South Beach Cartel

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by Nisa Santiago

  South Beach Cartel

  Part Two

  Nisa Santiago

  Melodrama Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  South Beach Cartel - Part 2. Copyright © 2018 by Melodrama Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address [email protected].

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2018957341

  ISBN-13: 978-1620780985

  eISBN-13: 978-1620781081

  First Edition: December 2018


  September 2017

  I’m ready,” Apple said to a familiar ally on a burner phone. “We both knew that bitch was always living on borrowed time.”

  “You can’t let this shit go, huh?”

  “She wanted a war, so let’s bring it to her fuckin’ front door.”

  Cartier sighed. “We waited too long—allowed her operation to expand. I heard her and her brother Cane are dropping bodies all over the east coast. You really wanna fuck wit’ that?”

  Apple sighed and rolled her eyes. A lot had happened since Miami, but none of it changed the way she felt about exacting revenge. Citi was always at the forefront of her mind. That bitch had violated them in the worst way by stealing from them. She’d stolen everything they had while the Gonzales Cartel was on their asses—looking to kill each and every last one of them. Apple ended up broke and was forced to go on the run. She had to hide, and she hated to hide. She ended up in Maryland, had met Twin, and the rest was history.

  “We’ve gone up against cartels, Cartier. You can’t be fuckin’ serious right now! I’m from Harlem and you’re from Brooklyn. This bitch is from Queens.” Apple’s voice escalated when she said, “Queens,” indicating it was the weakest borough.

  She continued to clown Citi. “Queens bitches are soft like butter! You know that shit, Cartier, and don’t act like you don’t.”

  Cartier chuckled. “You know there are a couple of screws loose in that bitch’s head, Apple. She’s always been a little off—a young bitch lost. She murdered her moms and was fuckin’ her stepdad. That bitch got issues.”

  Apple couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Something was up. Cartier was one of the deadliest bitches she knew. She’d murdered her childhood friend off a simple hunch that turned out to be wrong. So everything she was saying was suspect to Apple.

  “Bitch, stop playin’. You know you ’bout that life, so what’s really good?”

  Cartier sighed heavily, and said, “A’ight, to keep it one hundred wit’ you, Head is coming home this year, and I want to travel back to the east coast from Seattle to see where we stand. I fucked up and lost him once. I don’t wanna make that mistake again. I can’t properly put this pussy down on him if I’m shooting my gun and dodging fuckin’ bullets.”

  First Kola and now Cartier, Apple thought. Both bitches wanted to become housewives. She wasn’t thrilled, but she understood. Being a wife just wasn’t for her.

  “You wanna pass up a chance at revenge to be boo’d up for the winter?” Apple mocked. “Yeah, bitch, it’s cuffing season. I get it. Get your dick and forget about Bad Apple out here goin’ to war alone. If something happens to me, then it’s your fault. I always had your back. I was hoping that you would have mine.”

  Cartier’s mood shifted into seriousness. “Apple, don’t fuckin’ play me like that. We’ve both seen too much death, and we’ve both been spared more times than we can count. How about you sit this one out?”

  “It was a damn joke, Cartier,” Apple countered. “Ain’t shit gonna happen by that weak bitch’s hands. If Citi was a real thorough bitch, she would have murdered us back in Miami when she was planning to take our fuckin’ money. Instead, she leaves us alive to get at her. Citi is just a slut who only knows how to suck dick and take from muthafuckas. She’s a dumb fuckin’ ho, and dumb hoes become dead hoes.”

  “Don’t underestimate her, Apple. Citi and Cane won’t be easy to kill.”

  “Watch me!” Apple replied before she abruptly ended their call.


  Be there in ten minutes.” Apple hung up with her sister Kola feeling like she was going to throw up. She didn’t like where things were going. Everything had changed. Kola wasn’t the same hardcore bitch who didn’t take shit from anyone. Kola sounded happy, but she had become domesticated. Apple would have never thought that her twin sister would become this docile fuckin’ housewife, not to mention Kola and her man were babysitting and raising Eduardo’s kids. It was sickening.

  Eduardo apparently wasn’t going to send his goons to murder Kola and Kamel as long as they took care of his Colombian children. It was a fair exchange, but the couple was still cautious. Eduardo was a murderous lunatic who was obsessed with Kola. They both knew that any day Eduardo wanted to have them killed, he wouldn’t hesitate to give the order. It was a hell of a way to live, but they didn’t have a choice.

  After their wedding, Kola and Kamel moved into a beautiful home in an affluent neighborhood in Westchester County. The home was 5000 square feet of luxury, with a wrought iron fence, an in-ground pool, marble flooring, and sprawling manicured lawns. Of course, Kola was used to more, but this home was compliments of Eduardo.

  What Apple didn’t like was that Kamel had become Eduardo’s bitch. He had accepted servitude to a drug kingpin instead of going out like a man. Apple felt that Kola deserved better. How could a man like Kamel live in the home his wife’s ex-man bought for them?

  Apple didn’t give a fuck that Eduardo was in a foreign jail. In her eyes, Kamel had gotten lazy. He didn’t want to hustle to earn a living for her sister and those kids. Apple had lost respect for the nigga. She felt his twin brother had more heart than he did.

  But the main thing Apple cared about was her daughter. She finally allowed Kola to raise Peaches full time. Kola was the stable one with the home, the family, and the kids. Though Apple somewhat despised Kola’s transformation into a housewife, it was useful when it came to giving Peaches a proper home and putting her in the best schools. Kola would keep Peaches during the school year, and Apple would take her for the summer to spend some quality time with her daughter. The arrangement they had would give Apple just enough time to track Citi down, overthrow the bitch’s throne, and reign over her empire.

  Kola might have thrown in the towel, but this wasn’t the end for Apple—no way. Apple felt she was just getting started.


  It was a pretty fall day with a slight breeze that touched the leaves and made them dance on their branches. It was a comforting breeze on a warm fall day with the sun peeking through the clouds. Apple came to a stop in front of her sister’s home on the attractive tree-lined block. It was a quiet neighborhood and the complete opposite of where they’d grown up in the mean streets of Harlem. Apple wondered if they’d been born and raised in a neighborhood like this, would her little sister Nichols still be alive today? There wasn’t a day that Apple didn’t think about her—and her tragic death. It was so long ago, yet it still felt like it all happened yesterday.

  Apple sat in the car quietly, lost in her thoughts. She then turned around and she gazed at her daughter seated in the backseat. Apple smiled. Peaches was growing up to become a lovely young girl with her long, soft, black hair, beautiful brown eyes, and rich brow
n skin. She didn’t look like Apple. Apple had no idea who was father was. Peaches was conceived in Mexico, by one of the many men who raped her when she was held captive in a grungy brothel. But no matter how her daughter was conceived, Apple still loved her unconditionally.

  It was the day after Labor Day, and Apple was dropping her daughter off at her sister’s for the school year.

  “You okay, baby girl?” Apple asked Peaches.

  “I’m fine, Mommy.”

  “You know Mommy loves you, right?”

  Peaches smiled. “I know, Mommy.”

  “And I would do anything for you—anything.”

  “I know, Mommy.”

  “I will always have your back.”

  “And I have your back too, Mommy.”

  Apple smiled at her most prized possession. Her little queen was so smart and beautiful. Her personality was endearing. Peaches had an extremely bright future ahead of her. She had a chance at a good life, something that Apple felt she and her sisters never had while growing up in Harlem.

  Apple climbed out of her cream Lexus and escorted her daughter to the front door.

  “How do you like living with Auntie Kola and her husband?” she asked Peaches.

  “I love it, Mommy.”

  It was what Apple wanted to hear. She rang the doorbell and stood there patiently on the front steps, holding her daughter’s hand.

  The front door opened and Apple immediately frowned. Kamel was standing there wearing an apron, and she could smell something cooking in the kitchen. The mere sight of him thrust her into a foul mood. She didn’t bother with pleasantries or small talk. She immediately pushed past him with her daughter’s hand in hers.

  Kamel spun around and grimaced at his sister-in-law’s rudeness toward him in his own home.

  Apple crouched to hug her daughter goodbye, and then Peaches ran upstairs to find her Auntie Kola, Eduardo Jr., and Sophia. It left Apple alone downstairs with Kamel, a big mistake. Neither he nor Kola hustled anymore. Kola would receive money each month from Eduardo’s goons and everyone was happy-go-lucky. Apple felt it made them lazy and worthless, and she never was one to hold her tongue.

  She glared at Kamel in his cooking apron and growled, “How you up in here living in the house that my sister had to suck dick for? Your brother would never go for some shit like that.”

  Kamel barked, “What the fuck is you talkin’ ’bout!”

  He was tired of Apple’s slick mouth. He hated the bitch with a passion, and it was a sad thing that she looked exactly like his wife.

  “You fuckin’ heard me, you bitch-ass nigga!” Apple rebuked. “You in here baking cakes, cookies, croissants, and shit, doing fuckin’ daddy daycare runs for the whole neighborhood. Nigga, look at you—you look fuckin’ weak right now! You allowed yourself to become emasculated, nigga. Eduardo got ya fuckin’ balls in his hands.”

  The scowl that grew on Kamel’s face would probably scare the devil himself. He tightened his fist and exclaimed through clenched teeth, “Yo, Apple, you better watch ya fuckin’ mouth! Who the fuck you think you talkin’ to like that?”

  “Or what, bitch?” Apple continued to challenge him. “Your bitch ass wasn’t barking on Eduardo. I heard you were damn near in tears begging and pleading for your life. You sucked his dick too? And now you wanna yell at me like you a tough guy? Nigga, please!”

  The remark hurt. And it sent Kamel flying off the edge with rage. The only person who knew about his face-to-face with Eduardo was Kola, and apparently she had told her evil twin.

  Kamel rammed his fist through the wall, creating a gaping hole in the living room. He then angrily marched closer to Apple.

  Apple continued to challenge him. She didn’t care about his feelings or his manhood.

  On the second floor of the home, as Kola was hugging and loving on her niece who’d just returned home, she could hear Apple and her husband shouting and screaming at each other. Most likely, the entire neighborhood heard too. They both were loud and obnoxious.

  Kola scowled. It was always one thing or another between the two of them. She hated when they fought and argued with the kids in the house. Hearing enough of their bickering, she told the kids to stay in the room. She stormed out of the room, closing the door behind her, and marched her way downstairs. But the kids didn’t listen. They hurried out of the bedroom on her heels, all three curious to the drama downstairs.

  Apple and Kamel continued to exchange insults.

  “You miserable cokehead fuckin’ cunt! I don’t know how my brother ever fucked your contaminated uno peso pussy without putting on at least ten fuckin’ condoms! You’re a miserable fuckin’ bitch, Apple, and nobody fuckin’ likes you. Not even your own fuckin’ kid! She loves us more than you and I know you hate that shit!”

  “At least I got a fuckin’ kid, you fuckin’ faggot! Your weak dick must be shooting blanks—and speaking of worn-out pussies, you must be talkin’ ’bout your own fuckin’ wife, you stupid nigga!”

  Kola screamed, “Apple!”

  Apple turned and narrowed her eyes at her twin sister. “Nah, fuck that shit! Your faggot-ass husband is on some foul shit!”

  Kola’s presence wasn’t a deterrent for Apple. She had no limits.

  “Get the fuck out my house and go look for your baby daddy at the Home Depot parking lot,” Kamel scolded.

  “Kamel!” Kola screamed. Noticing that the kids had disobeyed her orders and were standing behind her, Kola pivoted and shouted, “Y’all kids go upstairs! Now!”

  They immediately ran back upstairs.

  Apple stepped closer to Kamel, invading his space. “Say something slick about my child again, nigga!”

  Kamel inched closer to her, not backing down. “Or what, bitch! You supposed to scare me? You ain’t shit but a worthless whore and a lousy fuckin’ mother.”

  And just like that, they drew their guns on each other. Apple thrust a 9mm at Kamel’s head, and Kamel responded with a .45 aimed at her face. The hateful words had transitioned into a physical threat.

  Immediately, Kola placed herself between them. “Stop it!” she screamed at the top of her lungs. Then she suddenly collapsed on the floor, crying out hysterically. She was losing it. “I’m so tired of all this fuckin violence!”

  Both Apple and Kamel quickly lowered their guns. They had never seen Kola like this. Kola was always the one who had her shit together, being in charge and that bad bitch in the hood. But now, she looked completely vulnerable and exhausted.

  Kamel tried to wrap his arms around his wife for comfort, but Apple pushed him aside and shouted, “Nigga, I got this. She’s my fuckin’ sister!”

  Kamel frowned. How dare that bitch put her hands on him? He cursed her back and was ready to punch her in her face. They started to argue over who should comfort Kola. It was a mess.

  Finally, Apple allowed Kamel to carry her sister upstairs to the master bedroom, while she went to calm the kids. She walked into the kids’ bedroom and saw them nestled together on the bed. They were upset.

  Apple crouched and extended her arms out. “C’mere, y’all. I need a hug.”

  They all jumped off the bed and ran into Apple’s open arms.

  “Look, I apologize that y’all had to hear that mess downstairs. I’m so sorry. I am. It was just two grown-ups arguing with each other and using foul language. It’s foul language that I do not want any one of y’all to repeat. Y’all understand me?”

  They nodded.

  “But once again, I’m so sorry that y’all had to hear all that. Do y’all forgive me?” Apple asked.

  They nodded their heads and uttered, “Yes!”

  And once again, Apple gave them all a big hug and a kiss.

  With the kids settled in and taken care of in the bedroom, Apple went into the master bedroom where Kola was lying down with Kamel seated next to her.
They exchanged looks, and both of them thought it was best not to fuss any more for the day—for Kola’s benefit.

  Kamel stood up and said, “I’ll go take the kids downstairs and make them something to eat.”

  He left the bedroom in silence. Apple stepped farther into the bedroom and took a seat near Kola.

  “You okay, sis?” she asked.

  “I’m fine,” Kola replied lowly.

  Apple wanted to know why her sister had a mental breakdown. She was concerned.

  “You’re not losing your mind. Right, Kola?”

  “No, Apple, I’m not losing my mind. I’m okay.”

  “Okay. Because that shit downstairs wasn’t like you. You’ve always been the strong one in the family,” said Apple.

  “Things have just changed with me. I just want something different, sis . . . I want some normalcy in my life, that’s all. I want this family and I want this marriage with Kamel to work. I want a new beginning.”

  Apple nodded.

  Kola locked eyes with her sister. “And I guess I’ve become so emotional lately because I’m pregnant.”

  Apple sat there wide-eyed. “You’re what?”

  “I’m pregnant, Apple.”

  “Oh shit!” Apple searched for the right words, but this came out, “I thought you had an STD that fucked up your tubes and the doctors said you’d never be a mom?”

  “Facts! So you can understand how this miracle baby is a gift and I can’t begin my pregnancy stressing over you and Kamel’s soap opera drama. It’s just too much, Apple. And to keep it one-hundred, you’re the instigator.”

  Apple pursed her lips tightly together to keep from squeezing out something slick. She bit her tongue and then replied with, “Whatever I can do to help, I’ll do. But what’s Kamel doin’ for you?”

  “I had planned on telling Kamel today, but you ruined that moment for me.”

  Apple shrugged. “Tell him tomorrow.”

  Kola rolled her eyes. “I guess I’ll tell him tomorrow, then.”


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