Her Wish--A Playboy Genie Romance

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Her Wish--A Playboy Genie Romance Page 23

by Sophie H. Morgan

  He paused next to the couch. “Blame you?”

  “If you hadn’t met me . . . none of this would’ve happened.”

  Jax turned. His eyes burned as he strode back to her. His hands cupped her face as he slammed his lips down to hers. She clung to him for a moment. When he released her, she kept her eyes closed.

  “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “I’m not good with . . . sharing.”

  “It’s okay.”

  He released her and thrust his hands back through his hair. “What smells so good?”

  “I’m making cupcakes—is that okay? You said to meet you back here and I needed to make cupcakes for the store, so . . .”

  “Of course. It’s fine.” Jax smiled at her, but without his usual wickedness. His thoughts were clearly elsewhere as he wandered toward the glass coffee table. It was stacked with papers, ones from the folder he’d smuggled out of the Library. She’d been going through them in an effort to take her mind off what WFY might have been doing to Jax.

  Charlie gestured as she stood behind one of the couches. “I was just going through. I hope it’s okay.”

  “Charlie.” Jax dropped into a chair and put his head in his hands. “Stop.”

  “Stop what?”

  “Treading on eggshells.” He looked at her with tired eyes. “I want you here. I want you baking in my kitchen. I want you to do whatever you want to do.”

  She pressed down onto the couch’s leather. “What are they going to do to you?”

  “Luka doesn’t know.” Jax raised his foot and set it on the coffee table, leaning back. “He says we should hear some news by morning.”

  Charlie bit her lip. Without a word, she walked to the cooling rack where she’d placed a dozen cupcakes earlier. Selecting one, she returned and slid onto Jax’s lap.

  His eyes flew open as her weight settled on top of him.

  Charlie passed him the cupcake. “Comfort food.”

  He stared at the cake. A small, genuine smile curled his lips and made it to his eyes. “You’re amazing.”

  “You are lucky to have me,” she teased, smoothing her hands through his hair and down his neck. “They won’t hurt you, will they?”

  He slid her a glance as he bit into the cupcake. “Charlie.”

  “Well.” She let it go and hoped he was right. “Have you heard about Winston?”

  “He’s broken his nose and has to have plastic surgery for his teeth.” Jax’s eyes grew stormy with anger. “Not enough damage. I should’ve—”

  “No,” Charlie interrupted. “You shouldn’t’ve. You should’ve let it go. I’ve heard it before from people. Ian, remember? It doesn’t bother me.”

  “I don’t understand it.” Jax set the cupcake aside and slid his hands over her back. “Why can’t people see what I can?”

  A warm rush of love bathed her in its golden glow. She touched his cheek. “Are you worried you’re going to lose your job?” She ignored his comment.

  “Let’s not talk about it.”

  “Jax . . .”

  “There’s nothing we can do.” His hands slipped beneath the jeans she’d changed into. “I punched the ass and I’d do it again. I’ll take my lumps.”

  “Couldn’t you apologize or something?” She didn’t like it, but he loved his job. Turns out, Charlie was as sappy as the next girl. She wanted Jax to be happy.

  One hand moved to clasp her nape. He brought her face closer to his so his warm breath puffed against her lips. “I’m not sorry. About any of it.”

  Charlie kissed him, sliding her hands into his hair and pouring her love for him through her lips. She sucked his tongue into her mouth and teased him, pressing her breasts against his chest. She broke away on a gasp. “Did I tell you I found the whole protecting-my-woman’s-honor thing very sexy?”

  “Oh, yeah?” His thumb found her clit.

  She moaned.

  An hour later, she shot up and scrambled out of bed to the stench of burning. “Cupcakes.”

  * * *

  They were having breakfast the American way—on plates—when the news came.

  Charlie had been arguing against Jax’s book club idea when something caught her eye on the TV Jax had on low. She sucked jam off her pinkie as she turned her head to look. It was a news channel, a press conference in the WFY building—she recognized the foyer from a field trip she’d taken as a girl.

  A stunning woman was walking to the many microphones. Her hair was a vibrant red that set off her milky skin, her eyes a deep emerald with bronze flecks. She wore an apple-green skirt suit that clung to her curves with caramel-colored heels that tapped out a rhythm as she made her way to the podium. She couldn’t have screamed innocence more convincingly than if she’d had a bluebird perched on one finger and skin as white as snow. Underneath her image, a banner came up with her name: Rae McKenzie.

  “Who’s that?” Charlie pointed with her pinkie.

  Jax, who’d been occupied by massaging her foot, glanced at the TV. His hands slipped off her arch. “Volume up,” he barked.

  The volume instantly increased.

  “—you for coming,” Rae was saying to the press. Flashbulbs went off as she took a moment, her hands curled around the podium.

  “Jax, who is that?”

  “She represents WFY West Coast.” He didn’t take his eyes off the TV. “The next most powerful public figure after me.”

  “I thought that was a man. Jared somebody.”

  “He resigned a decade ago.” He put his hand up as she went to ask another question. As much as she hated that, the worry in his eyes made any hot words die on her tongue.

  Rae McKenzie cleared her throat on the TV. “I’m here today on behalf of WFY to address the issue of the New York winner Charlotte Donahue.”

  “Wait, what?” Charlie’s eyes snapped to the screen as her feet hit the floor. “Me?”

  The sound of cameras whirring continued as Rae smiled with convincing friendliness. Charlie could see how she’d made it to be West Coast’s face. Very girl next door meets sex appeal.

  “As many of you know, Charlotte Donahue won a wish in the lottery two weeks ago. Although our Genie attempted to grant her a wish, she refused. We have put all our effort into helping her, but it seems her wish is to be left alone.”

  Rae paused. Bizarrely, Charlie noticed her nail polish matched her suit and wondered if she’d deliberately coordinated it like that.

  “WFY has listened to the public’s complaints regarding her attitude toward the win, and although we would love to have helped her, we have to regretfully clear the field.”

  “Jax, what does that mean?” Charlie shook her head. “They’re giving up?”

  Lines deepened across his brow.

  “We hope one day Charlie will find what she is looking for. Until then, we must move on, having given her the best chance we could.”

  “They’re painting me as an idiot.”

  “Charlie,” Jax snapped, one hand raised to get her to hush.

  “To that end, we have decided we are going to cross out Charlotte Donahue’s wish from the hall of records.”

  The press broke into a roar of questions, hands raised and notebooks waving.

  One bald man in a tweed suit got picked first. “What about Jax Michaels? He punched Winston Morris on Lisette’s Hour. Does WFY have a comment?”

  “Ah.” Rae smiled. “As regards the alleged ‘punch,’ Winston Morris has come forward to say that it was all a staged prank to boost ratings. Jax will be reprimanded for his part in it as WFY does not condone violence, but will not be punished severely.”

  Charlie let out a breath at that. They must have paid Winston off. At least WFY cared about its Genies’ reputations, if nothing else.

  “It is also my privilege to be the first to announce that Jax will be taking a leave of absence from America.”

  Her stomach tightened. Bile, thick and burning, rushed her throat. She swallowed and looked toward Jax. He was milk white, half standing as
though he’d forgotten what he was doing.

  “What do you mean?” Charlie recognized Shawna Lopez from the ball as she asked the question.

  “WFY has just appointed a new face in England, and Jax will be liaising with the England branch to help her adjust and run operations smoothly.”

  “Are you sending him away?”

  “No. Jax volunteered for this assignment.” The bronze flecks in Rae’s emerald eyes didn’t even flicker at the lie. “He believes some time away will grant him new perspective, and he’ll come back fresher than ever.”

  As a renewed burst of questions erupted, Jax ordered the TV off. Silence rose between them.

  Charlie was having trouble breathing. Her fingers curled into the couch as she stared at her feet. She knew they were letting him off lightly. If he were anyone but Jax Michaels, he’d have been drummed out, and as much as she’d have liked that, he’d have hated it.

  So she knew this was a slap on the wrist. She just hoped that when they’d said Jax would come back fresh with a new perspective, that didn’t mean she’d be out on her butt. Pain sparked in her heart like a thousand tiny needles.

  “I’m going to have to go in. Find out what’s going on.” He thrust his hands into his jeans pockets without looking at her. His voice was hollow.

  Charlie nodded and tried to smile. “It doesn’t sound too bad. England sounds exciting.”

  “I’ve been before.”

  “Well, it’ll be a change of pace—and it’s a light punishment. It’s good.” She began gathering plates. She needed to keep her hands busy so she didn’t do anything as embarrassing as cry. She was not that girl. “Josh’ll be excited.”

  “Yeah.” He studied the couch and ran a hand over the leather. A shirt appeared over his bare torso and he buttoned it. “You okay to let yourself out?”

  Charlie walked to the kitchen and placed the plates in the metal sink. They clinked. She stared at them until the white blurred. “Fine. I’ve got to get to the store. I’m interviewing designers today.” When he didn’t say anything, she pushed on. “For the interiors.” Her lips curled. “Don’t gloat—it’s not attractive.”

  “Yeah. I’ll see you later.” Jax didn’t look at her as he flashed out.

  Charlie turned and slid down the cabinet to the flooring. She pressed her knuckles against her burning eyes. He was pulling away from her. He’d seemed fine last night, his regular charming self but for the brief moment when he’d first come in. But from the moment he’d seen Rae, he’d been distant and formal. Not the man she loved. He hadn’t even gloated over her caving to redesigning the interiors.

  She drew in a breath and pushed to her feet. There was no point crying over it. If Jax was going to leave her with nothing more than a kiss and a good time keep in touch, then so be it. She’d said at the beginning she would take whatever she could get. If he was pulling away, she would just have to let him go.


  Jax ignored the bleating of Clare’s personal assistant and slammed open the door. It bounced back against the deep purple paint, chipping it. He stood framed in the doorway. “What the hell is going on?”

  “Ah, good, Jax.” Clare stared at him from behind her desk, unperturbed by his brusque entrance. She waved a hand at the white couch, where Luka lounged. “Take a seat.”

  Burning inside, Jax struggled not to tell her where to go as he stalked to the couch. He sat, stiff as a board. “Would someone explain what was on TV this morning?”

  “There was a funny episode of Tom and Jerry,” Luka volunteered. “I tell you.” He shook his head. “That cat cracks me up.”

  Clare steepled her hands, ignoring the wisecracking Handler. Her blue eyes were like ice. “Are you referring to the press conference?”

  “You know I am.” Jax stood, unable to keep still. Energy zinged through every nerve. Ever since he’d seen Rae on the TV, he’d been filled with sparks of fury, triggering his temper until all he wanted to do was throw lightning bolts at windows and watch them shatter. “What the hell was Rae talking about? Why is she even here? Her territory’s West Coast.”

  “She is here at the Partners’ request, on behalf of the entire company.” Clare looked to Luka. “Your Handler has been incredibly persuasive and has convinced me, and thus, them, not to fire you.”

  Jax fisted his hands. “You’re getting rid of me anyway.”

  “Jax.” Luka spoke from the couch, his outfit the same as the night before. Stubble marked his jaw heavily. His eyes were tired, but serious. “It’s a good deal.”

  “It’s bullshit.” Jax spun on Clare, stalking to the desk. He slammed his hands onto the wood, cracking the veneer. “I’ve poured my soul into this company.”

  “Simmer down, Jax,” Luka snarled from behind, suddenly on his feet.

  Clare held up a staying hand. Luka slowly sank back down, but tension rode the room like a cowboy with a whip. She cocked her head. “So dramatic. Tell me, would you have preferred we fire you?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Not even with Ms. Donahue’s obvious distaste for what you are?”

  Jax’s stomach cramped. He straightened and shoved a hand through his hair. “I love being a Genie.”

  “Then this was the only solution.” Clare rose, a smooth line of female elegance. The white silk shirt clung to her breasts as she walked to the window. Light poured in, outlining her slim figure. “The Partners think, and I agree, that you are too valuable an asset to lose. But you cannot go unpunished.”

  When she turned around, the iridescent pearl flecks in her icy eyes gleamed hard and cold. “You assaulted a member of the press in front of millions. Luckily, we have persuaded Mr. Morris not to press charges. I think he’s more embarrassed than anything else.”

  “Then why—”

  “Take some time to reevaluate your priorities.” Clare linked her hands behind her back. A dulled silver ring on her left hand glinted in the weak sunlight. “WFY has stated that Ms. Donahue’s wish is null and void. She no longer has claims on this company’s time. Thus the only claim she has is on you.”

  “You’re too much of a loose cannon, Jax.” Luka drilled his fingers on the couch’s arm. “Your feelings for her are clouding your judgment.”

  “They aren’t,” Jax protested, even when he knew it was true.

  Clare arched a thin blond eyebrow. “Read any good books lately?”

  Jax’s body stiffened as he sent her a searching look. She was fishing, seeing if he’d rise to the bait.

  A ragged beast chewed his stomach and wrung it out. If she confirmed that he’d smuggled restricted files out of WFY and handed them to a civilian, he really would be fired.

  He struggled to stay calm. It wouldn’t be so bad. He could flash back every night if he wanted.

  As though she’d read his mind, Clare spoke. “The Partners have also rescinded your overseas flashing privileges for this assignment.”

  “What the hell for?”

  Her eyes slid his way. “Fresh perspective, Jax.”

  He bit off the curse word. Okay, so he couldn’t flash back every time he wanted to see her. But they’d deal. Phone sex, Skype. “How long do I need to go to England for?”

  Clare regarded him. “For however long it takes.”

  The anger rose within him like a phoenix. “To do what?” he demanded. “To tear the feelings out of me? Because it worked so well for Romeo and Juliet.”

  “If you start wearing tights and climbing balconies, we’ll bring you back.”

  “Damn it, Luc, this isn’t a joke.” Jax rounded on his Handler. He dragged a hand down his face. “You can’t make me stop caring for her.”

  “Jax, that isn’t what this is.” Luka let out a heavy breath and stood. “As dramatic as a teenage girl in love.” He clapped a hand on Jax’s shoulder, ignoring his startled jolt at the L word. “Think of it as a vacation. Like Clare says, take some time. If you want to have both, then learn how to handle both.” He slid him a look. “Without pu
nching every guy who looks at Charlie the wrong way.”

  Jax’s jaw hardened like granite. “You can’t do this—you can’t just send me away. My job is my life.”

  “Rae has agreed to take over your duties for the week, until you can find somebody to fill the position.” Clare’s tone brooked no refusal. “It’s only for a few months, Jax. Then you can come back.”

  Acid burned in his stomach as he threw an angry glance at them. “To hell with both of you.”

  “We want your candidate in writing by tomorrow at the latest.” Clare didn’t blink.

  Jax didn’t say another word. He slammed out of the door.

  * * *

  Luka let out a whistle. “He was pi-issed.”

  “I noticed.”

  “Like really pissed. PMS pissed.”

  Clare sent him a dry look and walked back to her desk. She gestured at the dents in her desk and waited until they’d plumped back out before she turned to him. “He will get over it.”

  “You think? I’ve never seen him so loopy.” Luka snorted. “You’ll never see me acting that way over a woman.”

  “Nor me.”

  “Clare, I didn’t know you swung that way.”

  A bland look was thrown at him as she sat. “I’m laughing on the inside.” She made a note on a notepad that Luka knew was her to-do list. He sometimes wondered if she wrote her lovers on there. The Director loved nothing more than clean organization.

  Luka watched her lazily for a moment. “He won’t forget her if you keep them apart. He nailed the whole R-and-J thing.” He dropped on the couch and stretched out his legs, knowing it annoyed her when he lounged. “He’s in love with her, Clare.”

  “So you keep saying.” She looked at him with the tiniest of wrinkles around her eyes, which Luka took for exasperation. “I, on the other hand, am not a romantic.”

  “And I am?”

  “Yes.” She smoothed a hand down her shirt and picked up her spectacles. “You see love where I see obsession. She is the first mortal to ever challenge him. The novelty will die away while he is in England. And with that, any problems that might have occurred from their relationship.”


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