Pleasure Island

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Pleasure Island Page 4

by Michelle M. Pillow

  Chapter Four

  “Mayday, mayday, this is the Captain Jurgen Cuyper. We’ve crash-landed on a remote island. Coordinates unknown. Can anyone hear me? Come in, please.”

  Vaclar rolled onto his stomach, relaxing on the beach as two warm hands massaged his naked length. The naked woman couldn’t hear a thing but the music he pumped into her brain with a simple push of magic. The trick was handy when he was up to his mischief.

  Lifting the handheld unit he’d materialized to answer the endless bout of radio calls from the marooned couple, he frowned. Couldn’t they think of anything better to do on his island than sit in their wrecked vehicles screaming for help?

  “This is Captain Jurgen Cuyper. Come in, please,” Jurgen’s voice repeated.

  Now couple number one was in on the whole distress-call thing. If he ever had to do this again, he was so going to disable their communications devices.

  Ah well, live and learn.

  The buxom redhead’s hands slid along his ass, kneading his muscles. Feeling a bit puckish, he materialized a waitress, bespelling her as well. She carried a tray to him with a martini and a bunch of grapes. Plucking a juicy bulb off the vine, she slipped it into his mouth, smiling prettily.

  Into the handheld, he said, “Captain Jurgen, this is—” He purposefully let the transmission go completely staticky, before adding, “How many are there and is anyone hurt?”

  “Two, and we’re fine, just stranded.”

  “Glad to hear it.” Vaclar used his most serious voice, as he said pretty much the same thing to the pilot that he’d told the sea captain. “We have several aircrafts down right now. Your location is being logged and we’ll get to you as soon as we can. I advise enjoying the beach and having plenty of sex while you wait. That’s what I plan on doing.”

  “I’m sorry? What did you say? Please re-advise, you cut out,” Jurgen said.

  “Repeating, I advise finding shelter. It could be several days before we get to you. Stay put. Do not try to leave the island. I repeat, do not leave the is—” Vaclar ended the transmission in a stream of endless static and tossed the handheld aside, grinning. This little idea of his was proving an interesting diversion. He’d never played matchmaker before and watching couples fuck was one of his favorite pastimes aside from being a thorn in the Powers That Be’s backsides.

  He rolled onto his back, calling forth the wind to blow the sand off his towering cock and naked frame. The massaging hands instantly moved over his thighs, working up over his cock. He groaned, opening his mouth so the waitress could continue to feed him the grapes. His masseuse used both hands to stroke him, twisting them up and down his thick length.

  Vaclar joined his hands behind his head. The woman knew just how to pump her fists and he found himself jerking to release on her fingers.

  * * * * *

  Annette pushed up from her seat, her body achy but everything in working order as she made her way toward Jurgen who was spinning a line of obscenities at the plane. Somehow, he’d managed to pull the wing down, leveling the aircraft out. She’d been too shaken at the time, taking in their surroundings, to notice how exactly he’d accomplished that feat.

  “The radio has gone dead,” he said, confirming what she suspected. “I did get someone, but it was hard to hear everything he said. From what I could make out a lot of planes went down and we’re on some sort of rescue list. Whoever answered the distress call was clearly an amateur. Let’s hope the trained personnel are out looking for downed crafts. It could be a matter of days or weeks, that is if they know where we are. The dispatch didn’t ask for a location. I don’t know, maybe they tracked us before we went down.”

  “Then we’re not much better off than we were,” she grumbled. Annette glanced at the open door and headed that way.

  “At least they know we’re out here. That’s something.” Jurgen touched her hip, leaving her body reacting to him in ways it shouldn’t. “Don’t go far,” he commanded, moving his hand as if she’d burned him.

  Annette huffed and shot him a nasty look as she climbed out of the plane. Her heels sank into the sand and she kicked them off. Sand squished between her toes, easing up and over her pedicured feet.

  The plane was partially shaded under the canopy of trees that sat directly in front of it. Had the plane gone any farther in its landing, they would have struck them for sure. The sight of how close they came to certain death made her shudder.

  She took another step and fell forward, catching herself but tearing her skirt up the side. Annette wiped sand from her hands and stared around. There was nothing but ocean in one direction and dense foliage in the other. She glanced back toward the plane to find Jurgen there, removing his shirt.

  Her mouth watered as she watched his muscles ripple. Tattooed bands circled his biceps. She’d always been a sucker for a man with tattoos. Her ex-boyfriend Frank had none.

  Jurgen turned and her eyes fixed on the light dusting of hair that started below his navel, disappearing under the top of his loose-fitting tan pants.

  “Miss Rowe,” he said, his tone light.

  Her gaze slid to the bulge in his pants and her inner thighs tightened. Never had she seen a man so “gifted” before. He was bigger than the vibrators she’d bought before leaving on the trip and that was damn hard to beat.

  Clearing his throat, he caught her attention. “Miss Rowe?”

  “What?” Her gaze snapped upward as her cheeks flared with heat. “Annette. My name is Annette. Miss Rowe sounds too…” She shrugged.

  A sly smile spread over his ruggedly handsome face. “Anne, do you have any shoes that aren’t spiked and three inches high?”


  The only person who ever called her that was her cousin. Annette almost corrected him but realized she liked hearing him call her Anne—especially when he smiled like that as he said it. “No. All I have are heels. Oh, wait. I might have a pair of sandals in one of my bags, for by the pool.”

  Jurgen mumbled something about pools and the ocean before disappearing into the plane.

  Calling after him, she said, “You know, when I was little, I’d have sworn something supernatural was at play here.”

  “Why?” His voice came from inside, slightly muffled. “You don’t like supernaturals?”

  “I don’t dislike them. Truth be told, I really don’t know any. I know they exist. I know there are small, close-knit clusters of them spread around the world but I haven’t actually come into contact with them. It’s sad when you think about how small the world is now and how ignorant humans are to so very many things,” Annette said loudly so he could hear her. She liked the sound of his voice. It comforted her. “Like if we don’t understand it, we persecute it then wonder why it strikes back. Not that I’m saying they’re violent or anything. I’m just talking.”

  Too much.

  She sighed. “Want me to shut up?”

  “No,” he called out. “I’m interested in your views.”

  “When my cousin Christy and I were little, we’d dream up theories about them. I think we’ve always kind of had supernatural envy.”

  If she wasn’t mistaken, she heard him chuckle in response. Annette glanced around the quiet beach. The sound of ocean waves lapped up on the shore, but there were no birds and no insects from what she could detect.


  Jurgen was gone for a few minutes before Annette realized what he was most likely doing. Going through her bags to get her sandals for her.

  Her pulse sped as she raced toward the door of the plane. She entered just in time to find Jurgen holding a purple butt plug in one hand and package of cock rings in another. He lifted a brow. “These for by the pool too?”

  “No. What? No!”

  He smiled. “You like having things rammed in your ass?”

  Shocked by his words, Annette took a step back and answered the only way she could think to. “Yes.”

  What? Why in the hell did I say yes?

  “I mean, no.”
Her face felt as if it would burst into flames from embarrassment. “I’ve never had anything…well, I haven’t done that yet.”

  Jurgen grinned. “Yet?”

  “How is this your business?”

  His gaze darkened. “Gorgeous, we’re stuck until help comes. We’re all we have so that makes it my business. Don’t tell me you’re not wet for me. I can smell it on you.”

  Her mouth pressed into a straight line.

  Jurgen appeared amused by her reaction. So much so that he eyed the cock rings. “You’re going to need bigger ones if you’re expecting me to wear these.”

  The thick thread of sexual tension hung in the air. Annette tried to ignore it, to push thoughts of what it would be like to be taken by a real man from her mind. It didn’t work.

  His demeanor changed, seeming almost untamed as he tilted his head, sniffing the air. He dropped the cock rings and clutched the seatback. His fingers dug so deeply the leather ripped but Jurgen paid it no heed.

  Annette wanted to whimper at the sheer sight of him appearing so ravenous for her. No man had ever looked at her like he’d die without possessing her. Desire strummed through her body, usurping all else but the yearning for him to be the man to teach her things she wanted to know.

  Something flickered in his gaze and, for a moment, Annette could have sworn his eyes shifted to a deeper shade of turquoise. Whatever happened, it jarred her enough to allow her to regain some impression of control. “Did you find my sandals or not?” she asked, humiliated with herself.

  “Oh, I found them and I found…” he reached into her bag and pulled out one of her vibrators, “this and…”

  Annette tried to dive over him to get at her bag of toys, but her feet slipped. He was stronger and faster than her, catching her before she fell hard against the plane floor. She suddenly found herself on her hands and knees with Jurgen behind her, his arm slung around her waist and the hard press of his rigid cock against her ass.

  She hissed as his erection slipped between the cleft of her ass, causing moisture to flood her sex. Her torn skirt no longer covered her backside, leaving only the lace thong panties she wore exposed to him.

  Jurgen rubbed his cock against her, leaving her clawing at the aisle floor. “So tell me, gorgeous, do you really like things shoved in your ass?”

  She whimpered, unable to think clearly with him as close as he was. She heard him rummaging through her bag and shivered.

  Slipping a finger under her thong, he traced his way to her anus and pushed it in. The slick feel of the tingling lubricant she’d bought eased his way. Annette stiffened, constricting on his finger. He nipped at her shoulder. “This ass is untouched. At least until now, that is.”

  “We can’t…we don’t know…”

  “Baby, the minute I spotted you I wanted to do this, and from the vibes you’ve been letting off since then, you’ve wanted it too. Haven’t you?”


  “Then I vote we celebrate the fact we’re still alive.” He pressed his finger into her more. “By fucking the living hell out of each other.”

  “Oh gods,” she panted, rocking against his finger, enjoying the feel of the intrusion. He added his other hand to the mix, finding her clit and working it as well as dipping a second wet finger into her ass.

  This was too much. She’d never been so bold with a man, let alone a man she’d only just met. It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him to stop but her body picked then to near culmination. Her stomach tightened, as did the hold her dark channel had upon his fingers.

  It was his turn to moan.

  Looking over her shoulder, Annette met his turquoise gaze, captivated with the look in his eyes.



  Jurgen leaned forward, putting their mouths close to one another. Annette let out a shaky breath, her eyelids fluttering shut as their lips made contact once more.

  Focus. You’ve just survived a horrible ordeal and you’re…

  “Ooo.” She tensed as his fingers were replaced by something cold and hard in her ass. It took Annette a minute to realize it was the butt plug he’d been holding. Her body fought against it for a moment before easing, allowing pleasure to build once more.

  Jurgen smiled against her lips. “You like that, don’t you?”

  Nodding, Annette tongued him again. Gods, the man tasted divine.

  The minute he went for the top of his shorts, she tensed. “S-shots? Are you up to date on your shots?”

  He lifted his brows, gave the slightest of nods and continued undoing himself. “I’ve wanted to do this for days—from the moment you walked into my life wanting a pilot.”

  Annette squirmed against the feel of the butt plug in her ass. Jurgen took hold of his cock with one hand. He wasted no time, offering no frills as he thrust into her ready pussy. He rammed so hard his low abs struck the butt plug along the base to send an intense wave of pleasure throughout her ass and sex.

  She screamed, partially from the pain of having something the size of Jurgen within her and partially from the thrill of it all. Never before had she felt so alive, and the irony that it took almost dying to bring her to the point wasn’t lost on Annette.

  She tried to move forward, wanting to get away but stay all at the same time. It made no sense. Nothing about what she was doing did.

  That was part of the allure.

  Jurgen thrust wildly.

  She clawed at the aisle floor, her body shaking with need. She was so close to coming. So close to bliss.

  Jurgen took hold of Annette’s hips, yanking her back as he thrust forward. A niggle in the back of his mind started but he ignored it, focusing on the task at hand—fucking the beautiful woman on her hands and knees before him.

  Gods, she was divine. Seeing her ass pucker around the butt plug, her tight cunt grasping his cock, was nearly his undoing. He wanted to explode.

  He was better than a randy boy getting a piece of ass for the first time. Hell, his bedroom abilities were something women praised him about. Yet here he was, struggling to keep from coming when he’d really just started. Annette felt so good. Her pussy clung to his shaft, drawing it back in, demanding more of him.

  Gritting his teeth, Jurgen tried to clear his head of any thoughts. Annette’s upper body went down, touching the cabin floor, tilting her ass upward, deepening his angle. Jurgen roared, slamming into her so hard he moved her forward slightly. Yanking her back to him, he continued, his cock throbbing.

  He reached around and rubbed her clit. Annette tensed and then screamed out his name. “That’s it, gorgeous. Come on me.”

  And she did.

  Jurgen slammed into her, holding firm as seed jetted forth from him. His body shook with the intensity of it all. There was something about the woman before him. Something he was afraid to think deeper on.

  He concentrated on her. On how amazing it felt to be within her.

  She panted, putting her forehead to the floor. “Ohmygod, that was…it was…”

  “Not over yet,” Jurgen responded, withdrawing from her before slowly easing the butt plug from her ass.

  Annette whimpered. “Not over? I can’t possibly take any more right now.”

  Concern lanced his chest. “Did I hurt you? Was I too rough?”

  She twisted around, taking a seat before him in the cramped area. Her gaze met his. “It was rougher than I’ve ever had before. Yes.”

  “Anne, I’m sorry. I should have been more careful with you. You’re human and—”

  Her eyes widened. “I wasn’t done talking before you interrupted. I was trying to tell you that it may have been rougher than I’ve ever had but it was also the best I’ve ever had.” She narrowed her eyes. “Why did you point out the fact I’m human? That’s not something another…” She gulped. “You’re not human, are you? Your eyes. I thought I saw them shift before. I wasn’t imagining that, was I?”

  “No. I’m not human. I’m a were-tiger. A white tiger to be exact.” J
urgen waited for her to panic, to be sickened by the knowledge she’d allowed an animal into her body.

  Annette inched forward, going to her knees and putting her as close to eye-to-eye as she was going to get with him. She touched his cheek gently and Jurgen’s entire body answered. “For a split second,” she said, “you looked far away. Sad even. Why? Do you have someone else?”

  He tensed, wrapping his arms around her slender waist. “If I did, I wouldn’t be here now.” He dropped his head lightly, putting it to hers. “I thought you’d freak out about me and what I am.”

  A slow smile pulled at her lips. “If I admit to having major supernatural envy right now, will it make me look like less of a person?”

  Chuckling, he kissed her temple. “No, gorgeous. It won’t.”

  “Jurgen,” she lowered her voice, “I do have one issue to bring up.”

  “Yes?” he asked tentatively.

  “The floor is killing my knees. Can we find a softer place before we make love again?”

  Make love?

  Normally, the very sound of those words falling from a woman’s lips left Jurgen hightailing it in the other direction as fast as he could. Hearing Annette say them had the exact opposite effect.

  He pulled her even closer to him and pressed his lips to hers.

  Oh, he most certainly would be making love to her again and again and again if he had any say in the matter. In fact, keeping her for all time sounded just fine to him.

  Claim her.

  He hesitated in their kiss as his inner voice urged him to do something it never had before—take a woman as his mate. By rights, he should have been worried. Hell, terrified at the idea of strapping himself to one woman.

  He wasn’t.

  He broke their kiss and smiled. “Mmm, how about I take a seat in one of these chairs and you climb up on me. I very much want to suck on your nipples while you ride me.” He skimmed his fingers over her nipples. “You have the most perfect breasts I’ve ever seen.”

  “Seen a lot of them?”

  He pinched her nipples lightly. “I’m a smart enough man to know answering that will get me in a heap of trouble. How about we just acknowledge the fact it’s yours I’m playing with and yours I want in my mouth?”


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