would leave me alone and turn off the lights. I even spotted a throw tossed on a visitor’s chair. I eyed it longingly.

  The nurse began to untie Liam’s jacket. I bit my lip when the grip loosened on my arm.

  “We’re going to need to remove your coat,” she instructed.

  I tried to helplessly wriggle out of the wet leather. I was embarrassed that underneath was nothing but a skimpy matching leather crop top. My stomach and chest were exposed. I heard the prince inhale quietly. I shivered.

  “Hmm.” Dr. Fines looked at my shoulder over the bridge of his nose. His fingers pressed into my arm. “How did the injury happen?”

  I looked at the prince, standing in the corner. “Well, I was on the set filming our season finale. Our closed set,” I corrected. “I was supposed to run and jump into the center of the fountain. I’d rehearsed the maneuver a hundred times today.” The doctor nodded along to my story. “But on the last take the path to the fountain wasn’t clear.” My eyes landed on Liam’s. “I didn’t see the prince and we fell into the fountain. I think I hit my arm on something on the way in.”

  “I see.” Dr. Fines tapped my elbow and wrist gingerly. “At least that explains why you are both soaked like wet kittens.”

  “I didn’t want to go into that fountain any more than you did.”

  I sighed. “It doesn’t matter, does it?”

  I wanted to get back to the set. I wanted to let Lance know I could film tomorrow. And I wanted my stomach to stop flipping every time his gaze caught mine. Every time his deep voice said my name. I had to get out of this hospital and away from the prince.

  Dr. Fines tsked with his tongue. “I’m going to need an MRI. I have a theory, but without a scan I can’t confirm.”

  “I-I can’t do that,” I whispered.

  “Mademoiselle, it’s simple. I’ll meet with you once I have your scans. You are on the private floor, so you won’t have to wait long. You’re getting the royal treatment.” He smiled.

  I shook my head. “You don’t understand. I can’t do it. I can’t get in that machine.”

  I was surprised when Liam stepped forward. “Doc, she has claustrophobia. I think it will be a problem. What else could you do?”

  I looked between them, anxious for a solution. I didn’t want the prickly sensation to override my logic. That’s exactly what happened when I felt the walls closing in around me. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t focus.

  “If the injury is severe and requires surgery, it’s going to be harder for me to detect it.” The older man scratched the back of his head. “Let’s start with X-rays instead of the MRI. Can you tolerate an X-ray?” he asked.

  “Yes. I can do that.”

  “Good. Nurse, please put the X-ray order in and let me know when you have i
mages for me.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll do that now and be back for you in a few minutes, Miss Sparks.”

  They walked out of the room, leaving us alone. The guard was posted on the outside of the door. For a brief second I felt as if I had won a battle. Although, I realized I hadn’t won it on my own. It was Liam who stood up for me.

  “Thank you.” I exhaled.

  He tipped his head to the side. “I might feel slightly responsible for your accident.”

  “You should.” I bit my lip. “Sorry. I didn’t mean that.”

  “I think you did.” He smirked. “I shouldn’t have walked past the barricade. I was running for a different reason. We both know I caused this.”

  I lowered my head. I didn’t want to blame him. He had been nothing but chivalrous and nice since I tackled him in the fountain. He had also been overbearing and cocky. I tried to ignore the hot and sexy part.

  “I couldn’t see. The sun was too bright. Who’s to say you didn’t break my fall? Maybe it would have been worse if you hadn’t been there. It wasn’t like Tom was going to stop me from falling in.”

  He chuckled. “Believe me. You don’t have to spare my feelings. Or be afraid of me.”

  “I’m not afraid of you.”

  “That would be a first.”

  “Why should I be? Because you’re a prince? We don’t have royalty in the States. It’s not something I can relate to.”

  “Instead, you’re the royalty?”

  My mouth dropped. “I am not. I’m an actress.”

  “In the highest-rated show on TV.”

  I opened my lips to argue, but the nurse walked in. “We’re ready for you, Miss Sparks.”

  I threw Liam an icy glare as I walked toward the hall. “You know you can leave,” I reminded him.

  “I know.” He winked. “But I think I’ll wait and see what the damage is.” He lifted the bag on his shoulder. “And change out of these wet clothes.”

  I shook my head. Not only was he devastatingly handsome, he was also stubborn.

  Chapter Five


  It felt good to put on a set of dry clothes. I seemed more human this way. More normal. I checked my phone again. Gillian had been gone thirty minutes, but while she was having X-rays done, I decided to research the American actress.

  With a quick search, there were thousands of hits on her name. I clicked on the first few news articles. There was a rundown on her fashion trends. I didn’t care. There was buzz about what award nominations she’d receive. I was more impressed the show had reached that level.

  And then I saw the headline about her love life. I glanced at the door before clicking on the link. When the fuck had I done something this grade school? I skimmed the article.

  I shoved my phone in my back pocket when the nurse appeared with Gillian. She was wearing a white fluffy robe and a pair of slippers.

  “No leather?” I asked.

  She twisted her lips together. “Wet clothes aren’t allowed for the X-ray machine.”

  “I’m glad you’re more comfortable.”

  She still cradled her arm. “Slightly. Wet leather isn’t my thing, but necessary for a vampire wrangler.”

  I chuckled. “I had no idea.” What I did know, was she looked sexy as sin in leather. “Does your character always chase vampires in high heels and leather? That seems like a dangerous combination for a demon fighter.”

  She sighed. “Mostly yes. Comes with the territory. But I do get to play with weapons.”

  The nurse interrupted. “I’m going to get the images for Dr. Fines. We’ll be right back.”

  “How does your arm feel?” I asked.

  “Like I slammed into a wall.”

  “We’re almost out of here. It shouldn’t be long now.”

  The door opened and Dr. Fines walked in. There was a small group of doctors who worked this floor of the hospital. Dr. Fines had set my shoulder when I dislocated it playing rugby. He had stitched my brother Corbin’s chin after he fell from a tree in the orchard. I was certain he had healed all the Marquis children at one point in his career. It didn’t help that we were reckless and wild. I trusted him. I knew whatever his diagnosis would be, it would be the right one.

  “Ahh, Miss Sparks. I have some good news.”

  She leaned forward expectantly. “Please tell me.”

  Dr. Fines placed his laptop next to her on the bed. He pointed to an image of her humerus.

  “You can see here that the bone is intact. I’m not concerned about the shoulder joint. Everything looks fine.” He zoomed in. “And I don’t see any evidence of a fracture. There are no breaks.” He moved to the next slide. “Same with your radius and ulna. I can’t find anything.”

  “That is good news.”

  He looked at me. “But I can’t rule out a bone bruise. With this level of swelling and your description of the accident, I think it’s a likely possibility. The only way I can see a bruise is with an MRI.”

  I saw the sudden panic in Gillian’s eyes. It was as if the strong stubborn woman was instantly overshadowed.

  “Doc.” I placed a hand on his shoulder. “What if it is a bone bruise? How would you treat it?” I don’t know why I felt like I had to keep stepping in. Why I had to keep intervening, but it was as if there was an instinct that kicked in when I was near her.

  He shook his head. “I’m afraid it’s not going to be immediate. It needs to be elevated. You need ice and anti-inflammatories. I can prescribe something extra for the pain.”

  “No.” Gillian shook her head. “I don’t want anything extra. I can manage the pain. I have to stay clear for tomorrow.”

  “Miss Sparks, you won’t be able to return to work tomorrow. The swelling is going to get worse before it gets better.”

  “But how long?” she squeaked. “How long until I can work?”

  “You may not be fully healed for at least a month.”

  “A month? I have a day, maybe two. Lance is going to loose it if he hears this. I need to be better for tomorrow, Dr. Fines. Tomorrow.”

  I thought Lance might be the director who was in the circle at the fountain. He had wandered off without enough concern for his actress. I didn’t give a shit right now what Lance thought. She needed to heal. She needed to take time off.

  “My best advice, without the MRI, is that you rest this arm on pillows, use plenty of ice, and start taking those anti-inflammatories. It’s going to be swollen tomorrow. There’s no magic for that.” He turned. “If you change your mind about the scan, let me know. I’d hate for you to go home with something more serious.”

  She shook her head. “No thank you. I’m fine. It’s a bruised bone. That makes sense.” I didn’t know if she was trying to convince us or herself.

  “Thanks, Dr. Fines. Your service to the family is always appreciated.”

  He smiled. “Of course.” He paused at the door. “Miss Sparks?”


  “Any chance you can tell me if Layla and Striker find the eternal flame this season?”

  My jaw dropped. “You know who she is? And you watch a vampire show?”

  He laughed. “Who doesn’t?”

  Gillian smirked. “I’m afraid, I’d have to stake you if I told you that.”

  He nodded. “I had to ask. Good night.”

  I turned to face her. “I assume you are Layla?”

  “I am.” She gingerly climbed down from the bed.

  “You hunt vampires? Is that it?”

  “It’s more complicated than that. Nothing is that black and white on the show. It’s one of the things I love about it. Everything is constantly evolving.”

  I rubbed my jaw. “Evolving enough to include Layla’s injury?”

  “Not that evolved. She’s basically untouchable. An injury like this can’t be part of the storyline. Lance is going to flip. I need to call him. I have to get back to the crew hotel.”

  “You aren’t staying in a hotel tonight.”

e cocked her head to the side. “I have a room near the square where we were shooting. My things are there. I don’t need hospital care. You heard what Dr. Fines said. It’s a bone bruise. I just need to get ice on it for the rest of the night. And loads of ibuprofen.”

  “You aren’t staying in the hospital either. I’m taking you back to the palace with me. You need someone to look after that arm.”

  “I can look after my arm. But thank you for the invitation? It was an invitation, wasn’t it?”

  “Not really.” I pulled the door open, nodding at the agents outside. “We’re ready,” I whispered to the two men.

  “You can’t be serious? Is this a kidnapping?”

  I turned toward her. “Not a kidnapping. I’m a prince. No need to kidnap anyone. Consider it my way of making up for ruining your shoot today. It’s a royal gesture. Would you accept a diplomatic offer to make amends? From my country to yours.” I winked.

  I felt a smug sense of satisfaction. I was getting what he wanted. It was what I needed since I first laid eyes on her.

  She twisted her lips together. They were beautiful and soft. Everything about this woman was exotic and alluring.

  “You’re making fun of me.

  “Not at all. But I would like you to come back to the palace with me. Will you?” I wasn’t used to asking for things I wanted. I usually took them. I made an exception this once.

  She held her arm. “It’s sweet, really, but I’m sure someone on the crew will help me.”

  “You mean the crew who let me take you here? The crew who hasn’t called or stopped by? That crew?” I raised my eyebrows. I wasn’t going to abandon her to a group of irresponsible staffers. She needed medical attention. I could tell she was still in pain, and her refusal to accept pain medication meant she was in for a long night.

  “I-I’m sure…they are…they are…” She sighed. “I have no idea where they are,” she finally admitted.

  “I promise the royal treatment. The best care in the country. You might as well be treated like a queen at my expense.”


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