Fae Rose Academy: Year One (For The Purely Divine Book 1)

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Fae Rose Academy: Year One (For The Purely Divine Book 1) Page 1

by Quinn Ashwood

  This is work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Copyright© Avery Song & Quinn Ashwood, 2020

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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  Cover Design by Melody Simmons

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  Editing by

  Rainlyt Editing

  Format: Avery S.


  Thank you for purchasing FAE ROSE ACADEMY.

  Thank you for giving Avery Song and Quinn Ashwood duo a chance! This was a challenge, especially with the new idea of paranormal romance. Hope you enjoy our little creation!

  Special thanks to our amazing Mom for blessing us with the gift to write and supporting us in all aspects. We pray to continue making you proud as we strive towards success.

  Finally, we thank God for giving us the strength to achieve our goals. Without Him, we would be nothing.






  Prologue: The Rose Of Destiny

  1. Just Another Day As Scum

  2. Wise Advice From A Drunken Fool

  3. Not My Destined One

  4. Destined To Kick Ass

  5. Infirmary Of Lost Pride

  6. Fae Rose Academy?

  7. A Ruler Needs No Respect For The Weak And A Speck Of Light

  8. A New Beginning And Making Friends

  9. Entrance Challenge For A Weakling

  10. Failure Before The Journey Began

  11. Unexpected Vistor And Questionable Future

  12. Facing Weaknesses And Darkness Within

  13. Screw Up And Threatened Rose

  14. A New Day And First Sight Of Fae Snow

  15. Time To Face Destiny

  16. Watching A Wilting Rose

  17. Raging Jealousy Between Light And Dark

  18. Tense Partnership And Immune To Death

  19. Sensitive To The Universe And Carrying Sleeping Beauty

  20. Deserve The World And Blessed Weapons

  21. Let The Petals Begin To Fall

  22. Lose It All To Fate







  Also By Avery Song


  Perfection...The single word that best describes the legendary fae. They are beings with no flaws, divine creatures with power sparking at their fingertips. A race so exceptional that it feels almost forbidden to think about them, especially for someone like me.

  I’m Rosadette Campbell, a seventeen-year-old girl who has nothing in common with those divine, worshipped beings. No, I’m a human — at least, that’s how we refer to ourselves. We pretend not to hear the litany of degrading slurs other races use to describe our kind. We were the dominant species once, but now we’re considered little more than rats. Especially someone like me, an orphan raised out of pity by the village.

  I’m at peace with my low status, but everything goes to hell when I accidentally punch and knock out Prince Xavier, the heir to the highest Fae Court — the strongest, most lethal court in all the lands and universes. If that weren’t bad enough, Prince Xavier also happens to be the son of the headmaster of Fae Rose Academy.

  Legends say trouble comes in threes, and that holds true for me when I learn I'm supposedly one of the fae. It must be a practical joke designed by Prince Xavier to ruffle my feathers, but the joke’s on him. I’m determined to face whatever challenges he decides to toss my way.

  I’ll prove myself worthy of walking the halls of Fae Rose Academy. I'll tackle their world, and in the process, just maybe, I’ll find something extraordinary.

  Prologue: The Rose Of Destiny

  "Prince. Your father has summoned you to the sanctuary."

  It took time before those words drifted into my mind. The story revolving around justice still shimmered in the depths of my subconscious, but the urgency in the request of being summoned began to outgrow my desire to continue where I was.

  Raising my head and moving my gaze to the large golden doors of my private library, I looked to the armed guard who stood at attention - waiting for my inevitable answer.

  "I understand. Tell him I'll be there shortly," I calmly responded.

  "Yes, my prince," the guard replied and with a bow was out the door, leaving me in silence. Reaching for my bookmark that laid next to the empty mug of chamomile tea, I saved my spot between the fine cream sheets and closed the book.

  The soft sound seemed to echo in the depths of the library, signaling my eminent departure. Rising up from the comfort of my seat, I looked at the stained-glass window that was to my left. The multiple colors looked extra radiant with the full moon out and shining down upon our kingdom.

  The moon’s energy was welcomed. It was necessary to absorb it and re-energize our crystals and spiritual essences because I knew we'd be embarking down to the lower lands.

  That was exactly why I was being summoned. I could feel it in my gut. My body rushed with tingling and anticipation for what was to come.

  I'd finally meet my future queen.

  Lowering the book of legends to the side table, I stretched before reaching for my golden cape. Draping it along my shoulders, I stood tall and prepared myself mentally to see my Father.

  My dad wasn't a scary man to talk to. He was kind-hearted and loving to those he trusted, but his role was to rule our kingdom, and that meant there would be times of seriousness and lack of emotion.

  I was no different.

  For me to express my emotions, my trust and utmost respect was required. If one did not earn either of those, I was but a guarded wall that looked far too grumpy to be the future ruler.

  It worked well for our kind, especially with our circumstances. Those who judged us merely by our looks or knowledge of our type of race would never see the side of kindness we carried.

  Even more so in other worlds and universes. Those who judged based on looks would not get the opportunity to see our true forms. Many referred to it as glamour, a disguise they thought we used to hide ourselves.

  Alas, they knew nothing of our traditions.

  Appearances to some meant everything, which only proved that their intentions and desires were based on one's outer shell.

  Something our kind disliked entirely.

  We cared about one's true intentions. The emotions kept at bay in the depths of one's heart. With some of our gifted abilities, it was easy to read one's mind, especially with those that were lower beings, like humans.

  Humans had no barrier around their minds that stopped us from reading their thoughts and feeling their emotional struggles. It was an inconvenience at times, but we could easily shut off the gift if necessary.

  It was exactly what I did when I ventured into the lower realms. Humans worried about the littlest things, leaving a flood of overwhelming emotions and thoughts that hit me, and others of my kind, like tidal waves.


  Again, they had their benefits, especially when we dived into politics, but I had to admit that humans were growing in wisdom. As they acknowledged our kind, they began to invest money on devices to block our gifts.

  They underestimated our magic, but we let them be. If working on their scientific contraptions made them feel one step closer to our kind, so be it. Maybe they would spend more time on that and not on starting wars amongst themselves.

  A light sigh left my lips, and with it, my left foot took the first step towards the door. I'd attempt to finish my story before bed, but knowing my father, he'd want preparations to begin immediately.

  My peaceful prince days were coming to an end. Pity.

  Leaving my sacred sanctuary, I made my way down the long stone walls of our castle. The structure always threw outsiders off by how bright it was.

  Common assumptions played a huge role in their reaction, but considering my cold-hearted father's outlook, I didn't blame them.

  The entire castle was made of golden stone, but its essence was of magic. The color of our home changed depending on a lot of factors. When it was gold, it meant my mother was home.

  She was the sunshine of our kingdom. Always happy and singing.

  Not to forget her obsession with baking.

  I can imagine her now, wearing a gorgeous ensemble of fabric to brighten her day before donning her favorite purple apron and turning the kitchen upside down.

  As a queen, you'd never picture her setting a foot in the kitchen to cook for herself, let alone the maids, guards, and her family. However, my mom was the opposite of Father and I.

  It still baffled me how the two of them fell in love, but needless to say, my father adored her and would destroy any world or race if they even looked at her the wrong way.

  Love. Makes men do the most ridiculous things. Something I doubt I'll deal with.

  Yes. My purpose of going down to the lower realms was to claim my queen. The princess that I will marry and who will one day be alongside me as we ruled this kingdom together.

  However, that would only happen if she proved herself worthy of our glorious throne-ship. I was unsure what type of fae she would be, but that was of little importance.

  All I wanted was a smart, beautiful, talented leader who would listen to me when I stated what needed to be done. My mother deemed my expectations to be fitting of a slave, but she didn't understand my point of view.

  I needed a woman who would obey me. One who would do what needed to be done for the good of all.

  Father lacked in that department. Though harsh with his actions, his kindness was getting the best of him. It took me having to fix certain situations for people to realize our family wasn't one to push around.

  We were nowhere near naive to what they were plotting within the shadows of darkness. It always gave me satisfaction to catch them mid-act in their so-called "diabolical" plan.

  Foolishness only led to fun trickery on my end. Our kind loved to play tricks, and the darker they were, the more amusing it could be. I wouldn't let anyone make my father into a fool in love, but that meant I'd have to find a woman who would strengthen my backbone.

  A partnership where we'd work in unison to prove to our people that we are more than powerful enough to hold the reins of our throne.

  That's if all goes well. Thankfully, I'm not the bringer of bad luck.

  My feet came to a stop in front of the large onyx doors of my father's chambers. This was his personal space, designed for when he was deep in thought.

  Or after an argument with my mother.

  My arm lifted of its own accord, my hand clenched and ready to knock against the fine, magical stone. My knuckles didn't reach the surface before the door unlocked and opened on its own, inviting me in like I'd already announced my presence.

  How magical this castle really was always brought a tiny smirk to my lips. It also annoyed the hell out of me when I was but a kid because hide and seek never played out in my favor.

  Waltzing in, my eyes went to the one place I knew my dad would be - sitting at his desk with his head between the pages of yet another spell book.

  Father was a magic genius. I'm sure I took most of his genes in that department, but I wasn't as fascinated by learning every spell in the universe.

  Storytelling was my thing. I would become a sadistic author if the whole “prince of a powerful race” thing didn't work out.

  My father, on the other hand, would devour books from different universes. He even had a secret lair of priceless magical books. Some would call them magic artifacts because of how old they were and how much knowledge they contained.

  Wisdom was a source of power in our world. Knowledge aided one in growing in many areas, and when you had the art of magic in the palm of your hands, there was nothing you couldn't learn to grow even stronger.

  One day I could see myself being at that level of satisfaction, but for now, at twenty, I'd continue my hobby of reading stories created by intellectual, creative beings.

  Standing in place, I waited for my dad to finish whatever passage he was on. As a fellow reader, I understood that it always took a little bit of time to pull yourself out of that level of concentration.

  My eyes wandered, something I did out of boredom. It was a habit I really had to stop, but habits always die hard.

  My eyes were a common mix of blues and greens. Some people referred to it as teal, while others labeled it as turquoise. Either way, it was a common color trait for our kind.

  The lower races believed my eyes were the most beautiful shade an individual could have. With my long blonde locks, perfectly smooth, pale skin, and a dimple on my left cheek that was only visible on those extremely rare occasions that I smiled, I was immediately ranked as attractive.

  My mother said my sour attitude ticked off some points, but I was unbothered by this matter. When you were born to one day rule, you just had to accept being an asshole most of the time.

  Being born to rule was a peculiar predicament, and my case was extra special with the coming circumstances. I'd been blessed to be raised in a kingdom that delivered an abundance of love, and my purpose was to wait for the right moment to fulfill my destiny.

  It was difficult at times to be patient, and those were the times where my rebellious attitude and frustration kicked in, especially during my teen years. It was one of the reasons why I returned to reading. It occupied my attention and allowed me to hide my anger while cultivating the nest of knowledge in my mind.

  It was a good way of channeling energy when you had no control over the circumstances around you. Once I grew older and was able to understand what my prolonged patience could lead me to, I decided to grow in strength and wisdom so when the time came for me to retrieve my rose maiden, I'd be ready.

  I have to be ready.

  The soft sigh and closure of a book drew my attention, and my eyes returned to the center of the room.

  Father was smiling at me, looking pleased to see me before him. Though he'd been alive for many years, he remained looking like he was in his mid-thirties.

  It was one of the glorious things about our kind. We aged well, and our souls would remain everlasting.

  Father was 6'3" when he was in his common form, but when he was infused with magic or wearing his royal armor, he'd reach 6'6".

  I'd yet to figure out how he did that, but it was something to keep in mind for the day I'd get to increase my 6'0" height.

  Why did I stop growing at seventeen? I swear I should have taken my mom's advice and worked out instead of reading all day long. Silly regrets.

  My father's hair was as blonde as mine, a mixture of gold and almost silver locks that had a hint of glow to them, like tinsel. His eyes were a lot more teal than mine, almost li
ke peering into the clear waters of Bora Bora.

  He'd begun to grow a slight beard, the small hairs of his stubble groomed to perfection and as blonde as his hair. He was in his comfortable clothes: black pants and a simple black t-shirt.

  The only reason you'd know he was the king was the large golden crown sitting on his head, complete with various jewels that sparkled, even in the dim light of Father's sanctuary.

  He lowered his book to the fine desk and rose to his feet. He gave a slight nod of his head in greeting. I replicated his movement in acknowledgment.

  If he wasn't immediately talking and explaining why I was here, it usually meant we wouldn't be talking here.

  Whatever needs to be discussed is of great importance.

  I waited for him to leave first, and he proceeded to his left towards one of his large bookcases. The one he currently faced was made of black oak that was blessed by elves to keep the books that rested on their shelves in pristine condition for all eternity.

  The bookcase was fireproof, waterproof, basically life-proof. The material could be only acquired by elves and pixies, and went for a high price in the magic realms.

  Father had received it when he'd first taken the throne, cherishing it and preserving it for the day it would be passed down to me as a family heirloom.


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