Skybound Satanists

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Skybound Satanists Page 15

by Spark, Luc

  Domodedovo International Airport, Moscow Oblast, Russia, 1981

  With his leave confirmed and signed for by his superior Jürgen was making his long and tedious journey to reunite with his old university friend. The words contained within the letter had been too powerful and difficult to ignore. The main concern Jürgen had was what kind of remuneration Marcello would be offering to secure Jürgen’s services as a bio weapons specialist … if that’s what Marcello was after it was hard to fathom exactly what Marcello’s dilemma was simply from the limited amount of wordage he had bothered to pen to Jürgen.

  Sat in the departure lounge and beginning to feel a sense of borderline excitement and a smidge of anxiety Jürgen was keeping his eye steely gazed on the flight boards. He did not wish to suffer a delay to his Aeroflot flight to Milan. It was roughly three and a half hours and in cramped conditions in economy class, this he was without no doubt not looking forward to. The departure lounge bar had served him up a few Rodnik Vodkas which had become one of his favorites during his time in Siberia. This had the intended effect of loosening his nerves somewhat, but he could still not fully relax until he was off the plane in Italy. Sat across from him was a whole contrast of individuals ranging from young girls in miniskirts and tight tops to old duffers in Cossack hats and huge coats.

  These old gentleman looked so old one could imagine them being the original Cossacks of the fourteenth century; time had not been kind to them. Soon enough and right on schedule, a Tupolev Tu-154 with the Aeroflot livery began to pull into the airport apron and began the slow unloading and refueling process. This was Jürgen’s designated aircraft for his flight to Milan. Within a few hours, he would be up in the clouds and on his way. He decided to get up and stretch his legs for a little while; the first port of call was the gent’s toilets as he was desperate for a piss. The Rodnik vodka had cut through his bladder and was making his prostate gallop around like a champion show jumping horse. Once at the gent’s bogs he found the nearest urinal to the exit door and began his vodka fuelled piss.

  “Ahhh is good,” he said in relief

  Next to him was a well built, big bearded and smelly man who began to cast his eye downwards towards Jürgen’s genitalia, and to cap it off he met our scientists stare and gave a rather seductive wink then came the icebreaker.

  “The vodka runs through a human like a speeding bullet yes comrade, perhaps we go for a drink after we are done да?”

  This was the cue for Jürgen to zip up his trousers not even attempt to wash his hands in the soap dispenser and shoot off out of this restroom before things got taken to the next level. He made his way very hastily back to the chairs facing the departure screen.

  ‘That’s it I am sitting down and not moving until it’s time to board, I just want to get to Italy and not a moment too soon now’ Jürgen thought to himself. He felt his face turning red as he shuddered at the thought of what that queer like Russian was trying to insinuate. The thought had to be shaken off fast as he could not afford himself to ponder on such unnerving notions; he remedied this by having a good old ogle at the young mini skirt girls. Then came the announcement

  “Ladies and Gentleman the Aeroflot flight 24XX to Milan is now ready to board, please gather up your hand luggage and present your boarding pass to the representative at the gate!”

  Jürgen presented his boarding pass and made his way down the jet bridge, some young kids ran past him in excitement whooping and singing. He gave a frown as this was going to be the standard of what he was going to have to put up with on his flight, after all, it was economy class. Once he entered the aircraft he made his way to his designated seat, opened the overhead storage bin and secured his luggage.

  This was it there was no turning back now, time to locate Marcello and get some questions answered.

  35,000 Feet Above Austrian Alps-Bound For Milan, Italy, 1981

  The Aeroflot flight had been relatively carefree for Dmitri. The flight attendants had been most professional and personable in their duties. Despite being cramped in economy there were no situations that had been able to cause Dmitri any concern. He had been fortunate to get the window seat which was his personal preference, the reason being so he could keep a beady eye on the engines and alert the cabin crew if anything appeared untoward. One particular flight attendant female had also been catching his beady eye. A petite and dark haired beauty who flashed teeth so white and bright you could land planes with her smile. His eyes noticed she had no engagement ring on her left ring finger, so this could suggest that she was single and on the market so to speak.

  He contemplated whether it would be even marginally possible to engage in some mile high antics with her, a somewhat unconventional form of ‘customer service’ if you will.

  Right on cue, a juvenile who was seated behind him began to kick the back of his seat in a regular procession.

  ‘Ok stay calm and stay cool yes’ Dmitri told himself

  The snotty little ratbag carried on his foot assault of Dmitri’s seat, however as luck would have it the kid’s mother took action.

  “Sergei stop doing that at once, that’s very rude to the gentleman in front” she scolded

  This was all that was needed to halt the little twerp’s misdemeanors, and once again the flight was highly sufficient. Even the in-flight meal had not been too shabby. Chicken with cucumber, ham, olives and some baked bread. All served in a handy white polystyrene tray. For dessert it had been a choice between a slice of carrot cake or sticky toffee pudding. Dmitri had elected not to drink at the airport as he wanted to keep a clear head as he was heading into the unknown. The usual duty-free trolley had been doing its rounds up and down the aisles, again the petite and attractive dark haired flight attendant had been catching his gaze with her alluring wiggle as she walked the trolley to ask the other passengers if they wished to buy some duty-free liquor.

  Time was ticking on and with that came the seatbelt signs in readiness for the approach to landing. Turbulence had been surprisingly not too bad considering the long flight over the Alps. The plane began its final approach vector and the co-pilot got the all clear to land at Milan – Malpensa-runway 17L/35R. The weather was ideal for landing with clear visibility and dry conditions.

  Once landed the aircraft performed a textbook taxi to the airport apron and it was time to for all the passengers to disembark. The captain gave the announcement

  “Ladies and Gentlemen on behalf of everybody at Aeroflot Airlines, I would like to thank you for choosing us to get you to your destination and we are looking forward to seeing you on board with us again. Have a nice day (хорошего дня)”

  Dmitri gathered up his luggage from the overhead storage bin and proceeded to head to the aircraft exit door. Such a shame he could not see through his fantasy with the flight attendant but every cloud has a silver lining because there she was about to wish him all the best for his future journey. Those pearly white teeth on display set in a face as beautiful as a Roman goddess. Dmitri made his rather forward but confident and slick move.

  “Thank you so very much for your exceptional service my darling, do you have a survey card I can fill out at the airport interior? .I would very much like to heap praise on your professionalism and courtesy, and if it’s okay with you I will give you my business card. We can talk about airline developments and the current state of the makeup industry, I am a very keen journalist who is desperate for my first big headline story. The paper I work for pays very handsomely for cutting edge information and judging by your exquisite presentation I think you have good knowledge yes?”

  This was, of course, a complete fallacy but it had the desired effect, the flight attendant gave a slight blush and a girly giggle and took Dmitri’s card.

  He made his way passed the other attendants nodding to them in mutual goodbyes, headed on through the jet bridge and into another airline honey, this time it was the departure gate representative. She was also of pleasant and visually pleasing demeanor “Greet
ings sir may I see your passport?” she enquired.

  Once through immigration it was now a case of wondering what to do next, Marcello’s letter had not given any specific instructions on what to do upon arrival. He decided to head to the airport coffee shop and gather his thoughts; this was sheer impulsive behavior coming here that could end up being a catastrophic mistake. Perhaps he should have just stayed at the frosty impeller after all it was honest work despite the crap pay.

  With the delightful aroma emanating from his freshly poured cup of coffee came a sudden tap on the shoulder.

  “Signor Dmitri,” said an athletic looking olive toned man in a well-laundered suit.

  “Yes that’s me how can I be of assistance?” replied Dmitri

  “Please if you will follow me outside we have a car waiting for you” The suited guy pointed to the direction of the drop off area. Once outside Dmitri had to contain himself for a moment as there before him in all its elegance was a Lamborghini Countach. As red as the Soviet flag

  ‘Whoever this Marcello guy is he certainly has a sense of style and taste, not to mention some obvious financial clout’ Dmitri warranted.

  If this was the state of things to come then life was going to become a lot more preferable indeed.

  Castle Dracula, Romania, 1460

  The return to the castle was swift and Viorel was feeling somewhat miffed at his failure to find the scroll. With Thomas in tow and lapis lazuli left outside the castle walls to graze, Viorel made his way back to the throne room. Upon entry, he was met by Dretore and the mage who broke the ice.

  “Ah young vampire how did you fare in your quest?”

  “Not too favorably I’m afraid, the supposed location turned up nothing of interest, it was a red herring we have been duped by the powers that be, it was a complete and utter waste of time!” Viorel snapped.

  Hearing the discontent in Viorel’s voice produced a frown on the mages face.

  “I can understand your frustration but it looks like you have made a new friend”

  The mage was referring to Thomas the rock lover; this, in turn, encouraged, even more, angst from our young vampire.

  “You cannot be serious Thomas here is merely an associate who has decided to aid me due to his life being a complete travesty,” said Viorel.

  Thomas felt a huge feeling of dejection and humiliation wave over him like a tsunami. With this, he about turned and walked out of the throne room and headed off to the armory. Viorel realized that he had just been very obnoxious and abrupt, it made him memorize when he first got turned by Kristen and was desperate for acceptance from the vampire coven. The mage put him straight

  “Listen perhaps this was meant to happen, the Alset may have wanted you to first acquire an associate and your steed before you succeed in your quest to actually discover the scroll, I would not lose too much heart Viorel because we have an update for you”

  Dretore decided to make his contribution to this meeting. It was time to deliver the update that would set Viorel on a new path.

  “The Alset have delivered to us updated scripture channeled through our top mystic, this we believe to be far more accurate in locating the scroll than the last. I sympathize with what you experienced on your previous quest but I ask you for one more attempt, if this turns out to be a dead end then we will drop the whole prophecy as being nothing more than a fairy tale. Please, Viorel make this rejuvenated mission for the honor of the coven. The new coordinates given to us are pointing to the Acropolis of Athens and the time period is in our own exact time”

  Sincerity and valor were two of Dretore’s most stand out traits. The throne room was filled with apprehension as to whether Viorel would see the bigger picture and the sheer greater good that would come if he could fulfill the prophecy and indeed ensure mankind’s survival. Without the blood of man and woman then the vampires would be subjected to having to feed off cattle and wild animals.

  Viorel gave a huge sigh and shook his head.

  “I still to this day do not fully understand why I am deemed a chosen one, why I got turned in the first place, why it is solely down to me to locate this scroll. So much has happened in a short time period, my brain sometimes feels like it is being crushed or someone is hammering it on an anvil trying to forge it into a new shape. Despite all this, I value your friendships and I value the honor of the coven. So I will go and find Thomas as I owe him an apology. Once I have performed that duty I will saddle up Lapis and make this renewed quest I just sincerely hope that this time it comes to fruition”

  Those were the words that the coven wanted to hear, indeed the prophecy regarding Viorel seemed to be true. A lesser being may have decided to throw in the towel and reject all notion of the scrolls existence, but Viorel was proving that he had spunk and a general tenacity and rugged determination to get the job done. He made his way to the castle’s armoury and stumbled quite literally into Thomas who was knelt on the floor weeping softly. Thomas looked around

  “Good Sir I am sorry for burdening you with my presence, I know I am not of noble blood or warrior making. I was just a simple Bucharest accountant with a wife and pet ant eater, I lost my mind and retreated to that horrid cave and perhaps I have slowed down your quests progression and if that’s the case I offer deep apologies”

  Viorel cut him short” Thomas I am indeed sorry myself for acting like a jumped up twerp, I remember when I was first turned and how frightened I was that I may never have friendships or family again. In my salvation, the vampires have taken me in as one of their own. It could very easily have gone the other way if it was not for this Alset prophecy which I have to count on being gospel. So I have to count my lucky stars that I am still able to think and walk this green earth. I am not to take anything for granted and that includes you…my friend Thomas”

  Thomas got up off his knees and in his eyes was tears of joy and relief; could the damage that had been projected onto him be undone with enough brotherly love?

  Could he dissolve his rock formation perversion and become a jolly good footman or toady if you will?

  Well, for now, the two of them embraced and gathered up some more supplies and walked on out to the castle stables where lapis lazuli was having a much-needed drink of water. Lapis agitated once again said

  “For the love of anything holy, what do you two want from me now? Can you not see I am perfectly content with my current surroundings? This water is sufficient for a horse like me. It’s not quite up to the standard that I was used to till you came crashing into my life but it will suffice. Now, will you just leave me be for a little while?”

  Viorel was in no mood for an insubordination from his surly steed and made this very clear.

  “Lapis we have been charged with a fresh and updated quest, we are to travel to the acropolis of Athens, however, we do not have to time travel at this juncture. This is merely a location hop. We need you now, as this scroll is highly important to the race of vampires. I ask of you to finish up drinking and be ready to make haste”

  Lapis gave a disgruntled huff and assumed his position ready to be mounted. The renewed search was at hand.

  Milan Cathedral, Milan, Italy 1980

  Many months had passed since Marcello’s turning and return to priesthood life. During this time he had amassed a highly loyal following amongst his congregation. The flock had no idea what lay behind the eyes of the preacher who welcomed them into his parish.

  Only a select few had been made aware of Marcello’s true identity, and with this, they had become part of his small but growing army of foot soldiers. He was gaining influence and power on a daily basis and was selecting Lucifer army candidates from people who had no strong family ties or commitments, coupled with initiates from positions of financial wealth and business prowess. The goal was clearly laid out to him from the satanic cult; recruit in a stealthy like fashion as to not expose him and the cult, as this would have far reaching repercussions resulting in their annihilation from the hands of every major rel
igion in the world.

  Exposure can only be sanctioned once they had sufficient numbers of souls willing to likely die for the Beelzebub movement. The most notable of his newly found followers goes by the name of Lodovico Rossi a nearby car dealership owner. This afforded Marcello particular privileges, remarkably the extraordinarily exclusive usage of Lodovico’s most pristine luxury supercars. Everything was in this glass fronted dealership from Lancias to Ferraris and Lamborghinis.

  It was time for Sunday services and Marcello was about to give his latest sermon. Signor Rossi was now his right-hand man and was in the inner circle of the cult.

  “Tell me father have you managed to track down Jürgen?” said Signor Rossi

  “Indeed I have my aides within the cult have helped me to establish a pinpoint on him over east in Siberia,” said Marcello in riposte.

  “So what is the plan now then father, how are you going to lure him in and secure his services?” asked Signor Rossi

  Marcello replied “I am going to write to him and using very carefully selected words hopefully entice him to meet with me and join our cause. Word has also reached me of a Russian based, brilliantly naturally gifted telekinesis exponent who can enhance our strength further. The pieces are falling into place all we need carry on doing is exercising extreme caution until the moment is right”.

  “Father if you need to impress upon our future recruits may I suggest one of my gorgeous red Lamborghinis pick them up in at the airport assuming that’s how you intend on bringing them here,” Signor Rossi said in a generous tone.

  “Signor Rossi that is very generous indeed, Lucifer will reserve a special place for you in the afterlife. Who could not be bowled over with awe with such a gesture”?

  Talking between the two demon worshippers was to cease as services were now to begin so it was time for Marcello to once again put on his fake public persona and take to the pulpit.

  “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all”


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