Geneva meeting and, 202
intermediate-range missiles and, 211
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces
Treaty and, 226
invitation to Reagan from, 202–203
opening proposal of, 205–206
photographs of, 203ph, 207ph, 211ph, 223ph
progress of talks and, 210, 214
Reagan’s thoughts on, 208
stalemate and, 222
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and, 218–219, 220–221, 225–226
Grasse, Francois-Joseph De, 20
Gravier, Charles. see Vergennes, Charles Gravier de
Grimaldi, Jerónimo, 5–6
Gromyko, Andrei, 196
The Guns of August (Tuchman), 171
Hamilton, Alexander, 23, 25
Hancock, John, 2
Hardenberg, Karl August von
arrival of, in Vienna, 45
Poland and, 48–49, 50, 52
portrait of, 53ph
Prussia and, 53
Saxony and, 57–59
Hay, John, 66–67
Hitler, Adolf, 133
Hofti House, 204–205, 210
hospital, field, 94ph
Hotel Astoria, 102
Hotel Crillon, 101, 105
Hotel des Roses, 139, 159
Hotel Majestic, 101–102, 133
Hotel Wentworth, 76, 77ph, 86
House, Edward M.
on conclusion of Paris Peace conference, 128–129
on French interests, 116
goals of, for peace, 110
on Italy’s territory dispute, 124
League of Nations and, 105–106, 107, 118–119
photograph of, 103ph
on progress of talks, 115, 120
role of, at Paris Peace Conference, 109
Wilson and, 118, 121
Howe, 9–10
Hughes, Billy, 101
human rights, 211, 224
Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 56, 58
indemnities. see also reparations
Germany and, 113
Japan and, 81–82, 84, 88, 90
The Inquiry, 97
intermediate-range missiles
NATO’s, 206
Reagan on, 208, 210–211
Soviet Union’s, 207
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, 226
International Labor Organization, 108
Ishii Kikujiro, 89
Jefferson, Thomas, 24–25, 25ph, 31, 33, 40–41, 42
Johnson, “Nana,” 138
Kaneko Kentaro, 74, 82–83, 84–85, 86
Katsura Taro, 73, 75, 82, 87
Kennedy, John F.
Bartlett and, 172
Bunche and, 163
communication with Krushchev
and, 170, 173–174, 175–176, 177–178, 183–184, 189–191
concerns of, 171
on confrontation at sea, 174–175
ending of Cuban Missile Crisis and, 197
impact of Cuban Missile Crisis on, 198
Krushchev on, 195–196
notification of missile location and, 166
options for response and, 168
photograph of, 171ph
on reconnaissance plane, 189
speech by, 168–169
on summit suggestion, 177
Thant and, 181
thought processes of, 199
Turkey and, 185–187, 191–192
on UN moratorium plan, 176
Kennedy, Robert
Bartlett and, 172
on confrontation at sea, 174–175
on Cuban Missile Crisis, 187, 199
Dobrynin and, 173, 191–194
Executive Committee of the National Security Council
(ExComm) and, 166
on Feklisov/Scali meeting, 180–181
Jupiter-missile trade and, 198
response to Krushchev and, 189–191
Keynes, John Maynard, 102, 113
King, Martin Luther, Jr, 162
Kissinger, Henry, 131
Klotz, 112
Knox, William, 175–176
Komura Jutaro
background and description of, 73–74
changes to terms by, 78
departure of, 75
final negotiations and, 90
impact of Portsmouth Treaty on, 92
instructions to, 87, 88, 89
Kaneko and, 82–83
photograph of, 81ph
Roosevelt and, 86
stalled negotiations and, 83
telegram to Tokyo from, 87–88
Witte and, 76–78, 79–80, 86
Krushchev, Nikita
communication with Kennedy and, 169–170, 173–174, 177–178, 183–184, 196–197
compromise suggested by, 179–180
impact of Cuban Missile Crisis on, 198–199
initiation of crisis and, 165–166
on Kennedy, 195–196
photograph of, 171ph
possible Cuban invasion and, 182
reconnaissance planes and, 187
resolution of crisis and, 195–196
suggestion of summit by, 175–176, 177
Thant and, 181
on Turkey, 185–186
Lafayette, Marquis de, 15
Lamont, Thomas, 111
Lamsdorff, Vladimir, 83, 84, 86
Lansing, Robert
on Clemenceau, 99–100
drawings of, 115
on lack of plan, 98
League of Nations and, 104–105, 108–109
photograph of, 103ph
on reparations negotiations, 114
self-determination and, 125
Tardieu and, 126
on Wilson, 96–97
Le Beau, Pierre, 11ph
League of Nations
Covenant of, 108–109, 118–119, 129
demise of, 132
formation of, 104–109
importance of, to Wilson, 121
Lansing on, 128
military forces and, 107
United Nations and, 132
U.S. opposition to, 129
Wilson and, 122
Lee, Arthur, 2, 5–6, 7ph, 10, 18–19
Lee, Richard Henry, 7, 10
Lewis and Clark expedition, 42
Lie, Trygve
Beersheba and, 154
Bunche’s reports to, 143, 144, 153, 155, 158–159
El Auja and, 156
encouragement of Bunche by, 147
Fawzi and, 159
Nobel Peace Prize (for Bunche) and, 162
photograph of, 143ph
progress of talks and, 150
Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 198. see also Nuclear Test Ban
Linhard, Robert, 213
Liverpool, Lord, 52, 56–57
Livingston, Robert
Barbé-Marbois and, 29
boundaries of Louisiana Territory and, 42
description of, 26–27
French debts and, 37–38 and, 37
negotiations and, 30–34, 38–40
inhabitants of Louisiana Territory and, 37
portrait of, 31ph
signing of treaty and, 41ph
Lloyd George, David
armistice announcement by, 95
Austro-Hungarian Empire and, 125, 126
on boundary disputes, 116
Clemenceau and, 109, 119, 132–133
Council of Four and, 118
description of, 100
disarmament and, 111
on French interests, 117
German objections and, 126–127
goals of, for peace, 110
Lansing’s drawings and, 115
League of Nations and, 106
on Paris Peace treaty, 130
photograph of, 99ph
on Poland, 117
on reparations, 112–114
Rhineland and, 122
Saar valley and, 122
on temporary peace, 133
Wilson and, 9
8, 102, 113, 121
Louis XV, King, 101
Louis XVI, King, 3, 20
Louis XVIII, King, 45, 56, 60
Louisiana Territory
boundaries of, 35–36, 42
French occupation of, 23–25
inhabitants of, 37
signing of treaty regarding, 40, 41ph
Madison, James, 25, 31, 33
Malinovsky, Rodion, 196
Mantoux, Paul, 115
Marshall, George, 162
Matlock, Jack, 214, 216
Maurepas, Jean-Frederic, 8, 17
Maximilian, King, 50
McCone, John, 175, 187
McNamara, Robert, 182, 184, 186, 191
arrival of, in Vienna, 46
Bonaparte and, 62
delay of meetings and, 47
entertainment of, 50
impending war and, 51
Poland and, 49, 52
portrait of, 49ph
on Prussia, 53–54
Saxony and, 57
secret treaty and, 60
Talleyrand and, 54–55
Meyer, George von Lengerke, 68, 84, 85–86, 89
Miller, David, 106
Monroe, James
Barbé-Marbois and, 29
debts of, 42–43
inhabitants of Louisiana Territory and, 37
on Livingston, 38
mission in France of, 25–26, 27–28
negotiations and, 30, 31–32, 33–35, 38–40
portrait of, 27ph
signing of treaty and, 41ph
Monroe Doctrine, 118
Montmorin, Comte de, 4, 5, 11, 12
Morris, Gouverneur, 15, 28
Morris, Robert, 6–7
Mossad, 162
Muller, Herman, 128
Mustafa, Abdul, 138, 157, 162
Mutual Assured Destruction doctrine, 218
Napoleon. see Bonaparte, Napoleon
Nasser, Gamal, 160
National Press Club, 172
Negev, 136, 141, 153, 158
Nesselrode, Karl, 46
New Orleans, 23–24. see also Louisiana Territory
Nicholas II, Tsar
conclusion of treaty and, 90
instructions from, 75–76, 83–84, 88 reaction to Portsmouth Treaty by, 92
rejection of mediation by, 65–66
Roosevelt and, 68, 86–87
Sakhalin Island and, 89
selection of representatives by, 71
stalled negotiations and, 83–84
Nicolson, Harold, 118
Nitze, Paul, 208, 209–210
Nobel Peace Prize, 93, 132, 162
North, Lord, 13, 13ph, 16
nuclear arsenals. see also Cuban Missile Crisis; Reykjavik summit
Gorbachev’s proposal regarding, 205–206
growth of, 201
Nuclear Test Ban, 201. see also Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Office of Strategic Services, 139
Operation Yoav (Ten Plagues), 136
Organization of American States (OAS), 170–171
Orlando, Vittorio, 98, 99ph, 100, 118, 123–124
Ormsby-Gore, Lord, 198
Oyama Iwao, 79
Paris Peace Conference
borders drawn by, 130–131
commissions formed at, 104
conclusion of, 126–129
delegations at, 96
description of city during, 100–101
failure of, 131–133
final treaty from, 129–130
progress of, 115, 117–119
Wilson’s return to, 117–118
Passy, France, 3, 11, 14
Peace of Amiens, 24
Penkovsky, Oleg, 171
Philadelphia, fall of, 10
Pius X, Pope, 91
Planson, Anton, 78
Poindexter, John, 213 Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty; inter-mediate-range missiles
political prisoners, 203–204
Port Arthur, 69ph, 77–78, 81
Portsmouth Treaty
commemorative poster for, 64ph
delegates to, 71–74, 76
indemnities and, 81–82, 84, 88, 90
map regarding, 91m
opening meeting of, 76–78
reactions to, 91–93
setting location of, 69–70
signing of, 90
stalled negotiations and, 82–83
Presidential Medal of Freedom, 162
Presidium, 169, 179–180, 199
Quasi War, 37
Rabin, Yitzhak, 162
Rasputin, 72
Reagan, Ronald. see also Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty; Reykjavik summit; Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
arms race and, 201–202
disarmament agreement and, 217
Geneva meeting and, 202
on Gorbachev, 208
Gorbachev’s invitation to, 202–203
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and, 226
on length of talks, 216
Linhard’s proposal and, 214
photographs of, 203ph, 207ph, 211ph, 223ph
preparations of, 204
progress of talks and, 210, 211–212, 215, 219–220
response to Gorbachev’s proposal by, 208
stalemate and, 222–223
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and, 206–207, 217–219, 220–221
reconnaissance planes, 187–188,
Regan, Donald, 216, 217, 219, 222–223, 225
reparations. see also indemnities
Belgium and, 112
Bulgaria and, 131
Germany and, 111–115, 120, 121, 130
trade and, 113–114
Reykjavik summit
Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty and, 212–216
arrival of delegates to, 204–205
conclusion of, 222–225
lead up to, 201–204
location of, 203
opening meeting of, 205–207
overnight negotiations during, 208–209
second day of, 210–211
stalemate at, 217–222
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and, 217–222
Rhenish Republic, 116, 118
Rhineland, 116, 119–120, 122
Rhodes, 139. see also Egyptian-Israeli armistice agreement
Riley, William, 154, 159
Rochambeau, Count, 20
Roosevelt, Theodore
armistice attempted by, 75
on arrival of delegates, 76
on conclusion of treaty, 91
impact of Portsmouth Treaty on, 92–93
Kaneko and, 74, 82–83, 84–85
Komura and, 73
location of talks and, 70
Nicholas II and, 68, 85, 86–87
overture for peace by, 67–68
photograph of, 64ph
progress of talks and, 82–84, 89–90
Russo-Japanese war and, 66
on state of Russia and Japan, 66–67
Takahira and, 74
Rosenberg, Julius, 180
Rosenne, Shabtai, 138, 145–146, 147
Ross, James, 24, 31
Rusk, Dean
briefing to OAS by, 170–171
Bunche and, 147
on confrontation at sea, 175
Cordier and, 194
Kennedy and, 191
on Krushchev’s letter, 185, 186
Scali and, 181, 188
Russell, Bertrand, 177
Russian Revolution, 92, 110, 112
Russo-Japanese war, 65–66. see also Portsmouth Treaty
Russo-Turkish War, 71
Saar valley, 116, 119–120, 121–122, 132
Sagan, Wilhelmina, 49
Great Negotiations Page 31