Cross My Heart (Heroes of Seaside Point Book 2)

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Cross My Heart (Heroes of Seaside Point Book 2) Page 12

by Mia Dymond

  Three blocks down and around the corner, Travis could see that the staff had the kids sequestered at the back of the parking lot across the street from the school. Dane steered the truck into the parking lot, sheltering the kids as much as possible in case the unthinkable happened. They had trained for this, but none of them were fully prepared. Travis shook his head. How could they possibly be prepared for something like this?

  Travis and Dane climbed out of the truck just as the other fire trucks and Casey’s team arrived. Casey assembled everyone around the ladder truck.

  “Here’s what we know: The phone call was received by school personnel approximately ten minutes ago. The caller used a scrambling device to speak so we are unable to determine whether the caller is male or female. The location of the bomb was not reported. A time limit for explosion was not mentioned, only that the bomb would detonate soon. Mourning Dove Harbour Police Department is sending a bomb squad. ETA approximately fifteen minutes.”

  Verity finished charting the visit with her last patient and then looked up to see Deputy Ruiz standing in the doorway to her office.

  “It’s lunch time, Dr. Thomas. Don’t you ever take a break?”

  “Most days I do, but we had a lot more patients than usual this morning.”

  Verity logged off her computer and stood. “Why don’t you go and get something to eat? I’ll be fine right here.”

  “You know I can’t do that. Sheriff McIntyre would take my badge if I left you alone.”

  “Then let’s go to the breakroom and see if we can find something.”

  “Lead the way.”

  Verity stepped from behind her desk and headed to the breakroom. Three steps in and the deputy’s radio came to life, announcing a bomb threat.

  She immediately turned around. “Let’s go.”

  The officer looked confused. “Go where?”

  “To the school.”

  Verity continued down the hallway with the deputy hot on her heels. She snatched the keys from the top of her desk and slung her medical bag over her left shoulder, intending to make a hasty exit.

  Instead, Deputy Ruiz blocked the doorway. “We can’t. It’s too dangerous for you to be there.”

  “Nonsense.” She refused to back down. “If there’s a real bomb and it explodes, I will be needed there.”

  She watched as he appeared to weigh the decision. Whose wrath did he fear the most? Hers or Casey’s? He finally squared his shoulders, still blocking her path.

  “The sheriff told me to keep you safe. He …”

  She barreled right past him. “Casey can get over it. I’m going. Are you coming or not?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He fell in line behind her as she stomped out the back door of the clinic.

  Verity locked the outside door and turned to see him standing by his cruiser with the passenger door open for her. At least he wasn’t going to make her ride in the backseat.

  She slipped inside and fastened her seatbelt, holding her medical bag on her lap. “Lights and sirens, please. We need to hurry.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He switched them on and squealed the tires as they left the parking lot. He had to be several years her senior but all his yes, ma’ams were making her feel old.

  The traffic thickened as they approached the school. She assumed the cars were driven by nervous parents who rushed to the school to check on their children. Deputy Ruiz had to slow down a bit to maneuver through the congestion but they arrived in one piece, though he was forced to park a fair distance from the school building.

  “This is as close as we’re going to get.” He handed her a card with a phone number on it. “Please stay in the car and call me if you need me.”

  He exited quickly, probably to dodge her tongue. She chuckled. Stay in the car. Not.

  She gave him a few minutes headstart, then stepped out into the heat. She spied the fire truck parked in another lot so she knew Travis was here somewhere but hopefully not inside the building. She wasn’t sure of the protocol for these procedures, but she was fairly certain the firemen waited outside while the bomb squad searched the perimeter.

  Her teeth gnawed at her bottom lips while she contemplated her next move. She could go find Travis, but that would only get her a lecture. Maybe she could call him and feel him out first. She reached into her pocket … her empty pocket, and realized that she hadn’t stuck her phone back in after she finished up with her last patient. Well, damn. Her only other option was to head toward the chaos of the school children. Maybe she could be of some help to the teachers.

  The walk didn’t seem so far when she started out. She had tried to save time by cutting across a field. Suddenly she had the feeling of being watched. Glancing around the mostly wide-open field, she mentally smacked her forehead. Where would someone hide? In a gopher hole? Obviously, her imagination was getting the best of her.

  As she neared the spectators who were being held behind the yellow tape, someone touched her arm.

  Instinct caused her to draw back her arm and look beside her. “Cindy! You startled me!”

  “I’m sorry, Dr. Thomas.”

  “You shouldn’t be here. There may be a bomb in the school.”

  “I stopped to see if I could help.” Cindy shrugged. “But I just heard over the police radio that it was a hoax.”

  “Really? I don’t see anyone going back inside yet.”

  She pointed to a police car sitting a few yards away. “I heard it from that radio just a second ago. Maybe the teachers and staff don’t know yet.”

  “That’s a big relief.”

  She paused to consider her next move. If Cindy delivered her back to the clinic, she could avoid Travis and Casey for a little while. No doubt Deputy Ruiz would rat her out, but leaving with Cindy would buy a little bit of time. She felt the card in her pocket. She would call the deputy from the office and tell him where she was.

  “Cindy, are you getting ready to leave?”

  “As a matter of fact, I am. I was heading to work when I saw the commotion. Do you need a ride somewhere?”

  “Yes. Would you mind dropping me off at the clinic?”

  “No problem. Let’s go.”

  Cindy’s mouth never stopped. It turned out to be the longest five minute ride she’d ever taken. Verity had no idea what Cindy was talking about, having tuned her out four and one half minutes into the drive.

  “You can just drop me off in the front, it’s closer.”


  Thank goodness the same key worked on all the doors of the clinic. She did not want to ride around another block with Cindy.

  Cindy pulled into a parking space, shut off the engine, and followed her to the door. Verity attempted a gentle dismissal. “Thanks for the ride. You can go on to work now. I’ll be fine.”

  “Oh, no. I’m going inside with you. Sheriff McIntyre said you might be in danger. Safety in numbers, as they say.”

  Verity unlocked the door and led the way inside and then turned around. Cindy was turned the other way, closing the door.

  As soon as the lock snapped closed, Cindy turned around with a gun in her hand, aimed at Verity.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I’ll fill you in before I kill you Dr. High-and-Mighty.”

  “Why do you want to kill me?”

  Verity had to get herself out of this. There was no one else to help her. How would they know where she was or that she needed help? Too late, she scolded herself for leaving the safety of the police car.

  “You had everything. Richard belonged to me but his family wouldn’t have approved of someone like me. So he paraded you around everywhere and pretended to have feelings for you. And then you took him away completely by sending him to prison.”

  “Cindy, let’s go to my office. We can sit down and talk about this.”

  Verity slowly inched her way backwards towards her office, trying not to make any sudden moves. She didn’t know if Cindy was even aware of it but she was moving along with

  “You think we’re going to have a tea party? No. I just wish your boyfriend was here to watch you die. After I take care of you, maybe I’ll pay him another visit. Since the poison and the fire didn’t do the trick, a bullet will.”

  “It was you? All of it was you?”

  “Yes. Richard was supposed to grab you, but he never could get it right. I knew I had to take care of it. Especially after those posters started showing up all over town. He had to stay hidden. But no one suspected me. Everything was blamed on Richard.”

  Verity mentally took inventory of her office. If she got to it, was there anything she could use for a weapon? Maybe she could get close enough to knock the gun out of Cindy’s hand. Oh, who was she kidding? She was a healer, not a fighter.

  Travis looked up from the maps of the school spread over the hood of Casey’s vehicle just in time to see Lexi heading his direction. He took a quick glance over his shoulder to see if Maverick were anywhere near, not surprised when his friend met her halfway and escorted her through.

  “Why aren’t you guys packing up? I heard it was a hoax.”

  Casey frowned. “We haven’t received the all-clear yet.”

  “Oh, well I was near the crowd over there and heard Cindy Perry say that she heard it on the police radio. So Verity asked her to take her back to the clinic.”


  Lexi nodded.

  “Was she alone? There wasn’t a deputy with her?”

  “No. Just her and then Cindy.”

  Casey reached for the radio on his shoulder, but it crackled to life announcing all-clear. What the hell?

  Before Travis had a chance to digest any of the new information, a figure sprinted toward them. As he got closer, Travis recognized him. “Casey, it’s Danforth!”

  Casey and three of his deputies pulled out their weapons and aimed at the intruder. “Freeze, Danforth!”

  Richard raised both hands. “It’s not me. I swear. I know how this looks but it’s Cindy.”

  Travis tried to lunge at him but Maverick grabbed him, holding him back.

  “Hands over your head.” Casey squeezed his hands while he holstered his weapon and then snapped the handcuffs around his wrists.

  “You have to find out where Cindy took her and hurry,” Richard insisted. “She’s going to kill her.”

  Casey pushed him towards a nearby cruiser. “You’re coming too. Watch your head.”

  He put him inside, slammed the door, and then looked back at Travis. “You coming?”

  Maverick loosened his hold and Travis climbed into the passenger side. Gravel hit the side of the car as they left the lot.

  “Now’s your chance, Danforth. Explain.”

  “I was calling Verity, but that’s all.”

  “You threatened to kill her at sentencing.”

  “That was a long time ago. The first year in prison was hell. And yes, I blamed her for it. Cindy visited me regularly and we talked about getting revenge. She started trying to track Verity down. When she told me she found her, it was my idea for Cindy to come here and try to befriend her. She kept in touch and I could tell she was losing it. I told her to wait for me to get out and we’d do it together. By the time I got out, I knew it was a bad idea, but Cindy was adamant. So I came here to warn Verity, not kill her. I came to save her.”

  “How noble,” Travis growled. “Why didn’t you just tell her over the phone?”

  “I knew she wouldn’t listen. Who would believe me after I’d threatened her?”

  Travis thought that was a good question, but didn’t have time to analyze it because Casey pulled into the back parking lot.

  “I don’t suppose you’d consider waiting in the car?”

  “Hell no.” Travis unbuckled.

  “I’ll unlock the back door. You count to ten and then go inside. Use your best judgment. Keep Cindy focused on you. I’ll come in the front. And don’t get shot. Your sisters will kill me.”

  Travis nodded and followed him to the back door. Casey slipped a small metal object from his pocket and inserted it into the lock. One twist and the lock opened.

  “You didn’t see anything.” Casey disappeared around the corner.

  It was the longest ten seconds of his life. He had faith that Casey could pull this off. But was it too late?

  He quietly turned the knob and peeked inside, encouraged when he didn’t see anyone. He slipped inside and flattened himself as much as possible against the wall. His knees almost buckled in relief when he heard Verity’s voice. Inch by inch Travis made his way to the corner, squatted down, and then peered around. Cindy was facing his direction, holding a gun on Verity.

  He took a deep breath and then began “Cindy, it’s Travis. I’m coming around this corner. You know I don’t have a gun.”

  He kept his hands where she could see them, hoping he could buy enough time for Casey to make his move. She moved the gun from Verity onto him and then back, as if she couldn’t decide which of them were the greatest threat.

  “It’s okay,” he assured her. “I’m alone.”

  “Glad you came to join the party.”

  Travis moved closer to Verity. “Are you hurt, Doc?”

  “No, I’m good.”

  “Stop talking!” Cindy screeched. “Unless you want to tell each other goodbye.”

  “You’re not going to kill us. Now put the gun down.”

  He saw Casey inch closer. Verity was right when she compared him to a panther. He was sneaky and hadn’t made a single sound. Travis only knew he was there because he saw him. He had to be careful not to look past Cindy.

  “After all this time? All this planning? No way. Richard and I are going to run off together and have the life she took from us.”

  Travis saw Casey nod. He took Verity down at the same time Casey tackled Cindy from behind. He didn’t move, shielding Verity with his body while Cindy screamed at the top of her lungs while she kicked and clawed at Casey. The sheriff simply ignored her rant, kicked the gun to the side, and snapped handcuffs around her wrists.


  He looked down into those beautiful sapphire eyes. “Yeah?”

  “Trouble breathing,” she panted. “Heavy.”

  “Oh, sorry.”

  He moved off and helped her to stand. “Better?”


  He rand his hands all over her, trying to convince himself she was really not hurt. She captured his hands in hers. “We have an audience.”

  Travis dropped his hands as three more deputies arrived to take custody of Cindy and her gun. Annessa and Vanessa burst through the door next, swarming Verity and moving her away from the action.

  Casey slapped Travis on the back. “Good job. For a paramedic, you’re a pretty good cop. But, if you’re going to feel her up maybe you should get a room.”

  “Bite me.”

  “She’ll want to hear the whole story.”

  “I’ll tell her.” He grinned. “Eventually.”

  Casey folded his arms across his chest as the twins and Verity approached. “What are you two doing here?”

  “We heard you call for back-up on the scanner.” Annessa shrugged. “We’re the best back-up you have, Sheriff McIntyre.”

  “Yes, you are,” he agreed as he folded her into an embrace.

  Travis looked at Verity and she motioned with her head at her office. He didn’t hesitate to follow her inside. Once they were alone behind a closed door, he drew her into his arms and squeezed her against him.

  “I don’t ever want to have another week like this one.”

  “Me either,” she said, her voice muffled by his clothing. “But at least no one got hurt.”

  “True.” He released his hold and eased her back to gaze into her sparkling blue eyes. “And no one dialed the wrong number.”


  Lexi stood at the edge of the park and gazed at the tall, wooden structure that had been erected in the last several hours. From her observation, it
appeared to be a wall with ropes attached in four places on top that hung down to the bottom. Was someone going to climb it?

  “Hey, Sexy Lexi.”

  She squeezed closed her eyes, cursing her curiosity. If she’d just unloaded the bottled water like Vanessa asked, she could’ve been gone by now, avoiding a confrontation with the voice behind her.

  She squared her shoulders and turned around. “Good morning, Maverick.”

  “Did you come to climb the wall?”

  So, she was right about the purpose. “No. Vanessa asked me to drop off a case of drinking water for the crew. What exactly are you guys doing out here?”

  “Endurance training. Once a year, we build an obstacle course and compete for the best time.”

  “The wall doesn’t look too difficult.”

  “Really?” He folded his arms across his chest. “The wall is only one part of the test. Do you think you can climb it faster than I can?”

  “Maybe. I’m a lot smaller.”

  “Let’s bet on it.”

  Lexi answered with a groan.

  “You give?”

  “No, I’m just not sure about making any kind of wager with you.”


  “Because you cheat.”

  “I don’t cheat.”

  “Okay, so maybe not. But you have a way of changing the game once we start.”

  “Only because you let me.”

  “I do not! Fine, I’ll take your bet. What do I get when I win?”

  “If you win, I’ll retire your nickname.”

  “Oh.” Her sudden feeling of disappointment confused her. Why did that possibility not thrill her? Maverick had called her Sexy Lexi since the day they’d met and yes, it annoyed her – at first. Now, however, not so much. “Really?”

  “Really. But if I win, you become the official bat girl for the Seaside Seagulls. I’ll even order you a uniform.”

  She had absolutely no idea what being a bat girl entailed, but that didn’t really matter. She would win the bet with Maverick – even if she had to use creative measures to do it.

  “You’re on.”


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