Shamefully Broken: A Dark Romance

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Shamefully Broken: A Dark Romance Page 8

by Loki Renard



  “I don’t know you at all, do I?”

  There was a soft chuckle above her. “It has been a while since we were in one another’s lives. There’s a lot we don’t know about one another. What do you want to know about me?”

  There were so many questions. The cage spurred about a thousand of them, but she figured it would be better to start with something a little more pedestrian than that. Mason’s rise to prominence had not been swift, but it had been steady and most of his business was opaque to her.

  “What is it you do? I mean I know you have a lot of real estate, but…”

  “I run private security,” he said. “Very, very private security. For people who don’t want anyone to know they exist, let alone have security.”

  She had heard rumors of the kind, but she hadn’t been sure about it. Rumors didn’t count for much these days. They’d certainly not helped her where her ex-fiancé was concerned, until it was far too late. Mason was good at keeping his business relatively private too. A number of Mason’s companies weren’t publicly listed, and obviously he didn’t advertise.

  “How did you get into security?”

  “After college, I went into the marines,” he said. “I served for five years, and I made some friends.”

  “I didn’t know that,” she said, craning her neck to look up at him in surprise. “How did I not know that?”

  “You turned eighteen, lost your temper with me, and never listened to a piece of news about me since then, would be my guess,” he rumbled. “Every time I heard anything about you, you were in another country, or attending a college of one kind or another.”

  “Wasting my life, you mean,” she said more than a little bitterly. “Waiting to be married to an asshole…”

  “You were doing what you were raised to do,” Mason said, being rather generous. “There’s no shame in that.”

  “I could have saved orangutans in Borneo, but instead I was drunk on the Riviera,” she sighed. “I’m a waste, Mason. Just like Aiden.”

  “Not just like Aiden,” he said. “You’re very different people. Speaking of Aiden, I have some good news.”


  “As of two o’clock in the morning, Aiden is safe. He’s not happy, but he’s safe.”

  She cocked her head. “Why isn’t he happy?”

  “We’ve got him locked down, and we’ll keep him that way until I can negotiate with his creditors.”

  “Locked down?”

  “Under guard,” Mason said. “I hear he’s been a handful.”

  Elliot couldn’t help but smile a little. Aiden would not like being locked up. He had always been even more headstrong, arrogant, and determined than her. She could imagine him giving anyone trying to keep him captive a very hard time.

  “Aiden’s hard to keep in one place,” she said. “He’s escaped from so many rehabs…”

  “I’ve got two ex-marines on him at all times,” Mason said. “Nobody is going past them—Aiden included.”

  “Can I see him?”

  “When this is all settled, yes. But not before. You’ve been in far too much danger for far too long thanks to Aiden.”

  His jaw seemed to clench as he said the words, his gaze hardening. She felt a little trickle of fear on behalf of Aiden. She did not like the idea of being on the wrong side of Mason, especially as a man.

  “Just go easy on him, okay, Mav? It’s not his fault.”

  “It is absolutely his fault,” Mason bit back. “But it’s not your concern. Don’t worry. When this is over, Aiden won’t think of putting a foot wrong again. I promise you that.”

  There was a grim note in his tone that made her wonder if Aiden hadn’t gone from the frying pan into the fire. Mason obviously had interesting ideas about what constituted ‘help’ at the best of times.

  “Worry less about him, and more about yourself,” he said, catching her thoughts. “You have a long day ahead of you.”

  “In the cage?”

  “No,” he smirked. “There’s not much point in owning my little toy if I don’t get to play with her, is there?”

  A delicious feeling rolled through Ellie as she caught his mood. He obviously intended on getting the most out of her—and she was only beginning to get a sense of what that might mean.

  “Come on,” he said, clicking his fingers. “Up on the bed.”

  She slid up onto the bed. It was so much softer and more comfortable than the cage had been and she let out a sigh as she stretched out on the soft coverlet. She was comfortable for all of two seconds before Mason made a little tutting sound.

  “You need a bath,” he said, spanking her bottom lightly. “You’ve still got my cum all over you, messy girl.”

  “That’s not my fault,” she pouted. “I’ll take a shower if you want.”

  “No,” he said. “I’ll give you a bath.”

  The bathroom boasted a very large tub, she’d noticed that while she was in there. The prospect of a bath wasn’t unpleasant, though she was sure Mav would find some way to make it suitably embarrassing for her.

  “Hands and knees,” he reminded her as he stood up, leading her in the direction of the bathroom.

  She stayed on the bed, reluctant to leave the comfortable spot. Who knew when he’d allow her such a privilege again.

  “Come, Ellie. Now,” he said, his tone getting deeper and sterner.

  Elliot slid from the bed, pouting, and began the long crawl over to him. Every shuffling movement made her feel smaller and more humble—feelings she did not enjoy at all. She considered disobeying him and just getting up and walking, but he’d already given her a stinging demonstration of what happened when she didn’t do as she was told.

  “No need to sulk,” he smirked down at her from his great height as she drew close to his knee. “You’ll like the bath.”

  “It’s not the bath I don’t like,” she grumbled. “This is hard on my knees.”

  “A few feet on soft carpet is too much? We need to condition your knees. You’re going to be spending a lot of time on them.”

  She grimaced and crawled her way to the bathroom, a vast light airy space with a tub you could practically swim in. Mason prepared it carefully, bidding her to kneel and wait. She did so until he was satisfied with the bath. He ordered her into it and she went, finding the water pleasantly hot until her spanked bottom hit it and she let out a yelp, which brought a soft chuckle from him.

  “Easy,” he said. “Go slowly.”

  “It doesn’t matter how slowly I go, this… ow… hurts… ow!” She was perched awkwardly, holding on to the side of the bath, her rear raised above the water line. It took several embarrassing minutes for her to be able to lower it beneath, during which Mason sat on the wide side of the tub and watched with a gentle amusement.

  “You did this to me,” she complained.

  “You did this to yourself by soaking my rug in the middle of the night,” he reminded her. “You tested me and those marks are the results.”

  “You’re not even sorry.”

  “I could say the same of you, brat,” he smirked as she finally manage to introduce her bottom to the water completely and slipped into a sitting position. Thanks to her buoyancy, it didn’t hurt as much to sit; in fact her butt could pretty much levitate half an inch or so off the bottom if she positioned her arms just right, making matters more comfortable.

  Mason stripped his sweater off and rolled up his sleeves. She watched as his strong forearms came into view, the musculature rippling with the motion. She felt that little pang between her thighs as she remembered how desperate she’d been when he left her the previous evening. He knelt down next to the bath and picked up a washcloth, lathering it with a beautifully scented liquid soap that smelled expensive.

  “Lean forward,” he murmured softly, moving her hair to the side as he began to rub her back with the cloth, washing her with gentle, tender care. Over the next quarter of an
hour, there wasn’t a part of her he didn’t touch. He washed her back and then her shoulders, moving over to find her breasts, which he circled slowly with soft soapy caresses until her nipples rose pink from the foam.

  The climax of the bath came when the cloth slipped between her thighs and he rubbed her pussy softly, roaming over the blonde downy mound. She lifted her hips, arching to his touch, her nipples breaking the surface of the soapy water.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured as he tended to her pussy, his fingers parting her lips, sliding to find the very entrance of her.

  “Please,” she moaned as his fingers found her hole. “Please…”

  “Patience,” he murmured. “All in good time…”

  “Now,” she whimpered. “I need it now.”

  He had kept her on edge for so long. The night before he had not allowed her to come, and now that he was teasing her again she was almost certain he was not going to let her. This was his sick little game: make her want to come so bad she could barely stand it, and then deny her over and over again.

  “Relax,” he insisted.

  She couldn’t resist. She couldn’t wait any longer. She needed to come. She ground herself against his hand, not caring how desperate it made her look or feel. She felt his finger slide inside her pussy for just a brief second, and then it left again as he pulled his hand away and yanked her out of the bath completely, her slick, soaking wet body dripping over his thighs. He pulled off his shirt completely as she covered it in water, but didn’t seem to care for the state of his pants as he began to punish her, spanking her wet bottom with relatively light swats. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t using much force. Her bottom had been tenderized by the strap he’d used the night before and every slap made her squeal.

  “Naughty girl,” he lectured gently. “Pushing your pussy onto my finger… greedy little girl.”

  Elliot moaned, splaying her legs as he punished her, letting her wet clit rub against his jeans. Maybe that would be enough; maybe she could come this way.

  “Don’t you dare,” he growled as she started to get close. “I’m not done with you yet.”

  Kept on the precipice of orgasm, she felt two of his fingers find her pussy… she held her breath, hoping the punishment had been worth it. Now. Surely he’d let her come now.

  “Naughty wet girl,” he said, pushing his fingers into her pussy, then pulling them out and spanking her again. “If you want to come, you need to behave yourself.”

  “I tried, but I couldn’t,” she whimpered.

  He chuckled, toying with her pussy, his fingers sliding deep inside her for a few strokes before returning to her bottom to slap her again. She was trapped over his lap, his hard body keeping her naked form locked in place, so no matter how much she squirmed, she couldn’t bring herself any closer to climax. She could hear the sound of her wet slit as he plunged his fingers in and out, fucking her almost casually.

  “Mason… please…” She was getting closer and closer, but she needed a little more.

  “You’ve really got to learn to remember to call me sir,” he rumbled, sounding disappointed with her.

  Her failure to address him properly resulted in losing his fingers altogether. He slid her from his lap and settled her on the bathroom floor. She pouted, so close to coming. This wasn’t fair. He was forever tormenting her, making her want him and then withholding the final pleasure. Why couldn’t he be like a normal man and just fuck her?

  He was opening drawers in cabinets now, pulling out what looked to her like plumbing equipment. There was a length of clear hose looped up, a bag full of solution of some kind, and a thick long nozzle. She had a bad feeling about it all even before she knew what it was.

  Mason grabbed a thick white fluffy towel and sat back down, putting it over his lap. He patted his towel-covered knee, indicating she should come to him and once more submit to whatever he had planned for her.

  She hesitated, looking at the paraphernalia he’d gathered nearby.

  “What’s all that?”

  “It’s the equipment I need to give you an enema. I want to make sure you’re cleaned out.”

  An enema. More humiliation. Was there any end to his perversion? So far he’d managed to turn every basic human need into an opportunity to make her submit in the most primal of ways, and apparently he was going so far as to wash her bottom from the inside out as well.

  Elliot was familiar with enemas in theory only. Her mother swore by enemas administered by Swedes, and some of her friends had delighted in having coffee squirted up their butts for nebulous health effects, but Ellie had never been interested in having her insides cleaned out. They could take care of themselves, she figured.

  “I don’t need to be cleaned… there…” she said firmly, hoping he might listen to her.

  “Ellie, you really don’t understand this arrangement, are you? You do as I say,” he replied, his eyes locking on her with displeasure. “I decide what I’m going to do with you. Do you really need a reminder already? Is more punishment in order?”

  “You can’t just threaten me into…”

  He moved a fraction and she trailed off into a squeak. He smirked darkly as it became blatantly obvious she wasn’t feeling nearly as brave as she was pretending to be from her naked and increasingly goose-bumpy position.

  “Come and lie over my lap.”

  Ellie stared at him, then shook her head. “I want proof…”

  He paused and looked down at her as she crouched there on her hands and knees. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean I’ll behave myself better, I’ll do as you say more, if you show me that Aiden is safe. I want proof of life.”

  “You’re not in a position to bargain with me, Ellie,” he said, crossing his arms over his bare chest. Arguing with a half-naked Mason was difficult to do, especially as all she wanted was for him to strip all the rest of the way off and fuck her to orgasm. She wanted to feel his cum inside her. She would have paid all her fortune to have him fuck her senseless, fill her with his seed and leave her dripping. Instead she was on her knees, playing with fire.

  “Please, Mav…”

  “You submit to this enema, you show me that you have any sense of obedience at all, and I’ll consider it.”

  There wasn’t really any choice. She’d already agreed to do as he said. This was just playing around the edges of his patience, and she was sure that would run out soon. Reluctantly and slowly she squirmed over his thighs. He positioned her carefully, spreading his legs a little so that one thigh was beneath her hips, the other under her ribs so that her tummy wasn’t pressed hard against anything.

  “Spread your legs a little,” he ordered gently. “Good girl.”

  She felt him reach between her cheeks and apply a generous amount of lubricant to her bottom hole. Her breath came a little quicker and sharper as she looked up and at the nozzle, which was still sitting in her eye line. It was much bigger than a finger; it seemed far too big to go into such a tight spot.

  “Please, sir… I don’t need this…”

  He ignored her whimpering and instead continued to massage the lubricating gel into her rear, his finger pressing against her hole until it began to surrender and allow him entrance to spread it all the way inside her. She hissed and bit her lower lip as she felt him intruding there. It was much more sensitive than she had realized it would be, and the sensation of being probed was a strange one. She could feel ripples of excitement in her pussy as the inner wall between the two passages was stimulated by his fingers. He was rubbing just inside her bottom, but it was all connected and soft little gasps were soon escaping her lips as he began to slide the finger in and out of her, fucking her slowly and gently.

  “This is an important part of your training,” he murmured. “I’m going to make just as much use of your bottom as your pussy and your mouth.”

  She closed her eyes, but the words lingered. Use. He was going to use every hole she had. That meant the finger… and the n
ozzle… were just the beginning. When his finger slid out of her bottom she breathed a small sigh of relief as the pressure went away, but it was soon back. He hung the bag up on a hook from the wall, ran the hose to the nozzle, and then the nozzle itself moved out of her field of vision for a moment before being felt between her cheeks.

  It was hard and cool and the moment she felt it against her bottom, she started to squirm. The prospect of being filled up did not please her, nor did having a thick nozzle pushed inside her. His fingers she could tolerate but this…

  “Quit wriggling,” he ordered. “And relax. It will slide in nice and easy as long as you don’t clench.”

  She clenched her butt as hard as she could, then relaxed it a second later when his palm met her cheeks in a hard slap.

  “You’re making this much worse for yourself. And you’re making me think that you’re not really serious about the submission you promised, which makes me much less inclined to do you any favors…”

  “You’re trying to stick a hose in my ass and fill me up like a water balloon!”

  His snort was accompanied by another hard slap. “That is not what’s happening at all. Now settle down.”

  She couldn’t settle, but she did try to relax a little simply to save herself the hard slaps that made her butt burn anew. It didn’t work at first. Trying to relax was like being told not to think about something. The more he touched her bottom, the tighter her muscles got.

  “Ellie…” She heard his warning growl.

  “I’m trying!” she squeaked. “I can’t!”

  “You could when it was my finger.”

  “But your finger is nicer,” she whimpered. “That’s a big nasty nozzle.” Her voice started to crack as she became frustrated and upset. None of this was easy, and he seemed to always think that she was being deliberately bad, even when he was asking her to do things so far out of her realm of experience she barely understood what was happening.

  “Okay, okay, settle down, little girl,” he soothed. He abandoned the nozzle and began massaging her bottom, rubbing some of the accumulated sting away. For once, he was comforting her rather than punishing her, and it was nice. Slowly, she began to relax, her breathing slowing and becoming deeper. His free hand left her bottom and began to massage her back too, moving up and down her spine in long, slow, calming strokes as his other finger returned to work on her bottom, slowly swirling his lubricated digit around that sensitive little hole, pushing inside and then pulling out again over and over until her anus began to truly relax.


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