Last Resort (The Grayton Series Book 1)

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Last Resort (The Grayton Series Book 1) Page 3

by Jill Sanders

  A memory flashed in her mind. Her stepmother hovered over her as she screamed, “You will never amount to anything. You hear me girl? You are worthless.”

  Opening her eyes, she straightened her shoulders and flipped the lock on the doors. The sunlight hit her face and she smiled as she saw the long line of customers waiting outside.

  Chapter Two

  Two years later…

  Cassey watched customers come and go. She knew what her financial books said and wondered why things weren’t clicking. It had been two wonderful years, and she’d paid off half her loan in that short time, faster than she had imagined. But now something was wrong. Customers weren’t coming as frequently. She had Sam change up the menus a little to reflect the changing styles. People always said how great the food and atmosphere were, but then she wouldn’t see them again.

  They had their regulars at the bar, and the weekends during the season were still good. However, in the last few weeks, she had seen a change and customers just weren’t coming.

  She stood out on the pier and frowned. There just weren’t enough people walking by anymore. Even the shops next to her had suffered. She’d talked to the owners and all of them were baffled. Some buildings now sat empty with “for sale” signs in the front windows. Enough buildings sat empty that it was a great concern to the other business owners. Some of the business that had disappeared had been bought out, but there were still enough businesses and owners that were determined to stick it out, no matter what.

  She’d been visited a few times by some of the larger resorts down the beach. Several had given her very appealing offers to sell out. But this was her family’s place, not just hers, and she wasn’t going to sell, period. She hadn’t even mentioned the offers to the Graytons, knowing what they would say. The place had been in their family for generations and they were determined to keep it that way.

  She leaned against the railing and watched as couples and children played on the beach. It was chilly today, with a cold wind coming in off the Gulf, so everyone was bundled up in jeans and light jackets. Fall was, in her opinion, the best season. The cool air rushed in off the ocean, cooling everything down.

  This time of year always made her think of her family. Maybe because she’d always enjoyed taking the long drive across the Dolphin Bay Bridge back to Spring Haven and the old house on the hill that overlooked her small hometown. Even though the weather was usually nice, she could feel the changes and knew that even cooler weather was on its way.

  Taking a deep breath, she went back to her office to work on a new business plan that would get the boardwalk and her bar and grill busy again. Walking into the main dining area, she looked around and noticed there were only four tables being served. For lunch, this was tragic.

  Walking past the bar area and waving at Wendy, she went up the narrow stairs quickly. When she pushed open her office door, she was shocked to see a gorgeous man sitting behind her desk, fast asleep with his feet up. It took her a second to regain her composure as she looked at him.

  His light brown hair was cut stylishly, with the top raised up and the sides shorter. Side burns ran to the middle of his ears. His long dark eyelashes lay on his checks. His jaw was square and one of the best features on his face. His lips. She couldn’t take her eyes from them. They were full and looked like they would be fun to kiss.

  He wore a blue, collared shirt, the top button open, with no tie. He wore a light tan leather bomber jacket and dark gray jeans. His black boots rested on the corner of her desk.

  She’d never been one to deny herself physical pleasures with a good-looking man. Men were easy to come by when you ran one of the largest bar and grills along the beach. They were easy enough to discard as well. She was always quick in her affairs, never letting the relationships fester into something that got out of hand. Usually they only lasted a few weeks before she would get bored and move on.

  Shaking herself from her thoughts and from watching the sexy man sleep in her chair, she closed the door loudly, and his eyes slid open slowly. They were dark brown and she could have sworn he was laughing at her.

  He smiled at her, keeping his feet on her desk and his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Oh, there you are,” the man said in a rich voice. “I’ve been waiting for over an hour, you know.” He finished as his eyes ran up and down her, much like she’d done to him.

  “Who are you?” she asked, frowning. “And what are you doing in my office?” She walked over and pushed his boots off her desk. He smiled even more.

  “Luke Callaway. I left you over a dozen messages.” He stood and she realized how tall he was. Of course, at five-four, most men were taller than her. But he was impressive, probably an inch taller than Roman, the tallest of her brothers.

  She quickly walked over and sat in her chair, making sure to straighten the papers he’d messed up. “I’m sure I would remember…” She dropped off as it dawned on her. Luke Callaway was the owner of Crystal Shores, one of the larger hotels in Emerald Beach, a few miles west of there. He and his minions had been the most annoying at trying to buy her out. Her spine tensed. “Yes, I remember now.” She flipped open her laptop and logged in. “As I told all of your employees, I’m not interested in selling.” She glanced up at him through her lashes. “Now, if you would be so kind as to leave my office.”

  He looked down at her and smiled as he took a seat on the leather couch that sat across from her desk. She tried not to sigh out loud as he leaned down and placed his elbows on his knees and looked at her.

  “I understand. I just thought a friendly visit was in order.” He looked at her and she felt heat spread down her body.

  She turned to her computer. “I really don’t have time for a chat at the moment.”

  He laughed at her.

  “What?” She frowned and glared at him.

  “I think we both know you have all the time in the world.” He nodded to her almost empty dining room. “It’s not like you’re overrun with customers at the moment.”

  She stood and rested her hands on her desk as she glared at him. “You think this is funny? Everyone along the pier knows what you and the other resorts are doing to small business owners. I suppose we should have seen it coming, but now you march into my place and make yourself at home.” She walked to the front of her desk, wishing she could grab the man up and force him out of her place. “Get out,” she said under her breath. “I will say this for the last time. I am not selling my place, especially not to the likes of you.” She walked to her door and opened it to wait until he stood and left. But he just leaned back on the couch and looked like he was going to make himself at home.

  “You are a conundrum.” His smile dropped away as he shook his head. “Like I said, I’m just here for a friendly visit.”

  She sighed and stood in the doorway as she crossed her arms over her chest. “We both know you are not here to visit,” she said while grinding her back teeth. “So, would you mind telling me exactly why you are here?”

  “Why don’t you shut the door and have a seat, so I can explain.” He motioned to her desk.

  She took a moment to calm herself before shutting the door again. Instead of walking behind her desk, she leaned on the edge and crossed her arms, waiting for him to explain.

  Luke waited until she settled herself on the edge of her desk. Her silver eyes watched him carefully, as if she was waiting for him to go against his word.

  He’d had a plan when he’d walked into the Boardwalk Bar and Grill—to get the owner, Cassey Grayton, to sell this place to him and his family.

  His family had owned Crystal Shores, a large hotel in Emerald Beach, for several generations. Now, with his fresh college degree hanging behind his desk in his impressive top-floor office in a glass tower overlooking the Gulf of Mexico, he was ready to show his father what he could do. Acquiring this pier-front property was the first assignment. He leaned back and crossed his leg over his knee.

  He hadn’t planned on
Cassey Grayton being so beautiful. When he’d opened his eyes and seen her standing over him, he’d first thought that he was dreaming. Her dark hair was tied up, but strands of it fell around her face in soft clumps. Her lips had drawn his eyes. They were full and looked like they were made to be kissed. They were the color of the petals of a delicate pink rose.

  He looked up into those silver eyes and saw annoyance there. Smiling a little, he sighed, knowing he’d wasted enough time.

  “Okay, just so we’re clear, my intent is to get you to sell this place.” She flinched and started moving towards the door. He was up quickly and grabbed her arm lightly.

  “Wait, hear me out.” He looked down at her. She was smaller than he’d first thought. The top of her head reached just below his shoulders.

  “If you are going to stand in my office and lecture me about why it’s a great idea to sell you my property, then there’s the door.” She nodded.

  “No lecture.” He smiled. “Only a friendly chat. I promise.”

  She looked at him for a few moments. His fingers were still wrapped around her arm lightly. She jerked her arm away and walked over to her desk and sat down. He followed her lead and sat back down on the couch.

  “Why won’t you sell?” he asked.

  She closed her eyes and sighed. “Just like yours, this is a family business.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “I was led to believe that you were the sole owner.”

  “I am. However, this building and property have been in my family for generations. Much like your business has.” She nodded to him. “I can’t and won’t sell this property.” She leaned forward. “Now, why are you still sitting in my office?”

  His smile was quick. “I like a woman who’s quick to the point.” He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “Go out with me tonight.”

  She blinked a few times and leaned back quickly, as if she’d been slapped. Then a small crease formed between her eyebrows. “Why?”

  “Why?” This time he frowned and then chuckled. “Because you’re an attractive woman and fellow business owner. I’d like to spend an evening getting to know you better.” What he wasn’t telling her is that his father had told him not to return until the deed to her place was in hand. And that he got a strange flutter when she looked at him like she was doing now. Besides, he wanted to find out what was under those tight black pants and silky pink top.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Callaway. You’ll just have to entertain yourself while in Surf Breeze.” She turned to her laptop again and started punching keys. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.”

  “Surely you can take a night off, at least once in a while,” he said.

  She looked up at him and waited.

  His mind whirled, thinking of a way around the stubborn streak he’d just discovered in her. Then it clicked and he smiled. “Suit yourself. I’ll show myself out.” He got up and stood with his hand on the doorknob. “Let me know if you change your mind. I left my card there.” He nodded to the edge of her desk. “My cell number is on the back.” He turned and left.

  Walking down the narrow stairs, he headed straight for the bar. A pretty blonde was behind it, looking bored.

  “Hi, what can I get you?” she said in a breathy voice as she leaned over the bar, showing off an impressive amount of cleavage. He was shocked that her flirting did little to arouse him and wondered why sad silver eyes popped into his head, instead.

  It took almost two hours before Cassey walked down the back stairs. He’d sat at the bar the whole time, nursing a beer and asking Wendy, the bartender, every question he could think of about Cassey. When he noticed her walking down the stairs, his mind stopped for almost a minute. She’d changed from her casual black pants and shirt into something tight and sexy. Her heels gave her almost three inches and made her legs look…delicious. She’d done something with her hair and makeup that made her eyes look bigger and deeper. Her lips were painted a deep red, causing his eyes to zero in on them until she was standing a foot in front of him.

  “What are you still doing here?” She looked annoyed. When he didn’t answer right away, she crossed her arms over her chest, pushing her slight breasts together, and his mouth started watering. Why was he salivating over her small frame rather than the ample figure of the bartender? Then he looked up into those eyes and knew the answer. He wanted her. Wanted her like he hadn’t wanted anyone else in a long time.

  He leaned back against the bar and tried to smile, even though his heart was beating faster than if he’d just run a marathon.

  “Well, I thought I’d stick around and see how you run the show.” He nodded to the almost crowded room. The dining tables were turned over quickly, so the people lining up for a table didn’t have to wait long. The dance floor was almost vacant, but so far, the DJ had only played prerecorded music. The sign out front said there was live music on Fridays and Saturdays. He wondered if the place really packed out on those nights.

  “You’re welcome to enjoy yourself, but I warn you.” She leaned closer and he got a quick whiff of her perfume, causing his eyes to close momentarily in ecstasy. “If you interfere with any of my staff, or with me, I’ll have Tyrone haul you out.” She nodded to a dark man who looked like he’d just walked out of the ring at a WWW match.

  He smiled at her and then shocked himself when he gently ran his fingertips down the outside of her arm. She jumped and scowled at him, causing him to smile even more. Her skin was feather soft and he knew without a doubt that he had to get his hands on it again.

  She turned and walked away quickly. He watched as she mingled with customers, laughing and talking with each table. She had a way about her. He couldn’t deny it; she was born for this. By the time she’d visited each table, she looked more relaxed than he’d seen her.

  She approached the bar and asked for her usual. He smiled when Wendy handed her a Coke. He slid down the bar to stand next to her.

  “Busy night.” He watched her tense and wondered what it would take for her to relax around him.

  “Not as busy as it used to be.” She took another sip of her drink.

  “Is it just me? Or do you dislike everyone that walks in here trying to buy your place?”

  She sighed and looked at him, tilting her head. “I haven’t decided yet.”

  He chuckled, and then felt the full force of how truly beautiful she was as she smiled.

  Chapter Three

  Cassey’s heart skipped when Luke looked at her like that. She had wavered about approaching him in the first place. When she’d walked down the stairs and seen him resting against her bar, she’d wanted to run back upstairs and hide. The funny thing was, she didn’t know why.

  She’d dealt with all his employees, some of them very good-looking men, easily enough. But there was something unsettling about Luke’s eyes and his smile. If she was honest with herself, she would admit that it was the instant attraction that had slammed into her gut when she’d seen him. But she wasn’t at the point of being truly honest…yet.

  “I’m not going to change my mind, you know.” She took another sip of her Coke, wishing the cool bubbles would sooth the fire that was raging inside her.

  “I have no doubt about that.” He started running his fingertips over her arm, like he’d done before. She felt sparks everywhere he touched her and while part of her wanted to pull away again, it felt so good to be touched. Not since she’d broken it off with Mark a few weeks ago had someone shown this much interest in her.

  In the back of her mind was the nagging feeling that he was trying to find her weakness so he could swoop in and buy this place from under her, that he was trying to use sex to soften her up. It would never work, so she had to wonder why he was trying so hard.

  It was so hard to gauge his intentions. His chocolate eyes revealed little of what he was thinking.

  “Then why are you sticking around?” she asked as she tried to push his fingers from her skin. Instead, he laced his hand with hers, hol
ding her still.

  “I think you know why,” he said, just under his breath.

  Shaking her head slightly, she realized she had been holding her breath. “No.” It came out weaker than she’d intended.

  Somehow, he’d moved closer to her, so that their knees and shoulders were touching now. She could smell his rich scent, which caused her insides to do a little flip. Even her legs felt weak now as he ran his other hand over her exposed knee. She’d crossed her legs, but now she realized how vulnerable it made her feel. Wishing she’d worn slacks tonight instead of her new dress, she felt goose bumps rise everywhere he touched her. His calloused palm was running over her knee in small circles.

  Just then, someone dropped a plate. The shattering sound broke the trance she’d been in. She pulled back and stood from the stool. Grabbing her Coke, she waited until her heart rate leveled.

  “I don’t know what game you’re trying to play, Mr. Callaway, but you won’t find any willing participants here. You’re better off cutting your losses and moving on. Good night.” She turned and walked away, holding her breath until she entered her office. Then she sank down in the couch and tried to get her body back under control.

  Half an hour later, she stood and looked out the dark windows and noticed that he was nowhere in sight. She walked back downstairs and continued her nightly ritual. By the time she let herself into her apartment, she was feeling almost normal again.

  By the next day, she had convinced herself that the attention he had given her and the way her body had reacted to him was all in her mind. He was here on a mission and would use any means possible to get what he and his father wanted—her property.

  She had lain awake for almost an hour wondering why they wanted it so badly.

  Boardwalk Bar & Grill sat on the largest lot along what was called the old boardwalk. On either side of the mile-and-a-half-long planked boardwalk, which had been built in the late fifties, sat residence homes, large rental beach homes, and other small businesses. Since Surf Breeze sat on what was essentially an island, land was scarce. The small stretch of land had mostly been owned by the same people for generations.


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