Biker Salvation

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Biker Salvation Page 7

by Ellie R. Hunter

Now she stills and frowns at me.

  “Oh my god, you’re not even here with me, are you?” she screeches.

  “Of course I am.”

  “Get off me.”

  She shoves at my chest and I roll off her, falling on my back next to her.

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with you now but stay away from me until you figure out your shit.”

  What the fuck just happened?

  In a whirlwind of movement, I block out her whining as she clambers back into her dress and slams the door on her way out.

  It takes a beat, but I realise I wasn’t even hard for her. Reaching over for the bottle of vodka I left here last night, I drink half the contents and let the alcohol attack my brain.

  I heard her.

  Melissa’s voice.

  It was clear as day.


  Chapter Thirteen


  The morning of a brother’s wedding should be joyous, instead, I’m weighed down with anger and guilt. A dangerous combination. Parking up where I always do at the lakes, I swing my leg over my bike, and walk towards the water. I usually come here with Alannah, between her and the calmness of the water, they normally calm me in return. I haven’t been home since I overheard my wife’s betrayal, I don’t see any way to fix this today. She’ll be with Kyla, preparing for the ceremony and during the reception I’ll be expected to welcome the happy couple and join my brothers making Ricky’s day a day to remember.

  I need calm even though my wife won’t be helping to achieve that right now.

  Snatching the smoothest stone from the ground, I skim it along the water and it bounces off the surface five times, it’s a record for me. Such a small feat brings a smile to my face.

  It’s shortly lived, the number Jameson gave me burns a hole in my pocket. The wedding is a happy distraction, but it won’t last past today. The club needs a direction they know and provides for them and their families.

  Samuel Lopez isn’t the only option out there but he’s the only option on the table right now.

  Pulling out his number, I put his digits into my phone and sigh as it rings and rings.

  Just as I’m about to hang up, a deep American voice booms down the phone.

  “Samuel Lopez?”

  “Who’s asking?”

  “Cas Jackson, President of the Lost Souls MC.”

  “Ah, I was hoping you’d call. I am Samuel Lopez. Jameson told me he wasn’t sure if you would reach out to me.”

  “He was too quick to jump to assumptions. My relationship with Denzel benefited us both and we worked side by side for many years.”

  “I know all about that, let’s arrange a meet, as you can appreciate, I don’t like conducting business over the phone.”

  “Name a time and place.”

  “Tomorrow, noon, at the turn off before Willows Peak.”

  The line goes dead and I slide the phone back in my pocket. Spying another smooth stone, I scoop it up and lob it across the water, this time, it bounces only twice before it sinks.

  Arranging a meet with Lopez isn’t a bad choice, that comes if the meet doesn’t go well. But the way I see it, if the meet goes well, we’re back to making money. If it doesn’t, then we find another supplier and go from there.

  My phone pings, and it’s a message from Sparky, wanting to know where I am, and that Alannah and Leo are at the club.

  My own wife went behind my back, it doesn’t matter how I feel about Jacqueline, it wasn’t her call to make.

  My cunt of a mother should never have showed up, she’s fucking everything up and I hate her more for it. However, she did come here, and I will be the one who chooses how it plays out and in my own time.

  As I vowed to Oak, I’m going to focus on the club, so with that still the plan, I build the walls back up around my heart and set off back home.

  After a quick shower and throwing on fresh clothes, I’m heading back out the door, ignoring the fact that the living room is still half empty of furniture after I went on a rampage and lock up behind me.

  Arriving at the club, the decorations begin at the gates and trail off around the back of the bar and main house. I park in my spot and I’m met with Sparky hovering, waiting for me.

  “Where have you been?” he asks.

  “I was thinking and moving the club forward.”

  “Oh yeah, and where are we going?”

  “For starters, we’re going to a wedding today and tomorrow, we’re meeting with Samuel Lopez.”

  His eyebrows shoot up and his mouth falls open.

  “Since when?”

  “Since I spoke with him a couple of hours ago and before you start, I don’t need a club vote to meet with him. We’ll decide how to proceed once we know more.”

  I had to get it out before he began arguing with me. I’m the president and I will lead as I see fit.


  We both turn around and immediately my shoulders hunch up and Sparky stiffens for a brief moment before putting on his front of relaxation.

  “What the fuck is he doing here?” he murmurs under his breath.

  “Beats me, let’s find out.”

  The prospects won’t let Robert in and his ramblings clearly show he’s drunk. Shoulder to shoulder, we head for the gates and Robert’s anger flares straight for us.

  “Tell me whose responsible for killing my son,” he yells at us.

  His suit is dishevelled, his shirt is hanging out of his pants and his tie is haphazardly loose around his neck.

  “It was an accident,” I say.

  “Yeah, so I heard…I want the men who were fucking around and caused the death of my son.”

  “Technically not your son, but I’ll bite,” I grunt, “What happened to John was an accident. Go home and sleep off the drink, it isn’t helping you.”

  “Not my son?” the guy spits, “He was my son, I raised that boy into the man he became, your friend, or brother, whatever, he wasn’t no daddy. He was a criminal, a drain on society, and now my boy has no future, just like the lot of you.”

  For fuck sake, he had to go and drop that shit on us. Sparky is the most laidback one out of the two of us, he can dig deep and find the sincerity needed for the situation, but today, he isn’t digging for any.

  Together, we grab an arm each and haul him away from the club. I feel for the guy in the sense he has lost a son, but that’s as far as it goes. I have no loyalty to him, I don’t know the first thing about him apart from him he’s a pain in my ass.

  “I’m not giving you any names, what happened to John was an accident and one none of us will ever forget. You need to go home, and grieve with Shellie, she needs you.”

  I don’t know if it is him she needs, but she needs something, and it sounds like the right thing to say.

  Dropping to his knees, the tears start to fall, and he loses all composure before us.

  “Maybe if we shoot him, we’ll put him out of his misery and we can move the fuck on,” I murmur to Sparky.

  Raising his eyebrows, he stands next to me stunned into silence.

  “What? It was only a suggestion,” I grunt.

  “Seriously, what is going through your head these days? He’s a father who has lost his son and doesn’t know why. Have some heart, Cas.”

  Have some heart? I don’t think so.

  “Seeming as you’re all heart, you can deal with him. Get him out of here.”

  With one last look down at Robert on the gravel, I feel nothing. Turning my back on the both of them, I head for the back of the clubhouse and get lost in the masses of brothers and guests. Kyla wanted the big white wedding and it looks like she’s getting it.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Today has swung around so fast, I almost don’t believe it’s finally here. By the time the sun sets, Kyla will be wearing my ring and she’ll have my name, and I’ll finally be able to call her my wife. I feel like I should be nervous, but I’m not. I can’t wait. I’v
e been waiting for this day for a long time now, and I’ll be the first one to admit, I’m fucking buzzing.

  My phone rings disturbing the silence, after staying at the clubhouse last night, I can’t remember where I put my phone. I find it under the sheets and Kyla’s name fills the screen.

  She shouldn’t be calling, she wanted everything traditional. I answer and press the phone to my ear, praying nothing is wrong.

  “Hey, babe.”

  “Are you sure you love me?” she says, no hello, no how you doing today.

  “What the hell, Ky?”

  “Answer me, are you sure you love me?”

  She isn’t messing around, she’s being serious.

  “Do you think I’d stand in front of the whole club and marry you if I didn’t love you?”

  “I don’t know, you might just be too afraid of my dad to back out now because he knows how happy you make me.”

  I should be pissed, but a small chuckle escapes me, and I sit down on the bed.

  “Babe, I’m fucking fearless when it comes to you. You know how much I love you. What’s going on? Are you having doubts?”

  “I need to tell you something, and it can’t wait till later,” she says.

  I can hear her release a shaky breath and I begin to panic myself.


  “I need you to know you saved me, and I’m going to spend the rest of my life making you happy.”


  “Hold on, I haven’t finished. Because of you, I have a life worth living.”

  “Seriously, Ky. You don’t have to say all of this. I know how you feel.”

  “I’m freaking out,” she admits and I’m on my feet.

  “Why? Babe, tell me what’s going on?”

  What the fuck has happened since I saw her last night? I saw Pope an hour ago, so I know nothing would’ve happened before that, when it comes to Kyla, Pope’s expressions are an open book.

  Shoving my feet into my boots, I grab my keys off the night-stand. I’m going to find her.

  Opening the door, I have to stop myself from running straight into her. She’s here.

  Her cheeks are dry, but her eyes watery and red.

  “I’m pregnant, I know you want kids, but I’m not sure if I’m ready. What if I relapse and you’re not around and the kid is on its own, or what if I’m the worst mom in history?”

  Ending the call, I drop my phone into my pocket and pull her against me.

  “First off, I couldn’t be happier than I am right now. Secondly, you’re going to be a great mom, even if you make mistakes, I doubt you’ll be the first one to make them. We have support everywhere we look, my mom, your mom, you’re stressing over nothing. We’ve got this, babe.”

  “Do we?”

  My mouth stretches across my face, “Yeah, we do. We’re gonna be great fuckin’ parents. Don’t worry about anything. If you feel like it’s getting too much, tell me, and I’ll help you. You know I will.”

  Pulling away from her, she looks up at me and still doesn’t look satisfied.

  “Honestly, babe. I’m marrying you because I love the fuck out of you and now we’re having a kid as well. This is the best day of my life. Smile.”

  She does but it doesn’t shine. She’s starting to worry me when she blows out a heavy breath and smiles.

  “Okay, we’re doing this. We’re having a baby,” she squeaks.

  “We’re having a baby,” I nod, smiling like a fool, “First, we have to get married, go get yourself ready and I’ll meet you at the altar.”

  It takes a moment to notice her hair and makeup are already done, with the news I’m going to be a dad, who gives a fuck what she looks like. Well, I do care, I care that I should’ve noticed as soon as I laid eyes on her.

  “It won’t just be the two of us ever again, we’ll have to look after a tiny human that we made,” she says, soberly.

  “I know, babe. I can’t wait.”

  “I was just checking.”

  Leaning up on her tiptoes, she presses her lips against mine and backs off before I can deepen the kiss.

  “I’ll see you soon,” she smiles broadly, much happier now.

  “Don’t keep me waiting,” I yell after her, but I don’t know if she heard me after disappearing down the stairs.

  Closing the door, I can’t believe what just happened. I’m getting married, and I’m going to be a dad. I finally have everything I want with Kyla.

  Fuck yeah.

  Adjusting my tie that I have no clue how to fucking do, I leave it dangling around my neck. Shrugging into my cut, I make sure I pick up my smokes and keys on my way out.

  The bar is nearly empty, everyone must already be out back. Sparky is the only one standing behind the bar. He pours himself a tequila and shoots it down his neck in one gulp.

  “What’s up, brother?” I ask, standing opposite him.

  “Nothing for you to worry about today,” he grins, and pours me a drink. He pours himself one and holds his glass up to mine.

  “You know the saying, happy wife, happy life?” he says.

  “I haven’t heard that one.”

  “Learn it, live it, love it. It’s true, I wouldn’t guide you wrong, brother.”

  He clinks his glass against mine and we both neck the drinks.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah, seriously though, congratulations for today. I’m happy for you and Ky, she’s a good one, and Pope’s her daddy, don’t fuck it up,” he chuckles.

  “I don’t intend too,” I tell him and push away from the bar.

  Outside, bikes are parked up everywhere. Kids are running around, soon, I’ll have my own running around. Man, I am walking on air right now I’m that happy.

  I turn the corner and bump into Slade and Niall. Both, pat me on the shoulders and look like they have made an effort today.

  “How you feeling? It’s not too late if you wanna get out of here,” Niall laughs finding himself amusing.

  “Nah, brother. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Looks like it’s going to be nice today for it,” Slade murmurs, looking over his shoulder.

  I look in the same direction and see Kristen already seated with Zach next to her.

  Her stomach is round, large and fucking round.

  “How long does she have left?” I ask.

  It feels like she’s been pregnant forever, or we’ve just been so preoccupied it feels that way.

  “She’s still got a couple of months, she’s hating it, I’m loving it.”

  I can imagine.

  Kyla will look like her soon.

  Will she hate it?

  “Rick, here a minute,” Pope grunts, calling me over.

  “See you later, brothers,” I tell Slade and Niall and join Pope on the edge of the crowd.

  His hair is tied back smoothly, and he has a white rose tucked into his buttonhole.

  “Is this how my daughter wants you to wear this?” he asks, flicking at the tie hanging around my neck.

  “Fuck if I know how to do it,” I shrug.

  He steps towards me and starts fiddling with the thing.

  “Last chance, you go now, and I’ll give you a head start before I hunt you down for hurting her. If you stay and hurt her, there will never be a head start.”

  Why is everyone under the impression I need to be asked if this is what I want. I wouldn’t have fucking proposed if it wasn’t.

  There have been three times in my life where I’ve had to make a decision and I haven’t regretted it. Joining the Lost Souls, best thing I ever did. Asking Kyla to be my old lady. And lastly, asking her to marry me.

  “She’s pregnant, Pope. I’m not going anywhere. She’s stuck with me for all time whether she wants me or not.”

  Although I’m hoping she will always want me. He stops messing around with the tie and stares at me.

  For a beat, I don’t know if his eyes are shining because he’s imagining doing unquestionable violent acts
on me, or if it’s because he’s happy.

  I don’t actually know what Pope looks like when he’s happy. Fuck I hope this is him being happy. I don’t want to have to explain to Kyla that I had to kick her daddy’s ass on her wedding day or try to anyway.

  “You’re going to be a Grampa,” I say, making sure he hears me.

  “Grampa?” he murmurs.

  I nod and laugh at his shock.

  “Oh hell, another you running around,” he smirks.

  “It could be worse, it could be another you running around,” I say.

  Even Pope grimaces.

  “But it could be another Kyla, a beautiful little girl.”

  “Let’s pray for a girl, plus, we get to shoot anyone who goes near her,” he chuckles, seeming a lot more relaxed about the idea when violence is involved.

  Who needs to worry about having a daughter with Pope for a grandpa; I think I’m already worried for future male interests.

  His phone goes off and he nods as he reads the message.

  “She’s ready…are you?”

  Tilting my head, I raise one eyebrow and reach for my smokes.

  “Shouldn’t you be going to collect her, you’re the one walking her down the aisle to me.”

  Yeah, I’m feeling brave being cocky with him, but fuck it, my good mood is untouchable, and I don’t care.

  “You’re lucky I don’t wanna ruin her day, talk to me like that tomorrow and it’ll be a different story.”

  “Love you too, dad,” I push it, and hold in a huge snort of laughter.

  “Fuck off, and stick that soft shit up your ass,” he grunts, walking off.

  Laughing, I turn and walk straight into Sparky.

  “Sorry, brother.”

  “It’s all good, when’s this show getting on the way?”

  “Now, Pope’s gone to get her. Can you get everyone seated and shut them up?”


  I make my way to the alter and shake hands with the priest Pope paid to show up. I couldn’t choose a best man, so I stand alone and wait for my bride. As I look around, my brothers and their old ladies are taking their seats. I notice Cas sitting next Alannah, he doesn’t put his arm around her like he’d usually do, he doesn’t even look at her, her frown that she quickly replaces with a fake smile screams something huge is wrong with the two of them.


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