The Judge

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The Judge Page 8

by Jonathan Yanez

  Rebecca was the picture of aging beauty; her brown hair pulled back, twinkling eyes, and a smile that would make anyone feel at ease. She flashed her smile now as her eyes first caught her son. “Connor? Connor, is that you?”

  Connor smiled and was reminded how much he had missed his mother. He ran to her and gave her a hug. She was wearing a green apron covered in dirt but Connor didn’t care. He held her for a moment before he was reminded of their situation. “Mom, are you okay?”

  She pulled away from him, still beaming. “Yes, of course but what are you doing back from college? Oh, I’m being so rude who are your frie—”

  Rebecca Moore stopped mid-sentence as she first was caught off guard by the strange clothing Morrigan, Orion, and Zheng wore, and then saw the man who had left her almost nineteen years ago. The man she had loved without hesitation, the man who had broken her heart and left her with a new son on the way now stood in front of her. Rebecca lost all words.

  Caderyn took a step forward and cleared his throat. In a moment Connor witnessed the man who had charged dozens of Elites while rescuing Laren, who had ended hundreds of lives as an Elite Judge, reduced to a stuttering mess of a man. A boy who was still very much in love.

  “Rebecca—I—I know I have a lot to explain, but right now the most important thing is that we get you to—”

  Rebecca didn’t wait for Caderyn to finish. She crossed the few steps between them and for a second Connor thought she was going to hug Caderyn or even give him a kiss. Instead she slapped him. She just didn’t slap him, she struck him across the jaw so hard his long grey hair whipped across his face.

  Rebecca’s hand recoiled like she had just punched steel but she hid her pain and the wrath of god made its way through, “How dare you come back.” Tears were filling her eyes and she was trembling with rage. “How dare you, Caderyn Moore. When you left us—”

  Wild barks shattered the air. Deep howls and growls came from the front of the store.

  “He’s here,” Morrigan said.

  “Who’s here?” Rebecca asked, taking a closer look at Morrigan. “Do—do I know you?”

  Morrigan grinned at Rebecca. “You’re going to have many questions and we will answer them all, but for now trust us. Trust your son. We must be going.”


  Everyone turned to Connor, who had taken a position on the small landing that served as the docking bay for delivery trucks. “We have to send a message to Vercin. We can’t let him bully us. We can’t just run away all the time. I say we fight. Here and now I say we make him regret this decision.”

  “Ahhhhhh! Just like your father,” Orion laughed. “I think it’s a great idea.”

  Orion stopped talking as Rebecca caught his one good eye with a deadly stare. “Connor, what are you talking about?”

  “Mom, stay here. We’ll send Pete and Joe back here to protect you. You need to trust me.”

  Rebecca half nodded, numb with the events surrounding her. Connor could only imagine how much confusion she was going through at the moment but there was little he could do now.

  “She’s here,” Morrigan said. The sky was beginning to darken at an unnatural rate and mist was forming at their feet. Morrigan let out a shrill whistle and two large dogs bounded around the corner of the building, still barking their warning. “Thank you, boys. We need you to stay here with Rebecca and make sure nothing happens to her. We’ll deal with Vercin.”

  The large bloodhound and bulldog nodded and trotted over to Connor. Despite the circumstances, Connor found himself making time to smile and rub the dogs’ soft ears.

  The moment was short lived as the responsibility of being a Judge weighed on his shoulders. “Follow me.”

  Chapter 18

  Connor, Morrigan, Caderyn, Orion, and Zheng stood in the front of the store. Aisles of gardening supplies surrounded them. A large window showed a view of the street directly in front of the store and four dark figures walking toward them.

  “Julie is darkening the sky. Leave her to me,” Morrigan said. “I’ll bring the mist in faster to try and shield this confrontation from any prying human eyes.”

  “Connor,” Caderyn said, “let me handle Vercin. You still have to finish your training. He’s too strong for you now.”

  Connor shook his head. “I can do this. I can help you.”

  Caderyn nodded reluctantly.

  “That leaves the other two to us,” Orion said to Zheng.

  Zheng pursed his lips. “Yes, but who are the last two figures? The doctor maybe? Who else?”

  “Well, we’re about to find out,” Connor said as he opened the front door to Moore’s Flowers and More and walked into the swirling mist. With each step into the fog, the four figures walking toward them became clearer. Vercin stood in the middle with Julie to his right. She wore a deep hood and a cape covered most of her body. To Vercin’s left was the same doctor Connor had seen minutes before and a huge hulk of a man next to him.

  Connor’s breath caught in his throat as he realized who the man was. Faust Ulfric was barely recognizable. Larger than even Lu, Faust stood a foot taller than anyone and his shoulders spanned twice the width of Connor’s. A chain was placed around Faust’s neck and the doctor walked with the other end in his hand. Empty eye sockets met Connor and an expression that almost looked sad was painted across his twisted face.

  The two groups met in the middle of the road, stopping yards from each other. “Again flirting with the line between bravery and stupidity, Mr. Moore?” Vercin asked.

  Connor was unable to take his eyes off the man his brain told him was once Faust. “What have you done to him? What did you do to Faust?”

  Vercin chuckled. “Yes, of course. My surprise. Well, we tried giving Faust his eyesight back, but when experiments failed, new options were explored.”

  Connor felt sick as his stomach twisted. True sympathy for Faust formed in his chest. Faust and Connor had never been friends but no one deserved to be used as an experiment and turned into a monster.

  “It’s time your rebellion came to an end,” Vercin said. “It’s time you witness a true King in action.”

  Connor took a long, deep breath and prepared himself for the confrontation that was coming. You can do this. You can be the man they all need you to be. Focus, hold on to her.

  Then there was no time to think and only time to act. The combatants met with a crash like football players on the opening kickoff. But instead of men, the most powerful beings on earth collided into one another.

  Connor tried to stick to the plan. He wanted to confront Vercin more than anything. He wanted to show the would-be king that hope and trusting what was right could be enough to overcome any obstacle.

  Connor’s vision reddened as he let the beast within rush forward. Senses on overload, Connor could smell the damp air. He could feel every tiny particle of water on his skin. The mist made it impossible to see more than a few yards, but with his enhanced vision, he could still see Vercin.

  Energy crackled through the air and lightning struck the ground. Morrigan and Julie locked in a struggle of magical power that was beyond Connor’s comprehension. Nothing was going to stop Connor from stopping Vercin, or so he thought. It was a stray lightning bolt that deterred him from his target.

  Julie Hubar managed to send a bolt of sizzling electricity at Connor amid Morrigan’s barrage of powerful energy blasts.

  Connor didn’t see the lightning until it was too late. He was lifted off his feet as a burning, tingling sensation erupted across his body. Like a cannon he shot from the ground and was thrown in the air past the field of battle. He landed on a parked car, crushing the roof of the vehicle like a soda can.

  Steam and heat rose off his body in thin lines. Connor felt numb. He could barely feel his feet but he knew his father would need him. Struggling to stand, Connor gathered himself to rush into the fray once more.

  Grunts and yells met his ears as Connor rose to his feet and started forward. Although he co
uldn’t see through the mist, he knew that fangs would be sprouting from every mouth as each Elite grabbed onto the gene that made them something more than human.

  Connor looked down at his shirt that was torn in dozens of pieces, black burn marks cris-crossing his chest. He was bleeding but he knew it was nothing to worry about. He could survive much more than a lightning bolt.

  Connor ran forward as he saw his father and Vercin locked in combat. Vercin took the upper hand in a second, lifting Caderyn from the ground by his throat. Out of nowhere Orion and Zheng attacked Vercin as one. That’s all Connor had time to witness as he was met by the doctor of Karnag standing in his path.

  “Impressive. Even an Elite would be out of commission for more than a few seconds by a blast of magic.”

  The monster next to the doctor, the mindless hulk that had once been Faust, looked at Connor with a blank stare.

  “Get out of my way,” Connor said.

  “Ahhhh… but I can’t. Faust, would you please show our hero that this is no fairy tale? Show him the meaning of pain.”

  Faust grinned through sharp teeth and turned empty eye sockets toward Connor. The Elite who had once favored designer suits and the finer things in life galloped toward him with primal anger.

  Faust was large and no doubt strong, but Connor could deal with that. Faust aimed a fist at his head that only made contact with air. Connor recovered from his duck and landed an uppercut of his own. The blow would have been enough to send any normal Elite into dark unconsciousness. Faust, however, was anything but normal.

  A grunt escaped the giant’s lips as he absorbed the strike and moved forward, hurling wild blows. Connor danced around Faust, countering and throwing punches of his own. It seemed like whatever had been done to Faust had also affected his pain receptors. No matter how many times Connor landed punches, the monster of a man still came.

  A fist finally caught Connor straight across the jaw. Blood spurted from his mouth in a wide arc. He stumbled to a knee. Faust seized his chance and aimed a heavy foot at Connor’s head. The Judge rolled out of the way without a second to spare. When Connor regained his feet, he launched himself into the air behind the monster.

  Jumping onto Faust’s back, Connor applied a choke. The giant scratched and tore at the arms around his neck. It was all Connor could do to hold on as his enemy ran backwards, throwing Connor’s back into trucks and vans parked on the street.

  Connor’s teeth rattled. His spine felt like it would snap at any moment under the battering of his enemy’s strength, but still he held. Channeling all of his strength into the hold around the giant’s neck, he held. A few seconds past. The beast whose back he clung to like a backpack began to slow.

  Faust stopped running and clawing at his neck. He fell to his knees, and then like a tree toppling to the ground, he crashed to the asphalt.

  Connor slowly rose to his feet. Blood dripped from his chest and mouth. He was burned and bruised but he knew he was needed. Surveying the battleground, he was surprised to see the Elites were no longer alone.

  The fight was taking place in the middle of the street and even despite the thick mist that clung everywhere, people were beginning to notice. Cars had stopped short of the feud on either side of the two-lane street. People of all ages stood wide-eyed, watching.

  Connor realized the mist was slowly dissipating. Morrigan’s mind must be elsewhere at the moment. Her concentration needed to fight rather than mask the battleground. Connor knew he had to finish the battle quickly before someone got hurt, or worse, the police and news crews were called.

  That’s when Connor felt a sharp pain through his back. As he fell, the blow was followed up by another stab to his chest. Coughing blood, he looked up into the eyes of his attacker.

  The doctor had snuck up behind him and revealed a thin sword hidden in his cane. The point of the sword now went completely through Connor’s chest and stuck fast in the ground.

  “A pity. I had higher hopes for Faust. I think we need to do some re-engineering on his speed and accuracy receptors.”

  It was all Connor could do to stay conscious. Pain from the previous wounds dulled compared to the steel that entered his body and ran through the other side, pinning him to the ground.

  “Oh, please don’t bother struggling. You’re not the Judge Vercin was. The best you can hope for is not to die. We’ll wait here until Vercin has torn apart your friends. The Elite King may want you alive… maybe.”

  Connor’s breath was coming in labored gasps. He knew what he had to do. He knew what he needed to do if he was going to survive the next few minutes. When the fight started, he had grabbed onto the force inside of him just like before. But he knew he was controlling the animal inside. He wasn’t willing to give fully into his Elite gene until now. There was the chance he would lose control, but it was a chance he would have to take.

  Connor closed his eyes and said a silent prayer. Clenching fanged teeth, he let go. He let go of control. He allowed the power to consume him. He struggled to remember who he was and why he was there. Images of his mother, his father, friends, but most of all, Laren, crossed through his mind as the power inside sought to overwhelm him.

  The power enticed him. It tempted him to join in the revelry of being invincible but Connor was able to acknowledge the power without letting it control him. He accepted it rather than lusted after more.

  Tingling with strength, Connor’s eyes snapped open. The doctor must have realized what was happening because panic filled his face. He pushed down with both hands on the hilt of his sword.

  Connor roared as rage lent him its strength. Connor grabbed the sword blade that was sticking through his chest. Steel split his skin. Blood oozed from between his fingers as he forced the blade through his body. Ignoring the pain, he slowly rose to his feet.

  The doctor stumbled backwards as he witnessed the rise of the Judge. Connor regained his feet, tearing the sword out of his body. His chest was heaving as he stalked toward the doctor. Lifting the Elite up by one arm, Connor very calmly spoke to the doctor, who now looked like nothing more than a frightened old man. “You are going to reverse what you did to Laren. You will find a cure. Do you understand me?”

  The doctor gulped, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he nodded at a high rate. “Oh—yes—yes—of course.”

  Connor could feel his arms, his whole body tremble with the newfound power. At the same moment, a noise began to rise above the clamor of the battle, sirens.

  It was clear that their fight had gone on much too long. Connor knew they had to leave now. Doctor in tow, Connor headed back to the fight. What met his eyes was anything but what he expected.

  Chapter 19

  Caderyn was on the asphalt road in a puddle of his own blood. His body limp. Zhang and Orion stood over him in a protective stance bleeding from their own wounds. Vercin stood staring at them both. Everyone looked like they had been in a train wreck except for Vercin. He stood tall with his shoulders back, smiling.

  Morrigan and Julie had also separated at the sound of the sirens. The mist was all but gone as Connor rushed to his father’s side.

  Connor said a silent thank you as Caderyn’s chest moved up and down. Blood ran from his father’s face and his left arm was twisted past its normal range of motion.

  “Connor, we must go,” Morrigan said, standing beside him. “Zheng, get Rebecca.”

  The King of The Island nodded and was gone in a second. Orion and Morrigan locked hands and a portal appeared to The Island. Connor still held a firm grip on the doctor.

  “Going so soon?” Vercin said. “I thought we were just getting started?”

  More than anything, Connor wanted a piece of Vercin. He wanted to go over and teach the bully that not everyone was afraid of him. A quick glance around him told Connor this was impossible.

  Zheng was ushering a white-faced Rebecca Moore through the portal. Pete and Joe were dragging his unconscious father through the portal with strong but gentle jaws.

nbsp; Connor couldn’t help but notice a crowed of spectators gathering. Men and women squinted through the dissipating fog to see what was holding up traffic. Heads craned and mouths dropped as they caught a glimpse of the fight taking place and the portal being opened. Cell phones were soon out, clicking pictures and recording the paranormal.

  Police sirens were close now. Car doors were slammed, and through the fog, Connor could hear officers yelling to civilians to stand back.

  “We’ll finish this. Not here. Not now. But the day is coming soon. I promise,” Connor said, staring at Vercin with anger.

  The doctor didn’t even struggle as Connor pushed him through the portal. Morrigan followed. Orion took a step toward the open door to The Island.

  Connor realized too late that Vercin was allowing them to go. It was all too easy. A sick realization that he had played right into the power hungry Elite’s hands hit him. He turned around to shout but all he saw before the door closed was Orion being drug back from the portal. Vercin had enough time for a parting comment before the portal snapped shut, “Just like chess, always plan four moves ahead.”

  The portal closed with a snap.

  “Morrigan, go back. We have to go back,” Connor said, releasing his grip on the doctor.

  Shock was clear on the sorceress’ face. In a very un-Morrigan way, she said, “We can’t.”

  “What do you mean we can’t? They have Orion. Who knows what they’re going to do to him. Not to mention they have a way onto The Island now.”

  “Orion was the only reason I was able to create a portal. The ferryman is the only one that can bring people to and from The Island.”

  Connor felt helpless as more and more questions piled onto an already dire situation. Morrigan had sent them back to the palace through the portal. They had stepped into the courtyard that was home to visiting Elites.

  These Elites were now coming to see what had happened. Bright eyes met the group in every direction. More than anything, Connor wanted to scream his frustration. But he knew he had to bottle his anger and fear.


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