SEAL: A Bad Boy Romance

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SEAL: A Bad Boy Romance Page 15

by Faye, Carmen

  “I love the expression on your face when you’re ready to be fucked. Makes my cock just that much harder. There are so many things that I want to do to you. Sitting in my room for the few hours I was granted was torture. When you talked about regrets, I understood exactly what you meant. We need to come up with something because there is something pulling us together, but right now I want to bury myself so deep in your body you won’t know where you end and I begin.”

  “Show me,” she said, and she knew the look on her face showed him how ready she was because she saw the responding look on his face, like it was a mirror image.


  Something was going to have to be done because this woman was more than an accessory. He’d done his best to put her out of his mind and life, but she just kept getting thrown back in, and he didn’t think he was strong enough to let her go again.

  Her words were like a red flag to a bull—because now that he’d made up his mind to give her the choice to stay or go it was like an extra twist in his balls. He loved the way she smelled and the way her innocently sweet face twisted into a wicked smirk when she thought she did something that turned him on.

  He pulled her hair, making her arch backwards and causing her breasts to thrust toward him.

  “Do it,” Emmy said with a groan.

  “What, baby?” He knew what she wanted, but it was always better when she asked for it.

  “Bite me. Hard.” She let a whimper accompany that request, and he knew she was trying to kill him. They’d not gotten any further than her grinding her sweet pussy all over his cock, but they were both on the edge of madness.

  He lifted his head to reach one of her hardened nipples and sucked it hard into his mouth before putting his teeth to it.

  “Ahhh,” she said with a loud throaty exclamation. The rain outside was harder and the sound of things being thrown against the building was more frequent. He didn’t want to scare her, but the island was in a lot of trouble, and there was nothing anyone could do until the storm passed.

  She slid her hand down her body and inserted his cock inside her dripping entrance, and it was like someone flipped his switch. He was fucking into her like he needed it to breathe, and in fact, that was exactly how he felt. If he didn’t come and get her to come, he didn’t know what to do. The bed didn’t squeak and that was a good thing because he was powering into her body time and time again.

  Faster and faster he pounded into her, but it wasn’t enough. Flipping her on the bed so he could get more leverage to give them what they both wanted was what he thought was best. She put her hand on the back of his neck and brought him down to her other nipple that was just as hard as the first but lonely and dry.

  “Do you want me to bite that one, too?” he asked, rubbing his nose and lips over the bud but not giving her what she wanted. She didn’t answer with her words just a nod of her head. He loved to hear her voice and thought about making her answer him with words, but the frantic sounds she was making were spurring him on to a fast finish.

  Bending down he bit down on her neck, loving the fresh fragrant skin that was soft and sweet, but she moved him down to where she wanted him.

  “Here, Matt. Please.” She sounded like she was living on the edge of her orgasm, and he loved to be the one to give it to her. He pumped hard and sucked harder until she screamed out loud enough to be heard over the chaos that was going on outside their window. Her body clamped down on his cock like a sweet sexy vice, and it was hard to let her finish, but he didn’t want to come without her because he could feel that this was going to be a big one. Right when he knew she was about finish, he gave himself permission to unload the power orgasm that he had been working on since the last time he was in her body.

  “Let me see it,” she said, as she tried to catch her breath, but he was at a total loss about what she wanted. What he did know is she’d better explain because he was seconds away from his own personal fireworks.

  “Tell me what you want.” He was getting used to losing control when he was with this woman, but he didn’t like to hear his voice sound like that. It was like his hips were pistons that were moving of their own accord. He’d wanted to slow down to find out what she wanted from him. Unfortunately, his body didn’t want to comply.

  “I want you to come on my tits.” Breathless is how she sounded and how that one sentence made him feel.

  That request was almost too much for him to hear. Even with as much sex as they’d had since they’d met, she kept surprising him. If she wanted him to do that she was going to have to let him go. He enjoyed how she liked to hold him to her when she was finished, but he broke away from her hold, as he slipped his throbbing hard cock out of her body.

  The wet sound of the slickness that had come from her body made the sexiest noise, as he jacked his cock harder and faster to give her the result she wanted.

  “I love to watch you stroke your cock. That you’re doing it for me… because I asked is even hotter. Let me hear you come for me… just for me Matt. Show me what my pussy does for you.”

  Matt felt like his skin was a few sizes too tight and there was just too much stimulation. Where the hell did she get that mouth? It was killing him because he loved listening to hot, dirty words come out of a mouth that was attached to the sweetest girl he’d ever met. He either needed less or just a little more, but his mind wasn’t working to help him find a solution. When Emmy reached up and pinched his nipple while she tugged on his balls, his cock erupted like a volcano. The glow from his phone allowed him to watch jet after jet of his seed land on her skin. It was even more arousing because she now had to wear his scent everywhere she’d go for an unknown amount of time.

  He kneeled over her, as he caught his breath and waited to hear what she was going to say about this. He was shocked again when she rubbed his fluids into her skin, like it was a thick creamy lotion she’d bought from some department store.

  “Did you like that?” he asked her while he looked at her cat who ate the cream face.

  “Yes.” She couldn’t hold back the smirk on her face, and he thought it was a well-deserved look. Emmy had done things that he didn’t think could be done. He’d been with women who thought they were at the top of their craft, but no one had brought him down to his base needs like her.

  His heart almost stopped when a loud crash sounded like a car had hit the side of the building. Emmy squealed and the sexy moment was gone. The storm had to be in full force now, and there was nothing they could do but wait.

  “I love you, Emmy. I know it’s been a short time, and I know there are a lot of obstacles, but if we make it out of this I want to try to see if we can make this work.”

  She looked at him but then picked up his phone so she could see him better. “Say that again,” she said, looking deep at his face like there was going to be a change in what he said or how he said it.

  “I love you, Emmy, and I’m sorry that I tried to make decisions for you that we should have discussed together.” He kissed her forehead and then wondered if maybe they should put some clothes on. If anything happened he was going to need to help out, and she would need to be with the other civilians.

  “Do you really mean that? I hate to ask you so many times, but I was beginning to feel like I was all alone in this. Not the sex. We’re good at that, but you were just able to flip your emotions on and off with not a thought of us. You walked away yesterday without even my cell phone number, and it really hurt. Today, I was willing to take sex from you because it’s so good and because I’ve never regretted being with you like that, but I was more afraid of what’s going to happen to you when all this is over.”

  That’s what he’d been trying to tell her. The life of a military partner wasn’t always a good one, and if nothing else, loneliness topped their charts. It wasn’t something that he wanted for her, but it was something they would talk about. How to make this work? Could they make this work? Why should they try to make this work? Those were
the questions he wanted answered, but the main question was… Would they live through the night?

  “Let’s get dressed in case either of us has to make a quick retreat.” He was sorry to break up their little party, but he hoped there would be time later when they both survived this ordeal. Until then, they would have to be happy with what they had.

  They were dressed and in the bed when his emergency walkie-talkie went off. “Everyone just stay where you are. It’s about to get bad.” The tinny sound of the little machine made him wonder about who was talking on it and where the hell they were.

  “About to?” Emmy said from his side.

  He brought her to the inside wall and covered her with his body. It was all he had, and he’d give it to her. The winds were shaking the cement building, and Matt wondered if it would crack and crumble around them.

  “When I knew that you’d seen my list, my first thought was how embarrassed I was, but you didn’t let me know about it until later, so I thought I’d gotten away with some master heist.” Emmy’s voice was low, and he was concentrating on her words. It was amazing how just that one thing had him calm and focused.

  “I wanted to be the stranger whom you had your one-night stand with. From the moment I fingered you at the restaurant and heard your sweet moans, I knew it would be hard to let you go. I started that night trying to let you have the independence you said you were looking for. I’d kicked off your list and you were on your way.”

  “What brought you back?” she asked, as her fingers stroked him comfortingly. It wasn’t lost on him that they were both trying to bring comfort to each other in a very uncomfortable situation.

  “I watched you try to gather your courage to take off that robe while you were on the boardwalk. The area you were heading towards wasn’t even heavily populated, but I wanted to make sure you had done another thing on your list. I knew you weren’t the type of woman who would have liked the, ‘You look beautiful. Just go out there and strut your stuff’ angle, so I tried to get your competitive spirit going.”

  “I’m not competitive.” She practically sat up, but he made her lay back down, and then he turned off the light on his phone, thinking they may need it later.

  “You are one of the most competitive people I know. The fact that you don’t think so means that it’s so deeply ingrained in you it’s hard for you to see. I’m not asking you to change it. I’m just saying that I saw it… probably because competition is my spirit animal, too.”

  “Thank you for helping me with my list.” She turned around in his arms so that they were no longer spooning, but she was nestled into his chest. He wasn’t ever able to fully turn off the hyper-awareness of the turmoil going on outside, but he was able to be comfortable, and he was able to comfort.

  “I’m glad you wrote list so I’d have a chance to woo you with your own words. That was pretty convenient.”

  “I’m not going to lie to you, Matt. I don’t know if we are going to make it out of here alive, but if we do, you may never get rid of me.” She snuggled into him even harder, and he took comfort in her words and touch.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever pushed anyone the way I pushed you—unless I count myself, but that stops right now. Today. If we get out of this, I don’t think I’ll ever let you go.” He hugged her tight in his arms.

  There was a sound so loud it seemed to be right in his head. The wind blew around the room, and it was like he was fading into a fog.

  “Matt… Matt…. MATT!!”

  He knew that was Emmy’s voice, but it seemed to be fading fast. Matt wanted to tell her to go and get help but nothing was working. His mouth wouldn’t move and neither would his body.

  Run, Emmy. His mind felt like it was flooded until the peace and calm ran over his body and mind—like water.


  Lieutenant Commander Matt Perrier had seen better days, or at least he felt like he had. He opened his eyes and felt like he must have gone on a major bender if the pounding in his head and the soreness of his body was any indication. The room was dim, but there was enough light to see that he wasn’t in any bedroom that he remembered. Turning his head a little to the left, he could see that there was a woman asleep on the bed. She wasn’t laying in the bed but rather sitting in a chair at his bedside and bent over so that her head lay by his hand. What the hell is going on?

  Looking around the rest of the room, he saw that this wasn’t any hotel or base housing… he was in a hospital. There was a pole with a machine that looked like it had a bag of some liquid running through it to a long tube that was connected to his arm, and there were all types of other wires that were connected to his body in different spots that led up to a machine that had his vital signs on it…blood pressure, respirations, temperature, and pulse. He knew a bit about the medical field, so he knew that at least his readings were within normal limits.

  What had happened? He closed his eyes and tried to think about it, but nothing came to him, but what was worse was that it was painful to even search for that memory. He remembered getting on a plane to vacation in Hawaii, but after that, there was nothing. Maybe the woman by the bed knew something. He turned his attention to her and was transfixed on the long dark hair that was on the bed. Her position didn’t look comfortable, but she was definitely sleeping. The desire to touch her was stronger than he’d ever had with a stranger, but somehow he just felt like it was something he could do. Turning his hand over he let the silky strands flow through his fingers, attempting to catch the softness between his fingers, and her head popped up like he’d pushed a button. Her eyes were wild, like she was confused, but the brightness of her smile made him want to smile too…if he didn’t hurt so damn bad.

  “Matt? You’re awake?” The woman jumped up and threw herself on the bed… kissing his face and hugging him. She smelled awesome, and he appreciated her joy over the fact that he was awake, but he thought he’d stay quiet while he figured out who she was. Have I been captured somewhere by the enemy? She seemed too friendly to be a prison guard, but who knew? The enemy did all kinds of weird things.

  “Do you need anything?” she asked while looking all around, but then, like she remembered something, she stopped short. “Let me get the nurse.”

  He caught her hand before she could sprint off. “Where am I?”

  “In the hospital.” The look of relief and endearment on her face made him wonder again where he knew her from or if she was just a really good actress.

  “We were in a back room of an evacuation facility when something hit the wall and it crumbled. You were hit in the back with a piece of concrete, and they think the whiplash made your brain swell up a bit. The doctors are amazed that you didn’t have more damage, but you have been unconscious for two days.” She snuggled back into him with a hug that was about to make his cock hard as stone, but he cleared his throat and prepared to get some answers before this woman left to get reinforcements.

  “Are you my nurse?” That was a direct question, and he expected a direct answer.

  “Oh… you want to play that way?” She went to pull the curtain around the bed, and when she returned, she had a look he was very familiar with…the naughty girl look. It was complete with a smirk and her removing her panties. She had on a loose-fitting blouse with elastic around the neck line and a long skirt. The whole ensemble looked fairly comfortable, but when he looked at it another way it was easy access as well. She didn’t look like an easy access woman, but he’d not turn her away. He didn’t plan on saying anything to encourage or discourage the beautiful woman with the long dark hair and body like a 1950s pinup model.

  “It’s a good thing you woke up in the middle of the night. There is no way we’d be able to get away with this in the daytime.” She hiked up her skirt, and he couldn’t control how hard his cock throbbed when she saw her thick thighs spread. “I’m not sure what we can do with you, because you’ve not been cleared, and I’d hate to do something that would damage you.”

; “Sit on the chair and let me watch you play with your pussy.” He was fascinated by this woman who looked like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth but sat in the chair next to him with her legs open and her glistening juices wetting her tasty looking pink parts as she did as he requested. Matt still didn’t know who she was, but that wasn’t going to stop him from having this fun with her, especially since she was so game to please.

  “Like this?” Her voice was breathy, like she was already turned on. Maybe it was her kink to get off with patients, or she felt like she was doing her good deed for the day. His dick was thoroughly enjoying the show, and if he wasn’t tied up to all this shit, he’d definitely would have requested something a bit more hands on.

  “Rub your clit a little before you sink those two fingers inside and pull down your top. It looks like you’re hiding a nice set of tits that I can’t wait to see.”


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