BBW ROMANCE: Between the Alphas (BBW Romance, BBW Paranormal Romance, BBW Erotica, Paranormal Romance, BBW Romance and Alpha Males)

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BBW ROMANCE: Between the Alphas (BBW Romance, BBW Paranormal Romance, BBW Erotica, Paranormal Romance, BBW Romance and Alpha Males) Page 2

by Jessa Hawke

  As she walked through the door, she found herself in the lobby of one of the biggest publishing firms in Chicago. There was expensive and sophisticated art hanging around the big lobby, with a few paintings strategically placed to draw the attention of newcomers. A few busts of famous orators from the ancient times, like Demosthenes, Cicero and a few others, greeted everyone as they made their way through the halls ways and in between floors in the stairwell.

  Eventually she noticed a waiting area, and walked there to pass the time remaining before her meeting. There she found a leather couch and matching arm chairs, all perfectly arranged around a large coffee table covered with the most recent issues of all the publications from this firm. She started looking through them, trying to get an idea of the kind of work she might be doing.

  Soon she was interrupted by a young woman. “Excuse me, miss,” she said shyly as she approached Thea.

  Thea looked up at her.

  “Are you Ms. Thea Montgomery?” she asked.

  “Yes, that would be me.” Thea said shortly.

  “Please, follow me. Mr. Mateo Amorosi is ready to see you now.”

  Thea didn’t realize how quickly time had flown by. She started following this young woman up the first flight of stairs. After walking another minute or so through the immense corridors, they reached a heavy wooden door which the secretary (at least that’s what Thea thought her position was) opened wide.

  “Mr. Amorosi, this is Ms. Thea Montgomery. She is your newest hire or the editing department.”

  Thea could not see anyone. All she could see was the back of a heavy director’s chair. Suddenly, she heard a powerful voice, apparently belonging to whoever was sitting in that chair.

  “Ok. Thank you, Maggie. You can leave us now for our meeting.” Maggie closed the door behind her as she left, without saying another word.

  “Have a seat, please, Ms. Montgomery,” the same voice commanded.

  Thea sat down in a chair in front of his massive desk, as silent as a mouse. Since she was being addressed by the back of a chair, she didn’t intend to reply to it. She talked to people, not chairs. Instead she started looking around the office, trying to piece together what kind of person Mr. Amorosi was by his interior design choices.

  Suddenly, she hears the chair squeak. Mateo slowly turned around to look at her.

  “I’m Mateo Amorosi. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Montgomery,” he said, reaching his hand out for a handshake.

  “Nice to meet you as well, Mr. Amorosi” Thea replied as she extended an arm to meet his.

  Thea was shocked at how young the man in front of her was. She expected someone at least in his late thirties to be the head editor of such a major publishing company. Instead, she was looking at a man in his late twenties, tall, built, handsome, and with an air of arrogance. He was dressed impeccably, in an expensive black tailored suit, a light blue shirt and a matching tie. The suit, however, didn’t hide his well-developed muscles, or his broad shoulders. They were only enhanced by his fine clothes. His dark brown hair was cut perfectly, not a single hair out of place. His dark green eyes were so deep that she felt that he was looking straight into her soul, and into the most hidden corners of her heart.

  Mateo was looking at her intensely, sizing her up from head to toe. Naturally, his eyes are glued to her ample chest, where he noticed the deep cut of the waistcoat showed off her over-flowing cleavage. He could make out the edges of the sexy black bra that was between her skin and her clothes. Not even trying to divert his stare from her tits, Mateo asks her:

  “So, Ms. Montgomery, you will be joining our firm in the role of junior editor, right?”


  “Why do you think you are the right person for that role?”

  “Well, I have a master’s degree in English from NYU and I have nine years of experience as an editor with a fashion magazine. I love working with the written word, and I think you will be able to see this in the quality of my work.”

  “What else do you love, Ms. Montgomery?” Mateo questioned, gazing lustfully at all of Thea’s curves.

  “I’m not sure I know what you mean…” Thea says hesitantly.

  “Come on, it’s not such a difficult question. What else do you love?”

  “I love reading. I love to travel. I love painting…”

  Mateo interrupts her rudely at this moment.

  “Do you love having sex, Ms. Montgomery?”

  Oh, I’m not sure what this has to do with the job…” she flustered.

  “You are young, you are beautiful. I just want to know if your boyfriend knows how to do his job and keeps you satisfied. You see, I can’t have unsatisfied people working for me, as they start getting frustrated and distracted. I want people who fuck to work for me, happy people, because happy people sell magazines.”

  “Oh, I understand.” answered Thea, feeling her cheeks get red and hot.

  “So, Ms. Montgomery, do you get laid or not?”

  “Um, I literally just moved into town, so not at the moment. But I’m sure this matter can be solved in a few months!” she said quickly with a nervous laugh.

  “Stand up, Ms. Montgomery”

  Thea obeys Mateo and stands up promptly.

  “Turn around for me, please.”

  Thea was shocked by his request, but turns around so he has a perfect view of her shapely ass.

  Mateo was pleased with this opportunity to check her out closer. He was attracted to her, and who wouldn’t be. As he imagined his hands feeling every inch of her body his cock started to harden in his pants.

  Thea continued to turn around, modelling her suit and showing off her sexy body. She turned around slowly, playfully smiling at him and building up the tension in the room. To her surprise, she found herself enjoying this display, realizing her black lace panties were starting to get wet.

  Mateo looked intently at her curves. He loved the way her ass looks in that dark blue skirt. And those legs, they looked like they never ended. But she really won him over with her massive breasts. The waist coat she wore seemed to be almost too small to keep them in their place.

  He soon realized that if she didn’t leave right then, he would not be able to control himself any longer and might do something thoughtless. Therefore, he decided to send her out of his office.

  “Ok, thank you, Ms. Montgomery. My secretary will call you to schedule your orientation. Have a wonderful day.” Mateo said all these things while getting out of his chair and running his hand on her back, leaving it on her waist.

  “Uh, you too,” she said biting her lip and feeling like they had some unfinished business.

  She left Mateo’s office shocked and humiliated, not really believing what had just happened. At the same time, she was horny as hell. Why did she enjoy it so much? Her pussy was drenched and throbbing as she left his office. With every step she felt the fabric of her lace panties rubbing against her clit, reminding her of Mateo’s intense vibe.

  Thea headed home and ordered a pizza for dinner. Every time she thought about her encounter with Mateo, her sex tingled and she could feel her pussy dampening. She realized that Mateo got under her skin. What was it about him that intrigued her so much?

  Thea ate a couple of pieces of pizza, but didn’t have much of an appetite, She headed toward her huge bed waiting for her, and slid between those wonderful satin sheets. She kept thinking about Mateo and what was really behind his behavior earlier. As she slid between the sheets she felt the silky material against her skin as she drifted into a much-needed slumber.


  Thea woke up the next morning with a nasty headache. She looked around the room confused as she didn’t recognize the things around her. Or the lack of things, better said, since most of her stuff was stilled boxed up. She could swear that she had all kinds of crazy dreams all night. She couldn’t remember most of them, but she was fairly sure that she dreamt she was having sex with Mateo.

  Looking at her alarm clock, she
realized it was only 6 am. She tossed and turned for a few minutes and then realized she wouldn’t be able to fall back to sleep. She got out of bed and walked naked to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror, and surprisingly thought she looked pretty damn good. Normally, when she had a headache like this one, she looked a hundred times worse.

  She turned the hot water on and waited for the tub to fill. She poured a generous amount of bubble bath into the tub. She loved lying in the tub, covered in foam. When she eventually got in the tub, she enjoyed the feeling of the hot water around her body, as well as way the smooth porcelain felt on her skin. She was looking at herself in the mirror and she liked what she was seeing. She started feeling better, so she played with the foam, blowing into it and making it float all over the room.

  About an hour later after a good soak, she got out of the tub and started drying herself off. The headache wasn’t so intense anymore, so she decided to go for a walk in the park, since it’s only a fifteen minute walk away. She put on a sweat shirt and a pair of leggings, and headed out the door, determined to enjoy the beautiful day outside.

  At the same time, someone else was just waking up. His name was Keiran Connor. He is a 42 year old CEO of an advertising company. Even though he didn’t necessarily have a fixed schedule, he still ended up working around 70 hours each week. And today was one of those days that already presented itself as an awful day. He barely got any sleep all night long as he kept squirming and rolling from one side to the other.

  Keiran also lived on the 15th floor, next to Thea, who he had no idea is the same girl he saw yesterday in the lobby. As he owned the building, he lives in the penthouse apartment, which he made sure was furnished according to his taste and needs. He has a Spartan style of living, where he kept around him only the things that were absolutely necessary.

  His bedroom also had a huge bed, just like Thea’s, as well as a very spacious wardrobe, where all his clothes were neatly arranged by color. Other than that, the only furniture in the bedroom was a huge plasma TV and his play station.

  These two apartments, Keiran’s and Thea’s, used to be one big apartment that he decided to change into two different living spaces when he bought the building, almost a decade ago. Even though he found such a big place a waste of space, he didn’t change too much as he had fallen in love with the original feel of the place.

  As he woke up, he realized one of the reasons he had woken up in such a crappy mood was that the full moon was coming in a few days. This meant he needed to start doing his monthly preparations for that night. However, for now, he only goes to a locked room, which was entirely empty except for some heavy chains coming out from the center of the floor.

  He looked around the room. All the walls and the whole floor are covered with deep claw marks.

  “I really hate this room! Having to chain myself up like a beast, every single time there is a full moon!” he thought to himself.

  He left the door wide open and walked into the bathroom. He took off his boxers and turned on the hot water, letting it run all over his naked, chiseled body. He felt the tension slowly subsiding, but he knew that it would take a lot more than just a good shower to feel 100%. He got out of the shower 15 minutes later, wondering what to do to make his throbbing head ache go away.

  “Maybe a good run will help,” Keiran thought to himself.

  He put on a t-shirt and some shorts and off he left for the park. As the park is fairly close, he decided that’s here he will do his morning jog and enjoy the sunshine at the same time.

  Keiran got to the park at around 8 am. There were a few people already there, most of them jogging like himself. He chose to follow a trail that was fairly unknown by most people, as it goes through a clump of old thick trees, hiding everything among them from view.

  As he followed the trail, he had to take a sharp turn to the right. He knew this part of the park like his own pocket and he knew no one ever came here at this time of day, so he was paying more attention to the way the sun shone through the leaves of the trees and the birds sang than what was going on in front of him.

  And then it happened; he bumped into someone. At first he felt a pair of huge breasts crushed against his big chest and noticed her scent. It was such a wonderful scent! But he also felt a male’s scent burning his nostrils. It is such a powerful smell, it must be from another werewolf.

  As he looked in front of him, ready to apologize for not paying attention, the words got stuck in his throat. He was looking at the girl he saw in the lobby the day before. She looked even better all sweaty like she was now than she did the day before. She smiled at him, not realizing what was going on with him, and she muttered, barely audible:


  She continued to move on with her brisk walk while he just stood there, incapable to move or say anything. It was like everything else vanished, except for her. He watched her as she moved away, never looking back.

  When he regained his capacity to think and move again, he decided to continue his jog. Keiran soon realized it was pointless though, because his mood for exercise was ruined as that beautiful woman was haunting his every thought. He turned around and headed back to his apartment.

  All the way back, he couldn’t get her out of his mind. What was driving him crazy was that it was the second time in as many days that he saw her and he acted like he was struck by lightning. This was so out of character for him.

  “I am an alpha male!” he thought. “Hell, I am the alpha male of a whole pack of werewolves! How can I act so foolishly around a woman I don’t even know!?”

  This pissed him off, so he decided to call his secretary.

  “Hello, Jane… Yes, I’m fine, thank you. And how are you?... Oh, ok. Listen, something came up, so cancel all my meetings for today. I won’t be coming in at all… Fine… Good bye.”

  He returned to his apartment to try and sort himself out. He realized he was driving himself crazy. And that smell he sensed on her pushed him to the edge. He refused to believe the truth that was staring him right in the face.

  He paced around the apartment like a caged animal. He confronted the truth within himself. He was so attracted to the woman he saw yesterday in the lobby and bumped into in the park today that he cannot think straight any more. He left the apartment and went downstairs to the guard’s desk.

  “There was a woman here yesterday. She has long dark hair, really beautiful body, and I’ve never seen her around before. Whom did she visit here?”

  The guard was looking at him confused.

  “I’m not sure who you are referring to, Mr. Connor.”

  “She was walking out of here at around 1:00 in the afternoon, when I came home to change for a meeting.”

  “Oh, I remember. She is the new tenant who just moved in the loft next to your penthouse. She just arrived yesterday.”

  “Oh, really?”

  Keiran couldn’t believe how lucky he was.

  “What’s her name?”

  “Just a moment. I have her contract in here somewhere.”

  As the guard was searching through his stack of papers, Keiran started drumming his fingers on his desk.

  “You should have those documents in an impeccable order.” Keiran said impatiently

  “Oh, I do, I just…”

  “Save it. I don’t care. If you ever make me wait so long ever again, you’re fired. Now tell me her name already!”

  “Thea. Thea Montgomery.”

  “Is she at home?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Keiran immediately turned his back to the guard and went back to the elevator. He traveled up to the fifteenth floor and returned to his apartment. Immediately after closing his door, he her heels in the corridor and could also hear she was talking on the phone.

  “Sure. Come pick me up in 20 minutes. Yes, that’s the building. Ok, see you then.”

  He was so nervous. He was afraid that once again he wouldn’t be able to say a single word. Plus, he didn’t
have a good enough reason to knock on her door all of a sudden. Not to mention, what could he achieve in 20 minutes? No! He had to wait for her to come back.

  As hours go by, Keiran grew more and more impatient. He finally decided that he would knock on her door with a bottle of Jameson, under the pretext that he wanted to welcome her into his building. Which was in fact true, wasn’t it?

  Thea came back home at around nine o’clock. She was exhausted after a long day of walking around the city, trying to decide what else to buy for her loft, and where to buy it from. She opened the door to her loft and leaned against it, taking her shoes off. She was really happy about her new purchases, and started planning where to put everything.

  She went to a stack of boxes and started digging into it. She eventually found what she is looking for: a large t-shirt and a pair of really short shorts. She slipped into them quickly, and decided to start unpacking.

  After about twenty minutes she heard a knock on the door.

  “Who could it be?” she wondered as she started walking to the door. As she looks through the eyehole, she saw the stranger from the park today. He seemed a little weird, so she decided to play it safe.

  “Hello? What do you want?” she asks.

  “I’m the owner of the building. I also live in the penthouse next door. I thought I’d welcome you and introduce myself since we are going to be neighbors,” Keiran said as he showed her the bottle of Jameson.

  “How do I know you’re not lying?”

  “She’s smart!” he thought to herself. “You can call the guard downstairs and he will confirm everything I just told you.” And that is exactly what Thea did. After the guard indeed described the man standing in front of her door as the owner of the building, she figured she had more to lose by being rude than the opposite, so she opened the door, reluctantly.

  “Come in,” she said. “I’m Thea. I didn’t mean to be rude, but since I’m new to the city and I don’t really know anyone, I don’t really open the door to strangers.”

  “I totally understand. I probably would do the same thing if I were you. I’m Keiran Connor, by the way.”


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