Dragon Night: A Dark Kings Novella

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Dragon Night: A Dark Kings Novella Page 12

by Donna Grant

  But Dorian proved he was very much in control when he shifted them so that she knelt next to the chair, bent over the cushion. He filled her once more, pumping hard and deep twice before he stilled.

  “Can you feel me, lass?” he murmured against her ear.

  She nodded breathlessly.

  “Say it,” he demanded.

  “I feel you. All of you.”

  His teeth slid around her lobe and gently bit down, holding for a heartbeat before letting it go with a soft suck. “I’ll always be inside you.”

  Chills raced over her skin at his husky words that were both a promise and a warning. And she loved it.

  He swiped her curls out of the way and pressed a kiss to the back of her neck. “My words excite you.”

  “Yes.” No one else had known what she needed. She hadn’t even realized it.

  But somehow Dorian had.

  “Then I am yours.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. She wanted to look into his eyes, to see if he meant what she hoped he meant. But he wouldn’t let her move. Because he wasn’t finished with her yet.

  Anticipation mixed with eagerness when he straightened before grinding his hips against her, reminding her that he was deep inside her. As if she could forget that sensation.

  One of his large hands flattened at her neck and slowly caressed downward. “Such a beautiful body. There are so many ways I want to take you.”

  Yes! She wanted that, needed that.

  “And in every one, you will scream your pleasure.”

  She clenched around his arousal, trying to get him to move. In response, he reached around and pinched her nipple hard.

  Alex swallowed against the searing pain that instantly turned to pleasure. “I need you.”

  “I can feel your wet heat.”

  “Please. Don’t make me wait.”

  His chuckle was low and so seductive that it made her clit quiver. “Sometimes the best way to gain pleasure is by denying yourself what you want most until you can no’ bear it another moment. And only then do you give in.”

  That certainly sounded like something she would like.

  “You willna come until I tell you.”

  She closed her eyes, a smile upon her lips. “Yes.”

  If she thought he would begin moving, she was wrong. He remained so deep inside her that he was against her womb. To prevent her from moving her hips, he’d pressed her hard against the chair.

  But she needed some friction. So she tried to move her hips. To her dismay, his hands stopped her before she could even begin.

  “No moving, lass,” Dorian ordered.

  Being told she couldn’t move only made her want to do it even more. She was so focused on remaining still that she didn’t realize he’d moved his hands until his fingers slid against her labia and then up and around her aching clit.

  She moaned, jerking at the contact, but his large body held her still. The delicate, constant motion of his finger back and forth on her clit had her breathing hard, her body trembling as she fought to remain unmoving.

  All too quickly she felt herself tumbling toward an orgasm. She fought to keep it at bay and not give in to the wonderful pleasure she knew awaited her, but she could only last so long.

  Right before the climax took her, Dorian pulled his hand away. She dragged in a ragged breath. Suddenly, he took her hands and pulled her arms back so that she raised her head.

  Then he began to move. She sighed, pleased to finally feel the length of him sliding in and out of her. His tempo quickened until their bodies were rocking against each other.

  With her already on the cusp of a climax, it didn’t take him long to bring her right back to the brink. The sound of flesh meeting flesh, of Dorian’s rough breathing only intensified the experience.

  “Alex,” he ground out as his thrusts became short and fast. “Now!”

  The orgasm was an explosion of pure bliss, utter paradise. With every thrust, Dorian took her higher, lengthening her pleasure. He buried himself deep, wrapping an arm around her middle so that they were locked together as their bodies succumbed to the breath-stealing climax.

  They remained in that position for several minutes. Dorian pulled out of her, and by the time he lifted her to hold her in his lap in the chair, they were once more clothed.

  Alex rested her head on his shoulder. “I could get used to this.”

  “So could I.”

  She wanted to ask him about his declaration that he was hers. What had he meant exactly? She didn’t want to assume anything. It was better for everyone involved if things were spelled out so each knew where the other stood.

  But she couldn’t get the words past her lips.

  “I don’t suppose we can stay like this forever?” she asked.

  He turned his face and kissed her forehead. “Once we have the artifact at Dreagan then we can.”

  “You’re really going to let me go with you?”

  “We made a deal.”

  “What about Con and the others? Won’t they be upset?” she asked.

  He grunted and pressed his lips to her forehead again. “They’ll get over it.”

  That made her smile. Alex sat up to look at him. “I’ve only been to Scotland once, and it was just to Edinburgh. I’m ready to see your land, and I know you and the others are anxious to get the artifact. Besides, the day is still young.”

  He stood in one fluid motion and slowly let her legs drop, though he didn’t let her go. “You’re a remarkable woman, Alexandra Sheridan. From the verra first, you surprised me.”

  “I’ve been called many things, but never remarkable.”

  “Then everyone else are fools if they doona see what I do.”

  At that moment, Alex thought she could walk on clouds. There was something about being with Dorian that brought the rest of the world into focus.

  “I have a private plane,” she said.

  One side of his lips lifted in a grin. “Dreagan has helicopters, but I believe we’ll need a plane. Which we should take since I can no’ fly back myself.”

  She blinked. “You were going to fly back?”

  “Aye. My gift is to turn invisible, remember.”

  As if being an immortal shape-shifting dragon with magic wasn’t enough. “Do all the Kings have gifts?”

  “Aye,” he said as he set her on her feet and took her hand.

  She pulled him toward the door, grabbing her purse on the way. “Tell me on the way to my place. I want to know every detail.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  The lightness that he felt was something new and... fascinating. Dorian kept a hold of Alex. It wasn’t for protection, it was for himself.

  It hadn’t been that long since he thought he might never see her again. Now she was back in his life. And helping him and his brothers.

  He still couldn’t quite believe that she would so eagerly hand over the relic. Then again, she was proving that mortals could be decent and kind.

  As they reached the lobby, he held her back and looked out of the lift. His gaze landed on Meg, who put away her mobile phone and stood when she saw them. Paul and Tim stood on either side of the double glass doors. Dorian glanced at Alex, who stared at him with clear hazel eyes.

  His grin widened when he took in her hair. Her hands reached up and she began laughing loudly, covering her mouth with one hand while her eyes bulged.

  “Make them wait,” she said between fits of laughter.

  When Dorian’s gaze slid back to the lobby, Meg and Tim were smiling while Paul sulked. That didn’t even annoy Dorian. He was in an exceptional mood. All because one beautiful, beguiling human had shoved aside her fear and had given him a chance.

  “Okay,” Alex said.

  His head swung to her to find her still grinning but her hair back in place. He held out his hand, which she took, and they walked into the lobby together.

  “Shall I clear your schedule again today?” Meg asked as Alex neared.

  Alex glance
d at him. “Actually, you might want to clear it for the foreseeable future. We’re taking a trip to Scotland.”

  Dorian watched the assistant carefully. Meg’s dark eyes jerked to him, though she still wore a smile. Meg also knew his secret, but for some inexplicable reason he trusted her.

  “Good,” Meg said to him before she returned her gaze to Alex. “When do you leave?”

  “Within the hour,” Dorian said.

  Paul stepped forward. “We’re going to need longer than that.”

  “I’ll be going to Dorian’s estate,” Alex told the bodyguard. “That means you and the others can finally have a vacation.”

  Dorian waited until he caught Paul’s blue eyes. “There’s nowhere safer than Dreagan for her. You have my word.”

  “He’s right,” Meg said as she turned to Paul.

  Alex’s smile was a little tight as she looked at everyone. “Then it’s settled.”

  “Don’t you need to pack?” Paul asked Dorian.

  “Paul,” Alex admonished.

  Dorian gave her a shake of his head. Then he walked to the bodyguard. “I have everything I need, but I appreciate your concern.”

  There was a moment of tense silence before Paul gave a slight nod of his head. Tim opened the doors and walked out first. Meg was next with Alex behind her and Dorian following. Paul brought up the rear.

  Dorian’s eyes immediately scanned the street for any threat that might come for Alex. He was so focused on others that he didn’t notice the danger that was among them.

  It was Meg’s startled scream as she dove to the side that caught Dorian’s attention. He turned to find Tim lying face down on the ground with a pool of blood widening beneath him.

  By pure reaction alone Dorian grabbed Alex and spun her around toward Paul, who had already pulled his gun. Dorian pushed Alex into the bodyguard’s arms and turned around, ready to put an end to these attacks.

  When he found himself staring into the angry face of Alex’s longtime driver, Yasser, Dorian frowned in confusion. But the resentment sparking in the driver’s gaze changed everything.

  Dorian laughed at the mortal. “This will be the last time you’ll ever be close enough to do Alex any harm.”

  “I’m not after Alex,” Yasser said right before his arm came down and a blade pierced Dorian.

  He knocked Yassar away, delight filling Dorian when the puny mortal fell to the ground. The human rose up on one elbow and raised his gaze to Dorian.

  “It’s time for the Dragon Kings to fall.”

  Yasser’s words halted Dorian. He didn’t know how the driver knew who he was, but that mattered not. A little visit from another Dragon King could wipe the human’s memories.

  A subtle stinging began that grew rapidly. Dorian looked at the offensive blade and jerked it out of his chest. Right before he tossed it aside, he looked at the handle. The Fae markings gave him pause. Dorian’s eyes jerked back to Yasser.

  The driver began laughing. Dorian blinked as everything became fuzzy. He swayed, trying to stay on his feet, but his legs gave out. His knees hit the pavement so hard that he felt his kneecaps shatter.

  He didn’t feel the pain. Even the stinging had stopped. And that terrified him. Something was happening—and that something was magic.

  Right as Dorian pitched forward, he heard Alex scream his name.

  * * * *

  Alex yanked out of Paul’s arms and rushed to Dorian. She turned him over as the sound of sirens filled the air. There was so much blood.

  “Dorian? Dorian, please. I need you to wake up. Look at me,” she urged frantically.

  There were people all around her, some shouting, some talking, but she heard none of it. She kept her hand over the wound, trying to staunch the flow of blood.

  “Dorian, please,” she begged through the blur of tears.

  Someone grabbed her. Without thinking, she twisted and punched whoever it was and returned to Dorian. He was supposed to be immortal. Nothing killed him but another Dragon King.

  That’s what he’d said. She hadn’t dreamed it. Maybe he just needed to die and then he’d wake. Yes. That was it. He’d wake. He was immortal.


  She ignored the voice, waiting for Dorian’s eyes to pop open and for him to laugh off what happened.


  “What?” she snapped and turned to find Paul along with a policeman holding a rag to his bloodied nose.

  Paul swallowed, worry in his gaze. “They need to get to Dorian.”

  She followed his finger to the paramedics who stood waiting. This couldn’t be happening. Dorian was a dragon. No, he was a Dragon King.

  Alex couldn’t help him, but maybe someone else could. She tried to get to her feet. It was Paul who helped her up and moved her out of the way. She stood numbly, watching the paramedics attempt to stop the bleeding.

  Yasser was in handcuffs. He had killed Delroy and Leon, as well as Tim. Meg only had a scrape on her arm from the blade since she had ducked when she realized what was happening.

  “Dorian’s going to be fine,” Paul assured her.

  She wrapped her arms around herself. It wasn’t time for her to stand idly by waiting for others to take control. She needed to do it.

  Alex turned to the officer that she’d hit. “My apologies for striking you. If you wish to charge me, I understand. My assistant,” she said, motioning to Meg who was being seen to in the back of an ambulance, “will give you the name of my lawyer.”

  “You weren’t being malicious, Miss Sheridan,” the officer said. “No charges will be filed.”

  She swallowed and wiped at the tears. “Thank you. I’ll double my donation to the NYPD this year.” She turned to look at Yasser, who sat in the back of a patrol car. “Whatever you need from me or anyone who works with me to help make sure that maniac never breathes free air, let me know.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said.

  Alex then walked to Meg, her gaze locking on Dorian. “How are you?”

  “It’s a scratch,” she replied. “And Dorian?”

  Alex shrugged and realized that Paul stood beside her. She looked at Meg before she rushed back to Dorian’s side. “I need the number to Dreagan.”

  Meg shot her a quick smile. “Already placed the call while they were tending to me.”

  “You’re worth your weight in gold.”

  Meg reached out and took Alex’s hand. “Go to him. I’ve called the hospital. He’ll be put in a special wing away from others.”

  “Thank you.”

  Paul put his hand on her back. “They’re loading him. We need to go now.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can,” Meg hollered.

  Alex lifted a hand to let her friend know she heard her as she and Paul ran to the ambulance. Then she was inside, sitting next to an unconscious Dorian in the vehicle as the sirens blared and it sped down the streets.

  She couldn’t take her eyes from Dorian. He was pale, so very pale. Something must be wrong, because he shouldn’t be lying there like he was dying.

  Like he was mortal.

  She tuned out the medics as they spoke in a special code. But even she understood that things weren’t good for Dorian.

  An eternity later, after winding through traffic and taking back roads, they finally arrived at the hospital. She and Paul were the first out the back of the ambulance. They moved to the side, waiting for the staff to take Dorian into the emergency room.

  Once he was rolled out, they followed Dorian inside only to be brought to a halt by a tall man with piercing gray eyes and light brown hair styled to perfection. She knew immediately he was a Dragon King.

  “I’m Mr. Dreagan’s personal physician,” the man told the hospital staff in a thick Scottish brogue. “I travel everywhere with him. Thanks to Miss Sheridan, I was alerted of his accident.”

  Alex stepped forward and looked at the ID the man presented to her. She frowned up at him and whispered. “How do you pronounce that?”

/>   One side of his lips lifted in a grin. “Kinnay.”

  She looked at the spelling, wondering how in the world Cináed was Kinnay, but she would figure that out later. Louder, she said, “I was also assured that Dorian would have privacy.”

  “Already taken care of,” an older woman with short graying hair said as she walked up. “This way, please.”

  Staff took hold of the gurney and began to roll Dorian away. The other Dragon King motioned Alex and Paul to follow.

  Inside the elevator, everyone was silent. Alex saw the concern on Cináed’s face as he stared at Dorian. Once the doors opened and they stepped out, the quiet assaulted Alex after the noise and pandemonium of below.

  In short order, Dorian was put in a room where several people dressed in operating gear waited. The woman who’d led them up here and the Dragon King spoke quietly. A moment later, the woman and the orderlies left.

  Now alone, Cináed walked to Alex. “I’m one of Dorian’s friends.”

  “I figured. Can you help him?” she asked. Then shook her head. “Sorry. I’m Alex Sheridan.”

  He gave her a small smile filled with understanding. “That’s what we’re trying to determine.”

  “And they are?” she asked, pointing to the nurses.

  Suddenly, all but one of the group inside the room disappeared. A woman of incredible beauty with long black hair and green-gold eyes stood there. Her shoulders drooped. She lifted a hand to wipe at her hair, and Alex spotted finger rings.

  Cináed moved in front of Alex to get her attention. “I’m hoping that by knowing to call us that you are aware of who Dorian is.”

  “A Dragon King,” she replied.

  “Good,” Cináed said with a sigh. “I wasna looking forward to explaining all of that.” He ran a hand down his face. “I need to know details. Ryder is pulling camera footage, but I want to know from both of you.”

  Alex nodded, wanting to help any way she could. She then glanced behind her to see Paul. She’d completely forgotten that he was there. “Is Dorian going to be all right?”

  “I doona know,” Cináed replied. “It would help if we had the weapon.”

  She gaped, feeling stupid for not even thinking about that. “Oh, God. I don’t even know where it is.”


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