Zaureth Awakened: 11.5 (Enigma)

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Zaureth Awakened: 11.5 (Enigma) Page 1

by Ditter Kellen


  Enigma 11.5

  By Ditter Kellen

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  Copyright © Ditter Kellen

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  Image/art disclaimer: Licensed material is being used for illustrative purposes only. Any person depicted in the licensed material is a model.

  Published in the United States of America.

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.


  This e-book contains graphic scenes and adult language that may be considered offensive to some readers. This e-book is for sale to adults ONLY as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.


  For my good friend Amy Bingham. I love you, lady.


  I’d like to thank Amy Bingham, Cathe Green, and Lisa Owen for all their hard work over the past few months. Without them, I’d be floundering.

  To my tribe… you ladies are the best. Thank you for going above and beyond in sharing and walking beside me through this publishing journey. I adore you all so much.

  A big shout-out to my fabulous editor Kierstin Cherry for all her hard work and for fitting me in on short notice. You’re the best.

  To my husband, Chad… my strength, sounding board, and partner in this madness. I couldn’t do any of this without you. Your support and encouragement are never ending. I love you all there is.

  Chapter One

  Zaureth entered Aukrabah’s clinic, coming to a stop just inside the doorway.

  He waited for Abbie to finish administering a shot to Regium, Vaulcron and Mallory’s newborn son, and then stepped deeper into the room.

  Vaulcron looked up at his approach and sent him a nod. “Zaureth.”

  Returning the greeting, Zaureth smiled down at the squirming child before meeting Abbie’s gaze. “Are you certain the Bracadyte children need to be vaccinated?”

  “No, I’m not.” Abbie placed a Band-Aid over the injection site. “Bracadytes have amazing healing properties in their blood, and they’re obviously immune to Incola. But Reggie is part human, and there are a lot of other diseases that go along with being human. I’d rather be safe than sorry.”

  Zaureth’s eyebrows lifted. “Reggie?”

  Abbie laughed, as did Vaulcron.

  Vaulcron picked up his son and held him gently against his chest. “That was my mate’s doing.”

  “Doesn’t Regium mean royalty in Latin?” Abbie questioned, reaching up to touch the baby’s small head.

  Vaulcron nodded. “It does. But Mallory feels that some human customs are good for our son. Perhaps she is correct.”

  “Yeah,” Abbie agreed with a small smile. “Since the Bracadytes are interacting more with humans nowadays, it probably is a good thing to expose Reggie to some of our customs.”

  Zaureth folded his arms over his chest. As much as he cared for his Amy and the other land walkers residing in Aukrabah, he wasn’t so sure about the ones dwelling above.

  “You do not approve?” Vaulcron turned to face the healer, obviously sensing his emotions.

  Zaureth met his gaze. “My opinion matters not. Regium is your child, and you are next in line to be king. If you feel that rearing him in the ways of the land walker is best for him, then that is your decision.”

  “But you would not.”

  It wasn’t a question, and Zaureth knew it. “I have seen the destruction that follows the land walker. They harm their mates, neglect their young, and abandon their elderly. That is not something I would expose a child of mine to.”

  Zaureth regretted the words the moment they left his mouth. He’d not considered Abbie’s feelings and the situation she’d been put in by her own father.

  Abbie was good and strong, unlike most of the humans Zaureth had come into contact with.

  He flicked a glance in her direction, noticing a certain sadness in her eyes—a sadness she quickly attempted to hide.

  “I am sorry, mate of Hauke,” Zaureth murmured in a low voice. “I meant no offense, nor were my comments directed at you in any way. You have a strength and goodness that most land walkers lack. I am honored to have you here with us.”

  Abbie averted her gaze. “There’s no need to apologize, Zaureth. You’ve been through hell because of my kind. All of you have. But there are some really good humans dwelling on the surface, humans attempting to live their best lives without harming others. People who love with everything they have. People who only want to be loved in return.”

  Zaureth’s mind immediately went to his gentle mate, Amy, and how she loved so fiercely. “I am aware of the humans’ capacity to love. The amount of compassion and loyalty my mate possesses humbles me daily.”

  “But?” Abbie gently pressed, returning her gaze to his.

  Zaureth swallowed the anger that arose when memories of Amy’s past surfaced in his mind. “The things done to my mate by her own kind are inconceivable to a Bracadyte. And not easily forgotten or forgiven. If I had a child, I would not want him or her to be influenced by the surface dwellers. In any way.”

  Sadness yet understanding appeared in Abbie’s eyes. “You’re right, of course. As much as it pains me to say it. Humans have faltered somewhere along the way. We’ve lost compassion for our fellow man. We’ve become selfish and intolerant to anyone different than us. It’s not just the Bracadytes who suffer our bigoted tendencies. Other humans do as well.”

  Zaureth’s heart softened. “You include yourself in your opinion of the land walker, yet you are one of the most selfless people I know.”

  Abbie reached out and touched Zaureth’s arm. “I wasn’t always. Being with Hauke and living down here with the Bracadytes has taught me a lot about love, patience, and acceptance. Your people are the selfless ones, Zaureth. It’s not in your nature to be any other way.”

  “Not all Bracadytes are the same,” Vaulcron interjected, cradling his now sleeping son in his arms. “There are some who wish us harm.”

  Abbie faced the king’s eldest son. “You’re referring to the Arkadians.”

  At Vaulcron’s nod, she continued. “They wish you harm because of me…and the other humans who reside in Aukrabah.”

  Zaureth’s barbs filled with venom. “It matters not. They will not get close enough to harm anyone in Aukrabah. I will see to it.”

  With that, he spun on his heel and left the clinic before Hauke’s mate saw through his deceptive calmness.

  Truth was, Zaureth could sense something coming, something dark and ugly. He’d begun feeling it after Kaspyn defied her father, King Kryten, and abandoned her home to be with the human known as Thrasher.

  Zyen’s betrayal of Arkadia followed shortly after, intensifying Zaureth’s unease. But Syrina’s desertion seemed to be the final straw.

  Zaureth had no doubt that the wrath of Kryten would soon be
at hand, and an invasion of Aukrabah would be inevitable.

  He turned the corner near the great hall on his way back to the catacombs, the need to hold his mate becoming overwhelming.

  Zaureth would never allow anyone to harm his precious Amy, no matter the cost. He would lay down his life to protect her. And he very well may have to, he thought, approaching the steps that would lead him to her arms. If his gut feeling was right, he may have to indeed.

  Chapter Two

  Amy could feel Zaureth’s anxiety long before he entered the catacombs.

  She felt her way from the bedroom, into the large den, her sight returning the moment Zaureth entered the room.

  He strode over and wrapped her in a hug.

  Amy’s arms went around his waist, his great height forcing her head to press against his stomach.

  “What’s wrong, my love?” she murmured against his sharkskin vest.

  Zaureth pulled back slightly and lifted her off her feet. “I am fine, sweet mate. There is nothing for you to be concerned about.”

  Amy hated seeing herself through Zaureth’s eyes. She wanted to see him, his face. “I could feel your anxiety, Zaureth. I can still. Has something happened?”

  It wasn’t lost on her that he’d closed himself off to the point where she couldn’t read his thoughts. “Zaureth?”

  He lowered her slightly, walking her across the room to stand in front of the mirror he’d had delivered specifically for her.

  Amy’s heart summersaulted as his incredible face came into view through their connection. “God, you’re beautiful, husband.”

  Zaureth grinned. “A Bracadyte male is not considered beautiful, my mate.”

  “I don’t care,” she teased, drinking in his masculine features. “You’re beautiful to me. You always will be.”

  Holding her firmly against him with his right arm, Zaureth released her with his left. The sound of a chair dragging across the stone floor echoed through the room.

  Zaureth abruptly sat in front of the mirror, arranging Amy to straddle his lap.

  He stared at the mirror above her head, giving her unfettered access to his face. “Are you comfortable?”

  She wriggled on his lap, positioning herself more firmly against him.

  Zaureth growled low in his throat. “If you continue to do that, I will need to be inside you. It is difficult enough for me, simply thinking about you every second of every day.”

  Amy wanted him too. She always did. But first, she needed to get to the root of his anxiety.

  She held perfectly still, staring at the image of his gorgeous face. “Talk to me, my heart.”

  Zaureth pulled her against him but thankfully kept his gaze on that mirror, allowing Amy to continue looking at him.

  He released a tense-sounding sigh. “I worry about an invasion—an invasion I fear that could cost many lives. It stays with me constantly, an unwelcome companion of an almost certain outcome.”

  Amy’s heartbeat kicked up a notch. “Are you referring to the Arkadians?”

  “I am.”

  “But why would they invade us? Because of Kaspyn mating with Thrasher? I mean, I realize she’s the daughter of their king, but—”

  “Not only Kaspyn,” Zaureth interrupted, opening his mind. “Pyre and Syrina’s departure from Arkadia have only added to the king’s ire. But to rebel and mate with humans has made matters worse. I do not think King Kryten will forgive such a betrayal.”

  “But Kaspyn is his daughter,” Amy unnecessarily pointed out. “And she’s pregnant.”

  Zaureth nodded. “The unborn child is ultimately the only reason Kryten allowed his daughter to leave Arkadia with Thrasher. But then, Zyen and Syrina followed suit. I am certain their families are demanding retribution.”

  “But why attack Aukrabah?” Amy had a hard time wrapping her mind around Kryten’s thought processes. “I mean, we are not responsible for them leaving.”

  “No,” Zaureth rumbled in a low voice, “we are not. But Klause allows the Arkadians and their human mates to dwell here. He also allowed land walkers into Aukrabah, which in Kryten’s opinion, makes Klause partly responsible.”

  “So, we are to be punished for something we have no control over?”

  Zaureth’s jaw tightened, as did his hold on Amy. “I would never allow you to be punished or harmed in any way, my mate. I will keep you safe at all cost.”

  Amy’s fear should have subsided with Zaureth’s words. He was, after all, the most powerful Bracadyte in Aukrabah. But he was only one person. And one person couldn’t possibly stand up against an entire army of giant Arkadians. “Let’s leave, Zaureth. We can go to—”

  “I am not a coward,” Zaureth protested, cutting off the rest of Amy’s words. “I will not abandon my people to be slaughtered at the hands of Kryten. But I will take you someplace safe. Someplace where you will not be exposed to what is coming.”

  Indignation reared its ugly head. Amy pushed back enough to where Zaureth could see her expression. “You think I would leave here without you?”

  He peered down at her, removing his own face from her sight. “I cannot fight beside my people while worrying about you. You are my greatest weakness, my love. My only weakness.”

  Amy’s heart cracked. “Are you certain that war is coming?”

  Zaureth shifted his gaze back to the mirror, opening his mind fully to her.

  Amy not only saw his expression, she saw into his mind. The visions Zaureth had seen, the feelings that assailed him during his times of deep meditations. War was definitely coming… and soon.

  She also picked up on his decision to send her above. To seek shelter for her from President Pratt, in the one place he felt she would be safe.

  “I’m not leaving you, Zaureth. If something happened to you, I would not survive.”

  He brought his hands up and cupped her face. “If something happened to you, I would follow you into death. Do you not understand? I cannot live in a world without you in it. You must remain safe at all cost.”

  “And you think I could go on without you?” Tears sprang to Amy’s eyes. “I would follow you into death as well!”

  Zaureth tilted her face back, his big hands still cupping her cheeks. “Do not say such things. I cannot bear to think of it. You will go above where it is safe. The human president will see to your safety until I come for you.”

  Amy attempted to shake her head, but Zaureth held her firm. “Please, my mate. I beg you to hear me in this. If I must fight in the coming war, how am I to leave you down here without sight and unprotected? I will not risk your life. I cannot.”

  Though it hurt to hear Zaureth’s confession, she knew he spoke the truth. And that truth pained her deeply. She was blind, she would be unprotected, and that made her a liability Zaureth couldn’t afford.

  She swallowed around the lump in her throat. “When do I have to go?”

  “I do not know as of yet. But soon, I fear.”

  With a defeated nod, Amy slid off Zaureth’s lap and felt her way to the bedroom. Her heart hurt and tears welled up in her eyes. She would have to leave Zaureth while he fought an army of Bracadytes—Bracadytes that outnumbered them six to one.

  She felt Zaureth come up behind her, his arms encircling her once again. “Please do not cry, my mate. I cannot bear even one of your tears.”

  “I’m sorry, Zaureth. I’m not usually given to tears.” She attempted to hold them back, to no avail.

  Zaureth scooped her up and placed her gently in the center of their big bed.

  Though Amy couldn’t see him, she could hear Zaureth undressing close by. “What are you doing?”

  “I am going to take you until you feel the enormous amount of love I have for you.”

  More tears threatened, but she blinked them back. As much as she knew Zaureth loved her, she needed to feel that love inside her, surrounding her…owning her.

  Amy sat up and pulled the flimsy dress she wore over her head and tossed it somewhere to her left.<
br />
  She could see herself through Zaureth’s eyes, see the picture she made before him, her nipples pink and erect.

  Zaureth growled low, the weight of his massive body causing the bed to dip near her side.

  And then his warm mouth opened against her breast, sliding ever more slowly toward her aching nipple.

  He sucked it deep.

  Amy gasped with the sensation of her nipple being drawn into the warm cavity of Zaureth’s mouth.

  He sucked harder, forcing her nerve endings to throb to life.

  “Zaureth,” Amy breathed, her hands going to his hair. She fisted the silky locks in her fingers, holding his head firmly against her.

  A growl of approval rumbled deep in his chest. He released her throbbing flesh and moved to the other breast, giving it equal amounts of attention.

  Amy wasn’t sure how much more she could take when he abruptly backed up, gripped her shoulders, and eased her down to the pillows.

  Without warning, he slid down her body and pushed her legs apart. “Ah, my beautiful mate. I will never grow tired of looking at you.”

  She could see herself through his eyes, saw herself splayed open before him, feel what he felt as if his emotions were her very own.

  Amy loved that Zaureth made her feel desired, that he found as much pleasure in her body as she did in his.

  He wedged his massive shoulders between her thighs, forcing her to drape them over him to give him more room.

  His warm breath skated across her skin a second before he flattened his tongue and swept it upward.

  Amy’s hips bucked with the incredible sensation. A flurry of sensations cascaded through her, wringing a soft cry from her throat.

  Zaureth’s large hands moved to her bottom, cupping her in his warm palms, while his mouth formed a gentle suction on her throbbing flesh.

  Amy could only stare into darkness as Zaureth licked and sucked her to the edge of bliss.


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