Falling Completely (Starling Falls #1)

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Falling Completely (Starling Falls #1) Page 5

by Aidan Willows

  I had often felt that there were only three kinds of people who made conversation with strangers in public; people hitting on other people in the hopes of getting laid, crazy people/other degenerates or tourists.

  Having been so busy with getting the bakery ready, we hadn’t really met many of the people in town before today. I didn’t think I had ever shaken so many hands in my life. One lady had actually tried to hug me.

  Eugh. Shudder. I had already managed to forget most of the names of the people I had been introduced to.

  I had been told by a lecturer, when I was getting my nursing degree, that I wasn’t really a “people person”. Whatever that meant.

  As far as I was concerned, I was a person and I was able to be around other people, for extended periods of time without becoming homicidal.

  That qualified me as a “people person” in my opinion.

  By 10 o’clock, the rush had finally started to slow down.

  I saw a mother with a pram struggling to enter the shop, and being the kind and considerate person I was, I went to go help her through the door (see, I was totally a ‘people person’).

  As I guided the front of the pram through the door, I noticed the signboard outside was tilted, so went outside to straighten it.

  An adorable blond boy of about four and his equally beautiful blonde mother had just left the shop holding one of the helium balloons we were giving the children who had come in with their parents.

  The little boy let go of his balloon and wailed as it started to drift towards the road, before I could warn the mother, the boy yanked his hand out of her grasp and had ran straight into the road after it and was nearly at the other side.

  “DARRAN!!!” the boy’s mother screamed after him.

  Everything happened so quickly my eyes barely registered what ensued.

  The driver of the old beat up brown car that was coming down the street pressed hard on the brakes trying frantically to stop the car, but it still would have been too late.

  Oh no. No, no, no, no.

  Just as the car should have hit the little boy, he was pushed out of the way by a huge figure who had been crossing the road from the other side. The brown car hit the side of the man and the impact pushed him backwards. He fell and I saw his head hit the road.

  I yelled into the bakery at Niki “Call for an ambulance!” and then ran over to the man.

  I quickly looked over at the shell shocked child and saw he was just a little bruised but would be fine. His mother was about to pull him into a hug.

  “Don’t move him!” I called out to her, as I ran over to the man, “He looks fine but don’t move until the ambulance gets here, just in case.”

  The elderly man who had been driving the car opened his door. “Oh God, the kid came running out so fast! I braked as hard as I could, I really did! Is he okay?” he asked hysterically.

  I looked at him and said calmly “I’m going to check him, ok? But I need you to step back and give us some space.”

  As the man did what I had told him to, I turned my attention to the man lying on the floor in front of me.

  Woah. Yummy. With a side of more yummy.

  He looked mixed race with tawny brown skin, a strong jaw with the perfect amount of stubble and closely cropped dark brown hair.

  Stop it Liya! The man is hurt. Be a damn professional. Do not get distracted by the beautiful, beautiful man… and definitely do not think about how good he smells…or how that stubble would feel on your thighs…

  He was breathing normally but I tipped his head back gently to make sure that his airways were clear.

  “Hey. You were hit by a car. I’m going to check you for any broken bones.”

  I began running my hands along his body gently checking for any broken bones. I couldn’t help but notice how firm his body felt under my hands.

  Wow, you’ve definitely hit a new low. Perving on an injured man lying in the middle of the road… it really has been too long… maybe you do need to get laid.

  Yeah and if he would apply for the job of laying you, that would be amazing, the other evil little voice in the back of my mind said.

  Oh boy. FOCUS, LIYA FOCUS. There is a possibly gravely wounded man in front of you right now. Think about your sad, horny self later.

  I shook my head and took off my apron and used it to stem the bleeding from the wound on his otherwise perfect head.

  He didn’t appear to have any broken bones, I noted with some relief. He groaned as I pressed the material to his head.

  “Hello. Can you hear me? My name is Liya, can you open your eyes for me?”

  He started to try to move. “No!” I told him “Stay still until the ambulance gets here. You might have internal injuries.”

  Mr Perfect groaned again and opened his eyes.

  I gasped in surprise. The man had the bluest set of eyes I’d ever seen and they only added to his outrageous attractiveness.

  Alarmingly, I felt my nipples tighten and pussy moisten.

  Seriously vagina? Not a peep from you in months and now from just looking into some guy’s eyes (albeit very nice eyes) you get all hot and bothered? For shame. Behave yourself.

  “Can you tell me your name?” I asked him.

  He didn’t reply but just kept looking at me intently.

  His gaze appeared puzzled, like he was struggling to focus. “I think you may have a concussion. There was an accident and you hit your head pretty hard.”

  “Fuck. Am I dead?” he mumbled confused.

  Goddammit, even his voice is sexy.

  “No. Not dead. Just a little banged up”

  The beautiful man didn’t appear to be listening to me.

  “Fuck. I am dead. Debbie is going to be pissed. Why does heaven look like town?”

  I tried to ignore the shot of jealousy that streaked through me when he mentioned this Debbie lady.

  What did you think, you idiot? Of course a man this gorgeous is not going to be single.

  I tried to explain the situation to him again, but he still seemed disorientated. I got distracted when he raised his right hand slightly and started playing with the ends of my long hair.

  “At least the angels here are pretty. And smell like vanilla. I like vanilla.” he slurred incoherently.

  Good grief. I have no words.

  If he wasn’t lying injured on a road, I would have thought that this was some bad pick up line.

  “Listen, Sir. I’m not an angel, I’m just a nurse.” By this time I noticed that a small crowd had gathered and were observing us.

  My sister had come out of the bakery “I’ve called an ambulance, they should be here soon.”

  “Mmmm. I like you calling me Sir, Angel. It’s kinky.” He smirked blearily at me.

  Fuck. me. Am I blushing? I never blushed. Ever.

  What the is happening right now? I’m speechless and blushing. I don’t even recognise myself.

  His hand kept playing with my hair. “Are you allowed to kiss the angels here?” he asked drowsily.

  Oh, have mercy.

  I looked down at him and laughed, having finally found my tongue again. “Kissing the angels is frowned upon.”

  “Shit. I’m going to get in trouble with the big guy.” he mumbled.

  Before I could ask him what he meant, Blue Eyes had tangled his hand in my hair and surprised me by pulling my mouth to his.

  I froze but before my brain could catch up, my body took over and I melted into him.

  My eyes flew shut when ours mouths met and he devoured my mouth with his. He licked my bottom lip and my lips parted for him. When he slipped his tongue into my mouth, I couldn’t hold back the moan that came out of me.

  “AHEM.” I heard someone clear their throat and I abruptly pulled away from the Blue Eyes with a gasp of horror when I realised what I had done.

  I looked up to see that a male and female paramedic were stood above me.

  You idiot! You just made out with a wounded man. A man you don’t kn
ow. A man who possibly has a girlfriend. And you made out with him. In public. On a road. In front of a crowd of people.

  Oh wonderful. Could this get any better?

  “Aren’t you the new nurse at the hospital?” the female paramedic asked, her head tilted to one side.

  I nodded reluctantly even though I was tempted to say “Hell No.” and disappear from this town forever.

  I looked up and met my sister’s shocked and somewhat amused gaze. I could feel my cheeks burn brighter.

  “Well that’s an interesting way to keep a victim conscious.” the male paramedic said with a shit-eating grin.

  I refrained from telling him to go fuck himself. In the interest of remaining professional and all that.

  The man groaned again. At first I thought it was from pain, but judging from the rather large bulge I felt in front of his pants, I doubted it.

  “Where’d my angel go?” he groaned. “She tasted so good. Sweet. I want more.” he trailed off closing his eyes.

  “No! Keep your eyes open!” I told him trying desperately hard to ignore the throbbing caused in the lower half of body by his words.

  I looked at the paramedics and told them I thought he may have a concussion and gave them a brief summary of how the car had hit him and how he had fallen.

  Stepping back I let them do their job. Not long after, a second ambulance had arrived to take the little boy to the hospital to be checked over.

  I resisted the urge to punch the male paramedic when he looked at me and asked “Do you want to ride with him to the hospital? Plenty of room in the back” while smirking happily.

  I glared at him and shook my head.

  Blue Eyes moaned and opened his eyes again. He looked more alert this time. “Bryan?” he croaked to the male paramedic.

  “Yeah, it’s me Caleb. You’re going to be fine buddy; we just need to get you to the hospital to be looked at.”

  “I fuckin’ hate hospitals.” The beautiful man I could now identify as Caleb complained to the dickhead paramedic.

  I met that stunning blue gaze once more when he was loaded into the back of the ambulance.

  Oh crap. I am royally fucked.

  Chapter 7


  What the fuck is all that beeping? Make the damned beeping stop.

  I opened my overly sensitive eyes to a harsh, bright light and immediately shut them again, with a wince.

  “Oh, he’s awake!” I heard Aunt Deb’s tearful voice say.

  I forced my eyes open again and saw all my family in the room, with varying looks of concern.

  Aunt Debbie looked so distraught, I held out my aching arm to her to comfort her. She immediately rushed forward and gently hugged me.

  “When Bryan called us to tell us what had happened, I was terrified honey.”

  Bryan? Bryan was a paramedic. We had gone to school together and he was a friend. Why would he be calling my family?

  “What happened?” I asked with a wince as pain shot through my skull.

  “From what we were told, there was a kid who ran out into the road. You pushed him out of the way and got hit by the car.” Uncle Jeremy said sombrely. “You’re too brave for your own good, son.”

  “If we had lost you…” Aunt Debbie started to say and then broke suddenly. I tightened my grasp on her hand.

  Memories of the incident flashed through my mind. I tensed and sat up slightly. “Was the kid okay?”

  “Yeah, you valiant idiot. The kid is fine.” My sister said coming forward to stand next to Aunt Debbie putting an arm around her.

  “How long have I been out for?” I asked.

  “A couple of hours. You didn’t break anything. The doc said you have a concussion though. You can go home today, but one of us has to stay with you tonight and wake your stupid ass up every couple of hours.” Jake said lightly, but I could see the worry in his eyes.

  I nodded and relaxed back in the bed slightly. Suddenly an image of black curls appeared in my mind. I closed my eyes and concentrated, trying harder to recall the memory.

  A blurry face appeared. Despite the blurriness, I could tell that the face was beautiful.

  Big brown eyes. Creamy brown skin. Pouty lips. The smell and taste of vanilla.

  The vague memory sent blood rushing straight to my cock.

  Oh fuck no. What is that about? I cannot be getting a hard on with my aunt and sister stood beside me.

  I focussed on any memory other than HER to get my hardening dick to go down.

  Uhhh… Decapitated bodies…decaying corpses…maggots in the corpses… The time I walked in Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Debbie having sex…

  I sighed with relief as the swelling in my cock started to go down.

  I looked at my family and asked. “Before Bryan and Denise got there in the ambulance, was there someone else helping me?”

  Their expressions changed from worry to amusement, even Aunt Debbie perked up and smiled at me as she wiped away tears.

  I looked over at Nate and saw one side of his mouth pulled up.

  What the fuck was so amusing that even Nate was smiling… Well as much as Nate ever smiled…

  “What? What happened? Just tell me.” I asked warily, hoping that I didn’t do something embarrassing.

  Josh, ever the asshole, was the first one to respond. “Weellll… apparently while lying on the street, you got a little mouth to mouth action with the new chick, bro. Well, that’s what Denise the hot paramedic has been saying anyway.”

  I got even more confused. “Action? What action?”

  How the fuck could I have got any action while lying semi-conscious on the ground?

  “Cal. A lady from the bakery came over to help you. According to eyewitness reports, you grabbed her and stuck your tongue down her throat.” Jake chuckled.

  “Oh fuck. The Angel. She was real? And I forced her to kiss me?” I realised too late, that I had said this out loud and groaned.

  “Angel?! I never knew you were such a pussy Cal.” Josh said and his head flew forward as Nate slapped him hard upside his head. “Ouch! Quit it dickhole. You guys need to stop hitting my head!”

  “Why?” asked Nate “It’s not like you’re using any of those brain cells anyway.”

  My head was pounding and I felt slightly nauseous.

  I loved my family, but at that moment all I wanted to do was sleep and forget about today.

  As if Uncle Jeremy was reading my mind he said “We’ll clear out and let you rest, son. Nate will be back later to pick you up.”

  “Thanks.” I said gratefully.

  “I’m not leaving him.” Aunt Debbie said, as I expected her to.

  “Debbie-” Uncle Jeremy began but was cut off by Aunt Debbie’s saying firmly. “Jeremy. I am NOT leaving him. Nate can bring me home later.”

  I nodded at my uncle to let him know I was good with my aunt staying. At that moment I wanted her to stay. I needed to ask her about my reaction to the unknown beauty from the bakery.

  Damn. She’s going to be unbearable after this.

  I lifted my chin as a goodbye to my family when they left.

  Aunt Debbie pulled a chair closer to the edge of my bed and said “Just rest, honey.” while patting the back of my hand.

  “Aunt Deb… That girl today... I’ve never done anything like that before. She must hate me. How do I apologise for something like that?”

  I didn’t know her, but I knew I wanted to salvage any kind of connection I could get with the Angel from the bakery.

  Aunt Debbie beamed so bright, I swore I could actually see her face start to glow.

  “Oh, bless my soul. You like her, don’t you?”

  “I don’t know even know her.”

  “But still. You felt a connection, right honey? There was something there?” she asked excitedly.

  I groaned and nodded my head reluctantly. “Yes, there was definitely something there. And I could have sworn she kissed me back.” I paused. “You think she felt it to?”

>   “Who wouldn’t want to kiss you back? Look at you, my handsome boy.” she said and squeezed my chin.

  “Aunt Deb…” I started but trailed off, knowing there was no point; once she started singing our praises there was no stopping her.


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