Countess of Desire (The Young Ancients Erotic Moments Book 1)

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Countess of Desire (The Young Ancients Erotic Moments Book 1) Page 5

by P. S. Power

  "Prince Gerent! Maria Ward on this end. I was just calling to humble myself and beg from you. That or trade services? I was thinking that I need to make a trip to visit some people on Harmony. That, and get together with Petra. I have some bridges to mend there, I think. So, what would it take to get that to happen? You live on Harmony, so you don't need goods, or workers really. I can offer some other things?" She let her face become coy, and didn't say she'd have sex with him straight off.

  It was nearly a mistake, since the man clearly didn't get what she really meant.

  "Oh? I guess I could come get you all. Petra is off for a week, starting tomorrow. She still teaches at the Printer School. Weapons work, and fighting? Would it be all right if she picked you up? I'm a little busy for the time being. Nothing I can't shift around, of course..."

  She sighed, noting that her offer to do things with him seemed to go right past his low self-esteem. Normally that would have had a lot of men dropping what they were doing to come and service her immediately. It was a bit off-putting, to tell the truth, being ignored that way. Was she really going to have to throw herself at the man?

  Letting her fingers trail down a fraction lower she lightly rubbed directly over Debbie's clitoris. She was actually pretty, down there, Maria noted. Not that all women weren't, but the slightly dark folds were very symmetrical on this one. It would be fun to see what she tasted like too. Rich, no doubt. Dipping a finger in, absently, she could feel that her friend was damp already. Slowly she licked her finger, forgetting herself for a moment. It was a slow and very sex driven movement. One that had the man in her hand staring at her.

  Now he seemed to get what she was talking about.

  "Uhm..." He sounded a bit aroused, as well as a little nervous.

  Smiling she put her hand back down, and started on her new friend’s clitoris again. That was too direct of her, but sometimes speed paid off. They really didn't have a lot of time before the meal.

  "Sorry, I forgot myself there. Anyway, I'm trying to bribe you with sex. I suppose I could try that with Petra, but as far as I know she really isn't into ladies that way. Though we could both do you? If that's a thing you'd like, I mean. I'll understand if your schedule doesn't allow it." That was a bit heavy handed, but it could work, so she wasn't too shy that way.

  The man actually stammered.

  "I'd... Like that, of course. I... are you certain?"

  His famous low self-esteem again. It was less than charming really. He was a Prince now, after all, no matter how humble his start in life.

  "I am. I'd also like to bring my friend Debbie to visit? I don't know if you remember her?" Slightly wickedly, Maria let her middle finger speed up, making a very regular up and down pattern on the woman. She dipped into her honey pot again, for the lubrication. They had plans later too, so leaving her chafed and sore would be poor tactics.

  "I do! I have to admit, I'm a bit fond of her, to be honest. It would be good to see her, if she wants to visit? I'm sure we can find room for all of you at our house. Petra and I... Well, we have our own palace, after a fashion. Plenty of room for guests, though we haven't had too many yet." He seemed slightly proud of the fact.

  "Lovely! Well, I'll set all that up then and get with Pet now. I'm sure she'll be thrilled to have her holiday off work filled with relatives, especially me. Well, wish me luck then?" She looked deeply into his eyes, holding her tongue for a moment.

  He bowed to the unit in his own hand, making the world on his end tilt a little. It was clear that he was in space, by the décor, and given the people around him. It was his crew, so whatever he was doing was work related.

  She did it back, making certain that the naked Debbie was just visible when she did it. The man practically salivated at the sight, even if it was only of her naked breasts. Her dark nipples and areolas were tight and she was just slightly smaller that way than Maria was, so it made for a nice show.

  "I look forward to seeing you all." Then the man hung up, probably because he was actually more polite than she was.

  Rather than call Petra directly, she turned her attention to Debbie, making use of both hands for a bit, then kneeling next to the bed, getting the woman to spread her legs so that she was accessible to Maria's tongue.

  She was mild in flavor, but alluring in scent. The woman clearly wasn't a stranger to this kind of sport though, she realized, since she grabbed a handful of Maria's long hair and placed her mouth directly over the right spot.

  "Up and down? With your tongue?" It was a question, but not hard to comply with. Doing that had the woman bucking against her lips hard less than two or three minutes later.

  "Oh!" She spasmed, her body going tight under and in front of the Countess. Several times. With each one, she said "Oh!" A little bit louder.

  It was charming, but a bit tame really. At least if she were trying for more than her own pleasure in the moment. Still, it was a good start and let her get clothing back on while Maria wiped her mouth slowly, and then got in touch with Petra.

  The dark skinned woman scowled at her for a moment, but she went a bit blank after a moment and then smiled.

  "Maria? Is everything all right?"

  "Because I seldom call unless there's a problem? I can see that actually. I need to take a trip to Harmony, and figured that I might as well mend some fences with you at the same time. Gerent suggested that I get in touch with you and set that up. He also invited us to stay at your villa? I was the one that suggested you and I could both have sex with him. He didn't say no, but seemed a bit hesitant to make arrangements for you?" She grinned, and then shook her head, as the woman on the other end of the thing looked at her a bit coldly. "I mean that, by the way. Not that you have to have sex with me, but that I think it's past time I stop treating you... Well, you know."

  Petra gave her a confused look then, and shrugged her large and rugged looking shoulders.

  "I didn't think you were treating me badly. We aren't close, but you hardly ever spit in my food when I come to visit anymore. Why the last, what is it, two or three visits, you haven't even slipped snakes into my bed."

  That got the other woman a fake glare. She was teasing of course, to test the waters. There was a time when that would have gotten Maria to growl at her, and run to Marvin, to make sure his sister’s allowance was cut to next to nothing. This time she managed to just screw her face up a bit.

  "True enough. So, you'll come and visit tonight, then take us all off in the morning?"

  Blinking a bit, she smiled and nodded her pretty head. Her hair was very short, almost like a man's, but her skull shape was good.

  "Sure? When do you want me there? I'm off work for the day, I was going to go and get something to eat at the tavern here. After that?"

  "Why not come here for the evening meal? We can hold it for a few minutes, if you need?" She had a jump ship after all, and those things were fast. So much so that after a few minutes of walking, the scenery changed to a small craft. A few moments of uninterrupted chatter later, Petra cleared her throat.

  "It seems that the roast pig is just now coming out? Oh, Martya! Over here!" It was amazing, but the woman was there, from some six hundred miles away, already.

  That calling out would be to her best childhood friend, Maria knew. The local ice merchant. She often came for the evening party.

  "Good! Let's meet outside then, in a few moments?"

  "See you then." The face vanished, leaving Maria alone with Debbie, who was clothed, and looking down at the floor, a slightly amazed expression on her face.

  Taking her hand, she started them toward the door.

  "Come on, love. We have guests!"

  Then they scurried, since it was rude to keep people waiting too long.

  Chapter four

  It was interesting, having Petra suddenly appear like she had. Once upon a time it would have taken several full days, nearly ten, to make the trip by carriage. Now the right people could make the same journey in moments.

  One of the nice things about Petra however, was that she didn't care to stand on ceremony or title. She came to dinner dressed in a nice white off the shoulder gown that showed off just enough cleavage to be alluring, without losing her top when she gestured. It wasn't see-through, but was just shy of that, offering a slight hint of what was underneath. She wasn't perfect, being too muscular really, but her body wasn't bad either. Some female fighters ended up looking like men. Hard and calloused. Somehow Petra had managed to avoid that. She was larger than even the average noble woman, but her face was pretty, and she actually had hips and a nice behind.

  She also didn't bat an eyelash at being sat directly next to a merchant, even if she was a Princess now. True, of Harmony, but that still counted. What caused a minor stir was when Martya was waved to sit on her other side. Not that Pet minded, but everyone else stared for a bit. There were about seventy or eighty people at the meal, and no one from the city had ever been invited to sit up at the top with them like that. Just at the tables set out on the grass, among the palm trees. What was left of them. The storms had hit hard, but they still had a lawn.

  After a fashion.

  The grass was a bit worn and spotty, and brown in a few places, since there had been less rain of late. Hopefully that trend would end. If not, they'd need to see about getting a floating river. Only one person made those however, and Maria honestly doubted that she could fuck him hard enough to get Tor to part with one. That left only humbling herself, for her people. She'd do it, of course, but it would be nicer if she could just be friends with the man.

  The last time she'd tried that with him, she’d wanted to surprise him, so had used her mouth on him as he slept. He'd responded very well, until he realized it was her doing it. Then he... Well, he acted like she'd been raping him.

  It was, she knew, the simple truth. She simply hadn't realized that he might not have wanted her to do that kind of thing. They'd more or less made up by then, and he enjoyed women, so it had seemed fair enough. A bit risky, but the worst that should have happened was that he might clear his throat and asked her to stop. Instead he'd gone into an instant combat rage, and ordered her and Ducharina Morgan from his room as if they were the lowest of scoundrels.

  Since then she'd tried to be on her best behavior with him. It was less than optimal for her, now though, wasn't it? She couldn't exactly just get in touch with him and suggest a few magical rivers would be a nice present. As it was, she'd never really been certain how they'd avoided having war declared on them by County Lairdgren.

  Possibly just by Tor, alone.

  It sounded insane, but his little sister, using a few borrowed magics, had taken on an entire County. She'd defeated every military force and left them crippled, without ever shedding a drop of blood. If Tor couldn't do the same, then Maria would be greatly shocked. That had been years before, too. Now he was probably even more powerful.

  The situation at the table was a bit different though, she knew. Not traditional or in good social keeping in the slightest. Of late they'd had few visitors, and those were mainly people from the rebellion. Not all of them followers that way, in truth, since it was clear that a few were just related to those that hated King Richard and couldn't afford to go against a Baron or Countess, but she wasn't able to really get too close to most of them yet. Soon, perhaps?

  Though most of them would probably distrust her and Marvin for the rest of their lives, so she didn't want to bet on it. People held no great love for traitors, and while a spy might be forgiven, in time, it was harder to do when they held as much power as a Count.

  It was another reason for her to please as many as she could then, before their part in things was known. If she lost over half her friends, a few might still remain hers, simply because they loved her well enough to know she had no real choice.

  Really though, that wasn't the issue of the moment. It was that Martya used to be a local whore that got the tongues to wag. That didn't last as long as she thought it might, the scandal being less of a problem to most of the people there than it would have been elsewhere. They knew the Ward's to be good rulers, and if they wanted Martya there, then it was a fine thing. Which it likely was, in truth.

  Martya was low born, but a childhood friend of the Conserina. She'd been a whore, servicing sailors and anyone with a few coppers, but that was honest enough work. Debbie used to be a baker, after all, and still was, in fact. She kept up a little shop for that directly next to where she sold the magical items. She didn't have to, but it kept them all in good bread and rolls for the mornings, so Maria wasn't going to complain about it.

  Petra practically purred at her friend, though they weren't lovers, as far as Maria knew. That would be fine, of course, but if that was a thing, both women had been very discreet about it.

  The conversation was light and they spoke of things that stayed away from anything too gloomy, sad or political. That pretty much only left the upcoming trip that Maria wanted to take. Really, she didn't want to make up too many excuses in public for that, did she? Petra eyed her from down the white linen, eating very properly, using a knife and fork for the succulent pig they were sharing that evening. It was a treat, because even the Count mainly only ate what could be provided by the food devices. Like everyone else. It wasn't that they couldn't afford fine spices or treats, but rather that he didn't think they should have things that others couldn't share.

  Just thinking about it made her heart swell with pride. A lot of rulers would have simply had the best of everything, and not thought about their people even for a moment. Marvin Ward however, kept them in mind in every task he undertook. Nearly.

  Not while he was bedding a woman, most likely, but other than that, he lived the way his honor told him to. It would have been funny to find out he was thinking of trade agreements and how to best use the taxes for the good of his people while rogering a young lady from behind, but also a bit sad. Everyone deserved to just let go and have fun every now and again.

  That reminded her that she should do that too. Soon. The last two times she'd had sex that day had both been all about the other people involved. Which was fine, because she enjoyed sex, but didn't need it constantly. Most of what she did was for the pleasure of others. That was her true desire, after all. To see her friends be happy and contented as well as she could manage.

  That it fit in with her political goals so neatly was nice, and useful, but not the prime driver there.

  She had a date with Marvin and Debbie after dinner though, so things were looking up that way. Except that Petra had come, at her invitation, and they didn't have a nice male guest to entertain her that night. She'd have suggested Martya, but if that didn't happen naturally, it would be rude. Those two were friends, after all.

  Feeling a bit frustrated, she came to understand that she was probably going to have to stay available to entertain Petra that night. Not that it would be all that fun. The woman just wasn't into girls like she should be. Even if that had been the case, there was very little reason for her to want to spend time that way with Maria. They really needed to repair that, but it would be hard.

  If Gerent were around she would have just suggested they do him together. That way they could work toward a common goal, and not have to be all that close physically. Not that it wasn't a good idea anyway. She'd already brought it up though, and while a few reminders were allowed, doing too much that way could be seen as pressuring people into taking unwanted actions. It was fair enough to do, by the social rules, but a poor plan considering one of the parties involved was a Prince. That Petra was a Princess by marriage... That just complicated things.

  She smiled and looked over at her husband, letting her arm touch his waist. He had on a soft textured white shirt, that hid most of the muscle he carried under it. Thinking of his rippling stomach made her a bit sad, but it had to be done. You didn't ask a person to visit in order to give you presents and not spend the night doing whatever they wanted.

  "Dear? I hate to be
a tease, but I should see to Petra this evening." She glanced down the table at the dark eyed girl who looked up hearing her name. "We could find some music perhaps? Or wine? Martya, you can come too?" It was polite to ask, after all. With one more they could have a nice card game, perhaps? That or get drunk and talk about the people they'd had liaisons with. That was a bit naughty, but a good way to pass the time.

  The short dark haired and skinned woman, who wore white as well looked at her with something approaching fear in her eyes. That was an odd reaction, or was until she spoke, her voice sounding less brash and loud than it normally was.

  "I'd love to, but I have plans. It's business and the boat leaves in the morning..." It was clear she was scrambling to find some way out of the invitation without giving offense. Given that she was an ex-whore, and would have probably gone down on Maria right there if asked, even just as a lark, it wouldn't be that. No, she really just had a late meeting that would be costly to miss.

  Maria nodded, not letting her face go sad. That would be the right thing to do, most of the time, saying that she'd miss the other woman's presence, which she may well. A tingle flared between her legs as she saw the other lady lick her lips. They were full, moist things that would serve well down there...

  "Next time, if schedules permit then? I understand the need to see to business, especially in these times, of course. I think we all do." That was just the truth.

  It was surprising how many businesses dried up just because the dynamics of food had changed. People needed as much ice, Martya's main occupation, but they didn't have as much free coin to spend on it. She'd gotten past that by lowering her rates, a lot, but that didn't mean making her miss out on a business meeting was a good thing. Even if that business was just servicing some sailor.


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