ROMANCE: Bear Naked Seduction (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 1)

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ROMANCE: Bear Naked Seduction (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 1) Page 11

by Audrey Storm

  “You hair is short.”


  “What’s going on, Zoe?”

  I shook my head and hugged him closer, breaking down for the first time since I’d walked in on Wes and Alicia. I’d thought something was going on, but I shrugged it off. It wasn’t until I went home early from work a few nights ago that I found out I shouldn’t have just ignored the signs.

  “What did the little punk do?”

  I pulled away and stared at him with tears in my eyes. “What does every man do?”

  His brows drew in and he frowned. “Not all men are cheaters, darlin’.”

  I shrugged. “Well, he was. But it’s no big deal. Just five years of my life. I’m back to start over. I haven’t talked to my dad so he doesn’t know.”

  “I won’t tell him. He usually calls every night to check on the dogs.”

  Shaking my head, I sighed. “I’m just gonna go lay down. It’s been a long night.”

  “Go ahead. I’ll bring you something to eat, darlin’,” he replied, smiling.

  I wasn’t sure what it was, but he seemed different. I’d grown up around Evan. I don’t know how many nights he was the one I’d gone to because my dad was out of town and Evan had taken it upon himself to stay here to take care of me. Not that he had to because I’d learned early how to take care of myself. It was like he was here to watch over me. He was my guardian angel.

  “Thank you.” Then I trudged up the stairs. I hadn’t stuck around long after Wes made Alicia leave. He tried to apologize, but really, how stupid would I have had to been? I walked to the left and pushed the first door open. Dad had left it exactly how it was since I was probably fourteen. I kicked my shoes off and curled up on my bed and sobbed. I hadn’t had a chance before. There was too much rage.

  It wasn’t long before I felt the dip of the mattress and Evan’s large body wrapped around mine. “Shh. It’s okay, darlin’, you can do better than a boy who obviously doesn’t know what’s right in front of him.”

  “It was with Alicia.”

  Evan’s intake of breath didn’t surprise me. Alicia, Wes, and I had all pretty much grown up together. She was my best friend since we were in kindergarten.

  “Then screw ‘em both.”

  “Yeah, that’s what they were doing, all right.”

  He chuckled and then I felt his lips on my bare shoulder. “It’s not funny, really, and I’m sorry you’re hurt. But he didn’t deserve you.”

  “She’s everything I’m not. Thin, pretty, and apparently more experienced than me.”

  “Hey now, Zoe. You’ve got a lot of that wrong. You’re beautiful and your curves are sexy as hell. Boys like Wes just don’t know how to appreciate the curves of a real woman. As for experience, a real man would understand why that was such a good quality.”

  I turned and faced Evan. “You think I’m beautiful?”

  “Oh hell, darlin’, I always have, but it’s hard to ignore now. You’re a beautiful young woman. Any man would be lucky to have you.” He kept his eyes on mine until I licked my lips. Maybe coming home was a good idea after all. I’d always had a crush on Evan. He was tall and built. No one would have been able to guess he was nearly forty.

  “Does that include you?”

  His eyes widened. “Especially me. But Zoe you’re hurtin’. I can’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it’s not fair to either of us.”

  I nodded, understanding. I hadn’t known he thought of me as anything other than a kid. Instead, I brushed my lips on his and smiled when his eyes fluttered shut. “Thank you,” I whispered. Any other man would have taken advantage of the situation. Instead, Evan held me close until I fell asleep, and when I woke up the next morning he was gone from my bed.

  I took my time in the shower, washing away all of the hurt. I needed to bounce back. There were so many things I had to do to get my life back. I dried my body and slid on my cutest panties. I wanted to feel sexy, because I certainly hadn’t felt that way in recent days. Wes hadn’t touched me much for the last few weeks, and now I understood why. He wanted thin, and that wasn’t something I was. I had always been a bigger girl, and that never seemed to bother him. I thought he loved me. It turned out I was very wrong.

  Chapter 2

  When I went into the kitchen, Evan was making breakfast. The scent of eggs, maple, and sausage filled the air and my stomach rumbled. I loved food and I especially loved Evan’s cooking. “That smells good.”

  He turned around and his eyes widened slightly. I was wearing a halter dress and between my breasts was a ring for the keyhole look. The dress was striped and airy. It was one of my favorites that I hadn’t worn in a long time.

  “Morning, Evan,” I said and smiled. I felt much lighter. In the shower, I sobbed and cried my last tear for Wes. I knew it would be a while before I actually felt better, but it was a good start. The look on Evan’s face was enough to give me a little boost in my self-esteem.

  “You look beautiful, darlin’.”



  I nodded and sat down. He placed a plate in front of me and I licked my lips. It had been too long since I’d had his cooking. Wes never cooked and he didn’t like the kinds of foods I did. I wasted no time digging in and blushed with a mouth full when Evan chuckled. “Sorry,” I mumbled.

  “Don’t worry about me. I love how much you enjoy my food.”

  I nodded, smiling. “You’re the best cook ever.”

  “Your dad called this morning.”


  “I didn’t tell him you were home, and he extended his trip, so it looks like it’s just you and me for a while, darlin.”

  I licked my lips and smiled. “That could be fun. Dad will only tell me to get over it. I know I need to, but I’m not him. He’s more emotionless than I am.”

  He watched me while I ate, and then he stabbed his fork on my plate and took a big bite. Our eyes stayed locked, and it was almost like we were communicating without saying a word.

  “Your dad won’t be happy if he finds out.”

  “I’m a big girl. He doesn’t need to know everything about my life, and I certainly haven’t told him everything. Hell, you know more about my life than he does.”

  “Really? I don’t know enough about you though.”

  “Looks like we get to change that, now don’t we? You didn’t tell Dad because you knew that if he knew I was back because Wes cheated, he would have come home.”

  “And then I wouldn’t have the time with you. You’re right. I’ll admit that I want you to myself.”

  “How come you’ve never said anything before?”

  “You had a boyfriend, darlin’. I don’t over step.”

  “I see.” When I finished eating, he took the plate and finished what I’d left and rinsed the plate before putting it in the dishwasher. I realized how domestic we seemed, and I found I sort of liked it.

  After the kitchen was done, I went to call my boss. I sat at my nook and looked out the window as I explained why I had up and left.

  “I’m so sorry. I wouldn’t have left without notice—”

  “Oh Hun, I understand. It really screws me for this week, but I would have done the same thing.”

  “Thanks for understanding.”

  “I’ll be sure to spit in the next coffee he orders if it’ll make you feel better.”

  I laughed. “Nah, but that would be funny.”

  I hung up a few minutes later and realized Evan was standing at my door. “Do you want to get out and do something? It’s better than hanging out in here all day.”

  I didn’t want to, but I nodded anyways. I knew what he was doing. He wanted to help me keep my mind off of Wes while also taking me out.

  I followed him outside and let him lead me to his car, open the door, and make sure I was buckled before he even shut the door. He was a gentleman. When he got into the driver’s seat, he smiled as he pulled out of the dri
ve. I put my hand on his thigh and his body tensed, but then he put his hand over mine. “You know what this is, right?”

  “A date.”

  “More like the ultimate full-day date. I’ve wanted to spoil you for a long time. Now I can.”

  He drove through town and took the highway to the city. I wondered what he had planned, but I didn’t question him. I trusted Evan more than I trusted anyone in my life.

  “So, what do you plan to do now that you’re back home?”

  I hadn’t told anyone about my plans. The plans I had before I left Wes. “I was thinking about taking some classes. I want to take accounting classes. I’ve always been really good with numbers, and I could make good living without having to work for anyone if I choose not to. I think being my own boss would be ideal. I also like the idea of traveling, getting to see the world. I love Lewiston, but I’ve spent the majority of my life here. I’d like to experience other places in the world.”

  “That’s a good plan. How long have you been thinking about it?”

  “For a while now. Wes and I both worked all the time; we never really saw each other. I thought if I started classes it would keep me busy since I only worked part-time, plus we might have something to talk about.”

  “You should do it for you.”

  “Oh, I am. I was going to go enroll in town. The community college has what I need to get started. I just don’t know if living with my dad is what I want. I know he’ll help me get on my feet, but I don’t want to hear the ‘I told you so’, that I know is coming.”

  “He won’t do it to be mean. Your dad cares about you; sometimes he just isn’t good at expressing it.”

  “I know. It’s just tough. I’m already beating myself up over this. I feel dumb enough, and when Dad tries to help it only turns into him making me feel worse.”

  “We aren’t always good at understanding women. You may be his daughter, but you’re female, which instantly makes you a challenge.”

  I laughed. “I see. Well, men are no different. I mean look at my situation. Why would Wes ask me to move in only to sleep with our other friend? It doesn’t make sense.”

  “He’s just a young guy who doesn’t know how to keep it in his pants. We’ve all been there. Hell, I was there at one point in my life.”

  “But you would never do that now.”

  “No, but I’ve learned my lesson. He hasn’t yet. It’s no excuse, but one day he’ll regret it.”


  Evan pulled into the parking lot. I had been so engrossed in our conversation that I hadn’t even realized where we were. It was an old time cottage that had baby blue shutters. The house itself was a cream color and there were rose bushes along the side. “What’s here?”

  “It’s a bed and breakfast. There is also a spa. It’s bigger than it looks. I thought you could use some relaxing.”

  My eyes teared up. “That’s so sweet. But I didn’t see you call.”

  “I don’t have to.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s mine, so I’m pretty sure my status as boss overrules anything. Plus, I knew there were openings.”

  It had to have been the sweetest gesture. And I had no idea he owned a bed and breakfast. I smiled thinking about the spa. I could use a good bit of pampering. The tension in my shoulders instantly released.

  Chapter 3

  I followed Evan into the small place, and he was right. Once you stepped inside it was like a giant oasis. Looks can definitely be deceiving.

  He went to the desk and the girl smiled. “Mr. Travers, we weren’t expecting you.”

  “I know, Nina, but I need the full package for Zoe. She’s just gone through something quite unpleasant and could use some pampering.”

  “Okay sir, shall I set her up with the ultimate?”

  “Perfect, and make that two.”

  The woman’s smile fell for a few seconds before she perked back up trying to mask her surprise. “So you’ll be joining her?”

  “Yes, Nina.”

  I blushed, but the woman seemed way too surprised he’d be with me. Instead of cowering, I held my head up and glared right back. She made sure Evan didn’t notice of course.

  Women were ridiculous, and I had no time for their pettiness. Apparently, Nina had a thing for her boss. But when I looked at Evan he wasn’t looking at her. He was looking at me. I shrugged and smiled.

  He grasped my hand and laced our fingers and led me to a wide hallway.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To the spa area. There’s a large waiting area that serves light snacks and wine.”

  I followed next to Evan, feeling nervous. He was really going to pamper me. When we walked into the room, I stepped onto plush white carpet. The room smelled like lavender and the tension left my body. “It’s so pretty in here.”

  Abstract photos lined the wall between golden frames. There were plants and bright open windows surrounding the whole room. No one would ever think this place could have existed inside the cottage, which really wasn’t a cottage. Evan gestured for me to sit down and I did. The next thing I knew there was a glass of wine and a plate of assorted cheese and fruits sitting in front of me. Talk about service. Probably helped that I was with the owner.

  When Evan came back there was something in his eyes. It was a different expression than I’d seen from him before. I wasn’t sure what it was but my stomach fluttered in response. I couldn’t get over how he looked. Something in him had changed. Was it all because of me? He seemed happier and lighter than I’d ever seen him before. It was a good look on him.

  “Are you okay with doing all this with me? It’s the couple’s package.”

  “I’m okay with it—if you are.”

  “Yeah, I’m good with it. The first is a soak in the hot tub. It’s scented with all the relaxing jazz.”

  “I don’t have a suit,”

  He chuckled. “It’s nude, darlin.”

  “Oh, all right,” I said and stood.

  When I followed him to the hot tub room, I felt a moment of panic until the door shut, leaving us alone in a small room. The walls had shelves lined with candles and in the center of the room there was a giant tub full of steaming water. I stood, unsure of what to do, but Evan wasn’t shy at all. He stood in front of me and reached behind my neck, untying the fabric that held my dress up. I shivered when his fingers grazed the back of my neck.

  When I looked at him he smiled. “Are you sure, Zoe? I don’t want to rush you into anything.”

  I knew where this night was going, and I was totally okay with it. I’d only been with Wes, but Evan brought something out of me. He made me feel beautiful. I’d never really felt that way before. I nodded. “I’m sure.”

  He nodded and pulled the tie and the top of my dress fell. I wore my light pink strapless. My nipples peaked through the fabric. Evan leaned towards me and I tipped my head back. My lips parted in anticipation. So many times I’d imagined this, and when his lips touched mine, it was nothing like I’d ever thought it would be. He kissed with deep precision and slipped his tongue inside to duel with mine. It was slow, and he explored every inch. I moaned and clutched his chest. The kiss went on and on and with each thrust of the tongue I felt weak at the knees. He wrapped his arms around my waist holding me close.

  When I pulled back my lips were swollen and I licked them. His eyes were dark, and he was flushed.

  “Darlin’, you have no idea how long I’ve longed to do that.” His fingers gripped my sides as if he was afraid I’d disappear. But I wasn’t going anywhere. I had a feeling Evan was it; he wasn’t going to let me go.

  I’d never been so thoroughly kissed. It wasn’t just a kiss either, there was so much more behind the motion. He conveyed his feelings in the best of ways.

  Without a word he stripped the dress off, sliding it slowly down my stomach and over my wide hips. When his fingers grazed my panties, he let go of the fabric and it fell to the floor, pooling around my feet. I stepped o
ut of the dress, and then I was standing there in just a bra and panties. Evan’s eyes scanned my bare skin, and I heard his groan before he slid a finger down my chest all the way to the dampness between my legs. They wobbled and I gripped his arm for balance. I’d never felt so aroused in my life. No one had ever desired me like this before. It was addictive.

  Instead of letting him undress me anymore I reached for her shirt and peeled it off. He helped pulling it over his head and tossed it on top on my dress. I gripped the button to his shorts and quickly unsnapped them and pulled the zipper. When I went to slide them off he pushed him down his muscular thighs and then he stood naked. Apparently, Evan didn’t wear boxers. He was hard and ready.

  Chapter 4

  Seeing Evan stand in front of me completely naked was something I never thought would happen, but there he was, and even as my body throbbed with need, I worried. He was older, way more experienced, and I was insecure. Wes had complained about how I was in bed, and I was worried I wouldn’t measure up.

  “Look at me, darlin’.”

  I blushed and tilted my head to the side and kept my eyes locked on him.

  “You’re shakin’. We don’t have to do anything other than what we’ve done. But let’s get you in the tub to warm up.”

  I nodded, because at that moment I was too nervous. I reached behind my back and unclasped my bra. He watched as it fell to the ground and my breasts were free. They were large and the nipples were a dusky pink. They hardened under his stare, and I gasped when he ran the tip of his finger around them.

  “They’re beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful, Zoe.”

  “Thank you.”

  I couldn’t stand it. I hated the way I felt. A part of me felt ready to climb him like a tree and fuck him until I couldn’t move, but the other docile and shy side wanted to wait. I was afraid of rushing in and getting my heart broken again. I wasn’t a one-night stand kind of woman. I might have been young, but I knew what I didn’t want. I was the type of woman who wanted it all.

  Sliding my panties down my shapely thighs I couldn’t ignore the burn of his stare. He looked at me like I was the best thing in the world. His eyes devoured my body and his cock jumped when I stood bare before him.


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