Jezebel's Destiny

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Jezebel's Destiny Page 4

by D. R. Rosier

  His restraining hand lifted and caressed her as her body went limp. Her ecstasy for the moment spent. The delicious pleasure of his rod still within her but shrinking she sighed in contentment. When he pulled out she backed off the couch onto her knees and turned. Taking his semi-flaccid member lovingly in her mouth she cleaned him while staring up into his loving eyes.

  They smiled and walked out of the room together holding hands, intimacy binding them together. They knew that the short trip to the bedroom was long enough to recharge for the next round and her body tingled at the thought…

  Chapter 3

  Everyone was quietly and thoughtfully eating breakfast. Jezebel was considering Sandy’s idea as were Daniel and Natalie. Right before breakfast Sandy had us hold hands and settled the knowledge of her thoughts and reasons for us to form a sort of 4 way mate polyamory group. A sort of everyone in love with everyone in the group concept. She already adored Natalie and didn’t think it would take much for that last step.

  It also addressed her worries that things were getting too complicated, plus it even addressed little things, like if she and Sandy went out of town Natalie and Daniel would be there for each other, instead of simply missing us.

  The core part was easy she thought. They would all be equal partners in a loving and supporting relationship. If any of them fell in love with someone else they could be voted on to be added, if that new person wanted to join us.

  The relationship would still be open though, for casual encounters, for anyone. But they needed to be open and not hidden. Jezebel knew this part wouldn’t be necessary if it wasn’t for her. Casual encounters were a big part of her life as a succubus. She also now knew how much Sandy had changed, she truly loved that they did those things together for herself as well as for Jezebel.

  That was about it in a nutshell she thought. It was mainly so they had a guideline and a support system of 4 lovers instead of three separate two person relationships where actions and jealous thoughts could become an issue. She liked the idea, and knew Sandy did as well. It seemed to be up to Natalie and Daniel.

  They were completely lost in thought, every once in a while she noticed Natalie check her and Daniel out and Daniel checking out Sandy and Nat. Feeling out how they might be thinking about them and considering how they felt she supposed. It was easy for her though, she had felt the stirrings of lust for her from Natalie before.

  Nat must have come to a decision because she started talking about a different subject.

  Nat said, “I have news about Russia, the Arch there seems to have stopped what he was doing, but is still posed in position to take over.”

  She said thoughtfully, “Well hopefully he stays that way. This coming weekend should settle the matter one way or another. If he defies the council we can take care of it the hard way.”

  Natalie nodded in agreement.

  They finished up breakfast and she asked, “So… Anyone need more time to think about it?” She didn’t have to say what, it was an elephant in the room.

  She giggled because they were all looking around, no one wanted to go first.

  She said, “I say yes, I already love two of you with all my heart and I care for you too Natalie. You are beautiful and have my respect in who you are, and I am definitely attracted to you. I imagine it will be similar for everyone else, we have some love to grow.”

  Jezebel blushed when she finished talking and Sandy said, “Your right, I feel the same way about Daniel that you do about Natalie. And of course my vote is yes, it was my idea.”

  Daniel and Natalie said yes as well, both attracted to the other two, they did have a little farther to go since they only truly loved one of them so far. But everyone at least liked, was attracted to and respected everyone in the room. They were also already loyal to each other, none would betray any other.

  Jezebel and Sandy had to leave at that point and get back to college. They had skipped classes for a week for that vacation and the professors had been gracious about covering their own classes all week but they knew they had to get back. For the first time Jezebel considered actually dropping out of college, she was an Arch of North America and now on a worldwide supernatural council.

  She doubted she would ever actually put her degree into practice. She didn’t like the idea though of quitting, and you never know. It certainly won’t hurt to be well versed in psychology when dealing with others on the council or in life and she didn’t have too much longer to go for the advanced degree.


  Natalie sat in her office going over some accounts, her mind not on her job as she considered what happened this morning. She loved Sandy and was definitely attracted to Daniel and Jezebel. In fact she felt really hot right now, like her body was overheating. She hadn’t been able to think about anything besides being with Daniel and Jezebel since this morning. She almost cried when Jezebel left for college.

  She knew through her time with Sandy in bed that she was a submissive type. But this just wasn’t working. She felt flush and couldn’t get any work done. She blushed as she remembered almost making a huge mistake in the ledger. She felt swollen down below and could feel her wet panties getting sucked in by her labia. Submissive or not she was too horny to wait.

  At first she was just fascinated by the idea of a four way loving commitment, she could see the advantages and she already trusted Jezebel and Daniel with her life, so that part was easy. After all she was already committed to serving the Arch and her second. Once that settled in her mind before breakfast was even over she started to get curious about sex with them, now though her curiosity had set her on fire and in need.

  Plus she had never had a man inside her, only being with Sandy up until now. She assumed it would be different from the toys they had played with. Her virginity was given to Sandy’s strap on a while ago. Having a man’s hardened flesh impale her…. Oh hell that’s it, she needed him now or she wouldn’t get anything done today at all.

  Submissive nature or not Natalie stalked the house toward Daniel’s office. She was shocked at herself but her tightened nipples and soaked core needed relief, and needed it now. She walked right in his office without knocking. He was sitting behind his desk doing something on the computer. She walked around his desk and he looked up at her and opened his mouth to say something.

  She stopped him with her lips, sucking his lower lip into her mouth and biting it. She moaned in his mouth when he returned her passion in kind, she had been hoping he would be ready for her. That he would be thinking of her as she longed for him. She opened his pants and whipped out his growing hardness and started to stroke it to its full length. She felt her core clench in anticipation of his cock inside of it.

  He tried to speak again but she didn’t let him, simply pushed back on him and lifted her skirt while straddling herself over him in his chair and impaled herself on his length in one smooth motion.

  She gasped in pleasure. It felt amazing, her body filled with pleasure at the feel of him in her core and she felt complete. Right. It was so much better than a dildo, the feel of his hot flesh and vein filled length stimulating her walls. Her velvety folds hugged his base while her inner walls closed around the rest of him. It felt so right, like he belonged there, inside of her, plundering her.

  She started to bounce on his length.

  “Oh god yes, this is what I needed. I was on fire in my office I need you to put it out.”

  She felt transported as she stopped the kiss and looked down in his eyes as she rode him. She could feel her body filling with pleasure as she neared her peak.

  “OH GOD, your cock feels so good in me, cum with me Daniel, I need your pleasure to fill me.”

  Her moan turned into a gasp as her molten core erupted, her center tightened around his hardness. He was watching her with his mouth open, eyes burning with lust and she felt sexy as hell and fulfilled when she felt him swell inside her and fill her womb with his seed. She felt herself come down from orgasm a
nd the relief of her body felt glorious. She was sated and felt beautiful, sexy and very close to Daniel.

  “Thank you Daniel, I really needed that. I’ve been thinking about it all morning.”

  That’s when she heard the voice coming from the monitor, making her turn bright red.

  “Yes, we can all see that.”

  She turned and looked. Then said as if automatically, “Arch Patricia, Rose, I hope I find you well today?” her face was a bright red.

  She felt Daniel sigh softly and he whispered, “That’s what I was trying to tell you earlier before you bit my lip. Sorry, but after you mounted me I couldn’t stop you, I’ve been thinking about it all day too and it felt so damn good I just didn’t care anymore.”

  She craned her head around to look at the screen and apologize again but to her shock Rose was kissing her Arch with a passion to rival what she did to Daniel earlier. Then Rose turned and winked at the camera and then hung up on them.

  She felt Daniel’s length twitch and come back to life inside her. She pulled her shirt over her head and stripped off her bra. She decided she could get back to work after lunch then gasped when Daniel sucked in a nipple. She moaned at her reignited need and felt him push up into her from below…

  When Sandy and Jezebel found them several hours later they were in the master bedroom naked and exploring each other. For the first night of many to come the four of them made love late into the night and slept together with tangled limbs…


  The week went quickly, between exploring her new mate and pleasuring the other two and being busy back at college it went by in a blur. Jezebel wasn’t looking forward to it but she took it seriously. They set up a round table to give everyone equal ground, there would be no head councilor. They had the room set up and ready on time. They had a lot of snacks for Weres, Angels, Demons and Witches.

  Jezebel had also increased security. All 20 of her protectors were there for the duration of the council meeting.

  The first couple of hours went to hammering out an agenda. Gregor did try to be disruptive using innuendo and just plain being an ass. If it were a human council of countries it would have led to getting nothing done. However it was lost on no one that almost everyone at the table were at least friends with Jezebel. They basically ignored him as best as they could and worked around him.

  To his disgust, or at least she hoped, they managed to get a few things settled on their very first day. Humans will be left alone, mutual defense against a home dimension invasion from any race. Also all law breaking within a species would be their species’ problem to deal with. Any species to species issues would be handled by the council.

  Amy and Thomas weren’t excited about any cross species issues coming here instead of challenges to solve issues, but they grudgingly agreed because of the other benefits.

  She invited them all to stay for dinner, but Tony had to run and open up the club. Amy and Thomas also had to go, though they promised to stay next time. To her disgust Gregor did stay, all she needed to do to see what a tool he is was to look at Penny. His second was a mess and clearly afraid of him. He was worse than the ass that she had killed in California and hated not being able to do anything about it.

  After all she had committed to enforce the council’s will. She could not act like or even appear to be a dictator. Which meant following the rules and not killing that asshole like he so richly deserved.

  To her delight Patricia and Rose stayed as well, she did notice that Natalie kept glancing at Rose and blushing, there had to be a story there. When she asked Rose about it she was giggling at the torrid story she got out of Patricia’s second.

  They were all drinking and of course things came to a head with Gregor. She was chatting with Patricia and Daniel on the couch when the loud argument happened.

  Gregor blustered, “What do you mean you won’t make one for me! Every other Angel here has one and I am a council member, you will make me one.”

  Sandy said calmly, “Not a chance, I am a member as well remember, you can’t tell me what to do, and I choose not to give you one.”

  The three of them headed over there to see what was going on. She saw Sandy calmly standing in front of the red faced Angel.

  Sandy continued, “I am not one of your Angels, you can’t bully me, and quite frankly you can’t make me either. You lack the power.”

  He replied in disgust, “I will find a way to get one then.”

  Sandy shook her head, “I wouldn’t recommend it, I have a feeling you would regret it.”

  She watched as Sandy stormed away and left the room, she had never felt such a strong powerful presence before outside of the day under Andy’s theatre when we met Cat. Sandy was absolutely crackling with anger and power. Jezebel followed in her wake.

  They wound up in the lounge and Jezebel asked, “You okay Dee? What’s going on, I’ve never seen you so angry before.”

  She watched as Sandy slowed down, and then ran into her arms.

  Sandy said, “I’m just so mad at the pig, that poor girl Penny, you sure we can’t just kill him?”

  Jezebel sighed. “I wish, but no. It would do more harm than good, the Angels would be convinced I planned to be a dictator, no matter the truth of the reason I gave. We have to wait for him to make a mistake. Being an asshole is not against the law, although abuse should be, it is not, at least not yet. What did he want anyway?”

  She felt Sandy burrow up against her harder then answer, “He wanted a ring, for the sex thing.”

  Jezebel thought about him having a sex ring and absolute authority over all the female angels in Europe and felt her stomach rebel. She had to focus to get it to settle down.

  Sandy giggled and said, “I should have just given him one.”

  When Jezebel gasped Sandy looked up and said, “Do you really think I would give a gift to the Angels that could be abused so badly? Trust me, the first Angel that tries rape while wearing my magic will greatly regret it. I’m not worried about him abusing it, because it would bite him in the ass. My anger was from Penny’s look of absolute horror when he asked for one.

  “I hate that we can’t help her. It seems wrong, but I understand the harm could be worse. That doesn’t really help me feel better about it though. We need to fix it love, he is a monster. So yeah, I said no so that if he does get his hands on one, and hurts himself it’s not my fault. Otherwise it looks like I set him up.”

  She felt the Witch shrug in her arms then said, “I am glad you are the Witch, I would have never even thought of that, though it’s obvious in hindsight.”

  Sandy shrugged again, “It was my training really, Cat said I needed to think of every evil way my magic could be twisted if I offer a device or charm and then put in safeguards. I could still screw up, but it’s just the mindset of checking more than anything else.”

  Jezebel said, “You ready to face the crowd? By the way, that exit was awesome, you were crackling with power. My very sexy and scary Witch.”

  Sandy smiled at the comment and nodded so they headed back to the party. She was glad to see Gregor had left, though sad about Penny, hopefully they could help that poor girl out of the nightmare soon.


  It felt like ages since Jezebel had walked through this door as she and Sandy walked into the Sapphire Club to work a shift. With her and Daniel doing it the Angel way and no fights lately she really hadn’t been low on power in a long while, more to bursting with it if she was honest. It felt good to her to be here though, something normal and not earth shattering.

  The other dancers were all happy to see her. She guessed their tips had gone down with her not around as much. She sent out a web of connections to all the patrons, smiling as she did so. She also hadn’t seen her father lately and was happy he was over at the bar. She got changed quick and headed over there to say hi.

  Andy said, “Well if it isn’t the Arch of North America, council member
and of course most importantly, bar wench at the Sapphire Club.”

  Jezebel snickered. “That one is rather more distinguishing. Would it surprise you it is my favorite title?”

  Andy grinned, “Nope, you are my daughter after all, the others titles are way too haughty.”

  Jezebel said, “Damn right, at least this is honest work. The rest of the jobs just add stress to my life. All of those people I can’t strangle without starting a world war.”

  Andy gave her a quick hug, “I am proud of you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you what we thought might be possible about your command ability. But I was trying to avoid you having to deal with what you are currently dealing with. I knew your sense of right and wrong wouldn’t allow you to stay out of it.

  “Now go get table 5 wench, they look thirsty.”

  Jezebel grinned and headed off to do her job.

  She had a good time at work. Sandy was deliciously sexy tonight in her Witches outfit and her mouth watered at the dancing. Sexy witch of course, this was a strip joint after all. She noticed that Sandy is probably in better shape than she has ever seen her before, her legs toned, her stomach flat. She was able to hang from and swing on and around the pole for longer than usual as well.

  She caught herself staring a few times instead of actually working the tables. She managed to tear her eyes away and was looking forward to getting her home in bed. The Demons with the ugly stares seemed to be gone. She had a feeling Tony had to do with that, they figured either she would win them free of having another purge with the Angels or the Angels would kill her, so why bother right?

  The night went well she thought as she counted up the tips. She headed in the back to change, said goodnight and dragged her Witch home. Her body was demanding that she ravish Sandy as soon as possible. Sandy had taken one look at her and giggled on the drive home, Jezebel knew she was very aware of her succubus’s needs.


  Jezebel decided that Sandy’s idea of polyamory was pure genius. What had started out as her ravishing the Witch turned into… More. She looked up while pleasuring Sandy with her long fingers and tongue. Sandy was on her back and Jezebel watched as she ate out the stunning Natalie who was sitting on Sandy’s face. Daniel was behind her ramming her from behind and pushing her face into Sandy’s core with each thrust of his body. And what is more her heart was open to all of them.


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