Hannah & the Dom Next Door

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Hannah & the Dom Next Door Page 15

by BJ Wane

  “I haven’t always been. It took a tragedy with my first husband to make me realize how short life is. Once I knew what I wanted, and who, I still had to battle some demons as well as my conscience to be as comfortable as I am now. There’s Olivia,” Anna announced. Her timing was good as she didn’t want to put a downer on their lunch by bringing up her past mistakes. “You can speak freely around her. She has more experience with alternative sex than I do and will be completely supportive.”

  Hannah watched the tall, stunning blonde come toward them with a smile, looking at Hannah with warm light brown eyes. “Hi, I’m Olivia. You must be Hannah.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Olivia. You’re married to Donovan’s brother?”

  Olivia fingered the gold choker around her neck as she sat down. Anna knew its significance, but from what she’d told her, Hannah wasn’t ready to hear she was also Master Colin’s full-time sub and couldn’t be happier about it. “Yes, Colin. And you’ve caught our Mitch’s eye.” Which surprised her because Mitch didn’t strike her as the type of man who’d go for the innocent girl next door type. Then again, opposites do attract.

  “Hannah’s struggling with Mitch’s order to shave before they go out tomorrow night,” Anna told her.

  Seeing the consternation and discomfort on Hannah’s face, Olivia quickly fanned herself, grinning as she said, “Oh, man. I remember the first time Mast….uh, my first husband had me do that. I came so fast, so hard I’m surprised I didn’t bounce off the bed. Just one of the benefits of being restrained.”

  Hannah relaxed when Olivia made light of shaving, but at her mention of being tied, she remembered Mitch tying her hands above her head on the lounge. At the time, the first of several body consuming climaxes had diverted her attention, which left no room for panic. By the time she had recovered part of her senses, he had already freed her. Before she could question him or fret, he was tossing her in the pool then joining her. She realized now that he had kept her mentally and physically occupied in an effort to keep her from thinking about his actions too hard. Now she wondered if part of making her quick, split decision to adopt Roxy had been because she needed the diversion. She was slowly learning it didn’t pay to think too hard or too long over her escalating relationship with Mitch and her acceptance of his demands.

  “Thanks, Olivia. I’d say I’ll have to pull up my big girl panties before going out tomorrow, but I won’t be wearing any!”

  The three of them laughed and it felt good to Hannah. She might still have reservations about what else Mitch might expect from her tomorrow night, but she reminded herself that he hasn’t done anything yet that she hasn’t liked and responded wholeheartedly to. By the time their food arrived, the subject had switched to clothes and she was asking them where to shop for a skirt and top for her date.

  “He wants me to wear a skirt,” Hannah told them. “But the only ones I have are long and plain. I don’t want him to be sorry he asked me out,” she admitted self-consciously. Mitch had never said anything about her plain dress, seemed to like her just the way she was, but if she was going to be living permanently in the modern world now, it was time she dressed accordingly.

  “I think shopping for you is going to require including the big gun.” Anna sent a small, secret smile toward Olivia.

  Olivia blanched, asking ruefully, “Are you sure she’s ready for that?”

  Intrigued, Hannah demanded, “Ready for what? What’s the big gun?”

  “Not ‘what’, but ‘who’,” Anna replied. “Brett’s wife, Kayla. Oh, there’s Donovan. My truck’s in the shop so I gotta run. He was nice enough to take time to come into town and give me a lift here so I better not keep him waiting. If Kayla’s free, why don’t we come pick you up in the morning?”

  Hannah quickly agreed as the three of them walked out together. After the incident in the parking lot the last time she was here, she was glad Olivia had parked out back also. She watched as Anna jumped into the truck and her husband pulled her across the seat for a deep, prolonged kiss that darn near turned her on. “Wow,” she sighed as she and Olivia turned and headed to the rear parking lot.

  “Yeah,” Olivia agreed. “Our guys, and that includes Mitch, are pretty damn potent.”

  That was the second time Olivia had referred to Mitch in a possessive way making her wonder if she knew about Mitch’s potency from firsthand experience and then quickly decided there were some things she was better off not knowing.

  “Who’s that?” Donovan asked as he pulled away from the curb.

  “Mitch’s downfall,” Anna smirked.

  “Care to elaborate?” he drawled.


  Ethan was just pulling up the next day when Hannah returned home from her shopping trip. Arms laden with packages, she struggled out of the car until he grabbed a few of them. “Thanks. How are you? I’m sorry I missed you Monday.”

  “That’s okay. That storm over the weekend put me behind on a lot of my chores. I sure missed my free meal though,” he teased her with a hopeful look.

  “That look is just like the one Roxy gives me when I’m getting her food ready. Don’t worry; I’ll have something for you later even though I won’t be able to join you.” Hannah dropped her bags on the sofa, Roxy’s anxious barking making her eager to get her out of her crate.

  “You have a dog?” Ethan asked as he followed her down the hall to her office.

  “No, I have a little demon,” Hannah snapped when she saw the way Roxy had chewed the small blanket in her crate to shreds, a piece still hanging out of her mouth as she pawed frantically at the bars. “Just a minute, baby,” she crooned despite her irritation. Opening the door, she quickly scooped her up and rushed past Ethan. “I have to get her out before I have another mess to clean up.”

  Ethan followed her, grinning at the way she cuddled the puppy. “Why won’t you be here when I’m done? Do you have a hot date?” he asked in jest.

  Setting Roxy down in the back yard, she returned his cheeky grin. “As a matter of fact, I do.”

  Surprised, Ethan just now noticed she was wearing jeans, which made him remember all the packages. “With Mitch?” he asked, hoping he was wrong. Hannah was a nice woman and if Mitch wanted her, he should accept her as she is without trying to change her. Besides that, she wasn’t suited for Mitch for the long term and he didn’t like the idea of Mitch changing her only to dump her in a few weeks. He had found Mitch’s attraction to Hannah amusing at first, thinking a night or two of sex was what Hannah needed. But he never thought a few one-night stands would go anywhere or lead to an emotional attachment for either of them. The excitement that Hannah couldn’t contain was clearly a sign he had been wrong.

  “Yes. He’s taking me out for dinner, but I’ll have a casserole for you and I’ve already made strawberry shortcake.” Hannah wondered at his frown and the way the teasing glint in his hazel eyes had turned frosty. “Something wrong?”

  “No, sorry. I just didn’t think Mitch was free to go out tonight.”

  Hannah refused to let his comment ruin her evening. She had wondered too, after Mitch called her a short while ago and told her he’d have to pick her up earlier because a friend needed his help later tonight. She hadn’t thought anything about his explanation until now. “He did change the time to earlier so he could go help a friend when we’re done.”

  “That’s probably Colin. He owns a club called Casey’s and is occasionally shorthanded. Mitch will fill in behind the bar.” At least, he hoped that was what Mitch had to do later. If he was two-timing Hannah by leaving her bed then going to their private club above the bar, Ethan was going to have a few words to say about it. “Is that why you bought out the mall? He wanted you to wear something other than your usual clothes?”

  The disapproving edge in his tone gave Hannah a warm feeling. She’s never had someone get angry on her behalf, but she couldn’t let Ethan think the change in her wardrobe was at Mitch’s insistence. “On the contrary, Ethan. He wants me t
o wear a skirt, but he never said a word about not wearing one of my usual skirts. The new clothes are my idea. Well,” she admitted dryly as she watched Roxy chase a butterfly, “mine and your sisters-in-law, especially Kayla.” Some of the things Kayla had wanted her to try on still made her cringe. Short, tight skirts in bright colors looked good on someone like Kayla who was petite and whose vibrant, outgoing personality matched her bright wardrobe and accessories. Her one concession had been the silk skirt in a geometric pattern of navy blue, canary yellow, white and black that she intended to wear tonight. That one had felt too good against her skin to resist.

  “Kayla? Can I see what she talked you into?” Ethan couldn’t picture proper Hannah in anything Kayla might pick out.

  Thinking of the miniscule panties called thongs that they had assured her Mitch would love, Hannah quickly said, “No. Now go work and quit distracting me or I won’t have time to fix your dinner.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Hannah called Roxy and went back inside. She had a session with her razor that couldn’t be put off any longer.

  Chapter Ten

  Mitch grabbed the knotted rope with a rawhide chew wrapped around the middle and headed next door to get Hannah. Thoughts of Hannah’s bare pussy had interrupted his concentration all day, even to the point of missing his aim with the hammer and getting his thumb instead of the nail. Son of a bitch but that hurt. He was too old to be making such rookie mistakes and definitely too old to be daydreaming about the girl next door. Thankfully, he wasn’t too old to get a hard on when he thought of her, get so tangled up in lust and plain old fashioned want that he was tempted to jack off before seeing her just to relieve some of his tension.

  He had planned on spending the night with her again, after delivering another spanking and fucking her senseless, but Colin’s call put an end to those plans. For the second week in a row, ever since he had remodeled the private second floor of Casey’s into a haven that catered to their alternative sexual preferences years ago, Mitch didn’t want to go to the club. But Colin rarely asked him for anything, and after his best friend relayed the news that he was going to be a father and he and Olivia wanted to celebrate privately, he couldn’t turn him down when he asked Mitch to monitor their BDSM room. He consoled himself by remembering tomorrow was Sunday and he could spend all day with Hannah. That idea cheered him and he approached her front door in a better mood. Before he could knock, the door swung open and Ethan met him with a glacial stare.

  “I want to talk to you. Outside.” Closing the door behind him, Ethan didn’t waste time mixing words. “What the fuck are you doing with Hannah?”

  Mitch reined in his surprise as well as his anger, for a moment anyway. “And that is your concern why?” he asked coolly wondering what bug crawled up the kid’s ass.

  “Damn it, Mitch,” Ethan swore. He wore the same calm, cool look each of his brothers wore when they were perturbed with him. “I like her and don’t want to see her hurt. I thought you’d sleep with her once or twice and that would be it. Why are you leading her on as if there can be more between you?”

  Mitch recalled Hannah’s eager responses to the paces he had put her through last weekend and the hope they had given him that she might be open to more. But that was none of Ethan’s business. “I like her too and have no intention of hurting her if I can help it. Anything else is none of your business, Ethan. But, thank you for looking out for her.” Mitch brushed by him and entered Hannah’s house in time to see her coming down the stairs, Roxy nipping at her heels.

  God knows the woman had always packed a punch, at least she did for him, but the wallop he experienced seeing her now made the other times pale in comparison. He has always been a leg man and seeing her descend the stairs in a vibrantly colored silk skirt with an asymmetrical hemline flirting around her knees only emphasized legs that had him practically drooling. The dark blue silk tank draped enticingly over her swaying breasts did nothing to hide her stiff little nipples and he wondered if she knew how well that telltale sign advertised her excitement to anyone looking. When he told her to wear a skirt tonight, it had been because he wanted easy access to her pussy, not because he had intended to change her by insisting she add to her wardrobe like Ethan must have assumed. He would not have minded in the least if Hannah had dressed in her usual plain, calf length skirt and white blouse, but had to admit he enjoyed the sight of her lush body more in her current attire.

  Hauling her up against him as soon as she reached the bottom step, he let her feel his erection as he said, “I like how you look in that outfit, sweetheart, and if we weren’t pressed for time, I’d show you just how much.” He gave her a quick kiss before turning her around and pulling the band from the bottom of her long braid. “But I prefer your hair loose.”

  Hannah had been having enough trouble dealing with the feel of her newly bared crotch, which was only emphasized by wearing nothing but a skirt, when the impact of Mitch’s lustful stare sent her body into heated overdrive. She could actually feel the moisture seeping from her vagina coating her labia, her pebbled nipples rasping against the soft silk of her top adding to the pleasure sweeping through her, all without him even touching her. She drank in the sight of him dressed in black slacks and a charcoal grey shirt that emphasized the width of his shoulders. He looked as devastatingly attractive in dress clothes as he did in jeans and tee shirts.

  “Mitch,” she protested as she swiveled her head to look up at him. “My hair’s too heavy to wear down. Plus it tangles easily.”

  “You can braid it again later. I love seeing it down.” Running his fingers through the heavy mass until he had unraveled the intertwining loops, he gave her hair a hard yank before kissing her again when she turned back around and frowned up at him. “My way, Hannah.” Releasing her, be bent down and pulled Roxy’s attention away from chewing on his shoes by teasing her with the rope toy he brought. “That’s not being good, Roxy, but I’ll give you this anyway because you’re cute.”

  Hannah felt her heart melt as he took a few minutes to play with her dog before turning those chocolate eyes on her in a look of searing heat and holding out his hand. “You ready or do you need to crate her first?”

  “Ethan’ll be in soon for his dinner. He said he’d spend some time with her then crate her before he leaves, so we can go.”

  “I’m sorry I have to cut the evening short tonight,” Mitch said as he pulled out of the drive. “Colin wanted the night off to celebrate Olivia’s pregnancy and I couldn’t turn him down.”

  “I didn’t know she was pregnant. She didn’t say a word yesterday when Anna introduced us at lunch or this morning when we all went shopping.” Hannah should be used to the little pang of both regret and envy she always experienced when she heard about someone’s pregnancy, but she supposed there will always be a part of her that wished she had been able to have Caleb’s child, especially now that he was gone. “Ethan said Colin owns a club and you help with the bartending when he needs it.”

  Mitch was glad Ethan had skirted the truth with her. He wasn’t quite ready to reveal his preference and involvement in the McGilley’s private sex club. “Yes, that and other things,” he told her evasively. To change the subject, he reached over and slid his hand up her bare thigh under her skirt. “Tell me, Hannah, did you do as I instructed?” He stopped his upward glide an inch or two from her crotch, waiting for her verbal confirmation before he checked for himself.

  One look from Mitch made her resist, just barely, the urge to tighten her legs. Ignoring the rapid beat of her heart, she softly replied, “Yes,” before reminding him tartly, “you’re driving, Mitch.”

  “I can do two things at once.” Mitch moved his hand up and encountered silky smooth bare skin, slightly damp bare skin. It was that sign of her arousal that had him gripping the steering wheel tighter and cursing the painful pressure of his rigid cock pressing against his zipper. Thank God he had worn looser dress slacks tonight instead of his tighter jeans. “You’re we
t.” He slid his middle finger between her plump folds and lightly stroked her slit, barely grazing the tip of her clit before reluctantly retreating. “And too fucking tempting.” Patting her bare mound he brought his hand to his mouth and licked her glistening juices from his finger, his peripheral look enough to show him she was watching him, her chest lifting with her rapid breathing. “Mmm, you’re also a good appetizer.” And there was that blush he loved seeing spread across her face when her excitement warred with her conservative morals.

  “You should be concentrating on the road,” Hannah tried to admonish him, but her voice sounded as breathless as she felt. That small touch between her legs had fired up her senses to a feverish pitch and left her simmering with unfulfilled lust, something he was adept at accomplishing with the least amount of effort.

  “I don’t have to now, we’re here.”

  The small, quaint family owned Italian restaurant wasn’t what she had been expecting but was just what she wanted. With red and white checkered table cloths, wine bottles and short, round candles for table decorations and the aroma of garlic and oregano filling the air, it was an exact replica of a small Italian cantina. She would’ve felt uncomfortable and out of place in a fancy, posh place where the prices rivaled the national debt and the wait staff were polite but stiffly formal. Going out for a meal with Caleb back in Ohio had meant attending one of the community held covered dinners or going to a nearby local diner, usually one that commissioned desserts from the Amish bakery. She was used to simple dishes not five course meals served on expensive china consisting of various foods she’s never heard of.

  “Mitch! It is good you come again. Come, I have your table all ready for you.”

  “Thank you, Mama Lupia. It’s good to see you again too. How’s the family?”

  “Oh, two more beautiful grandbabies and our youngest getting married soon. Life is good, yes?”


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