Cross My Heart (Heroes of Seaside Point Book 2)

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Cross My Heart (Heroes of Seaside Point Book 2) Page 10

by Mia Dymond

  “Yeah? Well, you did a great job.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Several hours later, the crowd finally dispersed and Travis locked the gate. The only thing left to do was clean the kitchen.

  After everyone gathered in the kitchen, Verity grabbed a dish towel and snapped Travis on his backside. “You wash, I’ll dry.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  She had just picked up a platter when her cell phone rang from the depths of her pocket. She glanced at her watch, sure it was the hospital when she noted the time. Except, that wasn’t the case when she read the caller ID.

  “Unknown caller,” she told her friends.

  Casey nodded. “Put it on speaker.”

  She pressed the icon and then answered. “Dr. Thomas.”

  “Hello, Verity. Did you think I’d given up?”

  Fear brushed the back of her neck. “No, Richard. Your call doesn’t surprise me at all.”

  “I need to see you. Why won’t you meet me so we can talk? We have a lot to discuss.”

  “No, we don’t. Besides, you’re violating your parole by calling me.”

  Anger shook her hands. Travis reached for one and squeezed it in support.

  “The longer you wait, the worse it’s going to be.” Richard continued.

  “Why can’t we just talk over the phone? If what you have to say is so important, tell me now.”

  “No. I have to see you in person.”

  “That’s not possible.”

  “It is possible. And it’s important. Your life depends on it.”

  “I said no, and I mean it.”

  She quickly disconnected, tempted to turn off the device. Duty, however, kept her from doing so. Her phone was the only connection she had to the hospital.

  She took a deep breath and attempted to relax. “I should have changed my number.”

  “It wouldn’t have mattered.” Casey shook his head. “Odds are, he would have gotten your new one.”

  “I’m sorry I ruined your party.” Verity looked first at Casey then at Annessa.

  Annessa pulled her into a hug. “Don’t be silly. You didn’t ruin anything. It was a great party. Besides, I caused my sister’s bakery to burn.”

  Vanessa giggled. “Stop it, both of you. I can’t wait until that lunatic is back behind bars where he belongs.”

  “I just hope he doesn’t hurt any of you before then.”

  “He won’t.” Casey gave her shoulder a squeeze. “It’s only a matter of time before we get him.”

  Lexi put the last of the dishes away then grabbed her purse and keys. “Clean-up is done and I’m beat. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

  Maverick followed her to the back door. “I’ll go with you.”

  Lexi turned on him. “Wait, what?”

  He grinned. “I’ll follow you home.”

  “That won’t be necessary. I’ve been going home alone for years.”

  “Go,” he told her. “You’re letting the moths inside.”

  Although Lexi left the kitchen, Verity heard her arguing with Maverick most of the way across the yard.

  Each twin gave her a hug and Travis a kiss on the cheek as they left.

  Travis folded her into his arms. “Let’s go to the bedroom and get our minds on much more pleasant things.”

  He wasn’t going to get an argument from her. After the last week, she’d gladly forget all about Richard Danforth.

  They stepped into the living room and she paused to take in the décor. “What’s all this?”

  “Seduction, Dupree style.”

  “You did this?”

  “No, my sisters are responsible. Apparently, they think I don’t have a romantic bone in my body. Do you want to go somewhere else?”

  “No! This is nice and besides, the twins went to a lot of trouble.”

  He stepped close and placed both hands on her hips. “Good because I am one hundred percent sure we won’t be disturbed here.”

  “Especially now that we don’t have secrets.”

  He cupped her chin in his hands and tilted back her head until their gazes were locked tightly. “Oh baby, I have a feeling you’re full of secrets – and I intend to uncover each and every one.”

  “And what if I want to keep them hidden?”

  “You don’t.”

  His look of pure arrogant male sent desire racing through her veins – truth serum that opened her lips and her heart.

  “Bet you can’t find them.”

  “I can.”

  He moved his lips to the crook of her neck and suddenly warmth penetrated her skin and heated her blood. Goosebumps danced from beneath his lips and down her body, causing a shiver to climb her spine and kickstart a desperate hum between her legs.

  “No fair,” she groaned.

  He lifted his lips and a low chuckle caused that hum to become a vibration. “You issued the challenge. By the way, Annessa said you bought something red.”

  “Annessa has a big mouth.”

  “Although I’d really like to let you blame her, I can’t. I was eavesdropping.”

  She lifted an eyebrow in a mock reprimand. “How rude.”

  “So I’ve been told,” he muttered.

  “Do you want to see it?”

  “Most certainly.”

  “Three minutes. Meet me in the bedroom. Naked.”

  She headed for the master bathroom without a doubt in her mind that the red light special was already there, ready to be draped over her body. And as soon as she closed the door and kicked off her shoes, she spotted the nightie folded neatly on the vanity.

  Less than a minute later, she stood in front of the mirror, wearing the negligee and admiring the way it fit her body. She smirked. Although she knew Travis would enjoy it, it was a shame that the garment wouldn’t stay on long.

  She loosened her hair from the clip that held it tightly back from her face. The tresses fell in waves, grazing the tops of her shoulders and finally resting at the middle of her back. She lifted both hands and combed through both sides with her fingers until she achieved a messy, wind-blown look sure to drive Travis crazy. Then, unable to wait any longer, she opened the door, stepped out into the bedroom, and lost her breath.

  Travis lay on the bed with his chest bare and his hands buckled behind his head while the hardened planes of his pectorals beckoned her to touch. And although a pesky white sheet draped his lap, it rested low enough to display his sharply-cut obliques.

  She drew her tongue across her bottom lip in an effort to maintain some sort of poise. Self-discipline forced her to remain in place; wanton desire demanded she rip the silk from her body, untangle the sheet from around him, and then ride the wild stallion until they were both saddlesore.

  “Verity.” Travis loosened his hands from behind his head and sat up, rippling those staircased abs as he did so. “Come to bed.”

  As if glamoured by a vampire, she walked to the edge of the bed and waited for his next command, oh so very willing to obey. And she didn’t have to wait long.

  He scooted away from the edge and patted the sheet. “Lie down.”

  With her body still vibrating with excitement, she sat next to him, swung her legs around, and then sank into the comfort of the mattress and the warmth of his body. As soon as she lay prone, he braced his head on one elbow, rolled her to face him, and draped one of her legs over his hip.

  “Sexy,” he murmured as his gaze scanned her body from shoulder to hip.

  Unable to control herself any longer, she pushed him flat to his back and moved her lips to his chest, closing them around a patch of skin just over his right pectoral and then sinking in her teeth, sucking and nibbling until she was certain she’d branded him.

  He hissed under his breath as she drew her tongue across the tender skin, licking in an effort to soothe the sting. And then she felt him, long, hard, and heavy as he pressed his groin against her stomach.

  Lost in the incredible ecstasy
of his reaction to her touch, she moved her free hand between his legs and took the muscle in hand, sliding her fist up and over the head and then down around the base and back again.

  “Yeah,” he said over a whisper as he thrust his hips. “Stroke it, baby.”

  She answered with a moan, his encouragement tightening her hold and speeding her tempo. The power in his thrust taunted her libido to the extent of pain. Incredible heat enveloped her body. Moisture rushed from her body.

  “So hard,” she whispered as she continued to pull, her rhythm just enough to keep him teetering somewhere she meant to be between extreme pleasure and torturing pain.

  He answered with a grunt and then his hand covered hers, stopping the motion. “No more.”

  “Oh?” She batted her eyelashes several times in succession. “Can’t take it, Captain?”

  In an instant she lay flat on her back with Travis braced on both elbows above her.

  Travis looked down between his arms and gave Verity a grin he hoped would disguise his desperation. Her tiny hands on his over-stimulated dick were just too much to handle right about now – he just wasn’t willing to admit it.

  “I can take it, Doc.” He lowered his mouth and drew his tongue along the creamy tops of both of her breasts before lifting his gaze back to her. “Question is, can you?”

  “Of course.”

  One look at that challenging little smile on her face was all it took – he never backed down from a challenge.

  He eased to one side and flicked the tiny strap looped around one shoulder. “Off.”


  “Are you stalling?”


  “Then take it off.”

  She lifted a hand and he took it, pulling her to a sitting position, hoping to hell she’d remove the blasted thing in the next few seconds. He hadn’t lied when he told her it was sexy – it was just about the sexiest thing he’d ever seen on her body – it just happened to be in the way.

  She moved her hands to the hem of the gown, grasped the edges, and then tilted her head to one side. “I’d rather you do it.”

  “Gladly.” He wasted no time in grasping the silk in both fists and lifting it up and over her curves until he finally tossed it beside the bed. “Better.”

  He leaned back over her and flicked his tongue over her plump bottom lip until finally catching it between his teeth and nibbling just enough to make her gasp. Intent on making her just as desperately crazy as he, Travis plunged his fingers into hair and then claimed her lips in a wet, thorough kiss that made his cock pound. His tongue tangled with hers, stroked and explored until her chest rose and fell in an accelerated rhythm. No doubt about it, Dr. Thomas was just definitely locked and loaded. And he’d barely touched her.

  He lifted his lips from hers. “Ready to give up?”

  “No,” she answered on a breathy whisper.

  He moved his gaze to her breasts, her nipples ripe, red, and ready. Tempting him like forbidden fruit. Dipping his head, he drew one swollen tip into his mouth and suckled her. Long and hard and … sweet. So damned sweet. She released a soft moan and then arched her back off the sheets while she pressed on the back of his head until his mouth was almost entirely full of the creamy flesh.

  Every nerve in his body shook with the urge to give in and admit he couldn’t take the sweet torture. Hell, she had him strung so tight his only thought was to climb over her and plunge into her warm, wet heat.

  Determined to gain some sort of control, Travis lifted his mouth from her breast and moved his tongue down the hollow of her cleavage while he reached between her legs and stroked the top of her mound. She bucked beneath his touch and that cock-squeezing moan left her mouth again.

  Out of desperation – his or hers, he didn’t know – he moved his index finger down the length of her clit in a soft, teasing touch until he finally reached her opening. He moved his finger in several small circles around the sensitive flesh. She raised her hips in a silent request for more.

  “Do it, Travis,” she hissed.

  “Do what?”

  “Touch me.”

  “I am touching you.”

  “Inside!” She released a hard sigh. “God, I am so weak. Please, just touch me.”

  “You’re not weak, baby.” He inserted his finger and massaged the needy flesh inside her body with a smooth in-and-out motion. “I’m right there with you.”

  Her body pulsed in response and moisture coated his finger as he continued to stroke. “You’re close, sweetheart. You just need a little more.” He gently added his middle finger to the mix.

  “Travis,” she moaned. “You are so good at this.”

  He snickered while he continued to stroke the swollen muscles with his glistening fingers, not really concerned about his skill. All he cared about at this moment was her pleasure, and if the tight suction around his fingers was any indication, it wouldn’t be long before she fell apart around him. And, if she wanted to reward him after that, he wouldn’t complain.

  Her body tightened on the very next stroke and she released a desperate little mew.

  “Let me have it, Verity.”

  That was all it took. Verity took a deep breath and then released a soft, satisfied sigh. The muscles made one more hard pull on his fingers and then pulsed like a rapidly beating heart.

  “Beautiful,” he told her as he removed his fingers from her body and then positioned himself on his knees over her.

  His dick screamed for satisfaction, extremely pissed off that his fingers were the first to penetrate her. He leaned forward and squeezed closed his eyes while he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, thankful that protection was not an issue between them. In his current state of mind, he wouldn’t have the control to wait long enough to cram on a condom.

  He braced himself on his elbows and very gently entered her, the muscles still tight from his recent assault. He swore he heard his cock sigh in relief.

  God have mercy.

  He began an easy tempo, one he thought might keep him under some sort of control, but when she slipped a hand between them and squeezed his balls, that tempo accelerated of its own accord.

  “I hope you’re ready again.” He raised himself to his knees and grasped her thighs when she squeezed her legs around him.

  “I am.”

  He stroked at a furious pace, holding on to the feeling of utter content as long as he could, and then he lost all sense of time and place. The explosion originated low in his belly, driving pleasure out through his cock. Pure, unadulterated bliss. And somewhere in the midst of the fog of ecstasy, he felt her follow - suck him impossibly further into the abyss.

  Once he separated their bodies, he laid beside her, covered them both with the sheet, and then pulled her back against him. She took his hand and braided their fingers.

  “Sleep,” he told her.

  He lay behind her and closed his eyes, content just to hold her for the night. He drifted in and out of consciousness for what seemed like hours, still bothered by the fact that Danforth had contacted her again. If he wanted to kill her, why was he so insistent on talking to her? Not that he knew any, but common sense told him that most murderers didn’t want to talk to their victims before they killed them. The only other thing he figured was that Danforth was simply trying to lure Verity to him alone. Like that would ever happen.

  Just about the time he drifted off again, his eyes sprung open at the piercing sound of a smoke alarm. Smoke tickled his nostrils.

  Verity sat straight up in bed. “What’s that?”

  He fought the sheet until he jumped out of bed and into his jeans. “Smoke alarm.” He threw his t-shirt across the bed. “Put it on and let’s go.”

  “Go where?”

  He sprinted around the bed and crammed the t-shirt over her head, relieved that it touched the top of her knees. “Outside. Obviously, there’s a fire somewhere in the house.”

  He grabbed his cell phone from the nightstand as they left the bedro
om, dialing the Fire Department and then Dane.

  He paused outside the living room. “You go on out the back. I’ll see what’s on fire.”

  “You’re a fireman, for Pete’s sake! Don’t you know better than to look for fire?”

  “Verity, go. I know what I’m doing.”

  “No, I’m not leaving without you.”

  He ran a hand over the top of his head while he looked down the hallway, opposite the room they’d just exited. Smoke billowed from one of the guest bedrooms. “We don’t have to look any further. It’s one of the bedrooms on the outside wall.”

  They exited the back door just as sirens screamed in the darkness.

  In what seemed like hours later, Travis stood with Dane, thankful that the house hadn’t been a total loss. The twins stood near with Verity sandwiched between them.

  Annessa put a hand on his arm. “Travis, the candles. Was that …?”

  “No.” He gave her hand a squeeze. “They burned out before we went to bed.”

  He took a deep breath when Casey approached, bracing himself for the news.

  “Not candles.” The sheriff held up an evidence bag containing a gasoline can. “I talked to the fire inspector. He found this outside the house by my old bedroom. That’s where the fire started.”

  Annessa looked confused. “Why would somebody torch the house?”

  Verity beat him to the punch. “Richard knew we were here.”

  “That’s my guess,” Casey agreed. “Luckily, the inspector thinks it hadn’t burnt long. Maybe there won’t be too much damage.”

  “How did he set it so quickly? The party lasted most of the evening and Travis and Verity haven’t been alone more than four hours.”

  “He’s a lunatic. I knew this would happen. First your trip to the hospital and now this. He’s coming after you, Travis.”

  Guilt hit him square in the chest. “That’s not exactly all that’s happened.”

  She narrowed her eyes in a silent demand for explanation.

  “I got a threatening note the day of the Festival.”


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