Ravenhold: Magic Forged: A Dark Academy Romance (Ravenhold Supernatural Reform Academy Book 2)

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Ravenhold: Magic Forged: A Dark Academy Romance (Ravenhold Supernatural Reform Academy Book 2) Page 11

by LJ Swallow

  “Do you think they’re in solitary?”

  “Dunno. There’s shit going down though, because a Confed guy is back on campus.”


  “The guy who showed up and kicked Francesca and Marcus out. You reckon that Angus is next?”


  “I doubt that. Angus is the academy head.” But I’m uneasy—if Confederacy appear, something happens. Always.

  Angus hasn’t recruited a replacement for Francesca, which leads to Edgar from administration being forced to supervise our class—a class where nobody knows what we’re supposed learn. Edgar is as pissed off and bored as Angus was in class and ensures he inflicts this on us too. Some shifters have taken to extra outdoor tasks supervised by Roger; others create masterpieces with Francesca’s art supplies. The rest of us snooze, although I wish we still had the bean bags and not hard chairs.

  What if Oriana is correct? Whoever had the idea to ask the hybrids to keep the peace made the wrong decision. Students aren’t dying, but the infighting grows worse.

  Ravenhold is increasingly out of control.

  Ivan catches my eye and his scrutiny is trained on me, not Oriana. “Be careful with Ivan,” I say to her.

  She glances at him. “Girl, I don’t need your relationship advice. Why are you obsessed by him still? You have your own guys.”

  “I’m not obsessed. I know Ivan too well, that’s all.”

  I don’t care what Oriana says, she’s acting weird and her behaviour goes beyond lovestruck teen. Ivan calls her name and she’s immediately on her feet, ready to cross to him. More proof.

  “Talk to me if anything worries you.” I catch her arm and she pulls away as if I burned her before tugging sleeves over her hands.

  “Yeah. Sure,” she says, still distracted by Ivan. Did Oriana hear what I said?

  Dorian saunters over with Ivan at his shoulder and I’m on alert. Their new unity causes a stir amongst the students and Ivan grows larger on the staff radar. Perhaps the faculty discovered Ivan’s connection to the unrest and are about to intervene?

  The pair could be tricking me—us—about the escape. Why should I believe Dorian?

  Nearby, Ethan straightens and Zeke watches from where he’s hunched over his bowl.

  “Dorian tells me you’re considering our proposition,” Ivan says. “You need to make your mind up by tonight—we’ll be in Francesca’s classroom at eight.”

  He watches me with keen eyes as I stand. “What’s the catch, Ivan?”

  “No catch. Only that I hope you’ll accept this as a friendship gesture.” I’m too stunned to respond, and he sits beside Oriana and hugs her to him. “I have Oriana now. Okay, I admit I originally came here for you, but things have changed.”

  “You have an agenda, Ivan. You always have an agenda.” I tip my chin at Dorian. “You do too.”

  “Consider the alternative, Eloise,” Dorian says softly. “Ravenhold hurt you once. What’s next?”

  I look between them. Am I strong enough to fight both these guys if I’m in the situation?

  With Zeke and Ethan by my side, yes. But will they take the risk?


  Raul returned, and I instinctively know this isn’t good news. I spent the morning digging into an incident between Kai and Andy at the gathering after we left, but the shifter kids are reluctant to tell me. This pisses me off because since Raul asked me to step up, my grip on the shifters has loosened not strengthened.

  My senses tell me he’s back to see the four of us, something confirmed when I’m intercepted on the way to dinner and asked to meet him in Marcus’s old office.

  Only Raul waits in the room and he gestures me to sit opposite. I rest my forearms on my knees and wait. “Are the others coming?” I ask him.

  Raul looks the same as the last time, smart suit and well-groomed, which is something out of place in Ravenhold. I’ve never seen Angus in a suit—I doubt he possesses one. “Presently. I’m speaking to each student individually over the next two days.”

  “All of them? Again?” I ask.

  “There have been some policy changes and we are restructuring how Ravenhold operates and who attends.” I narrow my eyes at his bureaucratic words. “Deaths, Dominion infiltration, races at war... we cannot continue like this.”

  “Yeah, asking hybrids to take over wasn’t smart.”

  “No, Zeke. We wanted you to pull your races into line, not take over the academy.” He gives a tight smile. “Which has failed.”

  I look the other way. Failed.

  Raul pushes a hand through his hair then sorts through the folders to his left. “You’re Tigris?”

  I tense, although my Tigris background isn’t a secret and partly why I’m here. “Yeah.”

  “Tigris are easy to spot,” he says.

  “Or stripe?” I ask sarcastically.

  He glances at the marks on my arms and looks up. “Your eyes.”

  “Beautiful, aren’t they?” I say sarcastically then point at the three piles of manila folders on his desk. “Are you interviewing every kid in this place?”

  He slides one with my name on from the smallest pile. “Yes. Ravenhold is at capacity, and that’s contributing to the issues.”

  “Yeah. Cram a load of delinquents together and shit happens.”

  He nods and taps the folder. “We’re relocating some of the older students.”

  My scalp tingles like something crawled across. “Where? Who?”

  “Oh, different places.” He waves a dismissive hand. “Angus will stand down and a new staff will take over. Following the deaths and unrest, Ravenhold cannot continue in its current state.”

  “What places?” I demand. “Nighthold?”

  “Some need to leave—Ravenhold continues to hold a bad reputation. Rumours that nobody returns from the island is troubling.” He rests back in his seat and flips open the file. “We are assessing each student's capability for reintegration into society, or if they require further reform.”

  “And others? A nice trip onto the island?” I arch a brow.

  “Going forward, Ravenhold will funnel rehabilitated kids into the Confederacy and those leaving tomorrow can make the choice. Confederacy army or Nighthold.” He says the words simply, as if they’re a logical choice. “We’ll offer the same options to any new offenders. The daily structure inside the institution will change.”

  “You’re turning Ravenhold into a training camp? You’re no different to Marcus!” I retort.

  “Marcus was a little… overzealous. The Confederacy will not use coercion.”

  I laugh loudly. “‘Work for us or go to Nighthold’? That sounds coercive to me.”

  He sighs. “Don’t worry about other people, Ezekiel. Choose your own path.”

  “And I’m one of the kids you’re kicking out.” I don’t need to ask the question—why else would I be here?

  “You’re one of the older kids, yes.” My eyes widen. “In your case, we’ve decided you may return to your society.”

  “My society?” My mouth dries.

  “We’ve communicated with the Tigris leaders and they will allow you to return.”


  “I’ll go with the Nighthold option, thanks.” No, I’ll take my chances with Ivan and Dorian and get the fuck out of here. Decision made.

  “Hmm.” Raul raps his fingers on the desk. “You’re safer returning to your community, and we’re confident that the elders can continue your rehabilitation.”

  “You know nothing about Tigris!” I protest. “They never cooperate with Confederacy.”

  His eyes harden. “We know that the Tigris keep control of their own. The Confederacy only need assurances that you remain within their enclave.”

  My pulse begins to skyrocket. “I’m not going back there. I left once and for a reason.”

  “And caused problems in the outside world, which led you to Ravenhold.” He shakes his head. “We don’t wish to keep Tigris members within Nighthold. Tha
t would be problematic; this solution suits everybody.”

  The chair tips as I violently stand. “I am not going back to the Tigris! They’d fucking kill me.”

  Raul pulls a non-committal face and flips closed the folder. “We have too many residents at Ravenhold. Trouble continues despite all attempts to quell this.”

  He stands too, and I glare while my brain runs at high speed trying to figure my next move. I should’ve got on that fucking boat with Francesca and taken my chances outside again.

  Because if the Tigris get their hands on me, I’m fucked.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I need to find Zeke and Eloise.


  One reason I’d take a risk with Dorian is the lack of control over my life. After years stuck here lost in a haze, I found Eloise but unwanted changes arrived with her, and the lack of control intensified. These changes aren’t only to me, but to events inside the academy.

  I’ve watched and listened through those years and when the other hybrids arrived one by one, I knew the academy had plans.

  My theory about Marcus and Francesca proved wrong—they weren’t linked to any offical policy. Then, I presumed the Confederacy apprehended and brought Ivan here for a reason and that Dominion had background involvement in his arrival.

  Now I’m unsure.

  But what I’ve learned from watching and listening has told me one thing: I no longer exist at the fringes. I’m in somebody’s sights, and that somebody has played their cards.

  Who’s behind the overhaul of Ravenhold? Why so sudden?

  My meeting with Raul shocked me, but nothing should surprise me anymore. Perhaps because he told me I’m on a one-way trip to Nighthold tomorrow. Although Raul didn’t specify this is one way, I’ve no doubt.

  And the other hybrids? Where will Ravenhold send them and when?

  I drag a hand through my hair as I stride through the academy halls, barging from room to room as I track down Eloise and Zeke. Classes finished a couple of hours ago—the pointless classes—and I can’t find them in the common room or half-empty dining hall.


  I finally locate the pair at the far end of the exercise yard on the bench I sit on when I want to breathe. Eloise sits hunched over in the gloomy evening with Zeke standing over her. They’re talking and neither look happy.

  “Ethan.” Eloise stands and flings her arms around me; I hug her close while looking to Zeke. “You both had meetings with Raul?” I ask.

  Zeke’s stony expression doesn’t hide the fear I sense from him and he nods. Eloise clutches me harder and I curse that I can’t save her the way I always dreamed. Instead, Zeke helped on the island and now Dorian is ‘rescuing’ her. But I can wrap her small figure in my arms and offer comfort and safety.

  Eloise isn’t as fragile as she looks—or she won’t be once she reaches her true potential. A power exchange with Dorian can intensify her abilities. The idea sickens me but the act could be necessary to hold Dorian in check.

  Even before Raul’s news, I’d made my decision. If I want to continue to protect Eloise, I need to take part in Dorian and Ivan’s scheme. Protecting her outweighs any fear of the risk to me.

  “Nighthold?” I ask Zeke. He shakes his head. “Where?”

  “Nighthold for you?” he replies as he evades my question.

  “Yeah. Tomorrow.” I stroke Eloise’s soft hair and tip her face upwards. “What’s planned for you?”

  “I don’t know,” she whispers. “I’m to meet Raul again tomorrow.”

  “Fuck. No way,” I mutter. “No way to any of this. What time do we meet Dorian and Ivan?”

  Her lips part. “You’re coming?”

  “There was never any question if you’re going,” I admit.

  Zeke chews his lip and looks back to the building where dim lights shine through the grey into the blackening night. “Something’s brewing. Not one shifter students has been offered a placement with the Confederacy. Kai is extra pissed off after a night in solitary.”

  “Can’t you calm the situation?” I ask.

  His face sours. “I lost control and Dorian is too distracted to step in. With the shit happening between shifters and witches, a group have formed. One that’s planning to teach witches a lesson. Now this Nighthold situation—there’ll be a fucking riot.”

  Eloise pulls away from me. “And where will they take the kids recruited by the Confederacy?”

  I shake my head. “Not my problem.”

  “Ethan! This is people’s lives.”

  “The only lives I care about are mine and yours,” I reply.

  “Wow. Thanks, mate,” mutters Zeke.

  “Yeah. Yours too,” I admit. “You’re a good ally.”

  Zeke laughs, breaking the growing tension. “We’re better together. All of us.”

  Eloise looks away. All of us includes Dorian.

  “The first batch of shifters leave for Nighthold tomorrow,” says Zeke.

  “Why is this sudden?” asks Eloise. “What’s happening?”

  I snort. “Ravenhold corruption. That’s what’s happening.”

  “Confederacy corruption, you mean,” says Zeke. “Something is taking place on the outside and they don’t want shifters involved.”

  “We all know we’re second-class to the vamps and witches. That’s why no shifter sets foot back into their society.”

  “Fuck,” says Zeke. “Okay. We need out, Ethan. Tonight. If the shifters kick off we’ll find ourselves in the middle just because we’re shifters too.”

  Eloise catches my eye and nods so I take a deep breath. “I’m not a shifter.”

  “What? You’re not a witch or vamp. You have shifter vibes.”

  “Zeke. I’m a mid.” He blinks. “Why so surprised?”

  “Uh. Right.” He looks to my hands on Eloise. “Is she safe with you? I mean, how ‘mid’ are you? What mid are you?”

  “Dragon. We don’t have time for this. Come on.”

  “Holy fucking crap. Ethan.” Zeke’s urgency and panic are replaced by a shocked horror. “Has he hurt you, Eloise?”

  “Of course I fucking haven’t,” I snarl at him. “Just leave this. We need to get to Francesca’s classroom.”

  “Does Dorian know?” he asks.

  “No clue.”

  Zeke smirks. “Oh, man. He has a bigger opponent than he thought.”

  “Yes. Me,” says Eloise firmly. “Us. Ethan’s right. Let’s go before anything happens.”

  The shouting and commotion reaches us before we step back into the academy. I halt and place a hand on Eloise’s chest. “Stay out here.”

  “We can’t! There’s no other way through to the classroom,” she protests and shoves my hand aside.

  “Zeke?” I ask.

  “She’s right.”


  With Eloise flanked between us, I shove open the double doors back into the building.

  The hallway is filled with shifter students, some arguing with mids, others taunting witches who’ve stepped out to investigate the noise. Witches and vamps look down from the balconies between floors as the shifters continue to amass.

  “Zeke!” calls out Kai. “C’mon.”

  Kai stands at the front of the throng, others at his shoulder like army commanders with a tight group behind them. He’s shirtless with a tattoo on his left pec—a simple outline of a wolf that the packs brand their chosen leaders with. Now is not the time for him to take on the leadership role denied to him by Ravenhold.

  Almost every guy crammed into the hallway is shirtless, in a display of the strength usually hidden beneath their clothes.

  “This isn’t a good idea,” says Zeke and pushes his way towards Kai. “Don’t give the authorities an excuse to treat you worse.”

  “How can this be worse?” puts in a lanky shifter beside him, whose long brown hair is pulled back from his face and eyes glittering with anger.

  “We force the Confederacy to come h
ere. They can try to take us all on!” puts in another.

  I step forward too. “And they’ll win.”

  “Yeah?” asks Kai. “They’re not expecting our rebellion. We hijack the academy and when they show up on their boats to take us, we’ll fucking take them. Nobody is going to Nighthold.”

  “Where’s Dorian?” I ask. “He won’t allow this.”

  Kai sneers at me. “That guy is full of shit—he won’t be able to take us all on. He’s hiding with the witch arsehole.”

  “Oh, fuck.” Eloise backs away a little as a shifter girl emerges from between two bulky guys and steps towards us.

  The girl’s cheeks are pink beneath her curled red hair and the hostility flows towards Eloise. “And this witch cost me a stint in solitary,” she snarls.

  “Because you half-killed her,” Zeke says and steps between the pair. “Back off.”

  “You’re a fucking traitor,” shouts out Kai. “Siding with the Trinity witch. I bet she isn’t facing life in Nighthold like us.”

  A rumble of agreement spreads around the group.

  “Don’t do this,” I say gruffly. “Tell your guys to back down.”

  Kai tips his chin. “Since when did anybody listen to you, Ethan? Why would we? You’re with the witch too.”

  “Take her!” calls out the girl with red hair and rushes at us.

  She’s fucking crazy. “You go through me first!” I shout back and step in front of Eloise.

  Eloise moves in front of me. “You couldn’t take me on.”

  “Yeah?” The girl steps forward and is immediately knocked back as she hits a barrier that Eloise throws up. “You don’t have a lot of magic. Don’t waste it, witch,” she spits at her.

  “And you can’t shift on the island, guys. You’re not at full strength. Give up,” says Zeke. “C’mon. I don’t want anybody hurt.”

  “We don’t need to shift.” Kai gestures around himself. “Look at how many we are. They can take away our ability to shift but look at the size of us. We have guards on our side too.”

  I can’t fully pay attention because others have joined the shifter girl in staring at Eloise with silent menace. Each time one of them moves, I ready myself to match them. They’re insane if they try to take us on.


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