Fae Rose Academy: Year One (For The Purely Divine Book 1)

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Fae Rose Academy: Year One (For The Purely Divine Book 1) Page 17

by Quinn Ashwood

  He didn't seem pleased with Xavier's company.

  "Good evening, Your Majesties."

  Somehow Rain and I said our greetings in unison, bowing our heads in respect.

  "It's good to see you outside and enjoying the fresh air, Rosadette. Prince Rainer. I'm proud of you for checking in on Rosadette." The king's praise was uncalled for.

  "A duty of a prince is to ensure those you care about are taken care of." Prince Rainer bowed his head again. "It's an honor to be in Rosadette's company."

  I had to ignore Xavier's questioning look as I gave an appreciative smile. "Prince Rainer decided I needed some air. I've been studying really hard and needed a little boost."

  "Certainly." The queen looked pleased. "Thank you, Prince Rainer. I'd asked Xavier earlier today to come by and see you, Rosadette,"

  I blinked cluelessly.

  "You did?" I looked over to Xavier, watching him look away like a kid caught stealing. It made me a bit mad at his childish behavior, but I decided to go along with it. "My only visitor was Prince Rainer. Maybe Xavier was busy."

  That's the only excuse I could give.

  "I had some things to attend to and it got rather late," Xavier defended.

  "What makes you think my request was of less importance?" the queen inquired, the tension around us spiking up dramatically.

  Something told me that the queen was mad, but she clearly wasn't displaying it as she smiled innocently while looking at Xavier, who was surely trembling inside while keeping his calm front.

  "My apologies," Xavier stated with a slight bow of his head. "Next time I'll make sure I attend to any requests first."

  "It's not his fault," Esmeralda voiced. "I needed a hand with some things and it took far longer than expected."

  "Esmeralda," the king said coldly. "I thought we made it clear that you were not welcome in the in-between royal gardens.”

  I involuntarily shivered at the harsh bite in his disapproving words. It wasn't even directed at me, but it was enough to make it feel like the warm atmosphere had dropped a few degrees.

  There has to be some royal drama I'm missing out on. Do I really want to be involved in this?

  Prince Rainer held me a bit tighter, and I looked up to see his radiant smile.

  "Before this becomes a longer discussion, we must sadly excuse ourselves," he announced. "We have a meeting with Your Majesty herself, and we'd love to be on time."

  The queen laughed, the sound making the flowers around us dance and glow.

  "Thank you for respecting our agreed appointment. We can go together. I will be home late, my love. I'm sure Xavier would kindly see to your return to the castle." The queen looked to Esmeralda, her smile turning upside down. "After he ensures Esmeralda's swift exit."

  "Yes, Your Majesty," Xavier answered and tugged Esmeralda like she was now a hindrance. She looked shocked and peeved at the same time, her eyes darting between Prince Rainer and me.

  No words left her, but her eyes told me that whatever was brewing in the air wasn't over. I'd been dragged into something I knew nothing about, but there was no point in worrying about it.

  For now.

  "Let us be on our way, shall we?" the queen encouraged.

  "Yes," we replied and turned our attention to the king.

  "Have a blessed evening, King Rose," Rain declared.

  "Thank you. Have a wonderful evening yourselves," he replied with a warm smile.

  The queen took the lead as we followed shortly behind. The tension that was pulsing around us from before began to dissipate the further we got away from the encounter spot.

  Are they arguing or something? Imagine living under one roof with such tension brewing.

  "I'm terribly sorry that Xavier dismissed my request." The queen's sudden words shocked me. She was the queen. She didn't need to apologize to a peasant like me.

  "It's not a big deal, Your Majest-"

  "Alicia, Rosadette. Among my presence, you may use my real name," she reminded.

  "Yes, Alicia," I corrected myself with a shy smile.

  "Why don't we head to the very place I wanted you to see?" she offered as we walked in a different direction.

  We followed until we entered a house wrapped around many vines. It looked ancient but seemed to be taken care of. Walking in, the wood floors creaked, and cobwebs were all over the corners and hanging chandelier that seemed dead.

  The interior looked just as ancient as the outdoors, making me wonder if anyone even came here on a regular basis. Seeing as the outside looked unkempt, I wasn't sure if they were given entry to the inside.

  "This is Holly Valley," Alicia declared and turned to look at us. She gestured to the far end of the room, where a standing mirror was engraved in the wall. "That is Holly, the Mirror of Truth."

  "The Mirror of Truth?" I whispered, feeling drawn to it already.

  It had a power to it, an energy that spun around you and reeled you in. The perfect bait to reveal all your deep secrets.

  "Yes." Alicia's voice echoed around us.

  I tugged my hand out of Rain's, taking cautious steps forward as I approached the mirror that was full of dust and spider webs.

  "Why are we here?" I couldn't help but ask as I stopped in front of the centerpiece of this home. There were no other pieces of furniture, leaving me to wonder why such an item existed if there was nothing else.

  "To test you, Rosadette." Alicia now stood next to me.

  "Test me." The words stung, reminding me of the pain I'd endured not long ago. I reached for the mirror, placing my hand against the cool, reflective glass. "I've already failed."

  "Have you?" another voice questioned in judgment, the room growing pitch black and leaving me in the center.

  "Why does it matter?" I was bringing up the past like a broken record, the constant reminders only making me feel childish. "How can I prove myself? I did just that and where did it get me? A laughing stock. A disgrace." I almost laughed as tears formed in my eyes.

  "Look at the pathetic human. So desperate to belong that she comes to our world. She's probably a narcissist. No, a bipolar individual who thinks she can claim innocence one day, and be guilty of her fakeness the next. Does she think she can be like one of us? She'll never listen to the truth. When will she learn...when will she disappear?"

  I spoke the words that carried their way to my room every day this week. I heard the harsh rumors and words from the maids and other staff as I hid in my makeshift fort.

  "I'm a disgrace...and I'll never be able to fix what has already been written."

  "Says who?" the voice questioned.

  "Says...everyone." I couldn't find a better response than that. I'm sure I'd be doing everyone a favor by leaving. Returning to my low-scum world and back to the life I'd known. This experience could remain a fairy tale, one that didn't get a happy ending.

  It could all be for the better...

  "The human part of you believes you're unworthy. The haunting words and the deep wounds of their actions are fighting to engrave within your heart. However, that's only one part, is it not?"

  I lifted my hands, staring at them and feeling as though this was the only place I can let my words out.

  That my real thoughts could be said without judgment or negativity.

  "I want to believe." My voice trembled as tears rolled down my cheeks. "I want to believe in that part of me that knows I'm different. That I'm special. There are times, especially when I don't let those dark thoughts consume me, that I feel something deep within. A burning power, a flame of wonder, and it feels ten times stronger here. I've ignored the quiet calls. Tried to hide how this place makes me feel right at home. How can a place that has already brought me so much sorrow bring a sense of comfort and bits of joy? The view from the window, the smell of nature, and when I'm graced with a bittersweet dream, I see myself running through the fields of roses, wearing a crown of golden metal with many rubies and diamonds. A child, innocent and pure, with curly blonde hair a
nd lavender eyes with bits of silver, just like mine. It's in those dreams I can get lost in the hope, believing it was real. Yet, once I wake up, I'm back to this reality, and the realization brings on a heart-aching pain one like myself doesn't deserve to endure any longer."

  "Yet you know it is not a dream, but something you can claim if you allow yourself to believe," the voice declared. "You can make this your home, the place you've been destined to be all along."

  "Destined to be all along." I looked up to the dark ceiling, wondering if it was even possible.

  "Let go of your human ways. Allow your imagination to flounder and be free. To be fae is not only about embracing the pure divineness within you. To be of light, you must let the sunshine within you and without for all to see. You can be what you've always been destined to become, Rosadette Campbell. Let go of what holds you back. Allow yourself to overcome their negative torment. Conquer the darkness they tried to embed in you and shine brighter than before."

  I bit my lip, my tears gracing my flushed cheeks, and paused as I let myself do what was asked of me.

  Forget their harmful words.

  Release the images of their glares and cheerfulness over my downcast pride.

  Be gone from the negative shackles that fight to take over me, and allow me to break free.

  Please...let me be free.

  A single circular light flashed down on me, growing in magnitude until I couldn't keep my eyes open. The warmth that embraced my body reminded me of a hug from a guardian that wanted nothing but the best for you.

  It melted my heart, the bitterness, painful memories, and sadness beginning to fade away from me, replaced by nothing but joy and confidence, the emotions I'd craved to experience once again.

  Opening my eyes, I lowered my head to see the room was back but was decorated in the finest furniture. The tall golden lamps reached for the ceiling, and hanging crystal spheres with golden flames helped light the room.

  The scent of red roses came from the dark wood walls, golden vines decorating the walls from the floor to the ceiling. The chandelier that was once full of cobwebs was clear of any faults and shone brightly in the center above me. The dazzling mirror surrounded by various floral arrangements with gold brass hugged the reflective glass.

  My reflection was what took my breath away.

  There I was, my purple-silver eyes with silver rims glowed with justice, their fearless reflection only aiding in the growth of confidence. My skin was perfection, without a single flaw and contoured in a way that reminded me of the many fae models I'd admire in those magazines and large posters.

  My hair was platinum blonde, its curly nature as bountiful as ever, and the extension of my black lashes only made my eyes stand out even more. My lips were a dark nude color, the glossy appearance one of natural grace.

  My weight loss was now corrected, my small waist and curvy hips back in place as I wore the same dress given to me, but now truly fitted to my figure in all areas.

  What caught my attention now was the dazzling symbols on my arms, the iridescent symbols leaving me in awe as I looked at my fingernails that were now painted with bright red nail polish.

  I realized there was a weight in my right hand, and I saw the book that had been gifted to me. I raised it up, peering down at it with immense appreciation for the old woman that had made sure I was safe during those darkest times of my childhood and treasured me enough to gift me this blank book before she passed.

  I opened it up, the once-blank pages now full of written scriptures and spells.

  Without a thought, the pages flipped to the very first page, and I let out my left hand and whispered the words of the single sentence written in ancient incantations.

  "Revu la flame leveosa." My voice was tiny, but the sizzling magic ignited within the palm of my left hand, those iridescent markings growing brighter as the flame in my hand rose with strength.

  My eyes filled with tears, amazement filling me as I'd been able to do my first ever magic spell. The words that I, as a human, would have never been able to read, were now the reason why a flame hovered in my hand, and proved that I was what I'd always wished to be.

  I'm fae. I belong here. I'm special.

  "Yes, you are, Rosadette," Alicia's proud recognition reached my ears. Slowly, I turned around, the flame still burning in my left hand while the book closed shut on its own in my right.

  There Alicia stood, her dress now a red combat suit with golden jewels embedded in the chest piece and belt. She had a gold sword that hung on her hip, and her lavish hair was up in a ponytail.

  Rain was also in combat attire, two swords on his waist as his arms were crossed over his chest, revealing the white gloves he wore. His hair was also up in a ponytail, his gold and white attire making him look like a charming prince ready to sweep me off my feet.

  His pride-filled eyes and dazzling smile made my own lips curl up, realizing it was thanks to him that I finally knew my calling.

  My destiny.

  "The Mirror of Truth tests you the best way possible. It surrounds you in darkness and forces you to reflect on the deep wounds you've experienced over your life. It wasn't your upbringing or circumstances that were bringing you down, Rosadette. It was the fear of what your peers think of you that was holding you back. You so desperately wanted their acceptance, to be recognized as something special, when you were born to be someone great. You were destined to discover your fae roots. No one's opinion can change one's destiny, but it can delay if not ruin it if you let it. Letting go of their harsh words and not allowing them to define who you truly are is what removed those negative shackles and set your magic free."

  "Wow," I whispered.

  The realization that something as simple as letting others dictate who I was meant to be was what was holding me back seemed almost laughable. I could have continued on this destructive path, fallen into a life of studying and trying to prove myself to the very people who'd never accept me. It felt like nothing but a waste of time.

  It would not matter if I studied, changed, or projected a new me for their behalf. They would cling to the image of that fateful day. They would envision the woman standing on that platform, trying to defend herself after being set up by her very people, and no matter what happened after, they would continue to use the past against me.

  What a waste of energy and time, trying to please people who may never change. Why not put that effort into reaching my goals? Why not aim to achieve the dream I see for myself and accept what I deserve not from my fellow fae, but from the universe itself.

  The universe and those almighty powerful beings within the sky that want nothing but the best for me.

  The magic that runs through my veins and the destiny I deserve to proclaim.

  It was time to invest my energy in claiming what was mine all along, and now that I'd released all the pain from the past, I could finally enjoy the first few steps towards my future.

  That path will bring me those who want to stand by my side. Those who will rise up in my defense when the room is hot with naysayers and discriminating individuals. Those loyal individuals who will stand by my side through thick and thin.

  Prince Rainer was one of them. Chamomile another. The queen stood behind me, accepting me as someone worth being a student and striving for the future she believed in.

  I was finally facing my weakness and the darkness harboring it.

  "I'm finally free." I smiled at both of them, fighting the tears that threatened to escape.

  "You are ready, Rosadette," Prince Rainer affirmed. "I will help you reach your goals."

  "I will teach you what you need to know. I cannot deny the hardships that will come your way, but as a woman dear to me told me once upon a time, 'To be a purely divine fae, one must journey from the depths of the darkness to reach an everlasting future of light.' Once you've done so, and experienced what Fae Rose has to offer, you'll begin to untangle the truth to your past and heritage."

  The flame in m
y hand extinguished as I lowered my other hand that held my book. Going to one knee, I bowed my head and whispered, "Train me well, Your Majesty."

  It was time for me to prepare for my first days at Fae Rose Academy.

  Screw Up And Threatened Rose


  * * *


  * * *

  I paced like no other. Back and forth, impatiently waiting for my mother to arrive, if I'd be graced with an opportunity to see her.

  Father watched me helplessly, his look of pity only adding to my palpating anxiety.

  "Son. Your pacing isn't going to quicken your mother's arrival." He pointed out the obvious, the comment irritating my every nerve.

  "This isn't fair!" I declared, stomping my foot like a child throwing a tantrum. I couldn't help but display some sort of frustration with my circumstances - and fears. "Did you not see?! The rose is wilting! If the petals begin to fall, we lose!"

  "You lose," he corrected me, his seriousness overtaking his expression as his eyes pierced mine. "Xavier. We warned you over and over again."

  "Prince Rainer is the enemy!" I snapped. "Why is my mother befriending him?! Does she wish to see me fail so harshly that she'll work with our enemy?"

  "Their kingdom is not our enemy. Without darkness, there is no light. Without light, there can't be just darkness. The two elements are polar opposites but need one another to survive. It's exactly why there is time for the sun, as there is time for the moon. Light and dark are no different. Like Ying and Yang, their coexistence is mandatory for the world to go round. It does not change because we live in another world that takes pride in our divine beauty."

  I didn't want any lectures. My fists were shaking in rage.

  "None of us have seen Rosadette since the entrance exam. Aside from us seeing her walking with Prince Rainer! As if they're a couple or something."


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