Dragon Night: A Dark Kings Novella

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Dragon Night: A Dark Kings Novella Page 14

by Donna Grant

  She looked up at him and smiled. “Rhi.”

  “I know your name. You are friend to the Kings.”

  “Afraid you have that wrong, big guy. I used to be friend to the Kings. Then, I let the darkness have me. I kill planets now.”

  Dorian couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He shook his head. “Why?”

  Her smile was gone, replaced with that of utter evil. “Unrequited love has a shelf life, handsome.”

  “Is this where you kill me?”

  She threw back her head and laughed. It was the same sound he’d heard earlier, the same laugh that sickened him. Then her silver gaze landed on him and he saw her begin to glow.

  Dorian drew in a breath and blew out dragon fire. If he was going to die, he wasn’t going down without a fight.

  There was a bright flash and he bellowed as arms grabbed him. He fought with all his might, hitting and kicking.


  He paused, realizing only then that he was in human form. It took several tries before his eyes focused and he found himself in a small room with Con and Ulrik holding him pinned to the wall.

  His eyes scanned the room, jerking back to the door when he spotted blond curls peeking around Cináed’s arm. “Alex?”

  “I’m here,” she said and ducked past Cináed before he could grab her.

  Dorian grinned when she yanked on Con and Ulrik until they released him. As soon as Alex’s arms went around him, Dorian closed his eyes and held her close.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  “Some bad juju, handsome.”

  His eyes snapped open at the Irish accent. The tall woman strolled into the room and leaned against the wall next to Cináed.

  “You’re lucky,” the Fae said.

  Dorian shoved Alex behind him and faced the female. “Who are you?”

  “Oh, sorry,” she said with a wince. “I forget we’ve never met. I’m Rhi.”

  He shook his head as he let out a loud grunt. “Nay, you are no’.”

  She gave him a scathing look. “Ah, yeah, I am. I’ve been me for, well, ever. I think I’d know.”

  “She is Rhi,” Con said. “Why did you say she isna?”

  Dorian rubbed his forehead. What was real and what wasn’t? He wasn’t sure anymore. Was this the dream and the other place real?

  Alex came to stand before him once more. “You gotta tell us what’s going on. You’ve been out for hours. We didn’t think you’d wake.”

  “What changed?” he asked, gazing deep into her hazel eyes. She grounded him, her touch clearing his head of all the horrible things he’d witnessed.

  “The artifact,” Ulrik told him. “Con tried to heal you, but his magic did nothing. We brought the relic in here to discuss it and what to do with you. That’s when we noticed that whenever we brought it near you that it drew out the evil.”

  That got his attention. “Evil?”

  “The blade that struck you was from the first Fae murder,” Rhi said. “It’s been missing for ages.”

  “Or someone was saving it,” Con said.

  Dorian squeezed his eyes closed for a moment. “I was in a place that seemed verra real.”

  “What place?” Alex asked.

  He glanced at her before looking around the room. “Earth, but drastically different. I fought waves of Dark Fae. They were everywhere. I got away and flew to Dreagan. Only when I got there it was destroyed. Every mate had been viciously murdered.”

  “Doona stop,” Ulrik said when Dorian paused.

  Dorian wasn’t sure he could get out the next part. Alex linked her fingers with his and gave him a nod. Dorian pressed his lips together as the image of his brothers lying dead flashed in his mind.

  “All of you were dead,” he said.

  Merrill raked a hand through his hair. “Fuck me.”

  “Tell us everything. Every detail,” Con said.

  Dorian slid his gaze to Rhi. “A woman appeared. I knew she was Fae instantly. She said her name was Rhi. She claimed responsibility for all the death and claimed to kill realms. Right before I woke, she began to glow.”

  Ulrik strode to Rhi and pointed at her. “Is this the face you saw, Dorian?”

  “Excuse me,” Rhi said in outrage and shoved Ulrik’s hand away. She walked closer to Dorian and looked at him. “Was it me you saw?”

  He shook his head. “Nay.”

  “Did the Fae say why she killed everyone?” Con asked.

  Dorian tightened his grip on Alex. “She said that unrequited love had a shelf life.”

  “You’ve got to be shitting me,” Rhi ground out angrily. She held out her hand as a mobile appeared. After typing something she held up the small screen to Dorian. “Is this the crazy bitch you spoke with?”

  As soon as he saw the face, he recognized her. “Aye. That’s the woman.”

  Rhi blew out a breath and looked at Con. “UBitch strikes again.”

  “Who is UBitch?” Alex asked.

  Ulrik sighed loudly. “Rhi means Usaeil.”

  “Queen of the Light?” Dorian asked in shock.

  There was death in Con’s eyes when he said, “The verra one.”

  Chapter Twenty

  “Where is Yasser?” Dorian demanded.

  Alex was still reeling from listening to Dorian speak of what he’d seen in his dream. Or was it a dream? Had it been a vision of the future? A ploy of some sort? She honestly didn’t know.

  She glanced up from the floor to see that everyone was staring at her. Alex raised her brows. “What?”

  “Where is Dorian’s would-be killer?” Con asked.

  She shrugged helplessly. “At one of the police departments.”

  “I need to speak with him.”

  Alex looked at Dorian. “You say that as if you think you’ll get past the guards to talk to him. And let’s not forget that Yasser has the right to refuse you. Only attorneys get in to see potential clients.”

  The smile on Dorian’s face was anything but nice. “It’s a good thing we know a verra good lawyer then.”

  Somehow she wasn’t at all surprised at the news. “Is he also a Dragon King?”

  “Of course,” Ulrik said.

  “Of course,” she mimicked beneath her breath.

  New York society couldn’t compare to the ego or confidence of the Dragon Kings. The simple fact was that no one could compare to them.

  And they knew it.

  They could take over the world, but they didn’t. They chose to hide, to protect their identities and their way of life at all costs.

  When Alex looked at Dorian, he was grinning at her. She elbowed him and tried not to smile, but he pulled her close and rested his head against hers.

  Out of the corner of her eye she saw the others watching with varying expressions of surprise, delight, and sadness. It was Rhi’s despondency that bothered Alex the most. Despite only meeting the Light Fae, Alex liked her warrior spirit and her grace, not to mention Rhi’s style. Alex would never be able to pull off the all-black ensemble that both Rhi and Eilish carried to perfection.

  “I’ll get Vaughn,” Ulrik said and touched something on his wrist before disappearing.

  Alex jerked back. “Can all of you do that?”

  “No, they can’t,” Rhi quickly said. “Only Ulrik because he has a bracelet given to him by a Fae that allows him to do it. Eilish can because of her finger rings. But teleporting is something all Fae can do.”

  While she spoke, Alex saw Con’s lips lift in what could have been considered a cunning grin, as if he had a secret others didn’t know. Since he was the King of Kings, Alex imagined he had a boatload of secrets.

  “I still don’t see how you’re going to get in to talk to Yasser,” Alex told Dorian. “Vaughn might be able to talk to him, but that’s all.”

  Dorian turned her so he could look into her eyes. “Do you so easily forget what I can do?”

  To remind her, he released his hold on her and vanished. A hand grasped hers and he gradu
ally came back into focus.

  “I can go anywhere, do anything without anyone seeing me,” he explained. “My magic bends matter. In this form or my real one. What I can no’ do is touch anything or I’ll be seen.”

  “Is that why you didn’t steal the artifact?”

  He shook his head. “I didna steal it because I didna want to do that to you.”

  “Ugh. Just kiss already,” Rhi said and turned on her heel to walk to the wall.

  Cináed shot Rhi a dark look before he told Alex and Dorian, “Ignore her. And keep talking.”

  Alex felt her face heat as she blushed. “Perhaps we save this for later.”

  “Why?” Dorian asked. “I couldna care who sees me kiss you.”

  She didn’t stop him when he placed his lips on hers.

  “Talk about timing,” Ulrik said with a laugh.

  Alex turned her head to find Ulrik standing with yet another Dragon King.

  “Vaughn,” Dorian said in greeting.

  Alex took in the King wearing a gray suit with a white shirt and a solid purple tie with matching pocket square. Vaughn’s light brown hair was trimmed short on the sides but the top was longer, showing the thick tresses that were carefully styled.

  Eyes a brilliant Persian blue locked on her. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Alex. I’m Vaughn.”

  She smiled at him in greeting. Then looked at Dorian. “I know you have to do this, but I want to be there. He worked for me. He duped me all these years.”

  When Dorian didn’t reply, Alex hastily continued. “You’ll be there. Both you and Vaughn. What can Yasser do?”

  “A lot actually,” Vaughn interjected. “However, I think he’ll want to talk to you. I was going to suggest you come.”

  Alex shot him a surprised look, focusing back on Dorian. “Well, there goes my argument. However, if Yasser knows of the Dragon Kings, then he’ll realize Vaughn is one as well.”

  “Both Vaughn and Alex are right,” Con said.

  Rhi nodded, her nose wrinkled. “Of course Alex is right. And just for good measure, I’ll be tagging along.”

  “We doona need everyone there,” Con said in a low voice tinged with just a slight edge of aggravation.

  Rhi shrugged. “Try and stop me.”

  “I’d like Rhi there,” Dorian said. “It was a Fae blade he had, and one thing we need to learn is where he got it.”

  “We’re going to be great friends,” Rhi said as she shot Dorian a wink.

  Alex turned to the others. “It’s settled then. Shall we go?”

  “No’ like that,” Vaughn said, pointedly looking at her clothes.

  She glanced down and found blood on her and her hands. How could she have forgotten about that? She held out her arms, looking around for a sink when Rhi walked up and clasped her hands.

  “Look at me,” Rhi urged with a soft smile.

  Alex did as she was bade.

  Rhi’s smile grew. “You know, I’ve been to a party or two with you. Your style is something to be envied. I saw the men looking at you with yearning and the women staring with envy. And you were oblivious to it all. You always stood apart. Why?”

  “It’s better that way,” Alex replied.

  Rhi made a face and sighed loudly. “Well, I hate to be the one to break it to you, heiress, but you’ll never stand alone now.”

  With that, Rhi dropped her arms and backed up. Alex glanced down and found herself not only clean, but in a black pantsuit with a white sheer shirt beneath and a black pair of Christian Louboutin spiked heels.

  Rhi winked at her when Alex looked up. “I had to add in a bit of myself.”

  Alex didn’t know what to say. She turned her head to Dorian and felt her hair down. Reaching up, she realized that not only had her hair been done, but she had on different jewelry as well.

  “This is amazing. Thank you,” she told Rhi.

  The Fae beamed. “I had entirely too much fun doing it. But, let me say before Con cuts me off, we need to go shopping together.”

  “Deal,” Alex replied with a smile.

  Rhi then looked around the room, her gaze falling on Con last. “I’ll be with the mortal waiting on the others.”

  And then she was gone. Alex wished she had that ability. How easy it would be to travel. Just a thought, and she could be wherever she wanted.

  “Ready?” Ulrik asked as he, Vaughn, and Dorian waited for her.

  Alex didn’t have time to answer as they linked hands with Ulrik taking one of hers and Dorian the other. When she blinked, they were in another location. She gazed up at the tall brick building before hastily looking around.

  “What if someone saw us?” she asked worriedly.

  Ulrik flattened his lips. “It’s New York. No one notices anything.”

  He did have a point. Still, Alex looked around, waiting for one of the police walking past to yell that they had just appeared, but nothing happened.

  “Let’s go,” Vaughn said as he strode around the side of the building.

  Dorian gave her a nod. “I’ll be behind you the entire time.”

  Alex swallowed and glanced at Ulrik before she followed Vaughn into the police station. When asked for her identification, her heart skipped a beat because she didn’t have her purse. She had no idea where it was.

  But without missing a beat, Vaughn slid both of their credentials to the officer. In a matter of minutes they were led through a serious of locked doors before they found themselves in a room.

  Vaughn motioned for her to sit while he stood in the corner. “As you said, he’ll probably talk to you first. Let’s see how he reacts by no’ knowing I’m here.”

  She drew in a breath and pulled out the chair to sit at the table. Alex hated how nervous she was. She knew Yasser couldn’t hurt her in here, but she didn’t want to be around him, didn’t want to talk to him.

  But right now wasn’t about her. It was about the Dragon Kings and what Yasser had tried to do to Dorian.

  Alex squared her shoulders when she heard the lock on the door open.

  “You’re no’ alone,” Dorian whispered in her ear. “I’m here, Alex. I’ll always be next to you.”

  How she wanted to touch him, but she didn’t dare reach for him. Her head swung to the door as it opened. Yasser was led inside by a uniformed officer.

  The cuffs and chains that bound her former driver were fitting, and she prayed that they remained on him for the rest of his miserable life.

  Yasser smiled when he saw her. “I knew you’d come.”

  She didn’t say anything as he was led to the chair and cuffs locked his bound hands to a bar on the table. The officers remained, and that simply wouldn’t do.

  If she was going to do this properly, then she needed to come at Yasser as if it was a regular business negotiation and leave all personal feelings behind.

  And it was likely going to be one of the most difficult things she’d ever done.

  Alex looked at each of them. “Thank you, gentlemen. If you would be so kind as to leave us, I would appreciate it.”

  She didn’t worry about anyone listening or any recording devices. Dorian and the others would take care of that.

  Once the officers left, Alex focused on the murderer. “Who are you really?”

  “I fooled you,” he said with a laugh. “Not once did you even think I was anything other than what I said I was.”

  Alex folded her hands in her lap. “Yes, you did fool me. Bravo. Why?”

  “There’s been one of us in your family’s employ ever since the Immortal Stone fell into your family’s hands.”

  Alex tried not to let her surprise show, but she wasn’t sure she was successful. Knowing the real name was also a boon. “Because?”

  Yasser laughed. “We knew that eventually the Kings would seek it out. All we had to do was wait.”

  “You keep saying we. So there are more of you?”

  Yasser narrowed his gaze as he slouched in the chair. “There are, and before you ask how m
any, I won’t tell you.”

  “Because you don’t know.” It had been a guess, but by the tightening of his lips, she knew she’d been right. “Do you want the artifact?”

  He snorted loudly, looking away. “We made sure it went to your family. That was the only way the Kings would ever find it.” His gaze slid back to her, a sinister smile on his face. “Tell me, Alex, how is Dorian faring?”

  She didn’t take the bait, though it was difficult. “Why do you hate the Dragon Kings so?”

  “You really have to ask that?” Yasser gave an irritated shake of his head. “No one should have that kind of power. We got rid of most of the dragons. It’s just a matter of time before the Kings fall. We’ve already begun our assault.”

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Dorian seethed with rage as he stood behind Alex glaring at Yasser. How he wanted to rip the mortal’s head off.

  “What’s the next step for your group?” Alex asked.

  Dorian couldn’t believe how calm she was. He was impressed at her composure and how no matter how Yasser tried, he couldn’t ruffle her.

  “As if I’d tell you.”

  With his fists clenched, Dorian fought not to slam the murderer’s head against the table. It would ease the anger inside him but do nothing in getting them answers.

  Alex exhaled and leaned forward to rest her arms on the table. “It feels good to best them, doesn’t it?”

  “That’s not going to work,” Yasser said.

  Alex frowned and gave him a confused look. “What do you mean?”

  “Trying to make me believe you don’t like the Kings. I saw the way you looked at Dorian. It didn’t take him any time to get you out of your clothes and riding him.”

  “That’s rather crude,” Alex stated icily.

  Dorian quite agreed. He glanced at Vaughn to find his friend watching Yasser intently. Yasser had locked his gaze on Alex the moment he entered the room and hadn’t looked away. Dorian didn’t know if the man realized Vaughn was there or not.

  No one was better at being a solicitor than Vaughn. He handled every nuance of the law—international, as he did now, as well as domestic—and he did all it brilliantly with class and style that couldn’t be duplicated.


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