Avianus 22 = 162
Avianus 25 = 150
Avianus 27 = 453
Avianus 28 = 132
Avianus 29 = 368
Avianus 30 = 599
Avianus 38 = 190
Avianus 39 = 121
Avianus 40 = 191
Avianus 41 = 207
Ademar Index. The following is a listing of the Ademar numbers for the fables in this collection that are translated from Ademar. A complete listing of Ademar numbers corresponding to the fables in this collection, together with the Latin texts, can be found at http://www.aesopica.net (website).
Ademar 4 = 139
Ademar 5 = 175
Ademar 6 = 177
Ademar 8 = 554
Ademar 13 = 408
Ademar 17 = 338
Ademar 18 = 70
Ademar 19 = 296
Ademar 20 = 487
Ademar 21 = 27
Ademar 24 = 583
Ademar 25 = 98
Ademar 30 = 148
Ademar 34 = 65
Ademar 35 = 69
Ademar 36 = 242
Ademar 37 = 418
Ademar 38 = 363
Ademar 39 = 137
Ademar 40 = 146
Ademar 43 = 32
Ademar 44 = 41
Ademar 51 = 108
Ademar 52 = 187
Ademar 53 = 53
Ademar 58 = 114
Ademar 59 = 18
Ademar 60 = 224
Ademar 61 = 301
Ademar 65 = 74
Ademar 67 = 57
Odo Index. The following is a listing of the ado numbers for the fables in this collection that are translated from Odo. A complete listing of Odo numbers corresponding to the fables in this collection, together with the Latin texts, can be found at http://www.aesopica.net (website).
Odo 1= 26
Odo 1e = 28
Odo 3 = 328
Odo 11= 359
Odo 20 = 15
Odo 21 = 435
Odo 30a = 402
Odo 32 = 401
Odo 38 = 285
Odo 39 = 236
Odo 42b = 127
Odo 44 = 566
Odo 47 = 448
Odo 54a = 250
Odo 56 = 118
Odo 56a = 119
Odo 66 = 89
Odo 71 = 105
Miscellaneous Latin sources
Aulus Gellius = 293
Alexander Nequam = 360
Horace = 443
John of Sheppey = 110
Livy = 66
Steinhowel = 163
Fables taken from the various collections attributed to ‘Romulus’: 16, 58, 96, 112, 234, 264, 266, 297, 309, 313, 332, 351, 358, 370, 379, 391, 511, 597
This index provides references both to the introductory pages (identified with Roman numerals) and to the fables (identified by fable number, not by page number). Italicized numbers are used to reference material found in the notes to the fables. References to the sources of the fables can be found in the Index of Sources. Additional indexes, together with numerous Latin and Greek texts, can be found at http://www.aesopica.net (website).
abbot and flea 119
and monks 28
Acarnanian (dog) 60
Accursiana (Collectio Accursiana) xxi
Accursius, Bonus xli
Achaean (dog) 60
Achaeus 239
Achilles Tatius xxv, xl, 243, 247
Ademar xxvii, xxxvii, xl, 216
Adonis 197
Aelian xxxv, 23, 72, 152, 199. 451, 453, 499
Aeschylus 34
Aesop and athlete 210
and bow 537
and Delphians 504
and dog bite 173
and drunken woman 571
and father’s will 549
and hooligan 158
and lamp 555
and mistress 394
and runaway slave 7
and shipbuilders 557
and soothsayers 317
and writer 556
Aesop as storyteller xxii, 29, 206, 421, 436, 492, 501, 518, 567
Aesop (reference to) 1, 179, 238, 293, 300, 345, 392, 464, 491, 516, 532, 565
Ahikar xxxviii
Alciato xxxiv, xxxviii, xli, 81, 138, 539
Alcmena 185
Alcuin 184
Alexander (king of Cilicia?) xxii, 502
Alexander Nequam xl, 360
Alexander the Great 31
allegory xxviii
amaranth and rose 204
amphora 207
Anatolia 6, 244, 383
Andreopulus, Michael xxiv, xl
Androcles and lion 69
Animal Farm xx
animal souls 515
animal years 502
ant and beetle 125
and cricket xiv, 126
and fly 198
and Hermes 171
and pigeon 71
and pigs 127
and Zeus 513
Antisthenes 21
ape, see monkey
Aphrodite 197, 205, 468
and hen 573
and slave-woman 483
and weasel 350
Aphthonius xi, xxiii, xxxii, xxxiv, xxxvi, xl, 203
Apollo 97, 162, 205, 472, 479, 485, 504, 537
and dreams 529
and snake 172
and Zeus in contest 182
Apostolius xxxvii, 259, 361, 415
apple tree 201
Apuleius 278, 583
Arab and camel 560
and Hermes 521
archer and lion 246
Archilochus xxv, xl, 24, 154, 236
Ares 182, 579, 590
and Hubris 533
Aristophanes xxv, xl, 2, 34, 43, 153–4, 278, 283, 343, 369
Aristotle xxv, xl, 21, 23, 36, 199, 274, 300, 327, 403, 518, 557
ash tree 41
ass, see donkey
astrologer in ditch 138, 314
Athena 97, 205, 320, 518, 534
and drowning man 480
Athenaeus xxv, xl, 141, 518
Athenian and Theban 185
Athens 1, 2, 31, 82, 94, 141, 324, 384, 480, 537, 549
athlete 166, 482, 564
and Aesop 210
from Rhodes 209
Athoan Codex xxii
Augustana (Collectio Augustana) xx
Augustus xxi, 591
and widow 594
Aulus Gellius xxv, xl, 69, 293
Ausonius 536
Avianus xxiii–xxiv, xxxiii, xxxvi, xl, 100, 215, 246, 434
Babrius xi, xxii–xxiii, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxvi, xl, 46, 349, 502
Babylon ix
Bacchus 468
Bacchus, see Dionysus
Bad and Good Things 525
bald man and comb 581
and Diogenes 580
and fly 582
and gardener 583
and mistresses 584
and wig 579
bat and nightingale 288
as beast and bird 363
and booby and bramble 500
and weasels 364
Bathyllus 591
battle, see war
bear 91, 409, 600
and crabs 450
and fox 375
and fox and lion 56, 62
beauty contest 253, 329
beaver and hunter 451
bee 79, 144, 463
and beetle 401
and drone 178
and Zeus 509
beekeeper stung by bees 79
beetle 101, 351, 401
and ant 125
and eagle 153
and friend 115
imitates eagle 332
bell 212
belling the cat 250
belly and members xxv, 66
Berechiah ha-Nakdan xxxviii
Bertini, Ferruccio xxxvii
Bias 412
Bible 26, 52, 231, 308, 321, 361
bird-catcher 44–5, 71, 137, 426
sp; and cricket 271
and rooster 123
and viper 138
builds city 87
bird-catcher’s tears 297
birds and cat 95
black man washed white 361
blacksmiths 380, 424
blind man and cub 37
boar 47, 388, 422, 600
and donkey 216
and fox 449
and lion 61
and lioness 376
Boeotian 185
Bonus Accursius xli
booby 500
boxer 166
boy who ate tripe 539
who cried wolf 151
who was drowning 289
who roasted snails 291
who robbed butcher 540
bramble and clothes 500
and fir 200
and fox 306
and trees 201
Branchus 502
bread-seller 571
bride and mouse 350
and two grooms 468
brother and sister 495
Buddha xix
Bugs Bunny xx
bull 115, 224, 477, 518, 539
and bullock 492
and calf 219
and gnat 242
and goats 233
and lion 55, 59, 99, 106, 165, 376, 422
and mouse 241
and wagon 225
see also ox
bullock and bull 492
and farmer 132
for sacrifice 215
bulrushes 566
butcher 58, 132, 446
and monkey 551
and shepherd 9
robbed by boys 540
robbed by dog 598
butterfly and wasp 199
Byzantium xxvi, 26, 56
Caesar 591
see also Augustus, Tiberius
calf 219
Callimachus 201
camel 56, 65
and Arab 560
and elephant 23
and gnat 224
and monkey (dancing) 354
and people 268
and Zeus 510
at party 353
in river 565
Cassandra 594
Castor 166, 451
cat and fox’s tricks 236
and mouse 98, 118, 250, 299
and rooster 299, 489
and rooster’s excuses 129
and stork 105
as doctor to chickens 310
and eagle and sow 128
and mouse and cheese 435
cat’s birthday party 95
cattle, see bull, bullock, calf, cow, ox
Caxton xvi, xxxv, xxxviii, xli, 3, 113, 132, 153, 156, 187, 207, 216, 234, 305–6, 308
cedar 26
Ceos 412
Chambry, Émile xxx, xxxii, xxxvi
Chaos 557
charcoal burner and fuller 542
Charybdis 557
chicken 83, 299
cicada 463
and fox 107
and man 272
see also cricket, grasshopper, locust
Cicero 73, 166, 314
Cilicia xxii, 502
cinnamon 16
circus 69, 409
city, gods 473
city mouse 408
clay pot 207
C1azomenae 412
clown and pig 592
cobbler and Hermes 519
and king 588
cock, see rooster
Conon 47
cook and dog 382
and pig 599
Coriolanus xxv, 66
country mouse 408
cow 14–15
coward and golden lion 547
and raven 251
Cowell, E. G. xxxviii
cowherd and hare 387
cowhide, see hide
crab and hear 450
and dry land 333
and mother 369
and snake 141
and dolphins and whales 220
craftsman 464, 519, 563
crane and crow 296
and farmer 294
and peacock 193
and stork 48
and wolf 46
crested lark x, 293, 499
Cretan (dog) 60
cricket 271, 302, 340
and ant xiv, 126
and owl 97
see also cicada, grasshopper, locust
crocodile and dog 102
and fox 189
and murderer 168
Croesus 31
crow (crow bar) 467
crow 89, 326, 475, 507
and borrowed feathers xxviii, 328
and crane 296
and dog 320
and dove 194
and eagle xxviii, 328
and sheep 133
and swallow 213
and traveller 319
and water jar 453
and eagle and tortoise 111–12
see also raven
cub and blind man 37
cuckoo and hawk 300
and peacock 89
Cushite 361
Cybele 6, 205, 244, 278
Cyclops and treasure 465
Cyme 323
Cynic 21
see also Diogenes
Cyprian (dog) 60
Daly, Lloyd xvii, xxxvi
daughter and father 136, 355, 495, 548
and mother 395, 548–9, 575
Death 484
decoy (birds) 44–5
deer 20, 133, 212, 286
and child 249
and friends 90
and hunters 249, 459
and sick lion 600
and vine xiii, 80
blind in one eye 457
encounters lion 459
see also stag
Deiotarus 73
Delos 485
Delphi ix–x, 472, 485, 504
Demades xxv, xl, 1
Demeter 1, 180, 539, 559
Demetrius xx, xl
and Menander 384
Demosthenes xxv, xl, 2, 31, 248
Dio Chrysostom xxv
Diodorus Siculus xxv, xl, 355, 584
Diogenes and bald man 580
and ferryman 85
and honest man 555
Diogenes Laertius 555
Diogenian xxv
Dionysus 517, 559
doctor 478, 585, 587
and old woman 589
at funeral 586
Doctor Dolittle xviii
dog and bell 212
and blacksmiths 380
and butcher 598
and collar 3
and cook 382
and crocodile 102
and crow 320
and donkey 400
and fox 228, 373
and general of army 60
and hides 422
and lamb 381
and lion skin 231
and master 338, 388, 502
and master departing 393
and master in winter 292
and Orpheus 503
and peace with wolves 30
and puppies 116
and reeds 566
and reflection 263
and rooster 149
and sheep 133, 498
and sheep in court 174–5
shellfish 430
and sow litters 196
and statue of Hermes 564
and treasure xxii, 405
and wolf 3, 60, 117
and Zeus 569
chases hare 396
chases lion 228
chases wolf 232
flees circus 409
in manger 163
in well 77
in winter and summer 267
insults sow 197
kisses hare 374
rebukes sheep 67
refuses dog catcher 88
resents housedog 68
and sheep and shepherd 67
and sheep and wolf 32, 174
and shepherd about wolf 39
dog-bite 77, 173, 212
catcher 88
dog-house 116, 163, 267
Dolopian (dog) 60
dolphin and lion 55
and monkey 324
and tuna 160
and whale 220
donkey 6, 206, 390, 403, 415, 423, 575
and boar 216
and bride 468
and cricket 340
and fox 145, 322
and frogs 377
and goat 147
and horse in war 410
and horse who boasts 418
and horse’s barley 114
and hypocritical wolf 371
and lion 145, 217, 422
and lion skin 322–3
and lyre 404
and mule 64
and new owner 10
and onager xii, 4–5
and owner 11, 152, 278, 307, 338
and ox ploughing 218
and ox’s load 65
and pack saddle 11
and pig who squeals 397
and pig’s barley 414
and salt 152
and tambourine 6
and wolf 309, 312
and Zeus 568
carries image 278
chases lion 235
eats thorns 553
imitates dog 338
on cliff 486
on roof 339
reads to dog 400
donkey’s shadow 2
Douglas, Archibald 250
dove 325, 328
and crow 194
as decoy 44
and kite 25
see also pigeon
dragon and fox 406
dream (true and false) 529
driftwood from afar 279
driver 2, 344, 486
and Heracles 481
and wagon 225
from Sybaris 344
drones 178
drowning boy 289
drunkard and wife 558
Duff, J. W. and A. M. xxxvi
dung-beetle, see beetle
eagle 22, 51, 128, 332, 454, 475, 507
and arrow 43
and beetle 153
and crow xxviii, 328
and farmer 72
and fox xxii, 154–5
and hare 51, 83, 142, 153
and jackdaw 341–2
and kite 57
and lion 50
and tortoise contest 239
and tortoise flying 331
and wren 238
and crow and tortoise 111–12
and farmer and wall 73
and fox and men xvii, 83
snake and farmer 72
Earth, see Gaia
earthworm 348
eel 1, 105
Egypt ix, 352
elephant and camel 23
and lion 247
Eleusinian Mysteries 559
endomythium xv–xvii
enemies on ship 159
Ennius xxv, xl, 293
epimythium xiv–xvii
Erasmus xxxiv, xxxvii, xli, 40, 144, 196–7, 209, 286, 323, 357, 40–1, 43, 416, 477, 482
Eros 350
Ethiopian 361
eunuch and soothsayer 367
and testes 595
Eutychus xxi
eyes and honey 345
falcon 57, 285
farmer 291, 296, 317, 336, 423, 437, 599
and bullock 132
and cranes 294
and eagle 72–3
and frozen snake 440
and lion 323, 355, 438
and lost mattock 473
and ox 124, 292, 379
and sea 276
and snake 72, 74–5
and treasure 469
and wolf 357–8
stones birds 295
Aesop's Fables Page 38