Shamefully Broken: A Dark Romance

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Shamefully Broken: A Dark Romance Page 13

by Loki Renard

  “I love you,” he said, gazing into her eyes. She felt the words wrap around her, hold her heart as he drew her close and kissed her with soft little kisses that held tenderness and care.

  “I love you too,” she breathed against his mouth as her desire rose, her fingers curling in the sides of his shirt. She gave a rough tug and the buttons popped free, flying in different directions as his chest and stomach came into view. God, he was fucking hot. The sound that came from deep in her throat was practically feral.

  He rolled her onto her back, his hands pinning her to the bed, his hips trapping her against the coverlet. Her breasts rose and fell with her short panting breaths as she looked up at him, her hunger reflected in his gaze. Their desire was greater than both of them. The circumstances as to how they came to be half naked in bed were irrelevant as he reached down, unfastened his pants, and kicked them free.

  She needed him, not as she had needed him before. Not hard and punishing. She needed him inside her, needed to join with him, not as a tyrant, but as a protector. His cock ran along the slit of her pussy, the sensitive skin reacting all over again as he pressed slowly inside her aching sex. She let out a little hiss, the remnants of his punishment just hours ago still relatively fresh, but he kept pushing inside, slowly spreading her lips and inner walls in a gentle thrust.

  “I’m never going to let you go,” he murmured as he made slow love to her, the rampant thrusting of previous sessions forgotten in favor of a tantalizingly slow grind that brought with it an agony of desire. She wanted more, and yet she had enough. Her pussy was formed perfectly for his cock, his thickness stretching her as he thrust deep, the head of him finding the remnants of the cum he left inside her earlier. She was soaked with him, and he was going to fill her again.

  “Mason…” She said his name softly. “You know what you could be doing…”

  “Taking your pussy?”

  “No,” she blushed, flushing pink all the way to her breasts. “I mean, you know… I mean… you came inside me and…”

  He looked down at her with those wicked eyes and gave her a deep thrust. “Breeding you,” he said, the word breed making her pussy clench hard around his cock. “Filling you full of my cum over and over until your belly swells. Oh, I know.”

  Her internal walls gripped him tighter as he slid deep, his eyes lit with intention. He was going to fill her pussy again. He was going to make her ripe with his cum, and she was going to take it. She was eager for every drop he had, and as her hips worked against him, her wet slit slid over his cock, her hot walls clenching his thick, throbbing member as they kissed and he caressed the same skin his leather had marked.

  Mason could be tender when he wanted, and his incredible control and mastery of his body and hers turned their slow session into one of tender, tantalizing love, his mouth exploring every part of her skin, kissing her neck, her breasts, his tongue swirling around the pink bud of her nipple as he held his cock inside her, the thick flesh throbbing with his pulse and growing arousal.

  When she came, it was in time with him, her fingers clutching at his back, her legs wrapped tight around his waist. Her body was locked against his, her hips tilted to take his cum and he gave it to her, filling her freshly fucked pussy with load after load until they collapsed in one another’s arms and lay dozing for a few sweet hours in which she curled in his embrace and finally fell asleep with him.

  Hunger and the need to pee eventually roused them from their post-coital slumber, and for once, Mason did not immediately command her into her cage.

  It was the first time she had actually been allowed to nap in a real human bed, and the fact she was now referring to it as a ‘real human’ bed in her mind did not escape her attention, but she had greater things to worry about. She could feel his cum making its way out of her, his virile seed deep in her. It wasn’t the first time he’d done this, but it was the first time she truly acknowledged the potential weight of it.

  “Mason…” She looked at him with a serious gaze. “We can’t…”

  He sat next to her, pushing her hair back behind her ear. “What can’t we?” There was amusement and warmth in his voice, but she was earnest.

  “You can’t just… we can’t make a person, Mav.”

  “That remains to be seen,” he said in a masculine rumble.

  “I mean…” She fumbled for the words. “You know what I mean.”

  “You don’t want to be knocked up and left,” he said, not mincing his words. “Don’t worry. You’ll always have a cage to sleep in.”

  “That’s not funny.”

  “No, it’s not,” he agreed. “Elliot, I’m not going to leave you. In fact…” he reached down to the bedside cabinet, “…I have something for you.”

  He produced a jewelry box, a large, square one that made her instantly curious. The only boxes she’d seen of that size usually contained a tiara.

  “Are you going to crown me?” She smiled up at him and his cheeks dimpled as he opened the box.

  “Not crown you,” he purred as a circlet of gold appeared before her gaze. “Collar you.”

  It was a choker, really, but it was an inch and a half thick, made up of several linking pieces that allowed it to move smoothly as he pulled it from the box and slid it around her neck, his fingers warm, the metal cool as the band settled around her neck, feeling strange and yet comforting. She heard a satisfying click when it closed firmly across her throat.

  “You’re mine, Elliot,” he said. “Forever and always.”

  “You almost sound like you’re proposing,” she blushed.

  “I am,” he said. “Except I’m not asking you to marry me, Elliot. I’m telling you that you’ll be mine as long as we both shall live, no matter what.”

  Most men asked these questions on bended knee. Not Mason. Mason wasn’t most men.

  “You’re not asking me to marry you. You’re telling me that we’re going to be married, is that it?”

  “That’s it,” he said, his mouth finding her neck, kissing her in the spot where she was most sensitive. His hand roamed her flank then slid up and found her breast, caressing her gently.

  “I don’t think that’s how it works, Mason.”

  He quirked a brow at her. “You want to say no?”

  “I didn’t say that,” she blushed. “But you gagged me and whipped me with a belt today. I can barely sit, and now you’re telling me we’re going to be married? It’s not exactly a traditional proposal.”

  “It’s perfect,” he insisted with a rakish smile. “I give you exactly what you’ve always needed, and you become my bride.”

  She let out a little giggle of uncertainty, which faded as he took her hands in his and looked into her eyes with a sincerity that cut through the confusion.

  “I’ve wanted you for a very long time, Elliot. You’re more than a woman to me. You’re my past, you’re my present, and I want you as my future. I’d do anything for you. I’d save a hundred junkie relatives if I had to. There’s no limit. Whatever it takes, I want you by my side. I want you on your knees. I want your wild spirit and your beauty tamed on my leash, I want you writhing under me. I want to taste you. I want to feel your orgasms, smell your desire. I want to see you in the morning, and in the evening, and every day from now until forever.”

  Tears filled her eyes and were fluttered away by her lashes.

  “Mason…” she said softly.

  “I love you, Elliot,” he said. “And I know you love me too.”

  “You don’t need to hear me say it?”

  “You’ve said it a hundred different ways,” he murmured, kissing her again. “You said it when you trusted me to take care of you, when you came to me when nobody else could help. You said it when you went in that cage, and when you begged me to let you come. You even said it when you swore at me, when you tore up your bedding, when you bit me. You say it every day, every hour you don’t get up and walk out that door.”

  “I’m not allowed to walk out the door
,” she smiled. “I have to crawl.”

  “Mhm,” he said, pulling her close and snuggling her against his bare chest. “You’re mine. You’ve surrendered yourself to me, and I don’t ever intend on letting you go. So you’ll wear that collar, and you’ll be my bride. Understood?”

  “Understood, sir,” she giggled as he kissed her thoroughly.

  Chapter Six

  One week later…

  “Who’s my good little toy?” Mason crooned the words as Elliot laid back against the polished table on which she was bound, but only lightly. Had she tested the silk ties whatsoever they would have slid away, but that wasn’t the point. The point was to keep position even though she didn’t have to—simply to please her master. Mason was working on her body, teasing her and pleasuring her with a variety of kinky little toys as they turned what had once been a drawing room into a palace of pleasure. The house had hundreds of rooms, and Mason seemed determined to take her in each and every one of them.

  Elliot moaned as he teased her nipple into erectness, his fingers and lips drawing the bud into full tension. He had an ulterior motive beyond merely stimulating her heated flesh—he had a new device, a little instrument of potential torture that he brought to bear when the rubber-covered clamp slid around her nipple and began to tighten, trapping it between the unyielding surfaces. Elliot wasn’t sure what to expect in terms of sensation, but as little bolts of arousal went shooting through her belly, directly to her spread sex, she realized she’d discovered yet another way her body could be pleasured.

  “It’s not so bad, is it?” He murmured the words against her breast as he went to the other one, and repeated the treatment until both her nipples were clamped, the clamps joined with a light chain running between them. He tugged on it a little and she let out a gasp as both breasts were lifted and stimulated, her pussy drooling desire.

  Bang! Thud! Crash!

  A sudden pounding through the wall startled them both. Mason covered her body with his own as the wall across the room from them suddenly swung open and someone came rushing through.

  “Elliot! Eelliioott!”

  She recognized the voice just a split-second before Aiden appeared, panting furiously just barely ahead of seven heavily armed men. Mason’s impenetrable security had apparently been penetrated.

  Scrambling for cover, Elliot did her best to attain some kind of modesty, but all that was available was a tablecloth. She grabbed it, pulling the fabric from underneath a dozen eminently breakable things, some of which did fall and break. She couldn’t have cared less. Their intimate moment had been utterly destroyed with the arrival of eight people she certainly didn’t want to share her submission with.

  “Aiden! Get out!” she shrieked at him.

  “What the fuck are you doing to my sister?” Aiden cried, pointing at her with wide eyes.

  “Sorry, sir,” one of the guards said as his cohorts pounced on Aiden, piling onto him until he collapsed into a heap on the floor. “He had the codes to the internal passages. He knew the way in under the fence.”

  “It’s alright,” Mason said, pulling his pants back on casually. “Just go and secure the rest of the perimeter. If he’s out, there may be followers. And let him up, he’s a friend.”

  The guards helped Aiden to stand up then followed Mason’s orders, kindly averting their gazes from Elliot’s still scantily clad form and Mason’s bare chest and tented pants. Released from his captors, Aiden just stood there as if there wasn’t a single reason in the world for him to apologize. He looked as if he’d been sleeping in ditches. His stubble was all grown out into a patchy beard, his hair was wild and askew, and he stank like an animal.

  “Aiden…” Mason faced him. “You shouldn’t be here.”

  “You don’t want me here, right? Of course not,” Aiden snarled. “That would be too convenient for you. That would give you the chance to keep fucking my sister. Are those nipple clamps?”

  Elliot scowled and pulled the sheet higher. “They’re not anything.”

  “Why are you here, Aiden?” Mason redirected her brother’s attention.

  “I’m taking her and we’re going on the run,” Aiden informed Mason. “Running away from you, from your men, from your whole fucked-up empire. We’re going to live on a boat! We’re going to float away from our problems. It’s all going to be okay.”

  He was talking a million miles a minute, his pupils were wide as saucers, and it was completely obvious that he had somehow managed to find a way to get high.

  “You’re not taking her anywhere,” Mason said firmly. His tone was calm and remarkably collected, as if it was an everyday occurrence for a possibly strung-out and clearly disturbed heir to a vast fortune to burst into his home and start making demands.

  “I fucking am,” Aiden insisted. “And you’re going to call those two dogs of yours off me. Do you know what they’ve been doing? Treating me like a fucking animal half the time.”

  Elliot stared at Mason. “Have they been…” She let the question trail off, but it spoke itself in the empty space.

  “No,” he said. “Your brother is just whining because he didn’t have access to every modern commodity he wanted.”

  “They wouldn’t let me go online! Internet is a human right, Mason.”

  “You make stupid inflammatory posts that give away your location when you go online,” Mason said. “Besides, you should have been kept far too busy to miss the internet.”

  “Too busy doing what? Being gay? Is that what this is, Mason? You put me in some gay threesome and…”

  The biggest, darkest secret in the family was being laid bare for the first time. Elliot could hardly believe it. Aiden had been in denial about his sexuality for about as long as it had been obvious that he was not of the straight persuasion—which had been since he was able to talk. Their father and mother didn’t approve of the flamboyant heir to the Taylor-Chapman fortune, and even when Aiden took to coming home early in the morning with a string of scantily clad men trailing after him, they ignored the entire proceedings. Looking back, Elliot was fairly certain Aiden could have held an orgy on the breakfast table and their mother and father would have found some way to ignore it.

  “I put my two best men on you to make sure you didn’t die,” Mason growled. “I didn’t think their sexual orientation was the most important thing.”

  “Sure. Right! You lock me up with two hot gay guys and that’s just… you think… I know what you did, Mason. You’re trying to make me gay again.”

  “What is he talking about?” Elliot frowned at Mav.

  “He’s blaming me for his feelings,” Mason sighed. “As usual.”

  “That doesn’t even fucking matter,” Aiden swore. “Because me and Elliot are getting out of here. I’ve got a boat chartered to take us out to a skipper to meet up with the cruise. It’ll be fun. We’ll be fine. It’s all fine.”

  But it wasn’t fine. He was sweating and grinding his teeth and twisting his hands in one another like a mortar grinding a pestle.

  “You’ve used again, haven’t you,” Mason said. “Where are Steven and Robert?”

  “Dumb and dumber, you mean,” Aiden snorted. “I guess they’re probably running around after the tracker they put in me. It’s in the back of a Manhattan yellow cab right now.”

  “They put a tracker in you?” Elliot frowned with confusion.

  Aiden turned around, pulled his dirty t-shirt down enough to display an open weeping sore at the very base of his neck where it looked like something had been scooped out.

  “They chipped him? Like a dog?” She stared at Mason, horrified.

  “No,” Mason said, shaking his head slowly. “They didn’t.”

  “Bullshit,” Aiden growled. “I got out a couple of times, but they found me right away. Then I was lying in bed one night and I felt it in there. I knew I felt it, and I knew what it was. Two and two together. That’s what I did. Two and two. So I took it out and they haven’t found me, so…”

p; “Okay,” Mason said calmly, his tone and demeanor changing in the wake of seeing the wound. “Come on, Aiden. You’ve outsmarted the guards, so you may as well come back here and get cleaned up before you get on the boat.”

  “I could use a shave,” Aiden admitted.

  “Mhm, yeah, and a shower. You smell like a raccoon’s urinal.”

  Aiden laughed, and in an instant, Elliot saw their relationship transform to being as it had used to be, easy banter between very good friends. Mason put his hand carefully on Aiden’s shoulder and began ushering him deeper into his home, presumably toward a bathroom.

  “You’re not going to let him take me on a boat?” She hissed the question in a whisper as they walked past. Mason shook his head curtly and put his finger to his lips.

  “Bathroom’s just through that door,” Mason said to Aiden, ushering him in the right direction. “I’ll be right in to help patch you up. That wound needs a proper clean.”

  “You’re going to nurse me better, huh, Mav?” Aiden gave him an arch wink and went through the door. Mason closed it, put his forehead against it for a second, muttering something under his breath, then straightened and walked over to Elliot.

  “Go and get dressed,” he said in a hushed voice. “Then come back down here. I’m going to need you to help keep him calm until Steven and Robert can get here.”

  “I don’t have any clothes,” she whispered. “You’ve ruined absolutely everything of mine, remember?”

  “Find something and make it work.”

  She padded upstairs and walked into the bedroom for the first time as what felt like a free woman. Aiden’s appearance had broken the spell of submission and thrown her back into her role as protective sister. She took the nipple clamps off, leaving two very sensitive erect nipples that throbbed as she tried to focus her mind on the important thing: making sure Aiden was okay.


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