The Drazen World: Red Velvet (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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The Drazen World: Red Velvet (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 7

by Lauren Luman

  “What the actual fuck, Steve?”

  “Carrie, remember when I said I thought you were too good for Troy? Well, that’s because I felt you belonged with me.” He gets up from the chair and crosses his arms. Three and a half years later, he still has the same strong stature. His body hasn’t seemed to age one bit.

  “And then when you just disappeared from my life ... After I saved yours? You dismissed me completely. Your savior.” Steve walks toward the shrine of my photos and stands with his back to me, admiring his years of work, stalking me. “I’ve been watching you—”

  “No shit.” I interrupt. “More like going psycho-stalker.”

  “Shut up,” he responds gruffly.

  “Steve, Malakai will be looking for me.” I say, trying to spook him.

  “Oh, I’m sure your new play thing will be. You know, I’ve observed the two of you together. He seems like a good catch, but I’m perfect for you. You will see. If you give me the chance, I can be what you need.”

  The ringing of my cell phone interrupts Steve’s speech, and he reaches in my purse to retrieve it. Looking at the screen, he turns it to show that Malakai is calling. He walks toward me, circles the screen back to him and hits the answer button, placing the call on speakerphone.

  “Carrie, are you there?” Malakai asks when he doesn’t hear anyone verbally answer.

  I go for the gold and let it all out. “Yes, Malakai.” I scream out. “Steve has me—” but Steve ends the call before I can give away any other information. He tosses my phone on the nightstand and backhands me across the cheek. The sudden movement brings back the dizzy feeling, and my vision blurs.

  “That wasn’t smart, Carrie.” Steve tuts with a calm malice.

  I close my eyes and take deep breaths to abate the pounding in my head. When I reopen them, he is standing over me. I flashback to that incident with Troy and worry about a repeat performance. I never imagined Steve doing something like this. He was always kind, quiet. They say it’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for.

  “You know, Carrie, I always wondered what it would have been like had I gotten to you first instead of Troy. When he showed me your profile, we nearly argued over who would get to lay claim over that body. And the way your smile lit the room just from a single photo? I was mesmerized. But you see, Carrie, BDSM was never really my thing. However,” And in that pause, Steve opens the drawer on the nightstand and pulls out a knife. “Troy might have been on to something with that stunt he pulled. But I have to say, I think I made an improvement in my method of subduing you.”

  Then I realize he had to have put something in my food. It makes sense now why he would have had a plateful of goodies waiting for me.

  “You drugged me.” I accuse. Hell, I’m more than accusing him. I’m letting him know that I know what he did.

  “Very good. I mixed up a little something, a cocktail, if you will. I knew you probably wouldn’t come up here willingly so I had to figure something out. When I walked you through the lobby, I told the security guard you weren’t feeling well, and he bought it. Hook. Line. Sinker.”

  I pull on my bindings, frustrated and scared.

  “Nuh-uh-uh, Carrie. Don’t think you’re getting out that easy. I was right here in front of your face the entire time you were with Troy. You overlooked all the shit he pulled when I would have treated you right. You chose to stay with a half-ass dominant instead of going vanilla with someone who would cherish the ground you walk on. Because you treated me like I was invisible, I’m here to finish what Troy started.”

  Steve turns back to the “wall of Carrie” and starts methodically slicing across my neck in each photo. When he gets to photos of Malakai and me, he completely cuts out Malakai’s face. His display of jealousy in that act contradicts his calm demeanor, showing just how much of a psychopath he truly is.

  “So, why now, Steve? Why, after all this time, did you decide to show up?” I have a million questions racing through my brain, but that’s where I start.

  “Isn’t it obvious, Carrie?” He answers my question with a question.

  “Malakai,” I respond barely above a whisper.

  “Bingo. I’ve watched you date these other men over the years, but I knew I had nothing to worry about, because your smiles always seemed so forced and dull. But seeing you with him, I knew you’d found your one. I could see it in the way you looked at each other. And I just snapped. I knew it was now or never; I had to make my move.”

  “But you and I were just friendly acquaintances. Why did you ever think there could be more?” He’s so delusional, and I’m just trying to keep him talking. Trying to get inside his head and distract him.

  “I thought that by saving you, you’d finally see me. Sounds silly, I know. But all this talking is about to stop. I told you what I brought you here for. And this time, I made sure the rope was secure.”

  He turns around and walks toward me. At the same time, I hear someone burst through the door and yell my name. Malakai. Tears start flowing down my face. Now this man. He is my savior.

  I scream his name to signal which room Steve and I are in, but he quickly muffles my outcry by forcing a pillow over my face.

  Chapter 11

  This is how it happens.

  This is how I die.



  Unable to breathe.

  My attempts to scream are futile.

  Suddenly, I feel air surge into my lungs and open my eyes. My chest is heaving, trying to fill my lungs with oxygen. As my eyes adjust to the light, I find Malakai pinning Steve to the wall, his hand around Steve’s throat. But Steve isn’t going down so easy. He brings up his arms, placing his palms on Malakai’s chest, and forces him off.

  “Steve, stop!” I yell from my bound position. Can somebody fucking untie me already?

  “Shut up, bitch!” He snarls back.

  With him distracted, Malakai lands a right jab straight into his jaw, knocking him back against the wall again. Steve pauses and looks at Malakai with so much psychotic rage, that I’m scared for him. I know Malakai is a strong man and can throw a hearty punch, but Steve used to be a street fighter. He plays by nobody’s rules but his own when it comes to a brawl. He charges toward Malakai, running directly into the same knife he was going to off me with. At some point, Malakai had picked it up without Steve noticing. With a stab to the gut, Steve stumbles to his knees, blood soaking his shirt. Malakai takes advantage of his position over Steve and punches him once more, effectively sending him into a supine position.

  Groaning in pain, Steve just lies there, allowing Malakai the opportunity to cut me out of the knots on both my wrists and ankles. He pulls me up off the bed and against his chest, squeezing me as hard and affectionately as he can. He breaks the hug to look me in the eyes.

  “Carrie, love, I thought I lost you.” He closes his beautifully sad, chocolate-colored eyes and rests his forehead on mine. I hear the pain in his voice. He reaches down into his pocket for his cell.

  Dialing nine-one-one, Malakai reports the incident, requesting police and emergency medical services and gives them the address and apartment number.

  “Malakai, how did you find me?”

  “I tracked your cell, because I got worried after multiple calls and texts got no responses. I told you I had a bad feeling about this. When I got to the building, I talked the security guard into telling me which apartment I could find you in. I showed him your picture. He said he saw you being carried in a few hours prior by this asshole.” He points down at Steve. “Claimed you weren’t feeling well or something.”

  “He put something in my food. I got to the bakery, and he had already ordered a plate full of food for us to share. It didn’t hit me until we were walking through downtown. As soon as we got in front of this building, the same building where Troy lived and attacked me, I started feeling dizzy, my vision blurred. I think I passed out, and that’s how he was able to get me up here. Actually, I still don’t feel all
that great. My head is pounding, like I have a gnarly hangover.”

  Malakai starts to rub my temples, and we hear people entering the apartment. Emergency personnel and police officers storm the bedroom. They spring into action to check on Steve and stop the bleeding. Running him through a gamut of tests and placing him on a gurney, they roll his body out of the apartment. Two others stay back to come to my aid, asking questions about what happened. I told them how I felt physically, and they ran through a variety of questions about any illnesses, conditions or medications I might be on. When I mentioned being drugged, they urged me to come down to the hospital so the staff could run some tests. I emphatically agreed, on the condition that Malakai could take me.

  Before we head to Midtown Memorial, we give a statement to the police, mentioning the security guard as a witness to Steve bringing me upstairs. I also suggest they talk to anyone at the bakery that might have seen him acting strangely or fidgeting with our food before my arrival, or even pull security cameras.

  The thing is, I want Steve to live. I want him to suffer in prison like Troy. He might not have gotten the chance to really hurt me, but after all I went through with his former best friend and roommate, he knew how potentially fragile I could be if placed in the same scenario as before. The way he acted today, though, I wouldn’t be surprised if the doctors, or even the courts, refer him for a psychiatric evaluation. It’s obvious something isn’t right with him.

  Once Malakai and I are free to go, he takes my hand and leads me out of the apartment and downstairs. We get into his car, which security allowed him to leave by the curb, and he takes off for Midtown Memorial.

  “Carrie, I have something I’ve been meaning to tell you,” he says, squeezing my palm in his and looking over at me reverently as we’re stopped at a red light.

  “If it’s bad news, I don’t want to hear it. Not now. Not today.” I am too wrung out for this.

  “When I rushed into that bedroom and saw Steve with a pillow over your face, trying to suffocate you, I realized one thing.”

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  “That I don’t want to lose you. That I would do anything to keep you around. That I’m helplessly and hopelessly in love with you. That what I feel for you surpasses any feeling of unbridled lust. Any feeling beyond whatever we do in scene. You are the piece that completes the puzzle of my heart.”

  His eyes are shining with unshed tears, but I fail to hold mine in. They stream down my face, dropping onto my chest and dotting my shirt. I sniffle and smile so wide, then at the next red light, he turns to me fully and grabs my face in both of his hands, kissing me so hard that I feel my lips bruise. He nips my bottom lip with his teeth then sweeps his tongue inside. I let him in fully, without hesitation. Behind us, a driver honks, interrupting the best kiss of my life. I start to giggle like a school girl.

  “Does that mean …?” He asks, more insecure than I have ever seen him.

  “Yes, Malakai. You have my heart and soul. I am so in love with you. I never thought I would feel this about anyone, but you are in my bones, marrow-deep.”

  Malakai brushes his thumb across my lips then across my cheekbones to catch my tears.

  “Let’s get you to the hospital so the doctors can run those tests. I need my woman in perfect health.” He gives me another quick kiss and proceeds the rest of the way to Midtown Memorial.


  Once we get behind a curtain at the emergency room, I talk to a nurse about what happened. Since Steve said it was a mixture of substances, that’s all I can convey. I tell her how I am currently feeling, the headache and drowsy, hungover feeling. When the doctor comes in and we go through the events again to bring everyone up to speed, they suggest I admit for observation and to flush my system out, rehydrate me. They say that in the meantime, they will draw some blood and take a urine sample. Pretty standard, I’m told. The staff move me to a room and hook me up to an IV, then give me some pain relievers so that the headache will subside.

  To my right, Malakai is pacing, his rage palpable.

  “Malakai, please sit down. You’re making me nervous.” I plead.

  “It’s just ... If I ever see that man again …” he trails off.

  “I don’t think we will have to worry about that again, with the exception of my testimony in court.”

  “How are you so calm about this?”

  “Not my first rodeo, babe.” I remind him. “And hey, at least this time there was no bloodshed, at least none of mine. Besides, having you by my side to protect me and take care of me shows me I have no reason to worry. I honestly never thought I’d hear myself say that, but it feels good, right even.” I smile at him reassuringly, reminding him just how perfect we are for each other.

  “Having you by my side makes me feel ten-feet-tall. Not that I think you’re weak or fragile, but you’ve let me be that strong man in your life, while still maintaining your fiery ways. I love that. I love a woman that can submit to me in bed but challenge me on an everyday basis. But for now, just rest up. I know your head still hurts, and I want to see you at one-hundred percent. I’ll stay with you if you need me to.” He comes over and takes hold of my hand, giving it a firm squeeze.

  “Would you? I feel a nap coming on, but waking up to that handsome face of yours would be nice.” I think it’s the meds talking, but I roll with it.

  Malakai kisses my forehead tenderly, and my eyes start to close involuntarily.


  One year later

  “We the jury, in the matter of the State of Texas versus Steven James Halston, find the defendant guilty of attempted murder and kidnapping.”

  I clutch Malakai’s hand next to me as the jury renders a guilty verdict. This time around, I had to go through the whole trial process. My testimony, Malakai’s testimony, Steve’s defense. His attorney tried to offer a deal that included his commitment to a state hospital for mental health treatment, but the prosecution rejected it. The ordeal was stressful, but Malakai was there every step of the way. He truly is my rock.

  “Love,” he whispers in my ear, “it’s finally over.”

  “I know,” I whisper back trying to hold back tears of joy and relief.

  We peer over at Steve sitting next to his attorney. His face pales in reaction to hearing his fate of imprisonment. The judge addresses the courtroom, and then dismisses everyone after a deputy detains Steve and escorts him out. Malakai and I step out into the hallway and he crushes me to his chest in a fierce hug. A hug that feels so cathartic, I get the sensation that I’m floating.

  “Let’s get out of here. I have a surprise for you when we get home.”

  About three months ago, I agreed to move in with him after an intense nine months of being together. I wanted to make sure it was the right move for me, and I am happier than I’ve ever been.

  The walk back to our building is a comfortable silence. We stride arm-in-arm, just enjoying being in each other’s company. One would think after a year of this, that things would settle in to this boring, albeit comfortable, routine. Hardly the case. Malakai and I grow closer every day, especially with the ongoing stress of the trial. In my moments of anxiety, he is right there to bring me back down to earth. And the sex? Well submission has never felt more right than it does when I’m with him. His dominance and control are exactly what I need to feel fulfilled.

  “What’s this surprise, Malakai?” I ask, breaking the quiet moment.

  “Now you know better than to ask that. If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, now would it?” That fucking smirk is back. I lean up and bite his lip playfully.

  “And what was that for?” He asks with mischief in his voice.

  “That look on your face. That smirk you do drives me crazy every time.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. But for now, you just earned yourself punishment young lady.” He banters back, but also lowering his voice to his dominant tone.

  “I look forward to it.” I wink at him with that retort.<
br />
  Malakai pulls me through me the front door of the building and into the elevator, seeming a little nervous. Very unlike him. Of course, I start to worry.

  “Should I be nervous? Because you are giving off some weird vibes here, babe.”

  “No, no. Everything is fine. I promise, love.”

  Once we get inside the apartment, his demeanor changes, back to that domineering side I absolutely adore.

  “Carrie, my love, I want you to get on your knees for me,” he commands. My body shivers all over at the thought of being at his mercy. He proves time and again to be my Master.

  “Yes, Sir,” I submit. When I am at his command, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.

  “You’ve been my lover, my partner and my submissive for some time now.” Malakai goes to the buffet in the dining area and pours two fingers of scotch into a tumbler. He knocks it back like a shot and opens one of the doors, reaching beyond some of the dishware. I lower my head to remain in the correct pose and hear his footsteps close in on my position in the living room. As he stands directly in front of me, I see him lower to his knees, nearly eye to eye with me. Malakai lifts my chin, and I see never-ending joy and unconditional love shining in those chocolate-colored eyes.

  “What are you doing, Sir?” I ask, confused.

  “I told you I have a surprise for you, love. Don’t rush me.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “As I said, you’ve been many wonderful things to me over the past year. My everything, really. This is not an aspect of the lifestyle we have ever discussed, but I would be honored if you would wear my collar.” He opens a small, red velvet box and inside is a silver necklace with a small, ruby-encrusted padlock charm. My eyes start to water with unshed tears. “I know we kind of jumped head first into this dynamic, but I want you to know I have never taken advantage of your gift to me. And this is my gift to you.”


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