Sin With Me (With Me Series Book 2)

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Sin With Me (With Me Series Book 2) Page 36

by Lacey Silks

  Chapter 12


  It was ten in the morning when we turned into a long driveway at the Waters’ farm. The house in front of me was a picture-perfect rendition of the kind of a country home I’d always imagined. Unlike Eric’s place, on this one there was a wrap-around porch at the front (which I’d noticed was common from other houses as we drove by). Baskets of colorful flowers hung around the entrance, clumps of their blossoms cascading low enough to reach. In the distance, I could hear the buzzing of a tractor mower as a man I assumed was Eric’s father rode toward us. The smell of fresh grass and manure hit me.

  “Well, this sure is a farm,” I said, crinkling my nose.

  “My father raises pigs.”

  I looked at him from the side, trying to stifle a giggle. Sometimes Eric made it too easy for me.

  “I swear if you say what I know you’re thinking, I’ll make you regret it.” He showed me a crooked smile. His threat of course only encouraged me.

  “Say what, Babe?”

  And then it happened. He leaned forward so quickly, taking my face into his hands, that I had no time to pull away – and honestly, I didn’t want to. He seized my lips like they’d been his forever, and I felt my shoulders slack and body mellow. His sinful mouth took over, moving slowly at first but with a well founded determination. I opened wider, allowing his tongue to slide inside to tangle with mine… and make me wish it was somewhere else on my body, quite lower. A flush of heat began to mingle between us. His steady lips swelled mine as my urges awakened. The demand of Eric’s mouth was becoming unbearable, and I wanted so much more than a kiss. I wanted everything. His hands on me, taking away the aches of my swelling breasts and the growing pressure between my legs. I needed him to lower my seat again so that I could feel his dominating body over me, right here in his car, on his parents’ front lawn.

  Oh, crap! We’re on his parents’ front lawn!

  I pushed him away, panting. “We can’t do this.”

  “Remember, you’re my girlfriend. We need to make this appear real.”

  I didn’t think a kiss could get any more real than that.

  “Right.” I leaned forward and selfishly pressed my lips to his, stealing another wet smooch. His tongue dove inside my mouth instantly, weaving through nooks and against my gums. I swear we were like two horny teenagers, waiting for the right time to relieve all the pent up demand for each other. When I pulled away, I explained, “Just to make sure no one questions it.”

  This was all for show, wasn’t it? No frickin’ way! Eric wasn’t hiding that he wanted me. He’d told me so many times already. And I was beginning to tire of pretending that I didn’t want him either. Part of me wanted to make this real and to make our relationship work, but did I truly want a relationship? I hadn’t been in a serious one in years. And most of the men who tried to date me ended up with a broken heart within a week or two. And then there was my work for him. I was on a job. I couldn’t let my guard down. If my brothers found out about us, they’d never give me a serious case again.

  “Emma, there’s something I need to tell you about the farm and this job.” He started.

  I felt my shoulders tense. “Your mom’s coming.” Mrs. Waters was only a few feet away. I straightened my shirt and pulled on the door handle. Eric jumped out quicker than a bullet, and before I set my foot on the ground my door was wide open. Stunned, I stumbled into his arms, falling against his hard chest.

  “Don’t ever get out of the car like that,” he whispered.

  “Like what?” I swallowed through my tight throat.

  “Without me opening the door for you.”


  “It’s a thing I have.”

  “A gentleman thing?”

  “It makes me feel honored to do that for you.”



  “All right.”

  Our quick exchange of the few words left me hardly enough time to compose myself. My heart was still pounding, and my head spun before I found myself in another set of warm arms.

  “Emma, I’ve heard so much about you.” Eric’s mom embraced me the same way my own would have, and I found the comfort of her hug welcoming.

  You have? When had Eric had a chance to tell her about me?

  And as she held me, I realized that other than David’s, I’d never met my boyfriend’s mother.

  “Eric’s been going on about you since the day he met you in New York. It’s so good to see him finally take a liking to someone. He’s never brought a girl home before. Welcome to our little nest, Emma.”

  “Thank you.” I didn’t dare to ruin her good mood by telling her I was here only on a job. Besides, Eric had asked me to pretend. Only… was I pretending?

  And that’s when I felt my body jolt forward as a German shepherd jumped up to lick my face.

  “Down, Max!” Eric ordered. “I’m sorry. He’s old, but friendly.”

  “Hi, Max.” I scratched the graying dog under his chin. “That sure was one heck of a welcome.”

  “Go on, boy. Lead the way.” Mrs. Waters patted him on his head as Max led us toward the house.

  As soon as I stepped over the threshold, the click of a lock sounded, sending chills up my spine. I found it odd that Eric’s mom would do that – especially since there was no other neighbor in immediate sight. Eric discreetly drew his finger to his lips, asking me not to say anything. The house was beautiful and newer than I expected, but the sense of tight security didn’t escape me. From double locks on the doors to strong hinges on the windows, this home had better bolts than many metropolitan ones.

  “It’s been like this since the kidnapping,” he whispered when his mom turned away. “My parents built it for greater security.”

  “Eric says he wants to show you around the farm before going back to the ranch. Please make yourself at home while I get going on lunch.” The dishes began clinking and Mrs. Waters started humming under her breath. It was as if new life had been fused into her body the moment we arrived.

  “Thank you. You have a beautiful home here. Eric tells me the farm has been passed down for generations.”

  “The farm has been in the family for at least a hundred years. The old house in the back is the one I grew up in. We have direct access to Peacock Lake behind there.”

  “I’d love to see it.”

  “Oh, you don’t want to go in there, dear. It’s all dusty, and God knows what kinds of creatures live there. It’s so nice to have you here, Emma.” A man whom I assumed was Eric’s dad entered the doorway and, just like his wife, took me into his arms.

  “The pleasure’s mine. I meant that I’d love to see the lake.”

  “Well, that I’m sure Eric can arrange. I need to wash up before I show you the solar panels.” He pointed to his soiled clothes. “Once we get those installed, we’ll be saving energy at home and in the sty. And after that, I’m all yours, kids.”

  “We’ll see you soon.” Eric waved to his parents and guided me outside. The press of his hand felt surprisingly natural.

  Eric led me to the side of a sty. I took a long whiff and didn’t get the scent of manure I was expecting.

  “What are you sniffing?” Eric laughed.

  “The pigs. I can’t smell them.”

  “That’s because most were sold last week. There are only two sows left at the moment. They’ll have their babies in a month, and the cycle will begin again.”

  “You’re not going to show me the barn?” I asked as we kept walking past the building beside the sty.

  “Baby, you’re not ready for the barn.” A wicked smile grazed his face, making me wonder what he meant by the comment.

  “Why not?” I stopped, pulling on his hand.

  “Well, let’s just say that in these parts of the country, barns are not for good girls.” The grunt of his voice pulsed through my body, igniting it with impatient longing. I drew my finger down the middle of his chest, along each button of his plaid

  “Who’s saying that I’m good?” I bit my lower lip.

  “You’re a tease,” he laughed. “It’s tradition in this town that a man takes his woman in a barn.”

  He swiveled on his foot and grasped me under my back dipping my entire body back as if we’d just finished a dance. His lips were less than an inch away, pursed and deliciously swollen. Moisture glistened at their edges and it took all my strength not to kiss him, because I needed my answers.

  “So, how many girls have you taken here, Cowboy?” I asked in a whisper, feeling a sudden rush of endorphins overwhelm my blood flow.

  “This one doesn’t count. It’s my parents’ farm. It’s sort of like, you use your parents’ for practice before you bring the girl to your own.” Eric pulled me back up, guiding me toward the old house.

  “Cheater,” I accused. “So, how many cherries have you popped at your barn, then?”

  “My barn is still a virgin. It’s been waiting for the right woman for quite some time now.” He was practically eating me alive with his gaze. My mouth dried as a new flash of heat spread through me.

  “Oh, so you’re saying I’m not good enough for this one, then?”

  “Emma.” Eric stopped, facing me. He leaned in closer, lowering his voice. The husk that came next did things to my body I wasn’t ready for. “Girls taken to the barn are meant to be either fucked senseless, or go there to lose their virginity. There’s no way I’m fucking you here for the first time. The first time you and I are together, I want to take my time and give proper attention to every part of your body. After that, well, we can revisit the subject.”

  Wasn’t he ever sure of himself! As much as my body grasped at his words, committing them to memory like a promise, instantly wishing that one day I could be one of those girls, Eric’s confidence surprised me. It was as if he’d become more alpha each time he spoke, obviously thinking we’d soon sleep together. But wasn’t that exactly what ran across my mind each time I looked at him?

  “And what gave you the idea that I want to sleep with you?” I asked, my awareness of him increasing with each passing moment.

  “I think that fresh country air is messing with your brain, Emma.” The back of his hand grazed along my bare arm, upward. “I can see your nipples pebbling as we speak, baby. You’re as attracted to me as I am to you, and the only thing that’s stopping us is this case and the fact that you’re on a job here.”

  Feeling the flicker of nerves in my belly glow brighter, I took a step toward him. “As much as I admire your confidence, please note that I don’t do anything I don’t want to, and no one could ever force me to.”

  “I would never force you to do anything, Emma, but mark my words when I say that you’ll want me to squeeze between those tight thighs of yours, and I can’t wait to feel you drip around me. In fact, you’ll beg for it.” He leaned to my ear, the smoothness of his morning shave gliding against my cheek. “I promise.”

  My body began giving in. The slow buzz of need that’s been simmering inside me began boiling as Eric’s hand slipped around my back and down to my skirt, soothing my ache. He gently grasped my ass, squeezing it and massaging it, and I felt my feet part as I pressed to him. I leaned my head against his chest, feeling the quick beating of his heart underneath my cheeks, and slowly I slid my hands underneath his shirt and up his field of muscles toward his chest where my fingers finally found that piercing I wanted to play with. His muscles bunched underneath my palm. My hands tingled with his warmth as Eric’s hand drew to my front, scrunching the skirt up with his fingers until he cupped me through my panties.

  I stopped breathing. The feel of him there, knowing how utterly ready I was, surged yearning through my veins.

  “Is this for me, Emma?” His ragged breath became my own as I held the air in my lungs, nodding as he swept my panties to the side, sliding his finger along my wet folds. They felt so good there, and so right.

  “You’re so ready, baby,” he whispered. I opened my eyes, looking up into his, begging him for more. Thank goodness we were out of view here, right behind the barn. With his fingers still playing around my wetness, I felt my legs move as he guided me until my back pressed against the barn’s outside boards, and when we stopped he crushed his mouth to mine, no longer passive, but hungry and commanding, weaving his fingers between my folds before slipping them inside me. I wasn’t sure how my leg ended up on his hip, spreading me wide for him, but his commanding rhythm worked like some magical spell. Our kiss was feverish, but I could tell Eric was still holding back.

  “I need you,” I whispered into his mouth, listening to the sound of his fingers squishing between my legs. He pulled out, raising his hand to his mouth, drawing his index finger underneath his nose, taking my essence into him before licking off my arousal. His gesture surged a wave of hunger through my veins, further soaking my lady parts.

  “So sweet and delicious.” He then lowered himself to the ground and lifted my skirt. My head fell back, resting against the barn as his tongue weaved along my knee up to my inner thigh before he reached the apex of my triangle. Both his hands grasped my legs tightly, and when he used his teeth to lower the fabric off my hips, leaving his hot breath against my flesh, I was all ready to climax. Parting my legs for him, I finally felt his tongue lick through my wetness from deep down up to my clit. He teased my swollen nub and used his fingers to stretch me wide, taking his time to skim his lips along my hot, wet flesh before he settled higher, sucking and flicking. My thighs contracted and my pelvis flew forward. I swore I’d have a new set of muscles in my ass by the time he was done.

  I lifted my skirt, watching his head bop up and down, feeling the swell buzz with each pull of his greedy mouth. I hadn’t had a man on me in years. My head bumped back against the barn wall and I closed my eyes giving in to the pleasing invasion of his mouth down below. He coaxed me and tortured me with his tongue, slowly pulling my orgasm out.

  My insides were set ablaze. The heat spread through my body, causing sweat to bead on my forehead and my lower back. Was I still breathing, or had all the air been sucked off Earth? Because it sure wasn’t filling my lungs quickly enough. And on that one last succulent pull when he completely closed his mouth around me, flicking my nub inside it with his tongue, I lost it. The flames spread through me like an inferno, burning my every muscle, ligament, and limb. I had no control over what was happening to me. I wanted to cry and shout but couldn’t. All the tension I’d held onto, all the stress was relieved by Eric’s mouth, and I fell into his arms as soon as he stopped.

  He held me against his chest, sliding down against the wooden side of the barn, and held me in his arms, smoothing my hair back.

  “Are you all right?” he whispered.

  “Yes,” I breathed out, as the world slowly began making its way back to me. What seemed like hours of fondling must had taken only minutes, as the sun hadn’t moved much up in the sky.

  “I wanted to hear you scream,” he smirked.

  I looked up to his face, my juices glistening on his chin. “Here? Where your parents could have heard me?”

  “No one would have heard you, Em. Promise me you’ll let go and scream the next time I take you.”

  Next time? When would that be? My cheeks heated, thinking about his request.

  “Promise me?”

  “All right, I promise.” My hands flew up to my face, covering it.

  “Why are you so shy, baby?”

  “I don’t know. It’s just been so long since…”


  “Yeah, really.”

  “Was he special?”

  “Very. I’ve been locked away for two long years, never even giving a thought to any man who could do what you just did. I couldn’t. Not until you…” I felt a sniffle break through.

  “Shh.” He smoothed his hand over my head, kissing it. “It makes me happy you gave yourself to me. It means a lot.”

  “Don’t women throw themselves at you?”
r />   “I’d lie if I said they don’t, but believe me, Em, none of them are worthy. None of them are you.”

  I pressed myself harder to him, savoring each beat of his heart.

  “Tell me about him,” he asked. “The man who held your heart that’s not in your life.”

  I let out a long breath. I hadn’t repeated the story to anyone – ever.

  Chapter 13


  Two years earlier

  “I still can’t believe you’re here.”

  “I’ve been here before, Emma.” David laughed. His perfect veneer smile shone as he pulled me into him, kissing my shoulder. I was sitting with my back pressed against his chest, leaning back to look at the man who had crossed the world to be with me. His legs were at the sides of mine and I’d been sifting sand through my fist onto his shin for the past hour, listening to his breathing behind me, enjoying our permanent reunion. The evening was perfect. Warm Atlantic air ruffled David’s dark hair as the waves lapped against the shore. A gentle taste of salt resonated in my mouth. We’d walked along the beach, had a picnic earlier in the day, and now we were simply relishing one another’s company.

  “You know what I mean. You’re in the U.S. to stay, and you’re not going to leave me again.”

  “I love you, Emma. I’m sorry this couldn’t happen before but now, I will never leave you, my sweet.”


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