One Night with the Doctor

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One Night with the Doctor Page 1

by Cindy Kirk

  Cindy Kirk’s next installment in RX For Love introduces us to a girl who always plays by the rules—almost. And her one exception is going to change everything…

  “Perfect” Poppy Westover has always been a by-the-book kind of girl. But just this once, she ignores her rules and has a sizzling one-night stand with the crushingly handsome Dr. Benedict Campbell. It was a superb night that left Poppy breathless…and pregnant.

  Ben Campbell knows the pain of a broken heart—so he is happy to settle for a good time. Still, when his unbelievable night with Poppy means that he will soon be answering to Daddy, he has to put everything on the line—for his child, and his child’s mother. Because if Ben gets his way, he will soon be answering to Husband, as well!

  Poppy raised the collar of her coat and shoved her hands into the pockets. Taking a steadying breath, she cocked her head. “What is it you want?”

  He wants me. She fought a surge of pleasure at the thought, a pleasure that sharply spiked when Ben pulled her to him.

  “I’d like—” he paused and a slight smile lifted his lips “—to know if you have plans for the rest of the evening?”

  “I—I do,” Poppy finally managed to stammer.

  “I wasn’t aware you were seeing anyone.” An emotion she couldn’t identify flickered in the molten silver of his eyes. “Who is he?”

  “Rocky.” Her grin came quick and fast, surprising them both. “Rocky Road.”

  He chuckled, a low, pleasant rumbling sound, his gaze lingering on her lips. “Have dinner with me. Rocky can wait.”

  * * *

  RX FOR LOVE: Just following doctor’s orders…

  Dear Reader,

  Ever since I started to read, I’ve enjoyed getting to know the people in books on an intimate level. Those in their immediate world might not understand them fully, but as a reader I’m able to get inside their heads.

  That’s why I enjoyed writing this story so much. Benedict Campbell is an important doctor in Jackson Hole who expects a lot from himself and those around him. Even though we’ve seen him in other books in the Rx for Love miniseries, we really don’t get a good feel for him.

  That also holds true for Poppy Westover. We know she’s a beautiful woman who is a social worker. That’s about all we know. But in this book, their book, we get to know both Ben and Poppy intimately.

  I enjoyed watching them interact with their friends. I enjoyed seeing Poppy develop a relationship with Ben’s family. But most of all, I enjoyed watching them fall in love.

  I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it!


  One Night with the Doctor

  Cindy Kirk

  Books by Cindy Kirk

  Harlequin Special Edition

  ∆If the Ring Fits #2139

  ∆Jackson Hole Valentine #2169

  ∆The Doctor’s Not-So-Little Secret #2184

  ∆His Valentine Bride #2243

  ∆The Doctor and Mr. Right #2255

  **Expecting Fortune’s Heir #2258

  ∆A Jackson Hole Homecoming #2267

  ∆One Night with the Doctor #2291

  Silhouette Special Edition

  Romancing the Nanny #1818

  *Claiming the Rancher’s Heart #1962

  *Your Ranch or Mine? #1986

  *Merry Christmas, Cowboy! #2009

  ∆The Doctor’s Baby #2040

  ∆In Love with John Doe #2051

  ∆The Christmas Proposition #2088

  Harlequin Books

  Special Edition Bonus Story: The Anniversary Party—Chapter Six

  *Meet Me in Montana

  ∆Rx for Love

  **The Fortunes of Texas:

  Southern Invasion

  Other titles by this author available in ebook format.


  has loved to read for as long as she can remember. In first grade she received an award for reading one hundred books. As she grew up, summers were her favorite time of year. Nothing beat going to the library, then coming home and curling up in front of the window air conditioner with a good book. Often the novels she read would spur ideas, and she’d make up her own story (always with a happy ending). When she’d go to bed at night, instead of counting sheep she’d make up more stories in her head. Since selling her first story to Harlequin in 1999, Cindy has been forced to juggle her love of reading with her passion for creating stories of her own…but she doesn’t mind. Writing for the Harlequin Special Edition series is a dream come true. She only hopes you have as much fun reading her books as she has writing them!

  Cindy invites you to visit her website,

  To my three favorite girls: Wendy, Grace and Hannah. You brighten my world every day.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Chapter One

  Golden beams of light shone through the windows of the two-story house situated in the mountains overlooking Jackson Hole. Although Christmas had been a month earlier, garlands of greenery and wreaths with plaid ribbons still adorned the large wraparound porch.

  Poppy Westover added her serviceable Ford to the dozens of cars already parked in the clearing east of the house. Tiny snowflakes danced across the well-scooped path as she began the trek to the front steps of the house she’d passed only moments before. Ducking her head, she forged onward. The brisk north wind slapped her cheeks and ruffled her hair.

  Lights might illuminate the walkway, but the dark of the winter evening still closed in around her. By now, the party had been going on for an hour, almost two. She prided herself on being timely, but a last-minute call to secure an emergency foster placement had delayed her leaving the office.

  Poppy reached the steps of the beautifully decorated porch just as a sleek black Mercedes drove slowly past. Another late arrival. The thought that she wouldn’t be the last to show up buoyed her spirits even as she grimaced at the familiar lines of the vehicle.

  Though this was a newer version and a different color, a similar CL550 coupe had been her ex-husband’s pride and joy. Even with public transportation readily available, he’d insisted on driving the car to social functions. And there had been lots of such events. As a prominent Manhattan neurosurgeon, Bill Stanhope had been on everyone’s must-invite list.

  Poppy had grown increasingly weary of socializing with his associates and people he’d wanted to impress. People who lived an extravagant and loose lifestyle; married men and women who took lovers as easily as another glass of champagne.

  This evening would be different. Tonight she’d be among people who shared her values. Friends. Former schoolmates.

  Dr. Travis Fisher, the host of the party, had graduated from Jackson Hole High with her. Back in the day, the
y’d even dated briefly. Now he was married, the father of five and one of the top ob-gyns in Jackson Hole.

  Poppy rang the bell then jammed gloved hands into her coat pockets and hunched her shoulders against the wind. Thankfully she didn’t have to wait long. The door opened and a flood of warmth and delicious smells spilled out.

  Frowning at her chattering teeth, Travis motioned her inside and shut the door firmly against the winter chill. An efficient young woman dressed all in black offered to take Poppy’s coat.

  After shrugging off the soft cashmere, Poppy murmured her thanks then held both hands out to Travis. “Thanks for inviting me.”

  “We were determined to hound you until you accepted one of our invitations.” He gave her fingers a firm squeeze and coupled the gesture with a warm smile. There was something intrinsically likable about the tall doctor with sandy-colored hair.

  “You look lovely this evening,” she heard him add.

  Poppy glanced down. She’d dressed in such a hurry that for a second she didn’t recall what she’d pulled from the closet. Though she knew most women used the party as an excuse to wear something new they’d gotten for Christmas, this year her family had sent money rather than gifts.

  Unfortunately her new job kept her far too busy for shopping. Because of that, she’d been forced to call into service a red cashmere turtleneck dress from several seasons back and last year’s black-heeled boots.

  The dress had been purchased the first year after her divorce. Her ex considered bold colors “gauche.”

  Poppy smoothed her hand against the ruby-colored cashmere. The fabric molded against her body, gently hugging her curves. Stylish. Feminine. Gauche. She smiled. “I’d never have worn something like this back in high school.”

  She’d been preppy then. Seriously preppy. Plaid jackets. Diamond pattern sweaters. Pearls. How she’d loved those pearls.

  As if remembering his own questionable fashion sense during those years, Travis grinned. “Those were good years. Good times.”

  When his smile slipped Poppy remembered Travis’s parents had been killed at the end of his senior year, leaving him in charge of his seven siblings. Yes, she mused, looking too far back probably wasn’t advisable. For him. Or for her.

  Travis placed a hand on her elbow and guided her through a foyer rich with the scent of evergreens. They stopped at the edge of a large room where elegant women in stylish dresses mingled with men in dress pants and sport coats.

  The star at the top of an enormous, brightly lit Christmas tree winked on and off as if pulsing in time to some unheard tune. A cheerful fire crackled noisily in the hearth of a massive stone fireplace. Conversation and laughter wafted pleasantly in the air. Poppy exhaled a breath and the tension in her shoulders eased.

  “I heard you scored a job with social services.” Travis’s eyes held a look of admiration. “They’re lucky to have you.”

  “I’m the lucky one.” Poppy adored children. The opportunity to help foster kids, while challenging, had been a dream come true.

  The melodious chimes of the doorbell sounded and Travis cocked his head. A rueful smile touched his lips.

  “You’ll have to excuse me,” he said smoothly, giving her arm a gentle squeeze. “I’m on door duty.”

  The other late arrival, Poppy thought.

  “Tend to your guests.” She waved to several women across the room. “I’m in the mood to mingle.”

  Travis took several steps then turned back and called over his shoulder. “Check out the mistletoe.”

  Mistletoe? For a second she was puzzled. Christmas had been a month ago. Then Poppy remembered the retro party the Fishers had hosted last fall, right after she’d returned to Jackson Hole. Tiny sprigs of little red berries and shiny green leaves were everywhere.

  When she’d asked, someone told her that mistletoe had been a big part of Mary Karen and Travis’s courtship and they hung it at every party.

  Taking Travis’s words as a warning, Poppy glanced up, trying to spot any troublesome berries or waxy leaves. There might have been one in the beamed ceiling but she couldn’t be sure.

  A delicious aroma of cinnamon mingled with evergreen while the hum of conversation and laughter wrapped around her shoulders like a favorite sweater. Her lips lifted. Poppy had been invited to several Christmas parties but had declined all offers. She wished now that she’d accepted.

  “Poppy,” Mary Karen Fisher shrieked, rushing over. “I’m so happy you made it.”

  The intensity and underlying warmth of the greeting made Poppy smile. She chatted easily with Travis’s petite, pretty wife who looked adorable in a sapphire blue tunic dress, her blond hair falling in a mass of curls past her shoulders.

  When one of the catering staff asked for a moment of Mary Karen’s time, Poppy meandered over to the tree. It was real, she realized with a start of pleasure, fingering the soft needles of the fir, inhaling the intoxicating scent.

  She’d been much too busy to put her own tree up this year. If there had been someone to see it, Poppy might have gone to the effort. But her mom and dad had remained in California for the holidays. They lived in Sacramento now, just down the block from Poppy’s sister and brother-in-law and their three children.

  Knowing this would be their oldest daughter’s first Christmas since she’d relocated to Jackson Hole, her parents had offered to make the trip to Wyoming. But Poppy knew how much they’d been looking forward to seeing Aimee’s children open presents on Christmas morning. If her dad were here, he couldn’t dress up as Santa for the grandkids, like he’d done for her and Aimee.

  Poppy had seen no option but to inject a hint of regret into her tone and tell them she’d already made plans to celebrate the holidays with friends.

  Her parents’ relief had been almost palpable. They believed her, of course. After all, she’d always had a wide circle of friends.

  Poppy’s mouth lifted in a wry twist. For as long as she could remember she’d been the pretty, popular older sister. Yet, it was Aimee who now had what Poppy had always wanted: a fulfilling life that included not only a rewarding career but a loving husband and children.

  When Poppy had married eight years ago, she’d been certain it would last forever. Never had she imagined that her husband would cheat on her. Or that she’d be divorced, childless and starting over at thirty-four.

  “I almost didn’t recognize you,” a deep voice murmured.

  An involuntary shiver slid up her spine at the sound of the rich baritone. She snagged a glass of champagne from a passing waiter’s silver tray before turning to meet Dr. Benedict Campbell’s steely gray eyes.

  As usual, the man looked positively delectable. Tonight he wore brown trousers, a cream-colored button-down shirt open at the collar and shiny Italian loafers. His razor-cut dark hair was short enough to be professional but long enough to tempt a woman to run her fingers through the chestnut strands to see if they were as silky as they looked.

  Benedict was an orthopedic surgeon and a darn good one if public opinion could be believed. He was also one of the most eligible bachelors in Jackson Hole. They’d chatted briefly on several occasions. While he’d always been pleasant, she’d done her best to avoid him whenever possible. Goodness knows she’d had enough of arrogant doctors to last this lifetime.

  He touched a strand of her dark hair. “This is different.”

  “I got it cut yesterday.” She quenched the sudden urge to pull back from his touch. “I wanted to go even shorter but the stylist told me to try it to the shoulders with a few layers first. She said I could always come back and have more cut off.”

  Poppy pressed her lips together to stop her nervous chatter.

  “It suits you,” he said easily as if they were discussing nothing more personal than the current weather forecast. Yet when his eyes met hers, she saw pure mascul
ine appreciation in the liquid depths.

  Lifting his glass of wine he tapped the crystal against hers. “To being adventurous.”

  She hesitated. Though his smile was smooth, his expression bland, she sensed an undercurrent of challenge. As she hesitated, he raised a brow. Deciding she was being silly, Poppy took a sip.

  They stood there for several heartbeats, gazing over the sea of people. She told herself to make an excuse and walk away but the testosterone wafting off him kept her tethered where she stood.

  If anything, she had to fight the urge to lean into him. What had her mother always said? Stand too close to the fire and you’ll get burned.

  “Travis warned me about the mistletoe.” She blurted the first thing that came to her mind when the silence lengthened.

  Benedict’s lips quirked upward. “I’m surprised he said anything. Both he and Mary Karen seem to take great joy in watching their friends get caught under those tiny sprigs.”

  “Seems kind of foolish to me,” Poppy mumbled, then immediately wished she could pull the words back. Just because she had no intention of making a public spectacle of herself didn’t mean other people might not enjoy an unexpected kiss.

  Killjoy. Isn’t that what her ex had once called her when she’d complained about the endless parties? Hadn’t he made it clear the reason she wasn’t having fun at the events was because of her attitude? Perhaps he’d been right.

  “It’s much too early in the evening for a sigh.” Benedict’s eyes turned sharp and assessing.

  Poppy could feel her face warm. “I—”

  “Why yes, I’d love to dance.” He took her hand and grinned. “Thanks for asking.”

  She almost told him this was a cocktail party, not one of those fancy affairs at the Spring Gulch Country Club. Until she saw a space had been cleared in the middle of the room and more than one couple was swaying to the music from the big band era piped in from overhead.

  They reached the edge of the impromptu dance floor before she could protest. When he pulled her to him and they began to move in time to the smooth tune, it was difficult to remember why she’d hesitated. His arms were strong and sure, one hand settling on her waist, the other holding hers in a firm grip.


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