Choosing Rose (Other World Series Book Six)

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Choosing Rose (Other World Series Book Six) Page 14

by Ramona Gray

  He loved the way her pale skin turned pink when she was embarrassed. “Yes. If, um, your kind does that? They do, right?”

  “Yes. But the women who held me captive preferred fucking, so it’s been many years since I’ve had my cock sucked.”

  “Seriously? They never gave you oral sex?”

  He shrugged. “They did not want to waste my seed.”

  She sat up. “But, they could still do a blowjob without you wasting your seed.”

  “They did not trust that I could stop my orgasm. What is a blowjob?”

  She grinned at him. “It’s just what we call oral sex.”


  She took his cock in her hand and rubbed. He groaned, his hips arching upward, and she smiled at him before leaning down and licking the head of his cock.

  “Fuck!” The human’s curse word fell from his lips like a prayer.

  Her smile widened. “Do you like that?”

  “Yes.” He reached down and curled his big hand into her hair. “Do it again.”

  She licked his cock again and his hand tightened in her hair. “Your tongue is very soft. I like it – fuck!”

  She had slid her mouth down over his cock and his hips bucked against her mouth. She pressed one tiny hand against his hip and wrapped the other around the base of his cock before sucking hard.

  Her hot, wet mouth felt amazing and after so many years of not having his cock sucked, he was almost immediately ready to come. He moaned and panted, his hips rising and falling as she sucked and licked. He was too big for her to take all of him in her mouth, but he appreciated the effort she was making. She sucked hard and fast and the base of his spine began to tingle.

  “Flower,” he moaned, “I am close.”

  She sucked harder in response and he threw his arm over his mouth, muffling his harsh shout of pleasure as his balls tightened and his cock swelled, and he came with another low roar. She did her best to swallow all of it, but he could see some dripping from the corner of her mouth. She sat up and wiped her mouth with her fingers. Panting and twitching from the pleasure that was still coursing through his body, he watched as she held her hand closer to her face. She had a single candle burning next to the furs and she squinted in the flickering light.

  “Is your come purple?”

  He nodded, and she giggled before licking her lips. “Weird. It also tastes really sweet. Like… cotton candy.”

  He had no idea what cotton candy was, but he jerked and cried out when she leaned over and licked away the bit of come that still coated the head of his softening cock.

  “Sorry, I know you’re sensitive.” She grinned. “It just tastes really good.”

  She studied him as he came down from the high of his orgasm. He was very tired, and he couldn’t stop his yawn. He hadn’t slept well last night and the combination of that and his orgasm had him barely able to keep his eyes open. He struggled against his weariness. He needed to pleasure his little flower. Needed to touch her until she was wet and begging and then he would fuck her and…no, he couldn’t fuck her. He yawned again as his eyes slipped shut. He would just make her come and then they would both sleep.

  She was moving next to him and he muttered. “Your turn, small flower.”

  “Go to sleep, Vida.”

  “No.” His voice was thick with sleep. “I will make you come first and -”

  Another yawn, so large it felt like it was splitting his face in two.

  She laughed softly and blew the candle out before pulling a fur over their bodies and resting her head on his shoulder. “Go to sleep.”

  He mumbled one last protest before sleep took him.

  Chapter Ten

  Rose sat up with a gasp. She was alone in the pile of furs and she felt a moment of panic before she caught sight of Vida standing in front of the doorway.


  “Good morning, little flower.”

  He returned to the furs and sat beside her.

  “Is it morning?” It wasn’t dark in the hut, but it didn’t look like the sun had risen yet either.

  “Almost. The sun will rise soon.”

  He reached out and cupped her naked breast. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes.” She bit her bottom lip as he rubbed her nipple into an aching hardness. “Did – oh – did you?”

  “Yes.” He leaned down to press a soft kiss against the swell of her breast.

  “Your skin.” She touched the skin around his left horn. It was dry and cracking, and flakes of skin rubbed off when she ran her fingers over his forehead. “You’re drying out.”

  He straightened. “I was about to go to the waterfall for a quick swim, but I will pleasure you first.”

  “That’s okay. You should rehydrate.”

  He frowned at her. “I was selfish and fell asleep last night instead of pleasuring you. I will not be so selfish again.”

  “You were tired, not being selfish,” she said. “Besides, I wouldn’t mind going to the waterfall and, uh, freshening up a bit first.”

  He studied her before leaning down and pressing his nose to her throat. He inhaled deeply. “You smell fresh to me.”

  She laughed. “Thank you, but I’d still prefer to have a bath first.”

  “All right.”

  She was still wearing her pants and she grabbed her shirt. She left her bra on the floor of the hut and put her shirt on before slipping on her shoes. Vida was barefoot and she gave him a curious look. “Doesn’t it hurt to walk around barefoot?”

  He shook his head. “My kind do not wear shocks.”


  He pointed to her shoes and she smiled. “Oh. No, it’s shoes. They’re called shoes.”

  “Shoes.” He repeated before holding out his hand. “Come, flower.”

  She broke off a chunk from her ration of soap and stuck it in her pocket. She took his hand and followed him out of the hut. The air was misty, and it was so quiet she could hear the rustling of animals in the trees behind their hut. She stepped a little closer to Vida and he squeezed her hand before leading her across the clearing.

  There was a soft whistle above them and she looked up at the lookout. Teagan was on watch and he arched one eyebrow at her. “Where are you two going?” His voice carried easily in the silence.

  “Just to the waterfall for a swim,” Rose said. “We won’t be long.”

  Teagan nodded, and she checked the buckets on the table as they passed by them. Only one was empty and she grabbed it and smiled at Vida when he took it from her. “Thank you.”

  They stopped at the outhouse and Vida waited patiently for her to use it before he used it himself. When he was finished, they walked into the jungle.

  “Do you know how to get to the waterfall from here?” She asked. She’d gone to the waterfall numerous times and she was pretty certain she knew her way, but after getting lost two nights ago, she was feeling nervous.

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  “You have a good sense of direction, huh? I can’t find my way out of a wet paper bag.”

  “Why would you be in a wet paper bag?” Vida asked.

  She grinned at him. “It’s just a saying. It means that you get lost easily.”

  “Then why not say that you get lost easily?”

  She thought about that for a moment. “Humans say weird things sometimes, I guess.”

  They were almost to the waterfall when Vida stopped abruptly. He put his finger to his lips and pushed her back until they were hidden in the thick foliage. She pressed up against the reassuring bulk of his warm body and he put his arm around her. They waited silently for a few minutes and her eyes widened when the animal appeared from the direction of the waterfall. It was massive in size with paws as big as her head. It looked like a tiger, but it was navy blue with lighter blue stripes that almost matched the colour of Vida’s skin. Water was still dripping from its mouth and when it yawned, Rose could see large, razor sharp fangs. When it bent its head and snuffled at the gro
und, it revealed the two-inch hole in the top of its skull. It lifted its head and sniffed the air before taking a deep breath and blowing it out through the skull hole. A fine mist sprayed out of the hole and the animal made a low purring sound.

  Something rubbed up against Rose’s leg and she glanced down. Her mouth went dry when she saw the baby version of the blue-striped animal standing next to her. It stared up at her with its amber coloured eyes, and she didn’t object when Vida put his hand across her mouth.

  The baby sniffed her leg through her pants before licking the material. She stood stock-still, her heart banging against her ribcage, as the baby batted at the laces on her shoes. Its mother made another low purring noise and the baby called to her, it’s purr high-pitched and squeaky. Rose remained frozen to the spot as a second baby appeared next to Vida. This one sniffed at Vida’s foot before licking it. It sneezed and shook its head before spying its sibling. It bounded clumsily over their feet and attacked its sibling with enthusiasm. The bigger one bit its sibling on the ear and it screeched and hissed before swiping at its sibling’s belly with its paw and then headbutting it.

  The mother called again, and the two babies broke apart before pushing through the foliage to join their mother. She purred and licked both of their heads, nuzzling them affectionately before disappearing into the jungle. The two babies chased after her and Rose leaned against Vida as he took his hand from her mouth.

  “Are you all right, flower?”

  She nodded and pressed her hand against her rapid heartbeat. “Yeah. Small heart attack, but I’m good.”

  He squeezed her waist as she said, “I think that’s what Wallace calls a blowcat.”

  Vida just shrugged before leading her out of the thick bushes and back on the path toward the waterfall.

  The sun had risen, and she lifted her face to its warmth as Vida set the bucket down next to the pool of water. He stripped off his pants and waded into the pool. She watched as he walked forward until he suddenly dived under the water and disappeared.

  She glanced around before slipping out of her pants. She took the soap from the pocket and folded the pants neatly before lying them on a rock. Wearing just her shirt and panties, she waded into the water, steeling herself against the cold.

  “Shit, that’s cold.” She forced herself to move deeper into the water until it was about chest high. The roaring sound of the waterfall was very loud, and she took another nervous look around. There was no sign of the pink creatures or the blowcat, and she pinched her nose shut before ducking under the water. She popped back up immediately, shivering and muttering curses under her breath. She thought longingly of the hot springs at Vida’s cave before scrubbing soap into her scalp. There was still no sign of Vida and she scanned the water around her. It was remarkably clear but she saw no flashes of blue. She knew the drop off was only a few feet ahead of her and she moved back a little. Drowning wasn’t exactly her idea of a good time.

  She washed her hair and then tipped her head back, rinsing the soap out with one hand before washing her arms. It was a pain in the ass to bathe in her shirt and panties but forgetting the fact that she normally had one of the men with her and didn’t fancy showing off the goods to them, she also didn’t like the idea of running through the jungle naked if she had to leave the water suddenly. She washed the rest of her body quickly, stomping her feet as she washed her upper body to try and bring some warmth back to them.

  The water rippled next to her and she gasped when Vida emerged. Water streamed down his body and he grinned happily at her. “Hello, flower.”

  “Hi. Do you feel better?”

  “Yes. Are you finished bathing?”

  “I am. Here.” She handed the soap to him and watched as he washed his upper body. When his hand dipped under the water, she moved a little closer and watched as he cleaned his dick and then his upper thighs.

  “Why are you still wearing your clothing?” Vida asked.

  She shrugged. “If there’s trouble, I don’t want to have to run naked through the jungle.”

  “I will keep you safe if there is trouble,” he replied.

  “Thank you. Do you want me to wash your back for you?”

  There was only a sliver of soap left but he handed it to her and turned around. The water was only about waist deep on him and she admired the way his blue skin gleamed in the sunlight. She touched his back. He was incredibly warm despite the coldness of the water and she had to stop herself from crowding up against him to leech some of his warmth. Instead, she soaped her hands up with the last of the soap before washing his back. She took her time, running her hands over the large muscles of his back.

  She considered cupping his ass and giving it a squeeze but wondered if that might be a bit too forward.

  Too forward? Uh, Rosie-girl? You had his cock in your mouth last night, remember?

  She remembered all right. God, just thinking about it made her mouth water. His come was so damn sweet. Great, now she was addicted to Vida’s semen.

  “All done.” She squeezed his hip and he sunk down and rinsed the soap off before standing again and turning to face her.

  “Time for your swim lesson, flower.”

  “What?” She gave him a startled look and automatically backed away.

  He reached out and snagged her around the waist, drawing her into his embrace. “You live on an island now. You must learn to swim.”

  “I know, but I…”

  “But what?”

  “I’m afraid.”

  “You do not need to be afraid. I will not let any harm come to you.”

  She licked her lips. “I – okay, I’ll try.”

  “Good.” He lifted her and placed her on his hip like she was a little kid. “Ready?”

  “I don’t want to go underwater,” she said in alarm.

  “You won’t. Trust me, flower.”

  She took a deep breath and wrapped her legs around his waist. She clung to his shoulders as he waded toward the drop-off. Panic flooded through her.

  “I – I’ve changed my mind,” she said. “Please, Vida. I don’t want to do this.”

  He stopped just before the drop-off and squeezed her thigh. “I will not let you drown, sweet flower.”

  “I don’t want to go past the drop-off,” she whispered. “Please.”

  “All right.” He tugged at her legs. “Let go.”

  “Do I have to?”

  He nodded, and she untangled her legs from around his waist. She couldn’t touch the bottom and she resisted the urge to wrap her legs around him again but squeezed his shoulders tightly with her cold hands as he faced her.

  “I’m going to teach you how to swim in place.” Vida kept his hands around her waist. “You must relax.”

  “I’m relaxed.”

  “You are not relaxed. Tilt your head back and stare at the sky.”

  “Don’t let go of me.”

  “I will not.”

  “Do you promise?”


  She eased her head back, keeping her ears above the water line so she could hear Vida. She stared at the sky as Vida squeezed her waist.

  “Breathe deeply, little flower.”

  She took a few deep breaths and Vida made another sound of approval. “Good. Kick your feet back and forth slowly.”

  She did what he asked and after a few moments, he said, “Very good. Let go of my shoulders and move your hands like this.

  She lifted her head as he pulled her closer, so his arm was wrapped around her waist. He used his free hand to make a sideways back and forth motion in the water.

  “Move both hands like that?” She asked.

  He nodded and pushed her back before holding her around the waist with both hands again. “Ready?”

  “I think so. You won’t let go of me, right?”

  “No, sweet flower. Trust me.”

  “I-I do.” She took another deep breath and let go of Vida’s shoulders. She moved her hands back and forth under the w
ater and Vida smiled at her.

  “Very good. Do not forget to kick your feet.”

  She kicked her feet and waved her hands and after a few minutes, Vida said, “I’m going to remove one of my hands. Are you ready?”

  “I – okay.”

  “Keep kicking and moving your hands.” He waited another ten seconds and then moved his left hand away. “Keep moving, little flower.”

  She was starting to pant from the exertion, but she nodded and kept kicking her feet and waving her hands. At least she was feeling warmer now.

  “You are doing very well,” Vida praised. “I am going to let go.”

  “I’ll sink.” She could hear the panic in her voice.

  “No, you will not.” He cupped her face and rubbed her cheekbone with his thumb. “Trust me, Rose.”

  She shivered at the sound of her name on his lips and he smiled at her, his fangs gleaming in the sunlight, before releasing her waist. She had another brief moment of panic that she fought her way through by kicking her feet a little harder.

  She dipped a little lower in the water, but she waved her hands and kicked her feet and to her astonishment, didn’t sink below the water. After about a minute, Vida reached out and drew her into his embrace.

  She hooked her legs around his waist and cupped his face. “I did it!”

  “Well done, flower,” Vida said.

  She was nearly giddy with excitement and without thinking about it, she leaned closer and kissed Vida on the mouth. He stiffened, and she immediately stopped kissing him.

  “I’m sorry, Vida. I shouldn’t have kissed you. I just forgot, but I won’t do it again. I prom -”

  Vida pulled her close, his hand cupping the back of her head and she made a soft squeak when he pressed his mouth against hers. He licked at her mouth and she parted her lips. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and kissed her deeply.

  For someone who didn’t kiss, he was amazing at it.

  She touched his fangs with her tongue and then moaned when he captured her tongue between his lips and sucked hard. She forced herself to pull back.

  “Vida, you don’t have to kiss me. Really. I know it’s not something you enjoy and -”


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